Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 43 Deviating to Tiger Mountain

"That's why they can bully me." Qiao Ruoqing didn't care, and lowered her voice, "Besides, I have something to do when I go."

As soon as the words were finished, she suddenly heard a sound coming from the door. Although it disappeared quickly, she still heard it clearly.

Glancing at the door, she saw two shadows standing motionless under the crack of the door.

Guessing something in her heart, she raised the volume, "Don't worry, I will definitely go to the birthday party of Mr. Song's family. Not only will I go, but it will also be beautiful!"

While talking, she took out the earphone from the phone and plugged it into the earphone jack of the phone.

When she said that, Shi Shi might not know what kind of words she would say. It would be bad if someone outside the door heard it.

Sure enough, as soon as she put on the earphones, she heard Shi Shi's almost roaring voice: "Ruoqing, are you crazy? You don't know who Song Mingyuan is? And his mother is not easy to deal with, you Just broke off the engagement with him and went like that, isn't that like a sheep going into a tiger's mouth?"

Because of anger, Shi Shi moved her mouth too much when she spoke, which caused the mask on her face to crack. She couldn't get enough of it, so she tore off the mask and threw it into the trash can, while patting the essence on her face, While continuing to persuade Qiao Ruoqing: "Don't be stupid! It's better not to go, the old man loves you, and he will definitely understand your difficulties."

But Qiao Ruoqing laughed, lowered her voice and said, "I know there are tigers in the mountains, so I prefer to go to the tiger mountains."

Looking at the door again, seeing that shadow was still there, Qiao Ruoqing waved at Shi Shi, "I have something to do here, so I won't tell you for now. Hang up, bye."

Then he hung up the phone, walked to the door, and opened it abruptly.

Qiao Ruolan still kept her butt pouted and put her ears on the door, but Qiao Ruoqing opened the door suddenly. She raised her head in shock, and met Qiao Ruoqing's eyes.

Rather embarrassing.

Qiao Ruoqing didn't think there was anything wrong, she folded her arms around her chest, stood leaning against the door, looked Qiao Ruolan up and down, and then asked with a bit of a smile: "What are you doing? Overhearing?"

Qiao Ruolan blushed, but she still put on a straight-faced look, and asked back, "Who eavesdropped? I happened to be passing by!"

"Passing by?" Qiao Ruoqing smiled, and swayed her fingertips on Qiao Ruolan's body twice, "Do you usually walk in this way?"

After being pointed at by Qiao Ruoqing, Qiao Ruolan realized that she was still in the posture of eavesdropping just now.

Standing up straight in a second, Qiao Ruolan didn't want to chatter with Qiao Ruoqing any more, and simply got into the topic: "Did Brother Song invite you to the old man's birthday party?"

Before Qiao Ruoqing could answer, she rolled her eyes and asked again: "You have already decided to break up with Brother Song, so you definitely won't go?"

Qiao Ruoqing had a smile on her face, "Go, why don't you go?"

Qiao Ruolan was stunned for a while, before asking: "What are you going to do? Didn't you already say that you want to follow..."

"How is my relationship with Song Mingyuan? That doesn't affect my going to the old man's birthday party." After sweeping her eyes around Qiao Ruolan twice, she asked, "Besides, why are you so nervous? Could it be that you still Do you think I will steal a man from you?"

Qiao Ruolan's face was redder than before, and she pressed her lower lip hard, her lips turned blue.

Qiao Ruoqing liked Qiao Ruolan's appearance very much at the moment, and she was in a good mood. While arranging her half-dried hair, she replied slowly, "Don't worry, I will never snatch a man like Song Mingyuan from you, after all, our aesthetics are different. .”

She didn't want to see Qiao Ruolan, so she wanted to close the door after she finished speaking, but Qiao Ruolan put her hands on the door first, "If you really don't want to snatch it, then why did you go to the old man's birthday party? That's the Song family's business , what does it have to do with you?"

Qiao Ruoqing sneered.

So some people's thinking is really hard to understand!

"Didn't you tell me that there is nothing between you and Song Mingyuan a few days ago? Why, now you feel that I am robbing him from you? What do you mean, he is yours? If so, some time ago you What's the point of denying it all the time? Isn't it over if you just admit it?"

Hearing Qiao Ruoqing's series of words, Qiao Ruolan was a little anxious, and her tone of voice was much faster than before, "That's obviously what you said, I just followed your words..."

"What I said? Didn't you admit it too?" Seeing Uncle Wang coming upstairs at this moment, Qiao Ruoqing raised her voice, "Uncle Wang, please come here."

Uncle Wang responded, stepped up to Qiao Ruoqing, and saluted respectfully, "Miss, what's the matter?"

Qiao Ruoqing glanced at Qiao Ruolan, her eyes were filled with undisguised disgust, she tapped the door behind her twice with her fingertips, "I'll change the door for me tomorrow, and change it to one with better sound insulation, so that no one else can eavesdrop. "

Although she didn't say it directly, everyone could understand the meaning between the lines.

Looking at Qiao Ruolan who was standing at the door like him with weird eyes, Uncle Wang nodded and agreed: "Okay, miss."

Qiao Ruolan was furious, what does this mean?Also ask to change the door?Doesn't it make it clear that he is guarding against her?

