Jiang Zilin wore a silk shirt today, which was light and cool, but it was cheaper than Ye Qiongyu.

He reached out and grabbed the collar of the shirt, only to hear a ripping sound, and the jacket was instantly shredded into rags.

Seeing that he couldn't resist, Jiang Zilin burst into tears.

The light green underwear lined the two balls soft and white as jade, the woman's delicate collarbone and slender neck.This body is especially favored by the Creator, and everything is just right.

It's just that the chest is white, and there is no trace of a birthmark.

"how come!"

Seeing this, Ye Qiongyu was stunned, and the last hope in his heart was also shattered by reality.

How could this woman not be Yuqi, they were very similar in every frown and smile.Then what is it that I am tempted by her!
Thinking of this, Ye Qiongyu couldn't believe it. He raised his eyes and saw Jiang Zilin huddled in the corner with his arms folded over his chest, his eyes were flushed, and tears were still hanging on his eyelashes.

Seeing her like this, Ye Qiongyu was in pain as if his heart had been gouged out, and stepped forward to gently hug the person in front of him.

"Zilin, don't be afraid, it's my fault."

"Go away! Don't touch me!" Jiang Zilin slapped him hard on the face again.

However, Ye Qiongyu was not angry, he just hugged her and coaxed her softly.

Listening to his whispering voice, Jiang Zilin gradually calmed down, she felt incredible that this man who was acting aggressive just now would actually make her feel at ease.

However, the body's reaction could not fool anyone, her eyelids became heavier and she finally fell into a dream.

Seeing this, Ye Qiongyu laid her flat on the bed, covered her naked upper body with his coat, and sat on the edge of the bed silently watching her face.

There was noise in the dream, people ridiculed, and their contemptuous eyes seemed to drown her in the sea.

"Help me!" Jiang Zilin cried, waving his hands helplessly in the air.

Hearing the voice, Ye Qiongyu stood by and grabbed her hand and held it in the palm of his hand.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Or hearing his call, Jiang Zilin slowly woke up, still panting heavily.

At the same time, Ye Qiongyu's face came into view, and he said with concern: "Don't be afraid, I'm here! I'll be fine!"

Being supported up by him, Jiang Zilin regained his composure.She found that she had already put on another shirt, which she had left in the lounge as a spare.

Seeing this, she glanced at Ye Qiongyu, said nothing, and straightened her clothes.

"My ex-wife, she has a birthmark on her chest." Ye Qiongyu broke the silence first, seemed tired, and rubbed his brows, "I told you before, you both look very similar."

Seeing him like this, Jiang Zilin suddenly felt as if he had been stabbed in a certain memory, and his heart softened.

"I can't give you a definite answer. I've lost my memory, and I can't even recall my previous memories, but I don't think I'm alone with her."


Hearing this, Ye Qiongyu opened his eyes wide.

How could it be such a coincidence that she looks like Yu Qi, but she has lost her memory again.

Before he could speak again, there was a hasty knock on the door, which shocked the two of them.

"Doctor Jiang, a patient's condition has deteriorated, please go and see him!"

After hearing this, Jiang Zilin got up anxiously, she glanced at Ye Qiongyu, and finally walked out without saying a word.

Sudden deterioration of the condition is the most dangerous situation. Jiang Zilin was anxious and couldn't wait for the elevator, so he rushed downstairs from the safe passage.

As soon as she got off the first floor, she saw Director Wang standing there leisurely, as if waiting for her.

I don't have time to talk to her now.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zilin brushed past her.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Director Wang suddenly grabbed her arm, gritted his teeth and said, "Hand over the information in your hand! Otherwise, you don't want to leave!"

"Don't even think about it!" Jiang Zilin struggled to break free from her grasp, not wanting to get entangled.

Unexpectedly, Director Wang rushed up like a ghost, and the two rolled down the stairs together.

Fortunately, the stairs are not high, so there is no major problem.

But Director Wang couldn't get rid of it. She grabbed Jiang Zilin's hair tightly and showed a fierce look on her face: "Bitch! Give it to me!"

As the situation was imminent, Jiang Zilin was not easy to mess with, so she took off her high heels and slammed at Director Wang viciously.

She pushed so hard that Director Wang let go of his hands in pain, and Jiang Zilin took advantage of the gap to take off his other shoe and ran downstairs.

When she arrived in the operating room, the family members were already so anxious that they couldn't bear to see Jiang Zilin.

She didn't care about it, and hurried into the disinfection room.

After several hours of hard work, the patient was finally out of danger.

With a sigh of relief, Jiang Zilin took off his mask and left the operating room, and his family members came forward to thank him.

She didn't want to stay any longer, and walked back to the office quickly.

In the office at this time, Ye Qiongyu had already left at some point, and the room was silent, as if he had never been here.

Seeing this, a feeling of disappointment crept up in his heart, Jiang Zilin patted his face, turned on the computer, and sent the manuscript he had edited a long time ago with one click.

As a doctor myself, how can I tolerate Director Wang being so bold as to hit the patient with his ideas, so naturally I can't keep her.

In the Internet age, information is developed rapidly, and the entire hospital knew about the post almost overnight.

When Director Wang used this method to deal with Jiang Zilin, one day the retribution would be on her.

"It's shameless! Framed my goddess!"

"That's right, now that I think about it, she probably played the video at the dinner that day on purpose."

"That's right, I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me! Scheming bitch!"

As soon as she walked out of the office, Director Wang heard such a conversation, and she yelled at the little nurses: "What are you doing! The hospital hired you to gossip!"

Hearing this, the little nurse rolled her eyes, not afraid of her at all, and replied: "Then I'm at least aboveboard, unlike some people who only do tricks behind their backs!"

"What did you say!" After hearing what she said, Director Wang hurried forward two steps, as if to hit someone.

