Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 73 Is it yours after sex?

Huo Jingyuan was in a better mood. He stood leaning against the wall, squinted at him, and exuded a sense of cynicism, "The box office of the movie is so good, I'm going to make a second movie. The original crew, come to ask Young Master Song's opinion."

Song Mingyuan was lying on the bed. It was already embarrassing to be seen by Huo Jingyuan, but now Huo Jingyuan humiliated him with a movie?
He gritted his teeth and managed to hold back the swear words.

Lifting his hand, he put the white chrysanthemum that Qiao Ruoqing warmly gave him on the cabinet. He folded his hands and rested his chin, "That movie has nothing to do with me. Mr. Huo can shoot whatever he wants, no need Come and tell me."

After finishing speaking, his eyes turned to Qiao Ruoqing's face.

The girl sat quietly, looking at him with crooked eyebrows.

It seems that Cai Meixian is right, as long as the old man helps, he still has a good chance with Qiao Ruoqing.

He didn't dare to waste this opportunity, and seized the timetable to be faithful: "Ruoqing, I really knew I was wrong. After I returned from your place that day, grandpa beat me hard. I really learned my lesson. I will treat you well in the future, you trust me."

Huo Jingyuan twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled ironically.

A few minutes ago, he was discussing with his mother how to plot against others, but his face changed very quickly.

It really deserves to be the biological mother and child.

Unlike Huo Jingyuan, Qiao Ruoqing had a gentle smile on her face and nodded towards Song Mingyuan, "I know, Grandpa Song told me everything."

Huo Jingyuan was stunned for a moment, and his eyes fell on Qiao Ruoqing.

The girl was still the same as before, sitting very obediently, looking at Song Mingyuan on the hospital bed, "I came here specially to see you today, as for you and Ruolan..."

Hearing hope from Qiao Ruoqing's words, Song Mingyuan arched his body quickly, "Ruoqing, don't worry, Ruolan and I will definitely break off cleanly, I swear!"

Just saying it doesn't count, he really raised his hand and made a poisonous oath: "I will treat you wholeheartedly in the future, if I get involved with Ruolan again, I..."

He looked left and right, his eyes flustered, as if he was thinking about what kind of oath he should make to make Qiao Ruoqing believe him.

Qiao Ruoqing smiled, and waved her hands to stop her, "You don't need to say that you will have nothing in the future, and the sky will be struck by lightning, so don't mention this matter again."

Song Mingyuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Great, Ruoqing, thank you for giving me this opportunity, I will definitely cherish it."

While talking, he forced out two tears, looking extremely grateful.

But it's true crying.

Huo Jingyuan has seen countless people, but it is indeed rare to be so hypocritical, it is simply visual pollution.

Raising his hand and rubbing his eyebrows, Huo Jingyuan looked at Qiao Ruoqing expressionlessly, "It's time to go."

Qiao Ruoqing stood up from the chair obediently, "Then we'll go back first."

Song Mingyuan was stunned, supported his upper body with his hands, and did a standard simple upward dog pose. He stared at Qiao Ruoqing with wide eyes, "Ruoqing, are you leaving now? And you're still following..."

Or with Huo Jingyuan?
Didn't you just promise to forgive him?Why are you inseparable from Huo Jingyuan?Is this inappropriate?
As soon as Qiao Ruoqing walked to the door, she saw Qiao Ruolan rushing over anxiously.

The two looked at each other.

Qiao Ruolan stopped in her tracks, with sweat on her forehead and shock in her eyes.

On the other hand, Qiao Ruoqing, with a calm expression, even turned her head to look at Song Mingyuan, with a half-smile when she spoke, "Mingyuan, Ruolan is here to see you."

While talking, she turned sideways to make way for Qiao Ruolan.

Qiao Ruolan glared at her before entering the ward, but she ignored her completely and walked out of the ward again.

The door of the ward behind her was not closed, and the voices of men and women arguing kept coming into her ears and gradually became blurred.

Huo Jingyuan walked side by side with her, always looking sideways at her.

She is very calm, no matter when facing Cai Meixian, after seeing Song Mingyuan, or facing Qiao Ruolan.

That kind of calmness is simply unreasonable.

Always feel something is wrong.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps behind her, and Qiao Ruolan ran over hurriedly with her bag in her hand. She opened her arms to block Qiao Ruoqing, "Stop!"

This area is full of VIPs, there are not many patients, and the corridor is very quiet.

Qiao Ruolan's voice was high-pitched and thin, and even the slight panting inside could be clearly heard.

Qiao Ruoqing stopped, looked at her calmly, and suddenly smiled, "You can go out now? Are there no reporters chasing you?"

Qiao Ruolan's chest was rising and falling, and her panting was more obvious than before.

Hearing the meaning of Qiao Ruoqing's words, he knew her situation too well!

She didn't care about that much, she stared at Qiao Ruoqing and asked, "Qiao Ruoqing, you have taken back Qian and several companies, what exactly do you want?"

"I should be the one asking you this, right?" Qiao Ruoqing had a slight smile on her face when she spoke, which contrasted sharply with Qiao Ruolan's eagerness and nervousness, "You have approached Mingyuan repeatedly, what exactly do you want?"

Huo Jingyuan pursed his lips.

Qiao Ruolan had obvious dissatisfaction on her face, "Ming Yuan is obviously mine, he..."

"Then what were you arguing about just now?" Qiao Ruoqing interrupted Qiao Ruolan, and added: "The bed is yours?"

Qiao Ruolan was in a hurry.

