Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 526 I wish you a high promotion

It's really a vengeance.

However, Huo Jingyuan didn't care at all whether he was holding grudges, and straight to the point, he said his intention of making this call: "Mr. Xia, I don't need to trouble you to tell my wife about my company's affairs in the future. If there is any What needs her to know, I will naturally tell him in person, don't bother you."

The words are very blunt and disgusting.

This was also expected by Xia Ting.

"Why did Mr. Huo say that?" Xia Ting smiled, the light from the computer shone on his face, his facial features stiffened, "Isn't that why I couldn't get through to you, that's why I called Mrs. Huo? Mr. Huo, We are partners anyway, I care about you!"

Even though he said that, Huo Jingyuan couldn't hear the meaning of concern at all.

"Even if Mr. Huo values ​​your wife, you don't have to do this, shutting out the concern of your partners, right?" Xia Ting said again.

Huo Jingyuan felt more and more recently that Xia Ting's politeness in front of him at the beginning was just pretending, and during the recent contact, Xia Ting has become less and less concealed of his character.

Then why did he insist on cooperating with him in the first place?
Huo Jingyuan couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it. He just said, "If Boss Xia is really that busy, why not just focus on your own work, and you don't have to worry about my affairs."

After finishing speaking, he was about to hang up the phone, but just as he took the phone from his ear, Xia Ting on the other end of the phone spoke again: "Mr. Huo, I still have something to tell you. After all these years, the Huo family has Jiangcheng is the only big city, and the big trees attract the wind, so you'd better be careful."

The matter of Yongxin is just the beginning. If Huo Jingyuan can't bear it now, what will he do in the future?

And Qiao Ruoqing, her belly is so big, if there is another accident, the consequences will be disastrous.

Huo Jingyuan didn't answer, and hung up the phone directly.


During the Chinese New Year this year, the Huo family was not at peace. Huo Jingyuan had been busy with Yongxin's business outside for more than half a month, but in the end Yongxin couldn't do it any longer. Jin Yan memorized everything, and he was sentenced Sentence, jail, Huo was also fined.

It was a good year, but Qiao Ruoqing couldn't be happy no matter what.

Standing at the window, looking at the scenery outside, Qiao Ruoqing suddenly remembered last year's Chinese New Year.

At that time, she was not with Huo Jingyuan. On the afternoon of New Year's Eve, she made dumplings with Huo Jingyuan's family, and Huo Jingyuan even put a lot of flour on her face.

During dinner at night, she received three red envelopes, among which Huo Jingyuan gave her a credit card.

She still has that credit card in her wallet, although she has never used it.

At that time, they were talking and laughing, unlike this year...

Although Huo Jingyuan kept saying everything, it was still the same as usual, but the atmosphere at home was different, Qiao Ruoqing could feel it.

Huo Jingyuan came back from the outside, saw her standing in front of the window with her big belly in a daze, walked over, hugged her from behind, and kissed his ear.

"Wife, what are you thinking?" He asked.

Qiao Ruoqing put her palm on the back of his slightly cold hand, and said softly, "I miss you, when will you come back."

Huo Jingyuan just laughed, his gloomy mood improved a lot, and he buried his head in Qiao Ruoqing's neck.

He is really tired these days, but fortunately, the matter has been resolved.

Although the Huo family was affected, this matter is over.

On the eighth day of the lunar new year, Qiao Ruoqing went to her natal home with Huo Jingyuan to accompany Tang Lan to her natal home, but she hadn't come back yet. Huo Jingyuan's company had just started work, and things were complicated. He couldn't leave, so only Xu Wen was with him.

When she arrived, there were several mothers-to-be waiting outside the clinic. Seeing that there were people in the clinic, Xu Wen first helped Qiao Ruoqing to sit down on the bench.

After sitting for a while, Qiao Ruoqing said she was thirsty, so Xu Wen went to fetch water for her.

Just as Xu Wen walked away, the door of the consulting room opened, and a girl in a black dress came in. She was wearing black stockings and a dress, her figure was slim, she didn't look like she was pregnant.

Hearing the comments of the two mothers-to-be beside her, Qiao Ruoqing raised her head and took a look out of curiosity.

As a result, when she saw it, she happened to meet the eyes of that girl, and she found that this girl was actually an acquaintance.

Liu Hanruo walked up to Qiao Ruoqing in high heels, and smiled with her arms around her, "Mrs. Huo, you are really a rare visitor."

Because of Lin Jie's matter, Qiao Ruoqing was always wary of people who stood too close to her, not to mention that she had a feud with Liu Hanruo, so she was even more wary, covering her stomach with both hands.

Seeing Qiao Ruoqing's defensive appearance, Liu Hanruo was a little contemptuous, "Why, didn't you use to be fearless before? Others still praise you... the youngest female entrepreneur in Jiangcheng, how long have we not seen each other? How come you Became so timid?"

To be so on guard against her?
Qiao Ruoqing didn't dare to take it lightly, she fixed her eyes on Liu Hanruo, "What are you doing here?"

Do you see a gynecologist?

Of course, she didn't ask this sentence.

Liu Hanruo's eyes flickered for a moment, then turned away, "What does it have to do with you? Why do you care so much?"

Qiao Ruoqing: "..."

