Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 567 Child 1 Will Be Safe

Qiao Ruoqing didn't think much about it at the time. She never thought of it because Shi Shi knew Alan's true identity.

What's more, she didn't expect that the person she trusted for so long was actually Jiang was the Jiang Yuan who almost made her a murderer!

"Huo Jingyuan and the others should have suspected me about Shi Shi's matter, and someone must have been arranged in the hospital." Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan seemed to remember something funny, "I really don't know what to say about them , Do you actually think that I will be so easily tricked and go to Shi Shi to silence him?"

Huo Jingyuan didn't seem like such a naive person, but in this matter, Jiang Yuan had to say that Huo Jingyuan was a bit stupid.

Qiao Ruoqing breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Jiang Yuan hated her the most, and didn't blame Shi Shi for everything.

Fortunately, now that Jiang Yuan has captured her, Shi Shi should be completely fine.

Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing calmed down suddenly, Jiang Yuan narrowed her eyes slightly, "What are you thinking? Are you afraid that I might do something to you?"

"Didn't you say it? You won't do anything to me now." Qiao Ruoqing responded to Jiang Yuan's words, while looking around, and looked around the ward again.

Everything is like new, and it has been cleaned cleanly, nothing can be seen.

However, Qiao Ruoqing had roughly guessed something.

"Is this the Jiang family's territory before?" she asked.

Jiang Yuan didn't speak, just got up and left the ward.

As soon as she went out, two nurses came in immediately, one stood at the door like a gatekeeper, and the other came to the side of the hospital bed and asked Qiao Ruoqing if she needed anything.

After Qiao Ruoqing said no, the nurse said: "Miss Qiao, if you need anything, you can tell us, and we will do it."

The attitude is extremely respectful.

Qiao Ruoqing lay on the hospital bed and closed her eyes.

The nurse probably saw that she didn't want to talk, so she didn't bother her anymore, but went to the other side of the door and stood there, with her hands folded in front of her, looking very polite.

After Jiang Yuan left Qiao Ruoqing's place, she went directly to the doctor's office.

The first floor here is quiet, only Qiao Ruoqing's ward is occupied, and there are no medical staff in the corridor.

The doctor's office is at the end of the floor.

Jiang Yuan didn't knock on the door, just opened the door and went in. The doctor inside was looking at something with his computer on. When he heard the sound of the door opening, he instinctively wanted to get angry, but when he turned around and saw Jiang Yuan's figure, he immediately put his hand to his mouth. He swallowed all the words, and said politely: "Miss Jiang."

Jiang Yuan gave an "um" and sat down on the chair the doctor gave her.

This is the Renhui Hospital in the neighboring city of Jiangcheng.

Renhui Hospital used to be under Jiang's banner, but it was later independent.

Jiang Mingxuan used to hang out on the road, and the three caves of the cunning rabbit naturally left a way out for himself, and this hospital is one.

Although on the surface, Renhui Hospital no longer had any relationship with the Jiang family, but the people in the hospital still only listened to the Jiang family.

Therefore, although Jiang Mingxuan is still in prison, after Jiang Yuan comes out, there will still be someone to use him.

"Her due date is next month, is there any problem?" Jiang Yuan asked.

The "she" she mentioned was of course referring to Qiao Ruoqing.

The doctor’s surname is Mao. He has been working in Renhui Hospital for more than ten years. He looks like he is in his 40s. He is wearing a white coat and standing in front of Jiang Yuan. , the child will be born safely."

When Qiao Ruoqing was still in a coma, he carefully examined Qiao Ruoqing. The Huo family treated her very well and took good care of her. She was in good health and the fetus was also healthy.

Of course, Jiang Yuan was also responsible for this.

Hearing Dr. Mao's words, Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, "That's good. In short, give the best to everything, especially pay attention to diet."

After a pause, she added: "If she feels bored, let her walk around the floor and don't let her leave this floor. Also, no matter when, she must have our people by her side. "

She finally brought Qiao Ruoqing here, but she couldn't let Qiao Ruoqing run away.

Otherwise, all her previous efforts would have been wasted.

Dr. Mao agreed repeatedly, secretly looking at Jiang Yuan from time to time.

When Jiang Yuan turned her gaze, her eyes collided with Dr. Mao's.

Those eyes made people feel chilly.

Dr. Mao originally wanted to pretend that he didn't see it, and just fool around like this, but Jiang Yuan didn't mean that, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"No." Doctor Mao shook his head.

How could it not?It's so useless to even speak.

Jiang Yuan is not a patient person. Upon hearing Dr. Mao's words, she immediately frowned, "Speak up if you have something to say. Do you want me to urge you?"

In these words, a bit of anger can already be heard.

Dr. Mao is a big man in his 40s, with a height of nearly 1.8 meters, but standing in front of Jiang Yuan now, hearing her say such words, his back feels a little chilly.

There was no other way. Seeing that he couldn't escape, Dr. Mao had no choice but to ask, "Miss Jiang, why do you have to let Qiao Ruoqing give birth to the baby properly?"

