Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 445 Huo Jiang's Past

After Qiao Ruoqing left, Jiang Yuan didn't say a word. No matter how the police asked her, she was unwilling to speak.

A few days later, a man in his 50s came to the detention center, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with an extraordinary temperament.

Seeing the man, Jiang Yuan's expression relaxed a little, "Father."

As soon as she finished shouting, she lowered her eyes again, as if she didn't dare to look at the person in front of her at all.

Jiang Mingxuan had sword eyebrows and starry eyes, with majesty, the tip of his right finger kept rubbing the ring on the ring finger of his left hand, "You still know to call me father? You have done so many things, and you have all been caught. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Jiang Yuan pursed her lips, said nothing, and didn't know what to say.

She was raised by Jiang Mingxuan, and Jiang Mingxuan had very strict requirements on her since she was a child.

Jiang Mingxuan said that he only has one daughter, Jiang Yuan, and the company will be handed over to her in the future, so she is destined not to live a simple life like other girls and simply do what she likes to do.

No matter what she does, she has to think about the company.

Originally, when he first found out that Jiang Yuan liked Huo Jingyuan, he just thought of it as a commercial marriage so that the Jiang family could gain a firm foothold in Jiangcheng, but he never expected that it would develop like this now.

"Why don't you talk?" Jiang Mingxuan asked.

Normally, Jiang Yuan would not dare to talk back to Jiang Mingxuan, but today, perhaps because she was too depressed, she finally couldn't help but said, "Can I be blamed? How did I know that those people were so unreliable in their work?"

"It's still that your heart is not cruel enough." Jiang Mingxuan sat leaning on the back of the chair, "You didn't get rid of all the people who did things for you back then. You are leaving troubles for yourself. I have been like this since I was a child. Taught you?"

Exhaling a breath, Jiang Mingxuan said again: "Don't worry, although you don't live up to expectations, you are my daughter after all, and I can't really ignore your affairs."

After thinking for a while, he continued: "I will solve this matter, but, in the future, you have to be careful when you do things, don't be like this time, if such a thing happens, I will help you deal with the aftermath."

After finishing what he wanted to say, Jiang Mingxuan left without any reluctance or nostalgia.

Jiang Yuan clenched her hands into fists, and her neatly manicured nails left dark crescent shapes on her palms.

always like this!It seems that no matter what she does, Jiang Mingxuan is not satisfied with her!
Or is it because she is a girl?If she was a man, then Jiang Mingxuan would definitely treat her differently!

After leaving the detention center, Jiang Mingxuan went to find Huo Jiang.

He and Huo Jiang hadn't seen each other for almost 30 years. Fortunately, when he called Huo Jiang this time, Huo Jiang was still willing to come out to meet him, and he didn't shirk.

Seeing Jiang Mingxuan, Huo Jiang didn't show any special emotion on his face, neither excited nor disgusted, as if the person in front of him was just a simple acquaintance with no enmity or friendship to him.

Yes, people who know each other, even friends are disliked.

Jiang Mingxuan laughed, and he rolled up his sleeves, revealing a small scar on his right arm, which was not big, but it was very badly stitched.

After only one glance, Huo Jiang's eyes turned away and fell on Jiang Mingxuan's face.

"Boss Jiang came to see me today, what's your business?" Huo Jiang said in a very calm tone, not familiar at all.

The smile on Jiang Mingxuan's face deepened, "Brother Huo, I haven't seen you for more than 30 years. Is this how you treat your old friend?"

Huo Jiang didn't speak, just took a sip of the coffee in front of him.

Jiang Mingxuan was not angry, and said again: "I came to you, of course, because of Yuanyuan's affairs. She did something wrong before, but she is still your niece anyway, you really want to send her to go to prison?"

At that time, Huo Jiang only knew that Jiang Yuan had drugged Tang Lan's nutritional supplements, but he didn't know that Tang Lan's injury was also related to Jiang Yuan. He only heard about it later from Huo Jingyuan.

But even so, he was unwilling to let Jiang Yuan go, let alone now.

"Mr. Jiang, I have made it very clear on the phone before that I will never let go of my wife's affairs." Huo Jiang repeated his position.

Indeed, Huo Jiang said this before.

It's just that Jiang Mingxuan thought that Huo Jiang might be easier to talk to when they met, but he didn't expect that his mouth was still as hard.

The smile on his face faded a little, Jiang Mingxuan asked: "Huo Jiang, have you lived in peace for a long time, so you have forgotten everything about the past, even forgotten, what kind of person am I?"

He leaned on the seat, raised his head slightly, and did not lift his eyelids when looking at Huo Jiang, "Don't you know how many ways I can deal with you and your son?"

"What happened back then is over, if you want to do something, do you think I won't fight back?" Huo Jiang looked at Jiang Mingxuan, and looked at him, "Brother Ming, it seems that you are also getting old and your memory is getting worse gone."

Now, the smile on Jiang Mingxuan's face completely disappeared.

It seems that it's really been a long time since I saw you, but Huo Jiang's airs are more serious than before.

Seeing that Jiang Mingxuan didn't speak, Huo Jiang was not in a hurry, and said to himself: "At the beginning, I was favored by you, and I agreed to let Jing Yuan cooperate with Jiang Yuan. When it comes to my wife..."

