"What's the matter, did I mention your pain point? Didn't I? Your friend is dead, and you are a poor ghost now. What qualifications do you have to fight with me?"

After finishing speaking, the woman pulled Jiang Lan from the sofa, her eyes seemed to be breathing fire, she pulled Jiang Lan's hair, let her look at the whole mall and said, "Did you see it? This mall is Your friend's man, I must marry him, so you..."

"Give me a little farther away from death."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Lan was pushed out by the woman.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Lan's body was like a kite with a broken string, her limbs had lost any strength, and she fell heavily to the ground.


In the next second, the crisp sound of bones slamming on the ground made people feel pain even after hearing it.

"No, no, I believe An Yuqi will definitely come back..."

Ignoring the pain in her body, Jiang Lan curled up and lay on the cold floor tiles, and then the tears in the corners of her eyes were in the corners of her eyes, her nose was slightly red, and she repeated that sentence to herself.

"Get out of my sight..."

At the same time, the woman looked at Jiang Lan who was lying on the ground without the slightest strength to resist, and there was a hint of viciousness in her eyes. She stepped forward and lifted her foot, wanting to kick Jiang Lan's stomach with the heel of her high shoes.

The next second, before the woman kicked her foot out, she heard a scream.


Immediately afterwards, the woman hit the ground next to Jiang Lan like a parabola.

The cordon, blood left along the corner of the woman's mouth, and then she spat out a tooth from her mouth in pain.

"My teeth... woo..."

As she spoke, the woman opened her mouth, and then a front tooth fell out of her mouth in a funny way.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Lan's lips curved into a sneer.

Hearing the sound, the woman came to her senses this time, and then she looked at Jiang Lan beside her, lay down directly beside Jiang Lan, hugged her leg, and started yelling, "Sister, don't be like this, don't be like this again Hit me, I really did it for your own good."

"Sister... don't hit me again..."

Immediately afterwards, the woman cried hoarsely, her tears flowed out from the corners of her eyes like a small stream.

Seeing this, Jiang Lan heard a familiar angry shout not far away before she could figure out the situation.

"What are you doing!"

In the next second, without waiting for Jiang Lan to react, she was directly pushed away, and then Father Jiang hugged the woman on the ground in distress, looked nervously at the woman's injury, and asked with distressed eyes :
"What's the matter? My daughter, why did you lose your teeth?"

Hearing this, the woman couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes for a moment, she curled up in Jiang's father's arms and cried, out of breath, and said, "Dad, I was just trying to persuade my sister, I hope she can forget about it." Her friend, but..."

After a pause for a moment, the woman was terrified instantly, she jumped into Jiang's father's arms in fear, looked at Jiang Lan with wide eyes and said in horror: "But... my sister, she came up and started beating me... Woooo...I'm really wronged..."

Hearing this, Jiang's father instantly smashed the briefcase in his hand towards Jiang Lan's body.


In the next second, the black document bag, containing heavy documents and materials, fell on Jiang Lan like a huge boulder.

"Jiang Lan, how can I have such a stupid daughter as you? She is your sister, is your friend so important?"

"You really disappointed me, how could I have a daughter like you!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang's father took a look, and there were all onlookers around. He stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Lan, and continued to curse, "Go home, don't embarrass yourself here again."

"No, let me go, you are not my father!"

As she said that, Jiang Lan's eyes were full of disgust, she avoided Jiang's father's touch, and her expression became extremely stubborn: "I won't go back with you, you only have your illegitimate daughter in your eyes without me, Then why should I treat you as my father?"

"Bastard, what are you talking about!"

After scolding, Jiang's father was furious, let go of the illegitimate daughter in his arms, and instantly slapped Jiang Lan's face angrily.


Accompanied by a clear and crisp slap, suddenly, there was a red palm mark on Jiang Lan's face.

"You hit me?"

Hearing this, Jiang's father was also dazzled by anger, and his expression flashed a bit annoyed: "I..."

You must know that he has always loved Jiang Lan very much, and he has never hit Jiang Lan since he was a child, but now because of her friend An Yuqi, he has hit Jiang Lan twice.

After reading this, Father Jiang's hands were trembling constantly, and the corners of his mouth were trembling with anger, and at the same time, he stood still in place as if he was annoyed.

But who can know his helplessness.

Jiang Lan is his daughter, but now she fights against her everywhere because of a dead An Yuqi. She hasn't come home for two years, he really can't bear it anymore.

At the same time, looking at Jiang Lan who was fighting alone, Jiang Zilin almost had no time to think, and then stepped forward. 
"You are Jiang Lan's father, right?"

Being questioned, Jiang's father turned around with a bored face, saw Jiang Zilin, and immediately said unceremoniously: "What's the matter, I am her father."

"You are Jiang Lan's father, I don't think you are qualified to be, you should hurry up and take your illegitimate daughter home, don't embarrass yourself here again!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Zilin turned around to help the sad Jiang Lan, took out a tissue and wiped her wounds with worry on her face, "Let's go, I'll take you out of here."

