Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 453 Weibo Public Opinion

When such an incident happened, Chen Song had no choice but to push back the filming and asked the assistant director to investigate the matter first.

As soon as Qiao Ruoqing returned to the company, she received a call from Huo Jingyuan. Before she could make a sound, Huo Jingyuan asked, "How is it? Are you injured?"

What do you mean by this, you know something happened on the set?

"I'm fine, Tianming saved me." After answering Huo Jingyuan's question and making sure he wasn't so worried, Qiao Ruoqing asked, "Jingyuan, how did you know about this?"

Zhou Liang is not a big-mouthed person, and an accident happened on the set, which is of great importance, and he will not say it casually.

Then, how did Huo Jingyuan know?
Huo Jingyuan replied without hesitation: "The photos on the set have been exposed, and they are now being circulated on Weibo."

It might be because he knew that Qiao Ruoqing was fine, so Huo Jingyuan's tone of voice was not as tense as before.

But Qiao Ruoqing frowned fiercely.

Photos got out?how so?At that time, all the people present were from the crew. Who would do such a thing?

Qiao Ruoqing didn't have time to think about it, so she said "I'll hang up first", then hung up the phone and logged into Weibo.

Sure enough, "Accident on the Set of a Gold Medal Producer" was already trending on Weibo. Qiao Ruoqing clicked on it and saw that Tianming was injured by props, and there was a picture of him holding his waist after getting up.

The person taking the photo should have stood relatively close, even the sweat on Tianming's forehead was clearly photographed.

Below, netizens exploded:
[I'm going, isn't this a joke about the actor's life?What does the crew do for food? 】

[I don't like this passer-by actor, but it really hurts to watch! 】

[Fortunately, it was someone else who smashed it. What if it hits our house, Zhenzhen? @Qin Zhen]

【Zhenzhen, don’t make this scene, terminate the contract, it’s too dangerous, I don’t want you to get hurt @秦烧】

[I feel sorry for Zhenzhen. 】

【I think this actor is quite handsome...】

[Upstairs you are digressing, although I also think it is very handsome. 】

【I just want to know if Zhenzhen is okay. 】

The female number one of the "Gold Medal Producer" is Qin Zhen. She is a popular traffic floret with a very strong fan base.

Tianming is a newcomer, not well-known, when the lead actors and actresses were first announced, Qin Zhen's fans protested on the Internet, saying that Tianming sucked Qin Zhen's blood, that Qin Zhen had suffered a loss, and now Tianming was injured again, so many fans were Leave a message on the Internet to ask Qin Zhen to quit the film crew.

Fortunately, within half an hour, Qin Zhen posted a message on Weibo, thanking fans for their concern, saying that she is fine, and wishing Tianming a speedy recovery.

Her Weibo is not long, and she doesn't have any intention of quitting the crew.

Only then did Qiao Ruoqing feel relieved.

Not long after, Qiao Ruoqing received a call from Qin Zhen's manager, Zhao Ying.

"Miss Zhao? What's the matter?" Qiao Ruoqing asked after hearing the identity of the other party.

"That's right, Mr. Qiao, if you have time in the evening, Zhen Zhen would like to meet you, but the place will be determined by us." Zhao Ying replied with a melancholy voice, probably because she was afraid that Qiao Ruoqing would disagree.

After all, Qiao Ruoqing is the investor of this TV series. It seems a bit inappropriate for the actor to talk about such conditions with the investor.But these are Qin Zhen's original words, and Zhao Ying can't refuse or change them, she can only tell the truth.

Qiao Ruoqing is not familiar with Qin Zhen, but only met twice on the set. In my impression, although Qin Zhen is very popular, she has no airs. Tea.

However, the two had never had any private contact, and Qiao Ruoqing didn't remember leaving Zhao Ying's contact information either.

"Can you tell me what it is?" Qiao Ruoqing asked.

Zhao Ying hesitated for a moment, "Zhenzhen only said that it has something to do with what happened on the set today, and I don't know anything else."

Zhao Ying is a well-known entertainer in the circle, and she has a very good relationship with Qin Zhen. As long as Qin Zhen doesn't want to do something or accept an announcement, no matter what method she uses, Zhao Ying can push her away. , and never forced Qin Zhen.

After thinking for a while, Qiao Ruoqing nodded, "Okay, then when Ms. Qin confirms the time and place, please send me a message from Ms. Zhao, I will be free tonight."

On the other end of the phone, Zhao Ying was grateful for a while, and then hung up the phone.

Staring at the phone in her hand for a long time, Qiao Ruoqing frowned slightly, thinking.

The door of the office was suddenly opened, she looked up and saw Zhou Liang.

"How is Tianming?" Qiao Ruoqing asked.

Zhou Lianglai was talking about this matter. Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing asked first, he immediately replied: "The back injury is not serious, but he needs to rest for a few days. I have already sent him back."

Qiao Ruoqing nodded.

Chen Song also said that he will adjust the shooting plan and let Tianming rest for a few days, so there should be no problem.

On the way back, Zhou Liang had already contacted the crew, and knew the news from Chen Song's side. Although the crew said that it was an accident that the prop almost hit Qiao Ruoqing, Zhou Liang still didn't dare to take it lightly.