She just wanted to argue with Qiao Ruoqing, but Qiao Ruoqing ignored her and closed the door as quickly as possible.

Just as she raised her hand to knock on the door, Uncle Wang immediately stood in front of her and stopped her movement, "Second Miss, Eldest Miss has already rested, you should go back and rest too."

"Uncle Wang, what do you mean?" Qiao Ruolan narrowed her eyes, "Don't forget, I am also the owner of the Qiao family!"

Uncle Wang showed a meaningful smile on his already somewhat old face, "The head of the family, of course there is only one person. Second Miss, please."

His words made it clear that he did not regard Qiao Ruolan as the master of the family.

Qiao Ruolan was so angry that she couldn't speak, she could only point to Uncle Wang and said "yes" a few times, then turned angrily and went back to her room.

Uncle Wang didn't care about her attitude either.

Anyway, in his heart, after the husband passed away, the eldest lady should be the master of this family.

Moreover, the eldest lady is now much more sensible than before, and he is quite pleased.

As for Qiao Ruolan and Chen Yali, who cares about them?

If they can't get used to it, it's better to move out of this house as soon as possible, so that the eldest lady can be less troubled.


After Qiao Ruoqing decided to go to Mr. Song's birthday party, Song Mingyuan came to see her twice, both at the company.

Every time Shi Shi saw him, she would feel upset, and every time he left, she would go to Qiao Ruoqing and ask him if he had done anything to Qiao Ruoqing.

The answer Qiao Ruoqing gave was: Not only did Song Mingyuan not do anything to her, but he was also very gentle and polite when talking to her.

Such an answer undoubtedly made Shi Shi feel that she was stunned by Song Mingyuan again and was about to repeat the same mistakes.

But Zhou Liang has a different view.

One day after the meeting, Qiao Ruoqing came out of the conference room when Shi Shi came to her, with a reluctant expression on her face, "Ruoqing, that Song is here again."

She used to call Song Mingyuan's name, but now she doesn't even want to call her by his name.

Knowing that her dislike for Song Mingyuan was deepening, Qiao Ruoqing didn't care, and asked, "Where is he?"

"According to what you said, he was not allowed to go to your office, so I let him go to the reception room." After answering Qiao Ruoqing's question, Shi Shi did not forget to add: "I gave him several cups of coffee. !"

Seeing Shi Shi's ferocious look, Qiao Ruoqing couldn't help laughing, and patted her on the shoulder, "Okay, you go to work first, I'll go and have a look."

Shi Shi glanced at Qiao Ruoqing resentfully and troubledly, but walked away quickly.

Zhou Liang followed Qiao Ruoqing, and after Shi Shi had gone far away, he asked, "Mr. Qiao, do you have any other plans?"

Qiao Ruoqing raised her eyebrows, "You are very smart, and you are more stable than Shi Shi."

With just one sentence, Zhou Liang already understood what she meant, but he still didn't forget to help Shi Shi find out: "Shi Shi is chaotic because he cares about it."

How could Qiao Ruoqing not know this?

Handing the document in her hand to Zhou Liang, she ordered: "Take it to my office, I'll go and see that Song first."

Entering the meeting room, Qiao Ruoqing's eyes were immediately attracted by the coffee cups on the table.

It seems that Shi Shi deliberately disliked Song Mingyuan, and didn't even take away the cup after changing the coffee.

Song Mingyuan has a mild cleanliness addiction and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It's no wonder that seeing such a scene makes him feel uncomfortable.

However, she appreciated Shi Shi's approach very much. After all, she was also very happy to be able to respond to Song Mingyuan.

Turning a blind eye to the cups on the table, Qiao Ruoqing asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Didn't I tell you about my grandpa's birthday last time? I think, since you agreed to go, I have to prepare something for you, so I ordered a dress for you " While talking, he handed the box on the chair behind him to Qiao Ruoqing, "Ruoqing, I specially ordered this for you, try it to see if it fits you well."

The black box with the logo of Dada international brand is tied with fireworks with purple ribbons, which is very beautiful and enchanting.

Qiao Ruoqing caressed the black velvet box, feeling the soft touch, raised the end of her eyes, and looked at Song Mingyuan, "For me?"

Song Mingyuan nodded, his eyes still fixed on the velvet box.

Qiao Ruoqing's hands were very white and thin, in stark contrast with the black box, which had a visual impact.

He had never realized before that Qiao Ruoqing's hands were so beautiful. The fingers were thin and long, with well-defined joints, and the nails were like water onions. The transparent nail polish was shining, and it looked smart and cute.

Just as she was getting absorbed in watching, Qiao Ruoqing quickly withdrew her hand, and asked with a bit of sarcasm in her voice: "Could it be, you also prepared a copy for Ruolan, right?"

Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing didn't even want to look at herself when she was talking, Song Mingyuan hurriedly clarified as if showing loyalty: "Of course not, I only ordered one piece, and it was made according to your size. Only you have it, Ruolan..."

Lowering his head, Song Mingyuan gave a wry smile, "Ruolan is your sister, so it's not my turn to worry about these things, you say so."

From what he looks at this moment, he is completely a prodigal son who knows his mistakes and repents.

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