Looking at the woman who was thinking of An Yuqi, Jiang Lan was in a trance for a moment, then came back to her senses, nodded, and then put a hand on Jiang Zilin's shoulder, frowned and stood up with difficulty enduring the pain.

Seeing this, Jiang's father felt as if his things had been taken away, and hurriedly pointed at Jiang Zilin and cursed: "Where did you come from, this is my daughter, get out of here!" open."

Then, he took a step forward, frowning with an expression of wanting to eat Jiang Zilin, and was about to pull her hair.

However, before he had time to take a step, he was blocked by life.

"Go away!"

Accompanied by the cold words, Jiang's father was directly blocked by Kong Wu's powerful bodyguard who was a few heads taller than him, wearing black sunglasses and dressed in black.


Seeing this formation, Jiang's father was so frightened that his legs went limp and he squatted on the ground.

"Father, what's wrong with you?"

After finishing speaking, the next second, the illegitimate daughter pretended to be very concerned about Jiang's father, and hurried over, lying on the ground with a worried face, trying to help Jiang's father.


Looking at the father and daughter who pretended to be affectionate in front of her, Jiang Zilin's lips curled into a sneer, and then she looked condescendingly at the illegitimate daughter who was squatting on the ground.

"I will save some face for you in front of your father today, and bow to Jiang Lan to apologize, and I can let you go."

Hearing this, the illegitimate daughter suddenly showed a look of wanting to strangle Jiang Zilin in her eyes, and then she pretended to be innocent in front of Jiang's father, and said in tears, "Why should I apologize? Sister Jiang Lan's fault."

"To shut up!"

Really bored, Jiang Zilin reprimanded the visitor, then slowly squatted down, with the scrutiny of the superior in her eyes, and said with a sneer, "Sure enough, it's impossible to reason with a woman like you, then fine. "

Saying that, ignoring the smug eyes of the illegitimate daughter, Jiang Zilin stood up gently, tilted her head slightly, and said to the manager of the shopping mall next to her, "From now on, you should not let green tea whores like this in."

"Oh, by the way, high-end pairs are for those who are of good quality, she..."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Zilin glanced at the illegitimate daughter under her feet in disgust and said, "Just write that she and the dog are not allowed to enter!"

"What? No way! How can this be?"

Hearing Jiang Zilin's words, looking at the manager of the shopping mall at the side, obedient to Jiang Zilin's words, the illegitimate daughter immediately changed her previous arrogance, drooped her face instantly, frowned and said in a mournful voice with a bitter melon face:

"How can this work? Dad... tell her quickly, how can my daughter not buy clothes in this mall? It's so insulting to write that kind of slogan!"

After finishing speaking, the illegitimate daughter hurried over, pulled Jiang's father by the sleeve, and then looked at Jiang Zilin as if begging for mercy.

Seeing the illegitimate daughter who was pulling and tugging all the time regardless of her image, Jiang's father was suddenly enraged. He pushed the illegitimate daughter out fiercely, pointed at her impatiently and cursed: "Cry, cry!" Cry, you know how to cry, you go home, don't embarrass me here."

Immediately afterwards, Father Jiang turned around and came in front of Jiang Lan. His old face suddenly lost its brilliance, and he lowered his head slightly, his eyelids drooping weakly.


Before finishing a sentence, Father Jiang gently closed his eyes, pursed his lips, and then sighed, but he didn't say anything after all.

Seeing her once respected father become like this, Jiang Lan couldn't help but feel a little bit uncomfortable, and then she closed her eyes complicatedly, and said slowly and tiredly in her voice: "Goddess, I'm tired, let's go!"

Seeing that his daughter didn't even want to say a word to him, Jiang's father couldn't help but feel extremely upset, the corners of his lips trembled for a moment, and then he said: "Jiang Lan, it's dad who is sorry for you, but even if you blame dad, dad will It has to be done because she is also my daughter."

Hearing this, Jiang Lan, who was exhausted from being tortured, leaned weakly on Jiang Zilin's shoulder, supported by her, smiled bitterly, and said with relief:
"Dad, even if you do something wrong, you will always be my father, but there is one thing, I don't want to argue with you anymore, but An Yuqi is the only good friend in my life, so I won't get close to Ye Qiongyu, let alone marry him!"

Being rejected by his daughter again, Jiang's father was emotional, staring at Jiang Lan expectantly and talking non-stop: "How can this be done? An Yuqi is dead, as her good friend, why can't you?" To get a better future, if you marry into the Ye family..."

"Enough, this matter ends here!"

Seeing that the two broke up again because of this, the illegitimate daughter at the side gave Jiang Zilin a look, her eyes were filled with hatred, and she rushed towards Jiang's father like an old sow:
"Why not me? Father, I can also marry into the Ye family instead of my sister, let me go!"

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