What happened to Qiao Ruoqing?

It's okay to love Song Mingyuan to death before, but didn't he ignore Song Mingyuan later?Why are you so nervous about him now?
"Qiao Ruoqing, you..."

Seeing that Qiao Ruolan was so angry that she couldn't speak, Qiao Ruoqing curled her lips and took a step in front of her. She straightened her back and raised her head slightly, looking extremely proud.

She leaned forward, her back and neck collapsed into a straight line, and she approached Qiao Ruolan's ear, her voice was soft but extremely oppressive: "It's not just the company, as long as it's what you want , I will take them all."

She never forgot how Qiao Ruolan treated her in her previous life.

If she hadn't been lucky enough to meet Huo Jingyuan in her new life, she would have no idea what would have happened.

Since this is the case, then of course she will return all that she has encountered to those who have hurt her.

But Qiao Ruolan didn't know this. Hearing Qiao Ruoqing's voice and the assurance in her tone, she glanced and saw Qiao Ruoqing's side face.

Her skin was smooth and fair, and the corners of her lips were slightly hooked. Although it was just a profile, she could see how proud Qiao Ruoqing was.

She was so angry that she raised her hand and wanted to hit Qiao Ruoqing.

But just as the hand was raised, it was grabbed before it even fell down.

The other party was too strong, pinching the bones in her wrist as if they were about to shatter.

Looking up, it was Huo Jingyuan.

With a sneer, Qiao Ruolan sarcastically said: "Huo Jingyuan? I almost forgot about you! Qiao Ruoqing, you talk about me, but what is the relationship between you and Huo Jingyuan? You are with Huo Jingyuan every day, and you are not connected with Mingyuan. , scumbag..."

Huo Jingyuan narrowed his eyes, and with force, he threw Qiao Ruolan forward.

Qiao Ruolan was thrown defenselessly, her body lost support, her high heels took two steps back, her foot became unstable, and she fell directly to the ground.

She supported her body with her hands, and stared at Huo Jingyuan with wide eyes, "How dare you hit me? Huo Jingyuan, you actually hit a woman? Are you still a man?"

Huo Jingyuan glanced at her with disdain, "Keep your mouth clean from now on."

Then she reached behind Qiao Ruoqing and hugged her slightly, "Let's go."

Qiao Ruoqing didn't even look at Qiao Ruolan, and walked away.

After getting in the car, she thanked Huo Jingyuan for what happened just now.

At that time, the distance between her and Qiao Ruolan was too close, and she didn't notice Qiao Ruolan's movements at all. If it wasn't for Huo Jingyuan, then the slap would definitely have hit her in the face.

But for her thanks, Huo Jingyuan didn't react at all, he just drove with a sullen face and his eyes fixed on him.

Qiao Ruoqing felt a little strange.

Is he angry again?

But why?

Tightening the seat belt on her chest, Qiao Ruoqing looked at him sideways, with a curious expression on her face, "Brother Huo, are you unhappy?"

Only then did Huo Jingyuan turn his head to look at her.

Thought he was going to talk to her, Qiao Ruoqing listened obediently.

Unexpectedly, Huo Jingyuan pulled over and stopped the car.

Qiao Ruoqing blinked her eyes, not knowing why.

Looking around, she asked again: "Brother Huo, what are you going to do? Why do you stop here? "

After hearing no response, she turned her head and met Huo Jingyuan's gaze.

The man's eyes were complicated, which made Qiao Ruoqing puzzled.

While wondering what Huo Jingyuan's eyes meant, she finally heard a man's voice: "Do you like him?"

Qiao Ruoqing was stunned, "Who?"

"Song Mingyuan."

"No." Qiao Ruoqing blinked her eyes, feeling that Huo Jingyuan asked this question really strangely.

She obviously hated Song Mingyuan so much, how could she still like him?
Huo Jingyuan pursed his lips slightly, pondered for a few seconds, and asked again: "Did you hear what Song Mingyuan and Cai Meixian said just now?"

"I heard you."

"Aren't you angry?"

"I'm angry." Qiao Ruoqing said with a smile on her lips, but said seriously, "But what's wrong with being angry? I can't beat them up either, I still have a lot of things to do."

Speaking of this, Qiao Ruoqing thought of another thing, "By the way, Brother Huo, Song Mingyuan shouldn't have to stay in the hospital for a long time with this injury. How about you do me a favor and create some trouble for Mrs. Song?"

There was some pleading in her words, she looked at Huo Jingyuan with bright eyes, and the corners of her mouth were raised, looking very happy.

Huo Jingyuan felt troubled.

In the ward, she forgave Song Mingyuan with a few words, and now she made him embarrass Song Shi again.

This woman, what is she thinking?
"Since you don't like him, why are you with him?" Huo Jingyuan asked again.

He felt that such a question was really awkward.

Who Qiao Ruoqing wants to be with is Qiao Ruoqing's business. In fact, it has nothing to do with him.

But as long as he thought of Qiao Ruoqing talking to Song Mingyuan in the ward, he felt uncomfortable all over.

My heart is like being planted a large cactus by someone, and it hurts everywhere.

Qiao Ruoqing was surprised, she didn't know what Huo Jingyuan meant by changing the subject.

Blinking her eyes, she asked blankly, "You mean Song Mingyuan? I'm not with Song Mingyuan!"

Huo Jingyuan was stunned for a rare moment, and met the girl's eyes.

Going through all the conversations in the ward just now in his mind, the corners of his lips were pursed a little.

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