A passing doctor stopped and scolded angrily, "What are you doing! You still want to hit someone!"

After all, several doctors came over, pretending to support the little nurse, and glared at Director Wang angrily.

Seeing that more and more people gathered, Director Wang didn't dare to make more troubles, and ran back to the office with his head shrunk in desperation.

Seeing her like this, everyone behind her burst into laughter.

Unable to vent his anger, Director Wang returned to the office, picked up the documents on the desk, and threw them at the door.

She was angry when her cell phone rang, seeing that it was Wang Yajun calling, Director Wang shrugged and answered.

"what's wrong with you!"

As soon as it was connected, Wang Yajun's shout came.

Hearing this, Director Wang kept the phone away from her ear, and after she finished shouting, she approached again: "What's wrong, cousin?"

"You still have the guts to ask me what's wrong?" Wang Yajun was angry, "Ye Qiongyu went to the hospital again recently, didn't you say you could fix that Jiang Zilin, why are they getting closer!"

"I was put together by that little bitch, and now I can't protect myself!"


Ignoring Director Wang's grievances, the woman's voice became more hysterical, "I want that woman to die! I want that woman to die!"

Seeing her like this, Director Wang didn't dare to speak anymore. He quietly listened to Wang Yajun go crazy for a while, and persuaded her like a dog for a while, before coaxing him to hang up the phone.

Seeing that the phone really hung up, Director Wang poohed at the phone angrily.

Relying on his family's wealth, Wang Yajun treated her like a dog since he was a child.

But she is also a disappointment, wagging her tail every day for the broken bags that Wang Yajun gave her and waited for her to order.

After reading this, seeing that it was almost time to get off work, Director Wang simply left.

It was already dark when she got out of the taxi, and she was passing by an alley, when suddenly her eyes went dark, and she was punched and kicked immediately.

After a few hits, Director Wang began to howl in pain, and said bravely: "Do you know who I am!"

Hearing her words, several people roared with laughter and scolded: "I've been sick of you for a long time! Aren't you usually very arrogant!"

After all, another kick, which made Director Wang almost faint.

The last few people left when they were tired. Director Wang crawled out of the sack and touched the wound on his face before he dared to cry.

Inside the Ye family mansion.

Wash the red dates, put them in a pot, and cook on low heat for 10 minutes.

At this time, Ye Qiongyu was learning how to make jujube cake by following the recipe. He was proficient in the technique, and he knew that he had made it many times.

Seeing that the jujube cake was gradually taking shape, he couldn't help but feel happy. Yuqi's favorite food is the jujube cake, and he couldn't get enough of it.

The image of An Yuqi appeared in her mind, she was holding a plate to eat cakes, and she squinted her eyes in satisfaction every time she put a bite into her mouth, like a satisfied little fox.

Thinking about it, Jiang Zilin's face also appeared in his mind, gradually overlapping with An Yuqi's face.

They are so similar, except for their looks, their personalities and habits are exactly the same!
Reading this, Ye Qiongyu became a little more certain.

After all, memory is always deceiving, which is why different people recall the same event differently.

But the body memory does not. Once you get used to it, it is like being firmly engraved in your bones and blood.

Thinking of this, Ye Qiongyu dug a spoonful of jujube cake and put it into his mouth.

It's still too sweet, he thought to himself, he's still not used to eating this kind of dessert.

"Yuqi, as long as you can come back, I will make it for you every day from now on, okay?"

It's a pity that the only answer left by the huge villa is the echo.

Even though he didn't like it, Ye Qiongyu still ate a whole jujube paste cake.

He habitually picked up the photo album next to the sofa and looked through the pages carefully.

In the photo, An Yuqi was smiling, and Ye Qiongyu also laughed softly.In the next photo, An Yuqi was frowning, and he put his hand on her brow, as if to help her soothe her troubles.

Just like how An Yuqi smoothed his brow many times before.

I don't know if it's because of being too busy recently, Ye Qiongyu is always dizzy today.

He stood up, but felt a dizzy moment, and then fell backwards.

Huaxia Hospital.

Pushing away from the ward, Jiang Zilin couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw the person on the bed.

The important patient that the dean mentioned was him?
After entering the ward, Ye Qiongyu's face came into view, which was quite surprising.

Seeing this, Jiang Zilin walked lightly to the hospital bed and carefully observed Ye Qiongyu.

She couldn't help but think of the words written on the medical record, and sighed.

I sigh that the president is really a busy person.

The man fell asleep quietly, his frequently frowning brows were loosened, and his aura when he fell asleep was rarely as domineering as usual, and he murmured while looking at his sleeping face.

"Still so handsome."

As she spoke, she couldn't help stretching out her index finger, gently pressing on the center of the man's brow, and slowly rubbing it, as if this could soothe his troubles and sorrows.

For some reason, Jiang Zilin was very familiar with this action.

As if feeling being touched by someone, Ye Qiongyu slowly opened his eyes, and what caught his eyes was a woman standing in front of the bed, doing the movements that An Yuqi often did in the past.

His heart trembled, he thought he was in a dream, but the feeling was extremely real.

Reading this, Ye Qiongyu finally believed that he was not in a dream.

"Yuqi! You're back! I won't let you leave me again."

Hearing this, Jiang Zilin's heart sank to the bottom.

He only has his wife in his heart!

Thinking of this, Jiang Zilin pushed Ye Qiongyu away and said angrily: "Ye Qiongyu! Let me tell you one last time, I am not An Yuqi! I was not in the past, not now, and I will not be in the future! Since you miss your dead wife, you will be less Come and provoke me!"

After speaking, he left the ward without looking back.

Ye Qiongyu was left alone, staring at the empty embrace for a long time in a daze.

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