Who wants to care so much?Moreover, it was obviously Liu Hanruo who provoked her first, she just asked a question, so why get so angry?

Qiao Ruoqing didn't want to talk to Liu Hanruo anymore, so she didn't speak at all. At this time, a nurse came out of the consulting room, handed a mobile phone into Liu Hanruo's hand, and said very politely: "Miss Liu, you forgot your mobile phone inside. The doctor asked me to tell you that the operation is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon."

Embarrassed, Liu Hanruo nodded and said "Thank you".

Qiao Ruoqing felt strange.

Operation?Could it be...

After staring at Liu Hanruo's stomach for a while, Qiao Ruoqing frowned slightly and asked, "Are you married?"

Qiao Ruoqing heard from Shi Shi that Liu Hanruo's private life was messy, and Huo Jingyuan also said that all these things were arranged by him.

Then Liu Hanruo...

Where is Liu Hanruo married?She's just pregnant.

Moreover, she didn't know who the father of the child was, so she had to abort the child.

Qiao Ruoqing was different from her, her belly was already so big, and she was the well-known young wife of the Huo family. Even if something happened to the Huo family, she would still be a star everywhere she went.

Liu Hanruo felt embarrassed, his face was so gloomy that he wanted to squeeze out water, he gritted his teeth and asked, "What? What are you so proud of? Qiao Ruoqing, there is still a long way to go, let's wait and see!"

Qiao Ruoqing just felt baffled.

Why is she so proud?It was just a question.

What happened to Liu Hanruo's brain circuit?

Qiao Ruoqing leaned against the wall and stopped looking at her.

In Liu Hanruo's heart, I'm afraid she would turn into contempt if she looked at it even more.

But she obviously underestimated Liu Hanruo's thinking mode.

Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing didn't look at her, Liu Hanruo sat down on the empty seat next to her, crossed her legs, and looked like she was out of the air.

She stared at the front, but she was out of focus, and said in a flat voice: "Qiao Ruoqing, don't think that everything will be fine with Huo Jingyuan, you know the impact of the Yongxin incident on the Huo family."

Qiao Ruoqing frowned.

It's fine to say she is, but why did you bring Huo Jingyuan into it again?

She tapped her ears with her little finger, a little impatiently: "Have you finished?"

Turning to look at Liu Hanruo, she asked again: "I'm not interested in your affairs, and I hope you don't come to provoke me. Liu Hanruo, I wasn't afraid of you before, I'm not afraid now, and I won't be afraid in the future. This is a hospital, and I don't want to talk to you. You're noisy, but you'd better have some sense of proportion."

"Qiao Ruoqing!" Liu Hanruo almost gritted his teeth.

Xu Wen came back after fetching water, and there was another person who appeared at the same time.

Huo Jingyuan stood in front of Xu Wen, and when he saw Liu Hanruo, his eyes instantly became colder.

"Miss Liu, please be careful when talking to my wife." Huo Jingyuan's voice was cold, as if he was born with a chill.

Except for the people he cares about, he has always been like this.

In the past, Wu Shan, Liu Hanruo didn't take it seriously, but later she became Qiao Ruoqing again.

Moreover, Huo Jingyuan always treats Qiao Ruoqing differently than he treats others.

Pinching his palms, Liu Hanruo stood up from the bench, and after sorting out his emotions, he raised his eyes to look at Huo Jingyuan, and slightly raised the corners of his lips: "Mr. Huo, long time no see."

Even though he said that, there was no warmth in his eyes.

Huo Jingyuan didn't even look at her, and immediately turned his eyes away. When he looked at his wife, his eyes were already much warmer.

But when talking to Liu Hanruo, his voice was still very cold: "You can go now, don't appear in front of my wife and obstruct her eyes."

The smile on Liu Hanruo's face froze instantly.

Obstruct her eyes?

Yes, to Huo Jingyuan, there is nothing more important than Qiao Ruoqing, right?

The people around all looked this way, Liu Hanruo blushed.

Biting her lip, she sneered and said, "Mr. Huo, you are almost in danger now, why are you still so arrogant?"

Turning her eyes on Huo Jingyuan's body, she continued: "Huo Jingyuan, when you are at a high place, you'd better not look down on others, otherwise one day, you will be trampled underfoot."

These words were originally extremely correct, but they happened to come from Liu Hanruo's mouth.

Justice and reason are completely missing, which makes people feel ironic.

"Miss Liu, you have the leisure to warn me, why don't you worry about yourself." He stared at Liu Hanruo's stomach, although he didn't speak, but the look in his eyes was extremely contemptuous.

I don't know whose child is in that belly.

But no matter who it is, it cannot be born, and Liu Hanruo will not let this child be born.

It happened that Qiao Ruoqing's name was called in the consulting room, so Huo Jingyuan helped Qiao Ruoqing in.

When he reached the door, Huo Jingyuan stopped, turned his head sideways, and glanced at Liu Hanruo, "Miss Liu, I wish you a high promotion."

Then, there was nothing else to say.

Liu Hanruo was taken aback, not knowing what Huo Jingyuan's words meant.

But even though her heart was full of question marks, it was impossible to ask Huo Jingyuan, so she just twitched her lips and left on her high heels.

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