Ye Qiongyu looked at the exhausted Jiang Zilin with cold eyes, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

The next second, Han Cheng came in with the tablet, and immediately handed it to Ye Qiongyu and said, "This is Miss Jiang's itinerary for today. I have made a document and showed it to the president!"

"Today, Ms. Jiang went to a shopping mall under Ning's banner and bought a few sets of high-end customization. Then she met Jiang Lan again, and Ms. Jiang Lan took her to eat and go to KTV... That's why Come back so late!"

Hearing this, Ye Qiongyu remained expressionless, threw the tablet to Han Cheng, and waved his hand to signal him to leave.

In the end, Ye Qiongyu sat alone in front of the window, his eyes and thoughts drifted far, far away.

The next day.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on Jiang Zilin's fair cheeks, and the warmth made her feel lazy, "The layout of Ye Qiongyu's villa is quite good! It is very comfortable to be close to nature!"

At this moment, Jiang Zilin was lying on the bed comfortably under the quilt, enjoying the rays of sunshine in the morning.

Suddenly, a burst of clothes hit her face.


Being hit on the face by piles of clothes, Jiang Zilin felt difficulty breathing immediately, and then struggled to crawl out from the pile of clothes. Looking up, she saw Ye Qiongyu's proud face with his hands in his hands. Pockets, looking out the window expressionlessly.

"After enjoying the first ray of sunshine in the morning, shouldn't it be time to change clothes?"

After saying that, Ye Qiongyu glanced at the sleepy Jiang Zilin, his eyes suddenly seemed to be attracted.

Because, at this time, Jiang Zilin looked like An Yuqi woke up next to him every morning.

But he knew she was not An Yuqi, and An Yuqi would never come back again.

Thinking of this, Ye Qiongyu's eyes flashed with sadness, and then it disappeared in a flash, and he turned and left directly.


Hearing Ye Qiongyu's words and seeing someone coming uninvited, Jiang Zilin could only gritted her teeth and looked at the direction where Ye Qiongyu disappeared, looked at the clothes piled up on the bed, and immediately supported her forehead.

Omg!!! Headache!
She has always participated in various large-scale events all over the world, but why is it so troublesome for Ye Qiongyu!

Just thinking about it, Jiang Zilin was startled suddenly by a dozen maids who opened the door and rushed in. Seeing the momentum, she asked in surprise: "What's the matter? Why are you all going to enter other people's rooms casually?" ?”

"Miss Jiang, we will definitely dress you up as the most stunning woman at the banquet today!"

" need...I can do it myself..."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Zilin struggled to prevent the servants from entering, and was about to drive them away.

But all the servants were as enthusiastic as the ancient nuns, as if they were dressing up the bride for marriage. One of them changed Jiang Zilin's clothes, one put on her shoes, and one had already started to do her hair.

Three strokes, five strokes, two strokes, after a lot of tossing and drawing for a whole morning, all the servants seemed to have seen all the high-end dresses brought over, and changed them one by one for Jiang Zilin.

"Miss, you are really a good girl with a kind heart! I don't know why the president of our family married that shrew-like Wang Yajun?"

Immediately afterwards, an elderly, kind-hearted old woman looked at Jiang Zilin with admiration, and wiped her hair with anticipation, "If you are the wife of our president, how wonderful it would be!"

At the same time, the servants began to chatter.

"Yeah, yeah, you don't know that Wang Yajun is really like a shrew, nothing like the future wife of our president."

"That's right, that's right, that woman is like Miss Jiang in the same heaven and the same underground!"

"That's right, Miss Jiang, you are simply a thousand times better than that Wang Yajun!"

Seeing all the maids chattering non-stop, Jiang Zilin let a group of maids play with her, with a helpless expression on her face.


When will this kind of torture end?


Accompanied by a long sigh, Jiang Zilin closed her eyes with a numb expression, and then lay down on the seat, playing back the dance video Ye Qiongyu gave him over and over again in her mind.

At the same time, the garden lawn of the Ye family villa.

On the lawn, which is as big as a football field, every little grass seems to have been trimmed, and it is so neat that it is very pleasing to the eyes.

"Young Master Ye, the lawn of your home is really luxurious. This kind of garden pruning art is at the level of a world-class professional master!"

"Hey, Young Master Ye, no matter how you find such a beautiful villa, there must be a beautiful Jiang Zilin to make it more perfect!"

"Yes, Young Master Ye, your Miss Wang Yajun is a rare beauty, she is a star, she is so beautiful, she has such a good figure, why don't you hurry up and marry her back home?"

"Young Master Ye, if you don't hurry up and marry Wang Yajun, there are many fans of Ms. Wang among us, so don't wait until then..."

Hearing the guests' comments, Ye Qiongyu frowned slightly, and was about to speak, but then his eyes stopped at a certain place, and he froze.