Raising his eyes, Huo Jiang looked at Jiang Mingxuan, and lowered his voice two minutes: "Brother Ming, do you think I can just let this matter go?"

Moreover, there are some things that he really doesn't know.

After withdrawing from the society, Jiang Mingxuan and Huo Jiang each set up their own company. Although they had no contact for decades, they were both respectable people in the circle after all, so they could often hear news about each other from other people's mouths.

So Jiang Mingxuan also knew that Huo Jiang was almost a wife slave, and he was almost obedient to his wife and obeyed everything.

Who would have thought that Huo Jiang, who was decisive in killing and attacking in Yangcheng back then, would become such a person, surrounding his wife all day long, so Jiang Mingxuan also thought that the little blood in Huo Jiang's body had been worn down by the peaceful years. No, it was a surprise to him now.

"Then what do you want? You must feel at ease when Yuanyuan dies?" Jiang Mingxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, "Huo Jiang, we are also brothers, and Yuanyuan can be considered your niece."

Now, Huo Jiang laughed, "Brother Ming, you are being serious. Now that Jiang Yuan is in the hands of the police, what will happen to her is not something I can ask. These are decided by the law."

After finishing speaking solemnly, as if he was too lazy to say anything else, Huo Jiang stood up from his chair, "Okay, brother Ming, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first, excuse me."

"Didn't all your company be handed over to your son? Why are you so anxious?" Jiang Mingxuan asked.

Huo Jiang's brows and eyes became much gentler, "I have to go back and cook for my wife."

After finishing speaking, he saluted Jiang Mingxuan again, and then Huo Jiang turned and walked out.

Jiang Mingxuan closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose, and finally said, "Huo Jiang."

He never liked to speak in a rough and loud voice, but when he uttered these two words, his volume was much higher than before.

Sure enough, Huo Jiang stopped.

Jiang Mingxuan was a little more satisfied, and then asked: "Do you think that if you hold on to Yuanyuan, I really can't deal with your Huo family?"

"I don't care." Not only did he say that, Huo Jiang didn't even panic in his voice, it was as flat as a clear spring without ripples, "I just want to give my wife justice, and the rest is up to you." You, Brother Ming."

Then, Huo Jiang went out, got into the car, and left.

During the whole process, he didn't turn his head to look inside again.

After staring at the door for a long time, Jiang Mingxuan's eyes became darker and darker.

Although Huo Jiang called him "Brother Ming" one after another, there was no respect in his words.

Sure enough, after decades of absence, any feelings can fade away.

Looking at the scar on his arm, Jiang Mingxuan gave a low laugh.

In this case, he doesn't need to save any more sympathy.

On the way back, Huo Jiang called Huo Jingyuan and asked about the company's situation, and Huo Jingyuan told him everything.

While Huo Jiang was listening, he tapped the index finger of his right hand on his knee. He closed his eyes and looked very peaceful, as if nothing could attract his attention.

Hearing that Huo Jingyuan had finished speaking, Huo Jiang nodded slightly, opened his eyes, looked at the scene that was constantly receding outside the window, and said in a faint voice: "You should pay more attention to the company's affairs recently. If you can do it yourself, don't leave it to others. .”

Maybe because he felt uneasy, he even added: "Cheng Han can't do it either."

It's not that he doesn't trust Cheng Han, it's just that he is afraid that there are some places that Cheng Han won't notice.

Huo Jingyuan's vigilance and judgment were always higher than Cheng Han's.

Huo Jingyuan has taken over the company for several years, and Huo Jiang has always been at ease with him, and he has never ordered such things, this is the first time.

"Dad, is something wrong?" Huo Jingyuan asked.

Huo Jiang shook his head, "Anyway, be careful."

After hanging up the phone, looking at the phone in his palm, Huo Jingyuan always felt that something was wrong.

Qiao Ruoqing was next to him, seeing Huo Jingyuan's actions, she closed the document in her hand, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

This is the first time that Huo Jiang will show such an expression after answering the phone call.

"It's nothing." Huo Jingyuan put the phone back, looked at Qiao Ruoqing, "Ruoqing, have you stopped all the cooperation with Jiang's?"

"Well, the previous projects are all finished, and the contract for the one we talked about later hasn't been signed yet." Speaking of this, Qiao Ruoqing had a regretful expression.

Huo Jingyuan also lost a sum of money in order to contact Jiang's contract.

Although to Huo Jingyuan, that little money might not be a big deal, but Qiao Ruoqing still felt very distressed.

Looking up at Huo Jingyuan, Qiao Ruoqing asked, "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Huo Jingyuan hesitated for a while, then sorted out his words in his mind, and finally said: "My father told me to be careful about the company's affairs. I think it may have something to do with Jiang."

After being told by Huo Jingyuan, Qiao Ruoqing became a little curious, "By the way, didn't you want to cooperate with Jiang Yuan at the beginning? Why did you agree later?"

According to what Qiao Ruoqing knew about Huo Jingyuan, as long as it was something Huo Jingyuan had decided on, no one could make him change his mind.

So, what method did Jiang Yuan use?

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