Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 55 Let's Do It Together

Zhou Liang found that he was becoming more and more unable to see through Qiao Ruoqing.

The eldest lady who used to have everything written on her face now revealed an indescribable aura all over her body.

But he still did as Qiao Ruoqing said.

After all, Qiao Ruoqing is his boss, so what Qiao Ruoqing says, he will do.

And for the current Qiao Ruoqing, he seemed... didn't know how to refute.

Before getting off work on Friday, Zhou Liang delivered what Qiao Ruoqing wanted to her.

"Mr. Qiao, this is according to your order."

Qiao Ruoqing opened the folder and looked at it, raised her eyes, "Are you sure? There won't be any problem, right?"

"Absolutely not, don't worry."

Seeing Zhou Liang's affirmative answer, Qiao Ruoqing closed the folder with a "click", and narrowed her eyes slightly.


Cai Meixian made an appointment on Sunday night at the revolving restaurant on the top floor of the city center.


After Qiao Ruolan knew that Qiao Ruoqing would also go, she was a little unhappy at first, and couldn't even think about it, but Chen Yali forced her to go.

Take Chen Yali's words, no matter how nice Song Mingyuan is to Qiao Ruoqing now, it's just playing on the spot. What are you afraid of?
In this way, Qiao Ruolan reluctantly came to the restaurant.

When she arrived, only Cai Meixian was sitting there.

After arriving at the dining table and sitting down, Chen Yali asked, "Where are Mingyuan and Ruoqing?"

"Ruoqing went out with a friend, it's a bit far away from here, let Mingyuan pick her up." Cai Meixian replied.

Qiao Ruolan rolled her eyes, "She had an appointment for dinner tonight, but she went to another place and insisted on getting Ming Yuan to pick her up. Isn't that intentional?"

Cai Meixian had raised her cup to her mouth, but instead of drinking water, she glanced at Qiao Ruolan.

Knowing what Cai Meixian's eyes meant, Chen Yali quickly pulled Qiao Ruolan's arm, "Ruolan, what nonsense are you talking about? How many times have I told you? Be careful when speaking outside!"

Cai Meixian still remembered the old man's birthday last time, and when she heard what Chen Yali said, she also echoed it: "That's right, Ruolan, you have to be a little bit more modest!"

It would be fine if Chen Yali just talked about it, Qiao Ruolan still had to refute it, but now that even Cai Meixian said that, she couldn't even refute it, so she could only agree.

Fortunately, after a while, Song Mingyuan and Qiao Ruoqing came over.

The two walked side by side, talking and laughing, and they were a bit like a man and a woman.

As soon as he arrived at the dining table, Song Mingyuan immediately pulled away the chair, looking very attentive, "Ruoqing, come and sit down."

Qiao Ruolan bit her lip when she saw it.

Sitting down as if nothing had happened, Qiao Ruoqing apologized to the three of them: "I'm sorry, I was delayed by something, so I came late."

"It's okay, we just arrived." While talking, Cai Meixian handed the menu to Qiao Ruoqing, "Come on, Ruoqing, let's see what you want to eat?"

Qiao Ruoqing opened the menu, looked at it seriously, and quickly put the menu down, "I can do it, you guys order it, I'm not picky eaters."

Cai Meixian disapproved, "How can I do that? Ruoqing, today is my aunt who invited you to dinner, and apologized to you for what happened before, so don't be so polite."

Qiao Ruoqing had a smile on her face, but her eyes were full of disdain.

In the previous life, where did Cai Meixian treat her so politely?

After all, it's just that I'm out of her control now, that's why I changed my face so quickly.

Song Mingyuan immediately took the menu from Qiao Ruoqing's hand, and said to Cai Meixian, "It's okay, Mom, let me order, anyway, I know what Ruoqing likes to eat."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiao Ruoqing also nodded, "Yes, Mingyuan has always understood me very well."

Hearing this, the smile on Song Mingyuan's face deepened a lot, and he felt even more proud in his heart.

But Qiao Ruolan was not happy.

It's fine that Song Mingyuan went to pick up Qiao Ruoqing, and he even pulled out a chair for her, so considerate.

And didn't Qiao Ruoqing ignore him at all?But what she said just now...why does it sound so ambiguous?
Qiao Ruolan felt something was wrong.

Knowing that Qiao Ruolan was feeling uncomfortable, Chen Yali began to find topics to chat with Cai Meixian, and even dragged Qiao Ruolan along.

Song Mingyuan focused on studying the menu with Qiao Ruoqing, as if he didn't care about anything else.

Seeing these people acting in front of her, Qiao Ruoqing raised the corners of her lips, and happily tapped her bag with her fingertips, making a soft sound.

After finishing ordering, Qiao Ruoqing opened her bag, took out a document from it, and put it in front of Song Mingyuan, "Mingyuan, would you like to see this document?"

"What?" Song Mingyuan picked up the document with his fingertips, but didn't read it.

"It's a project I'm planning to do in the near future." Qiao Ruoqing said, her gaze swept over the faces of the people in front of her one by one, "I know you're still blaming me about the last movie, I didn't discuss that matter with you , It is indeed my fault, so I thought, this project is my compensation to you, let's do it together."

