Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 562 Cheng Han's Identity

After calling the doctor to the ward, Cheng Han did not return to the ward immediately, but went to the stairs, took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth, took out a lighter and lit it.

He hasn't smoked for a long time.

If it wasn't for the chaos in his heart, he wouldn't smoke either.

The phone vibrated, and Cheng Han took it out of his pocket to see that it was a short video sent by the person who called him just now.

It looks like it should be a surveillance video, a very vague figure, wrapped tightly, except for a thinner and slender figure, which should be a woman, nothing else can be seen.

There is a sentence under the video: Brother Han, I just got this. Miss Shi Shi was the only one who went in that alley before she entered it.

she was.

So, it was confirmed to be a woman.

Cheng Han did not reply to the message, but directly dialed a number, and when the other party answered the phone, he immediately asked, "Do you know who it is?"

The other party's voice was low, "Sorry, Brother Han, I really don't know about this."

After a pause, he said with a hint of uncertainty in his tone: "However, the man we caught spat out and said that he had met this woman once. She was wearing a mask and her face seemed to be injured."

Wearing a mask, with a wound on the face, and a woman.

Since he didn't ask for money when he attacked Shi Shi, there should be something wrong with him, that is to say, Shi Shi knew her.

Cheng Han searched in his mind, and soon thought of a person.

However, he has no evidence.

"What about that person? Did you say anything else?"

"He doesn't know anything else." The other party replied, "That woman is very careful in her work, and the transaction is also done in cash."

That is to say, it is not bad to check a bank account.

"Thank you." Cheng Han said, and hung up the phone.

Although it is not sure if it is that person, but fortunately, there is a range.

After smoking the cigarette, Cheng Han went to the window to blow some air. He waited until the smell of cigarettes on his body was almost gone before returning to the ward.

The doctor had just left, but Lin Lang was still sitting in the same posture as before, with no change in the expression on his face.

Cheng Han was standing next to him, didn't sit down, just asked: "What did the doctor say?"

"The doctor said that we still need to observe. I don't know how long he will be in a coma." Lin Lang replied in a low voice, as if he couldn't lift his strength.

Cheng Han didn't say anything, just sat here and waited until dawn.

In the morning, he went to Qiao Ruoqing's ward.

Huo Jingyuan hasn't left yet.

Alan was standing by the bed, serving Qiao Ruoqing the porridge she brought over, her eyes kept avoiding, as if she didn't want to look at Huo Jingyuan.

But when Huo Jingyuan wasn't paying attention, she couldn't help but secretly glanced twice, and then quickly looked away.

Seeing Cheng Han, he guessed that he might have come to tell him about Shi Shi, so Huo Jingyuan just let Qiao Ruoqing eat slowly, and he wanted to take Cheng Han outside.

Qiao Ruoqing hurriedly stopped him, "Is there anything I can't say here? Cheng Han has come so early, and he hasn't eaten yet, right? It happens that Alan brought a lot of porridge, why don't we eat together?"

"No need, young lady, I've already eaten." Cheng Han politely refused, but there was no expression on his face.

Huo Jingyuan also said: "Let's go out and talk about work, so as not to upset you."

Then go out.

Qiao Ruoqing didn't care anymore, took a sip of the porridge, and praised Alan's cooking skills.

Almost every time Alan brought her food, she would praise her, and Alan would smile every time with crooked eyebrows. Although he didn't speak, he still used sign language to express his thanks to Qiao Ruoqing.

However, she was obviously absent-minded today, and she left the ward before Qiao Ruoqing finished eating.

After she knocked Shi Shi unconscious yesterday, she asked someone to send her to the riverside, and the tide rose again last night. Logically speaking, Shi Shi should be dead.

But what she didn't expect was that the person she was looking for was arrested, and Shi Shi was also rescued.

She is still alive.

For Alan, as long as Shi Shi is alive, she will be a threat to her.

And Cheng Han came to look for Huo Jingyuan so early, probably because of that.

So she followed out.

Sure enough, at the corner next to the ward, Alan heard someone talking, and leaned over there again, and soon heard Cheng Han's voice: "The person is not awake yet."

This is a high-end hospital, and it is cleaned every day, and the floor is not stained, so clean that people can be seen.

The lights in the corridor were turned on, pulling Alan's shadow out of the room.

"Do you know who did it?" It was Huo Jingyuan's voice.

Cheng Han didn't answer right away, but hesitated for a moment before saying, "I haven't found it yet."

"Don't let Ruoqing know about this in advance, otherwise she will definitely be worried." Huo Jingyuan said.

Qiao Ruoqing encountered so many things after she became pregnant, and her fetal image was very unstable. It seemed that the baby would be born soon, and Huo Jingyuan didn't want to have any accidents at this time.

Also afraid of accidents.

The child came second, what I was most afraid of was that Qiao Ruoqing would not be able to make it through.

Of course Cheng Han was very clear about Huo Jingyuan's thoughts, he straightened his back and assured him, "Mr. Huo, don't worry, I know it well."

Huo Jingyuan nodded, looked at the assistant in front of him, and suddenly remembered the message Lin Lang sent him last night.

Lin Lang said in the message that Cheng Han seemed to know a lot of unusual people and had a gun in his hand.

