Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 63 Handing over the position of chairman

Qiao Ruoqing sneered in her heart.

Her stepmother has always been very resourceful.

"I have no objection." Qiao Ruoqing replied, "It's just right, I haven't formally met the directors since I took over the group, so let's do it tomorrow. I'll wait for you in Huatian."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Ruoqing hung up the phone.

Putting her feet on the ground, turning the chair slightly, Qiao Ruoqing looked out the window at the earth scorched by the autumn sun, and moved her mandible.

Listening to the slight sound of bones and joints, Qiao Ruoqing once again felt that she was really pitifully stupid before.

In the past, she trusted Chen Yali too much. Although she was the nominal chairman of the company, she let Chen Yali handle everything in the group.

It was precisely because of this that all the real power of the group was in Chen Yali's hands.

Now, it's time to take it back.

"Zhou Liang." She suddenly called out.

Zhou Liang felt something was wrong when she answered the phone just now, so he didn't leave. Now when he heard her call his name, he quickly responded: "Mr. Qiao."

Hearing Zhou Liang's voice, Qiao Ruoqing felt a sense of security, and she spoke more calmly than before, "Make an appointment with Huo Jingyuan. I will go to Huo's to find him in half an hour."


Shi Shi knew that there was going to be a board meeting today, so she was very worried.

Recently, the trend of the group is not right, and there are many negative rumors about Qiao Ruoqing.

For example, at a young age, she messed up the group's plans without knowing anything, causing the group to fall into crisis;
Another example is that she has suffered a loss and still has no long memory like before, and she puts all her heart on Song Mingyuan. If there is a profitable project, she does not consider the company first, but Song Mingyuan.

Although Shi Shi did not agree with Qiao Ruoqing's actions regarding Song Mingyuan's matter, but this matter was closely related to Qiao Ruoqing, and she still stood by Qiao Ruoqing's side.

After preparing all the materials, Shi Shi's face was obviously worried, "Ruoqing, will something happen?"

"It's okay, don't worry." Qiao Ruoqing said, and patted Shi Shi's arm reassuringly.

What Shi Shi wanted to say, Zhou Liang had already opened the door and walked in, "Mr. Qiao, everyone is here."

Qiao Ruoqing let out a long breath.

Although she also knew that she would have to face it sooner or later, she was still a little nervous now.

Glancing at Shi Shi beside her, Qiao Ruoqing said, "Give the documents to Zhou Liang, and he will come in with me."

Shi Shi didn't do it, and even hugged the documents in her arms even tighter, "No, Ruoqing, I must accompany you in!"

Qiao Ruoqing didn't want Shi Shi to go in, because she didn't want her to worry.

But looking at Shi Shi's current state, she clearly has made up her mind.

She might be more worried if she was left outside.

Qiao Ruoqing had no choice but to pat Shi Shi's shoulder, "Okay, then you will stand next to me later, remember, don't talk nonsense."

Shi Shi nodded and agreed.

In the conference room, all the members of the board of directors have arrived.

Of course, Chen Yali and Qiao Ruolan were also included.

As soon as she entered the meeting room, Qiao Ruoqing's eyes swept over the faces of those people, and she saw Qiao Ruolan's raised brows, and her eyes were full of smiles.

She came here today to see her jokes, right?
Sit down at your seat, and the meeting officially begins.

A bunch of people asked Qiao Ruoqing many questions, such as the factory's supply of goods. Qiao Ruoqing answered very simply: no solution.

Not at all ambiguous.

Hearing this, Qiao Ruolan was very happy, "Sister, although you are the chairman of the company, I heard that when you started this project, some people in the company objected, and you insisted on going your own way. If this batch of goods cannot be delivered on time Hand over, then Huatian will pay tens of millions of liquidated damages. As the chairman, should you give an explanation?"

Qiao Ruoqing raised her eyebrows.

The meeting has just started, and Qiao Ruolan can't help but want to make trouble?
Is this too urgent?
"What do you want to explain?" Qiao Ruoqing asked.

Qiao Ruolan smiled sweeter, "For example, hand over your chairman position."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a burst of discussion in the conference room.

From Qiao Ruolan's words, does she want to dismiss the chairman?

Li Yongqiang and Zhao Xin exchanged glances, and quickly came to a conclusion.

Glancing at Qiao Ruolan, Zhao Xin asked: "Ruolan, what we should think about now is how to solve the problem."

Li Yongqiang immediately echoed: "Yes, we are here today to help find a way, so don't digress."

Qiao Ruolan didn't think so, "Uncle Zhao, Uncle Li, have you ever heard of a group subsidiary that had a problem and asked the entire group to help find a solution? Aren't we here today to ask for an explanation? Qiao Ruoqing She is not qualified to be the chairman at all, if she continues to manage the group, sooner or later the group will be destroyed in her hands!"

Ever since Qiao Ruolan spoke just now, Chen Yali has been winking at her, but unfortunately, this little girl has been paying attention to Qiao Ruoqing, without even looking at her.

Although their purpose was to dismiss Qiao Ruoqing, no matter what they said, they should be brought up by others. What kind of words did she say by herself?