Her voice was very soft, revealing the sincerity.

But she could also see that when she spoke, Cai Meixian frowned slightly.

Although it stretched out again soon, she was able to see clearly in the end.

In the next second, Cai Meixian said: "Ruoqing, that matter is over, so don't mention it again, and it has nothing to do with you after all, it's because those investors are unreliable, Just don't take it to heart."

Qiao Ruoqing smiled.

Sure enough, she is a good actor. When she asked Mr. Zhang and the others not to invest in Song Mingyuan, neither Song Mingyuan nor Cai Meixian had such a face.

His acting skills are so good, it would be a pity not to be an actor.

Looking out the window, the leaves are slowly turning yellow.

Yes, the seasons have changed.

"Auntie, don't say that, it was actually my fault that time." Leaning in front of Song Mingyuan, Qiao Ruoqing asked again, "How is it? Mingyuan, will you cooperate with me?"

Song Mingyuan looked at the document, feeling a little moved.

After all, the rewards are quite generous.

"Ruoqing, when did you decide on this project?" Song Mingyuan asked.

Qiao Ruoqing raised a strand of long hair on her forehead, and gently pinned it behind her ear, "Actually, I have wanted to do it for a long time, but I was not ready before. Mingyuan, I have some funds in my hand now, if you are willing to share with me If we work on this project, then we will join hands and invest half of it each, and we can earn 700 million within three months."

Song Mingyuan's fingertips holding the document trembled slightly.

Three months, 700 million, this is not a small temptation for him.

But Cai Meixian was a little worried.

Well done, how could Qiao Ruoqing give Song Mingyuan such a project?Isn't she even unwilling to be with Song Mingyuan?

Is this project a scam?

Thinking about it, she glanced at Chen Yali.

Chen Yali has known Cai Meixian for a long time, and the two of them are considered familiar, so as soon as she saw Cai Meixian's eyes, she immediately knew what Cai Meixian meant, and immediately cast her eyes on Qiao Ruoqing, "Ruoqing, I'm not sure about this matter. Why don't you know?"

"I forgot to tell you all this time, sorry." Qiao Ruoqing smiled at Chen Yali, socializing without distraction.

Chen Yali slightly retracted her hands on her lap.

This dead girl!
"Ruoqing, since we are here for dinner today, let's not talk about the investment." Cai Meixian saw that the waiter started serving food, and immediately changed the subject, "Today's meal..."

But how could Qiao Ruoqing make her wish so simple?
Sitting so steadily, Qiao Ruoqing looked at Cai Meixian opposite, with a strong smile on her face, but she couldn't see it at all, "Auntie, what do you mean by this, don't you trust me?"

She asked directly, which embarrassed Cai Meixian.

She really couldn't trust Qiao Ruoqing.

Not long ago, Qiao Ruoqing didn't even want to look at Song Mingyuan more, but today she agreed to come to the appointment, and her relationship with Song Mingyuan has become much closer. She didn't know where she came up with a project, and she said she wanted to find Song Mingyuan for investment?
Don't look at Qiao Ruoqing's hype now, she can earn millions in three months, but it's not certain whether she can make money!It's okay if it's a tie, but what if it's her plan to trap Song Mingyuan?
Connecting everything that happened during this period, the more Cai Meixian thought about it, the more she felt that there was something wrong with this project, but she couldn't say that, she could only laugh a few times, "Ruoqing, Auntie didn't mean that, Auntie just thought, Since everyone is out for dinner today, don't talk about work..."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Qiao Ruoqing showed a sweet smile on her face, "Then let's eat, let's not talk about the project."

Just saying it didn't count, she reached out and grabbed the document in Song Mingyuan's hand, trying to get it back.

Song Mingyuan quit, grabbed the documents, and even grabbed Qiao Ruoqing's hand, "Ruoqing, my mother has no other intentions, and the amount of investment is quite a lot... How about this, let's eat first today. I'll take the file back and have a look, and I'll give you an answer tomorrow, okay?"

His voice was very soft, full of flattery.

Qiao Ruoqing seemed to agree, and finally nodded, "Okay, since you've already said that, then we won't talk about it today. But..."

Looking at Cai Meixian's face for a second, Qiao Ruoqing uttered again, "Ming Yuan, if you really don't want to do it, then tell me earlier, I can get the money myself, and no one will dislike it." Make too much money."

The meaning in her words was clearly to choke on Cai Meixian.

Although Song Mingyuan could hear it, he didn't have a fit. He just echoed, saying that he understood her painstaking efforts.

But this made Qiao Ruolan feel more and more uncomfortable.

Before the meal was over, Song Mingyuan went to the bathroom.

When he came out, he saw Qiao Ruolan standing at the bathroom door, looking towards him, clearly waiting for him.

Sure enough, Qiao Ruolan's eyes lit up when she saw him, and she trotted over immediately, "Ming Yuan, will you invest in the project Qiao Ruoqing mentioned?"

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