After sorting out his words in his mind, Zhou Liang asked, "Mr. Qiao, do you want to investigate this matter?"

"Jing Yuan is already investigating." After answering Zhou Liang's question, Qiao Ruoqing said, "This matter is a big one on the Internet, you can help Director Chen deal with it."

After Qin Zhen's Weibo was posted, although some fans expressed their support for Qin Zhen, more people still opposed Qin Zhen's continued stay in the film crew, and even said that they would boycott the TV series when it aired.

But Qiao Ruoqing also knew that if they were really Qin Zhen's true fans, they would also watch the TV drama when it was released, so there was no need to worry about it, but the public opinion still had to be suppressed.

In the evening, Qiao Ruoqing went to meet Qin Zhen. The place was arranged by Qin Zhen at a hotel.

Zhao Ying was waiting in the hotel lobby, and when she saw Qiao Ruoqing coming in, she immediately went up to greet her, "Mr. Qiao, Zhenzhen is waiting for you up there, I'll take you up there."

Qiao Ruoqing nodded and followed Zhao Ying into the elevator.

Qin Zhen took Qiao Ruoqing to a suite, and after opening the door with her key card, she knocked on the bedroom door and said softly, "Zhenzhen, Mr. Qiao is here."

The bedroom door just opened.

Qin Zhen poked her head out from inside, without makeup, her face was clean, not as glamorous as the daytime makeup and powder, but she was also Xiaojiabiyu, a very well-behaved girl.

Looking at Qiao Ruoqing in the living room, Qin Zhen pursed her lips apologetically, and finally asked, "Mr. Qiao, can I invite you in?"

Qiao Ruoqing stood without moving.

Zhao Ying came in front of Qiao Ruoqing and bowed slightly, "Mr. Qiao, Zhenzhen just has something to say to you, nothing else."

Qiao Ruoqing hesitated for a moment, but finally went into the bedroom.

As soon as she entered, Qin Zhen immediately closed and locked the door.

Qiao Ruoqing frowned as she watched, "Miss Qin, can't even your manager listen to what you told me?"

In the entertainment industry, the relationship between Qin Zhen and Zhao Ying has always been favored by people. It is said that they get along like real sisters. Sometimes fans who pick up and drop off at the airport can even find that they are wearing girlfriends' outfits.

But now, Qin Zhen avoids Zhao Ying so much?

"No." Qin Zhen shook her head, asked Qiao Ruoqing to sit down on the edge of the bed, and sat down on the other side, "Sister Ying wants to watch out for me outside."

Qiao Ruoqing frowned even more.

Take the wind?

This is a five-star hotel, the security measures are very good, and the confidentiality of the guests is also very high. What is Qin Zhen trying to say, and she needs someone to watch out for it?

Seeing Qiao Ruoqing's reaction, Qin Zhen also understood what she meant, swallowed, and whispered: "Mr. Qiao, what happened on the set today was not an accident, someone did it on purpose, but it shouldn't be for you of."

After all, no matter who is injured in the crew, it will cause public opinion pressure.

"How does Miss Qin know?" Qiao Ruoqing asked her.

Chen Song didn't tell anyone about that incident, and Qin Zhen wasn't on the set at the time.

Qin Zhen avoided Qiao Ruoqing's gaze, hesitated for a while, and then said, "Liu Feng looked for me before."

Qiao Ruoqing immediately became serious.

Liu Feng was the director of Lin Jie's movie, and that movie was invested by Jiang Mingxuan.

"Liu Feng also contacted me when he was poaching Lin Jie, and wanted me to go there together, but I didn't agree." Qin Zhen said.

Although she is popular and not as good as a professional actor, she is still very serious about her work and has been honing her acting skills.

But Liu Feng is not a very good director. Not to mention that the films he has produced have not won any prestigious awards. There is also a problem with his character and style. He likes potential actresses. Of course, Qin Zhen would not cooperate with such a director.

"When I left that day, Liu Feng told me to be careful." Qin Zhen finally said.

Qin Zhen still remembers Liu Feng's tone and expression when he said those words, it was clearly a threat to her.

She closed her eyes, and when the fear in her heart dissipated, Qin Zhen continued: "Liu Feng told me that the filming of this TV series can never be finished, and there is no benefit for me to stay on the set. Something went wrong, so..."

She didn't continue with the next words, but Qiao Ruoqing also understood what she meant.

"So you think Liu Feng did this?" Qiao Ruoqing asked her.

Qin Zhen frowned and looked serious, "I'm not sure if he did it, but I think it must have something to do with him."

Qiao Ruoqing rubbed her chin, lost in thought.

Can't get rid of the relationship... Then, could it be Jiang Mingxuan?
Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing didn't speak, Qin Zhen seemed to be worried about something, and leaned closer to her, "Mr. Qiao, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kept this matter from you and Director Chen, but I was afraid that after I told it, others would You will feel that I have some ideas that I shouldn't have, so I..."

It's not easy for her to get this female number one. She wants to transform through this TV series and become an acting school. She doesn't want to make troubles. At first, she only thought that Liu Feng was scaring her, so she didn't take it to heart, but she didn't expect that something really happened. .

Moreover, since Liu Feng said those things to her, he should have greeted her. If Qin Zhen dared to tell that matter, life would definitely not be easy in the future.

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