Huo Jingyuan is the president of the Huo Corporation. How can I say that the Huo Corporation is also a regular company. There are some things that he is inconvenient to do by himself, and it is also inconvenient for him to involve the Huo Corporation, so he knows some people in the dark, and many of these people are in charge of Cheng Han. Huo Jingyuan knew who contacted them.

But, there are guns...

The people he uses, although some methods are not on the table, but they can't do things like carrying guns.

And what those people called Cheng Han...

This reminded Huo Jingyuan of the time when they were in Xiangcheng.

It was the first time for them to go to Xiangcheng, but Cheng Han was too familiar with everything in Xiangcheng too quickly.

Even if he is familiar with the terrain of Xiangcheng quickly, it is understandable. Cheng Han has always been smart, and he can memorize everything after reading the electronic map twice.


Qiu Haiyang has been in Xiangcheng for so many years, and even Qiu Haiyang can't find out some things, but Cheng Han can easily grasp them, and he can grasp them so firmly, without any mistakes...

Cheng Han didn't know what Huo Jingyuan was thinking. Looking at his frown, he thought he had something else to entrust to him, so he asked, "Boss Huo, is there anything else you want me to do?"

Huo Jingyuan came back to his senses, shook his head, and then patted Cheng Han's shoulder, "I'm always at ease when you do things."

Cheng Han knew this, and knew how much Huo Jingyuan trusted him.

It is precisely because of this that Huo Jingyuan has always done his best to complete what Huo Jingyuan ordered.

Not long after, I heard Huo Jingyuan say again: "There are some things, don't overdo it, you have to know it."

Cheng Han was slightly taken aback, not quite understanding what Huo Jingyuan meant.

However, since Huo Jingyuan said it, of course he agreed first.

The two briefly talked about the company's affairs, and were about to walk back, but when they turned the corner, they saw a person.

Alan was walking this way, as if he had come to find them.

Huo Jingyuan frowned slightly, "Why are you here?"

Alan took out his mobile phone from his pocket and typed, saying that Qiao Ruoqing told him to go back to have breakfast.

Huo Jingyuan didn't even answer the phone, his eyes scanned the page casually, and then walked forward with long legs, Cheng Han naturally followed behind him.

Qiao Ruoqing has already finished a bowl of porridge. She has a good appetite these days.

Seeing Huo Jingyuan come back, Qiao Ruoqing hurriedly pulled him and said, "The porridge made by Alan is very good, you should try it too."

Originally, Huo Jingyuan didn't want to drink, but seeing Qiao Ruoqing's anticipation, he couldn't bear to say no, so he finally drank, but not much, only a few sips.

"Stop drinking?" Qiao Ruoqing asked.

She was afraid that Huo Jingyuan would not have enough to eat.

Huo Jingyuan smiled and poked her between the eyebrows, "I'm not hungry. I'm going back to the company soon, where can you get Xu Wen to accompany you, don't run around."

While talking, Huo Jingyuan put his hand on Qiao Ruoqing's stomach and stroked it lightly twice.

He was a little excited when he thought that he would see this little guy soon.

He went to see Xiao Mingquan and Su Mei's child. It may be that Su Mei was overnourished when she was pregnant with him, so the little guy was born chubby, weighing more than eight catties.

Huo Jingyuan was a little worried again, afraid that if his child was that old, Qiao Ruoqing would suffer when he was born.

At this time, Yao Shuangshuang came in from the outside, her steps were a little anxious, and as soon as she entered the ward, she didn't even see who was inside and asked, "Ruoqing, did you find Shi Shi?"

As soon as this remark came out, the ward became silent for a moment.

Although the expression on Huo Jingyuan's face didn't change, his eyes were distinctly colder, while Qiao Ruoqing's face was full of surprise.

As soon as Yao Shuangshuang's eyes came into contact with Huo Jingyuan, he immediately felt the strong warning in Huo Jingyuan's eyes, and quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

She seems to have said something wrong...

But it can't be her fault, Lin Lang couldn't find Shi Shi yesterday, and called her all the time, but she didn't have any clues at all, just thinking that Qiao Ruoqing might know, who knows...

Looking at Huo Jingyuan's eyes, Qiao Ruoqing probably didn't know.

Qiao Ruoqing became nervous when she heard Yao Shuangshuang's question, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? What happened to Shi Shi?"

Yao Shuangshuang turned her eyes away guiltily, not daring to look at Qiao Ruoqing.

Huo Jingyuan's reaction was quicker, and he said in the usual tone: "It's nothing special. I had an argument with Lin Lang last night and ran out in a fit of anger, but I've already gone back."

After saying that, Huo Jingyuan looked at Yao Shuangshuang again, seemingly smiling, but clearly implied a warning, "You don't know?"

Yao Shuangshuang hurriedly said: "I... I was too anxious, but since I'm fine, I'll go back first."

However, just as she turned around, she was stopped by Qiao Ruoqing: "Shuang Shuang, wait a minute!"

If everything is over as Huo Jingyuan said, then why did Yao Shuangshuang leave in such a hurry?

Her behavior is clearly a guilty conscience.

"Shuang Shuang, tell me, what happened to Shi Shi?" Qiao Ruoqing's tone was already somewhat solemn.

I can't hide it...

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