I heard that the reason why Jiang Yuan went to jail before was all because of Qiao Ruoqing and Huo Jingyuan, and Jiang Yuan seemed to have a deep affection for Huo Jingyuan.

So, shouldn't Jiang Yuan hate Qiao Ruoqing to the bone?Why now...

As soon as this question was asked, Dr. Mao felt a little regretful.

Why is he so honest?Why did Jiang Yuan tell him to tell the truth?It should be firmly denied...

A person like Jiang Yuan has such strong self-esteem, if his words just hit his sore spot, wouldn't that make him feel uncomfortable?

In fact, Jiang Yuan's strong self-esteem is true, and it is also true that Dr. Mao's words hit Jiang Yuan's pain.

However, Jiang Yuan didn't intend to settle accounts with Dr. Mao.

She just glanced at Dr. Mao blankly, and then told him in a cold voice: "It's not your business, so don't bother with it in the future, or I won't know how I died."

Dr. Mao's back became even colder, he nodded repeatedly, and made up his mind in his heart: in the future, unless Jiang Yuan took the initiative to explain to him, he would not ask anything.

After all, nothing is more important than your own life.

After explaining a series of things to Dr. Mao, Jiang Yuan went back to her place to rest.

The place where she rests is also in the hospital, and the top floor is all hers.

There is no way, Jiang's has now become Qiao's, and all of Jiang's real estate before does not exist. Now she has nothing but this hospital.

What's even more helpless is that she can't go out casually now.

After all, her identity has been exposed. If Huo Jingyuan looks for her, he may find her here. If he meets her on the street then, it will be embarrassing.

After all, in terms of power, she is not even a star behind Huo Jingyuan.

It's just that she didn't know, in fact, Huo Jingyuan didn't even know who she was until now, and Shi Shi didn't recognize her face.

Of course, so far.

After Qiao Ruoqing was arrested, Huo Jingyuan and Cheng Han knew very well that Alan had given up on Shi Shi and simply took Qiao Ruoqing away.

In other words, Shi Shi is not in danger now.

So they withdrew everyone and focused on finding Qiao Ruoqing.

Shi Shi also noticed something was wrong.

"Lin Lang, is something wrong?" she asked.

Lin Lang was feeding her porridge, when he heard this, he quickly said, "No, nothing happened."

Then, he handed another spoonful of porridge to Shi Shi's mouth.

Shi Shi shook her head, not wanting to drink anymore.

Lin Lang immediately became nervous, "What's wrong? Is it not to your liking?"

"No." In fact, Shi Shi's body is fine, but he always feels uncomfortable in his heart, and his spirit is not good, and he looks listless. "I always feel that something is wrong."

Lin Lang was slightly startled, then turned his gaze, "What could be wrong? I think you are thinking too much."

Shi Shi pursed her lips, thinking that what Lin Lang said was possible, so she wanted to change her mood.

Then, she lifted the quilt.

Lin Lang quickly put down the bowl in his hand, and pressed Shi Shi's leg that was about to get off the bed, "Shi Shi, what do you want?"

"I'll go and see Ruoqing." Shi Shi blinked her eyes, somewhat puzzled by Lin Lang's behavior, "Why do you have such a big reaction?"

She woke up for several days, and the doctor said she would be hospitalized for observation, so she couldn't go back to the store. Because of this, Lin Lang stayed with her in the hospital every day. When she thought that the store was not open, Shi Shi felt uncomfortable. It was too comfortable, so he gave Lin Lang a gentle push, "You don't have to stay with me in the hospital all day, I'm fine, go talk to Ruoqing, go back and look at the store."

It's okay if she didn't say that, but when she heard that she was going to see Qiao Ruoqing, Lin Lang's hand became stronger, "Don't go to see the young lady, it's better to take good care of your body."

"I'm bored just staying here." Shi Shi said.

Lin Lang lowered his eyes, "Am I bored with you?"

"So didn't I ask you to go back and look at the store?" Shi Shi said, "The rent for the shop is so expensive, it costs a lot of money every day..."

Shi Shi wanted to take Lin Lang's hand away, but Lin Lang's hand pressed too hard, and she couldn't take it away no matter what.

Finally aware of something, Shi Shi frowned, "Lin Lang, is something wrong?"

Lin Lang's behavior today was too strange. He knew the relationship between her and Qiao Ruoqing. Every time she said that she wanted to see Qiao Ruoqing, Lin Lang was very supportive and even specially helped her find the time to come out.

But today...

"No." Lin Lang didn't look at Shi Shi, but said, "I was just thinking, the young lady is pregnant and her health is too poor, and now you..."

"You're lying!" After being together for such a long time, Shi Shi knew Lin Lang a little bit.

It's a lie to hear this kind of words.

Shi Shi became anxious, and grabbed Lin Lang's wrist and asked, "Tell me honestly, what happened?"

Lin Lang originally didn't intend to tell Shi Shi about Qiao Ruoqing's accident, he thought, when Huo Jingyuan finds Qiao Ruoqing, then nothing will happen, and Shi Shi will not be worried.

But unexpectedly, now Shi Shi noticed it first.

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