Seeing her like this, everyone followed Ye Qiongyu's line of sight.

I saw that Jiang Zilin was wearing a pink-skinned tight-fitting mermaid skirt, coming towards Jiang Zilin.

At this time, she was like the Statue of Liberty, wearing a dress that perfectly outlined her protruding front, and a small and delicate face without any traces of heavy makeup, instantly amazed all the guests.


Immediately afterwards, all the elite men standing around Ye Qiongyu unconsciously loosened their necklines, and their swallowing Adam's Apple slipped up and down.

"Ye Qiongyu, do you think this dress of mine can satisfy your ideas?"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Zilin walked resolutely, and her high-heeled shoes made a confident click on the marble slab.

Hearing this, a suave young man from a rich family stared at Jiang Zilin intently, groping for Ye Qiongyu's direction with one hand as he spoke.

"Ye Qiongyu? Do you know this lady? Hurry up, hurry up and introduce me!"

Ignoring the rich young man's words, Ye Qiongyu walked towards Jiang Zilin with a sullen face.

In the next second, Jiang Zilin struggled to break away Ye Qiongyu and squeezed her hand vigorously, seeing the red handprints on her fair wrist, she couldn't help frowning and cursed: "Ye Qiongyu, what are you doing? What kind of insanity is happening again, let me go!"

"Hey... Young Master Ye, why don't you quickly introduce who this beauty is?"

Seeing that someone was still not afraid of death and brought up this topic again, Ye Qiongyu glanced at the rich young master and professional elites who were chasing after him, his eyes suddenly became cold.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head and said nothing expressionlessly, directly and roughly put Jiang Zilin on his shoulder, and strode away.

Seeing this, all the men also understood the meaning behind this action, lowered their eyes in disappointment, and the eyes dimmed instantly.

"Be honest, or I won't be responsible for your dress slipping off you!"

Hearing this, Jiang Zilin quickly pulled up her dress with one hand, raised her head to look at Ye Qiongyu angrily, and said with contempt, "What are you looking at? Put me down quickly!"

Ignoring Jiang Zilin's words, Ye Qiongyu threw Jiang Zilin in his arms into the car as easily as throwing a kitten.

"Hey... are you talking?"


At this moment, the car suddenly started and flew out like an arrow, and then Jiang Zilin lost her balance and fell on the rear seat.

Seeing this, Ye Qiongyu remained expressionless, the scene just now seemed to be flashing in his eyes, his eyes were full of anger, and his bony hands turned the steering wheel without emotion or warmth.

"Ye Qiongyu, drive slowly! Are you going to die? Are you driving so fast?"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Zilin firmly grasped the handle of the car roof and the door with one hand, tightly closed her eyes and did not dare to open them, her heart seemed to be about to jump out.

Seeing her like this, Ye Qiongyu immediately stopped the silver sports car, got out of the car, opened the door and dragged Jiang Zilin out of the car.

In the next second, on the bustling road, the wind whizzed by from all directions, messing up Jiang Zilin's flaxen golden hair. A messy beauty.

"Ye Qiongyu, are you sick? Why did you let me get out of the car?"

At the same time, Jiang Zilin covered her chest that was about to be happy with one hand, pointed at Ye Qiongyu with the other and cursed angrily.

"Jiang Zilin, don't walk around in my house. If my guests see you,"

After finishing speaking, Ye Qiongyu looked at her with disdain in his eyes up and down, and his eyes were full of cold ice swords that shot straight at her.

"I'm telling you that it's so ugly to think of you like this, so don't walk around in my house casually. Today you make me feel very ashamed!"

Hearing Ye Qiongyu's shameless words, Jiang Zilin stared at Ye Qiongyu who lost his temper for no reason. After hearing his words, she immediately felt ridiculous.

"I thought what made the eldest young master of the Ye family so angry, so this is the reason?"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Zilin had a sneer on her face, and the corners of her mouth raised up proudly: "I think you are jealous, right? Seeing that I am so good-looking in front of your friends, they all want to ask me for my contact information. Would you be so angry?"

This sentence instantly revealed Ye Qiongyu's true inner thoughts.

"Jiang Zilin, I'm telling you that you'd better not challenge my patience and temper. You don't have the qualifications and the ability to bear the consequences!" Jiang Zilin leaned against her ear, "You can only say one word with me, okay!!!"

"Ye Qiongyu, I have nothing to do with you at all. Why do you treat me like this? I'm just your family doctor!" Jiang Zilin frowned extremely angrily, pushed him away, turned around and was about to Get back in the car.

Seeing this, Ye Qiongyu forcibly pulled Jiang Zilin back, turned around without the slightest delay, opened the car door and sat in, and locked the car door expressionlessly.

"Hey...Ye Qiongyu, why don't you open the door and let me sit in?"

Hearing this, Ye Qiongyu remained expressionless and motionless, just staring straight ahead without any movement.

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