In desperation, Chen Yali knocked on the table, "Lan Lan, please stop talking!"

In order to make Qiao Ruolan shut up, she immediately opened her mouth again: "Everyone, in fact, this matter is Hua Tian's matter. Although Ruoqing is the chairman of the group, she is still young and has limited experience, so some mistakes are inevitable. Since everyone is here today, let’s help you figure out a way.”

Everyone nodded again and again, and one of the women gave Chen Yali a thumbs up, "Mr. Chen, you have worked hard for the company all these years. Now that Mr. Qiao is gone, the company will all fall on your shoulders. It is really hard work for you." !"

Hearing this, Zhao Xin quit: "Mr. Chen is working hard, but no matter what, the current chairman of the company is Ruoqing. Mr. Ma, you'd better speak carefully."

The woman who spoke just now glanced at Zhao Xin, a little unconvinced: "I am not wrong. In fact, there is nothing wrong with Ruolan's words. Although this matter is Hua Tian's matter, if Hua Tian can't be on time this time If it is delivered, it will have to pay tens of millions of liquidated damages, which is ultimately a loss for the group."

As he spoke, Mr. Ma's eyes drifted to Qiao Ruoqing's face, "Mr. Qiao, as the decision-maker of the group, you should really take responsibility."

Shi Shi has been standing behind Qiao Ruoqing, and she couldn't help but want to talk from just now, but she was afraid of spoiling Qiao Ruoqing's affairs, so she held back all the time.

But now, the other party made it clear that he was bullying Qiao Ruoqing, she couldn't bear it anymore, and was about to speak for Qiao Ruoqing, but someone grabbed her arm.

Looking sideways, it was Zhou Liang.

Seeing Zhou Liang shaking his head slightly, Shi Shi frowned and lowered his voice: "They are clearly bullying Ruoqing, should we just watch like this?"

Regarding this, Zhou Liang was very calm: "Qiao always has a way to deal with it, so let's not add trouble."

Shi Shi had no choice but to calm down, but felt very uneasy.

She had already persuaded Qiao Ruoqing to stop spending time on Song Mingyuan, but Qiao Ruoqing refused to listen. What if she suffered another loss this time?
Qiao Ruoqing looked at Boss Ma in a leisurely manner, and said in a calm tone: "Then, how does Boss Ma want me to be responsible? Is it the same as what Ruolan said just now, asking me to hand over the position of chairman is considered responsible? "

Although Mr. Ma thought so in his heart, he was still a little surprised to hear Qiao Ruoqing say so now.

You can't speak too directly, otherwise, wouldn't it be obvious that you are targeting Qiao Ruoqing?

Even if you want to say it, it's justified.

Rolling his eyes, Mr. Ma opened his mouth again: "Mr. Qiao, I heard that when you signed this contract, you were busy with a project with the Song Corporation?"

"Yes." Qiao Ruoqing nodded and replied.

Mr. Ma breathed a sigh of relief, "Party A of this contract originally wanted us to deliver the goods within one month, but you fought for one and a half months?"

Qiao Ruoqing nodded again.

Mr. Ma said again: "Mr. Qiao, I know the relationship between you and Song Mingyuan, but it is a private matter after all. This is the first time we have done such a project. It is impossible to deliver in such a short time, but you But he only wanted to please Song Mingyuan and didn't put his mind on the company's affairs at all, shouldn't he be responsible?"

Qiao Ruoqing laughed, from the bottom of her heart.

Mr. Ma must have been bought by Chen Yali, right?
But Chen Yali couldn't figure it out so much that she bought her?
Moreover, how did such a person enter the board of directors of the group?

"I've investigated and calculated carefully. As long as everything goes according to the plan, everything will go smoothly. This time, it's just that the supplier has lost the chain." Qiao Ruoqing leaned on the seat, lightly fingertips He tapped lightly on the conference table and made a slight sound, "As for Song Mingyuan and I, that's all over."

Glancing at Qiao Ruolan, Qiao Ruoqing asked, "Ruolan, you know this matter best, right?"

Being called out suddenly, and because of Song Mingyuan's matter, Qiao Ruolan gave Qiao Ruoqing a look, and said angrily, "How do I know about you?"

Qiao Ruoqing didn't want to embarrass her, so she shifted her gaze to other people's faces, and didn't mention the matter again: "What do you mean, because I made a mistake in Huatian, so I have to hand over the position of chairman?"

Zhao Xin said immediately: "Nothing! Ruoqing, you have not taken over the company for a long time, and you have to adapt to everything you do!"

Li Yongqiang also said: "That's right, we must give young people a chance! Ruoqing, don't worry, we will help you!"

Qiao Ruoqing smiled at the two of them, expressing her sincere thanks.

Chen Yali also laughed, "Ruoqing, let's not talk about the position, have you figured out how to solve this matter? In fact, everyone is here today not to force you, but to help you! "

Just as Chen Yali finished speaking, the door of the meeting room was suddenly opened from the outside.

The sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground was very clear.

Everyone looked at the door in surprise.

The company is holding a board meeting, and someone dares to barge in on such an occasion?
When they saw someone coming, everyone panicked even more.

Especially Chen Yali.

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