After arriving behind the swing outside the kindergarten, Liu Shufen lowered her voice and asked, "Who are you?"

"Why, you just did business with my boss before, and you forgot now?" the man asked.

Liu Shufen's fingertips trembled.

Could it be... is it him?
Taking a deep breath, she asked, "What do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything." The man seemed to be smiling, but the words that came out of his mouth sent chills down his back, "I just want to meet you. At nine o'clock tonight, I will come to Li's small courtyard to find you. "

"No!" Liu Shufen refused without thinking, "I'm still doing business at nine o'clock!"

The other party didn't care so much, "Then I don't care, anyway, I told you the time and place, and you can solve other things yourself, but..."

The other party paused, laughed again, and then continued: "Xiaobao won't come with me then, if I see someone other than you there when I arrive, what will happen to your son?" , I can't guarantee it."

After speaking, the man hung up the phone.

Listening to the "beep" sound coming from the mobile phone, Liu Shufen was upset, "Hello? Hello!"

No echo.

is hung up.

Liu Shufen quickly called back the phone, and it rang several times before she was picked up, and it was Uncle Zhang who answered.

"Xiaofen, what's the matter?" While talking, Uncle Zhang was still staring at his seat, for fear that someone would take it, or that the poker players at the same table would take advantage of his absence. up his cards.

Liu Shufen was so anxious that she almost burst into tears, "Uncle Zhang, where was that person just now? Let him answer the phone!"

"That person just now?" Uncle Zhang looked around casually, and then replied casually, "He's gone, he left as soon as he hung up the phone."

Before Liu Shufen could speak, he asked again: "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Liu Shufen gritted her teeth, "It's fine."

Then, he hung up the phone.

Uncle Zhang yelled twice, but did not hear a response. After confirming that Liu Shufen had really hung up the phone, he returned to his seat and continued playing cards.

Aunt Zhao asked, "What's the matter? The expression of answering the phone?"

"It's okay, I don't know what Xiaofen is doing...don't worry, let's continue playing cards."

In the kindergarten, Liu Shufen managed to stand on the swing, but her legs kept shaking.

The man's meaning was clear: tell her not to call the police.

But why do you want to find her?What she promised has obviously been done.

That matter is obviously over, why come back to her?Why are you still grabbing her little treasure?

After closing her eyes and stabilizing her figure, Liu Shufen staggered back to the small courtyard of Li's family.

After going back, she dismissed all the people who were still playing cards. In the past, she wished that others would play cards here for a while, so that she could draw more water money. Such a thing had never happened before.

Aunt Li was surprised, "Xiaofen, what's wrong with you? We haven't finished playing this card yet!"

Liu Shufen was anxious, and she seemed a little impatient when she spoke: "Go back first, I'm going to close the door here."

Aunt Zhao looked at her, and frowned deeply, "Xiaofen, what do you mean? You want to drive customers out? You don't do business like this!"

"Is it okay if I don't charge money? Let's go, I have something to do, really." Liu Shufen was so anxious that sweat broke out on her forehead.

Those people saw that she was really in a hurry, so they didn't say anything more, but they were all very suspicious.

When they came out of the small courtyard of the Li family, everyone began to discuss:
"What do you think is going on here? Why is Xiaofen so strange?"

"Yeah, we were pretty good at drawing water money before, but today we don't even want money?"

"Hey, did any of you see Xiaobao? Didn't Xiaofen say that she went out to pick up Xiaobao before? Why didn't you see her bring the child back?"

At this time, there was a coughing sound from the crowd, and everyone looked in that direction at the same time, and saw Uncle Zhang with one hand behind his back and the other clenched into a fist against his lips.

"Uncle Zhang, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Aunt Zhao asked.

Uncle Zhang looked back at the small courtyard of Li's family, but he didn't see Liu Shufen, so he turned his head back and asked solemnly, "Didn't you just talk about Xiaofen?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" The group were even more puzzled.

Uncle Zhang bowed his body, looking very mysterious, "Isn't there a young man in a suit and leather shoes here this afternoon? He called Xiaofen and sent me away, but as soon as Xiaofen came back, he chased us away Walk……"

Raising his eyebrows as if seeing through everything, Uncle Zhang lowered his voice: "What does this mean, don't you guys understand?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and finally showed a clear expression.

No wonder, it turns out...they have a lover, and they are busy with an affair!

But Liu Shufen didn't know that people outside were talking about her, and she didn't have the heart to care about it now. After closing the door, she didn't even have time to rest at the card tables. look outside.

But after looking at it several times in a row, she didn't see anyone acting suspiciously, so she became more and more worried.

She wasn't sure if the other party was really that group, and she didn't know what they wanted to do this time... If Xiaobao was really in their hands, and if they did something to Xiaobao, what would happen to her for the rest of her life? live?
This time, Liu Shufen waited until after nine o'clock in the evening.

There was a light on in the yard, and she sat alone in the yard, and the light cast her shadow on the concrete floor, stretching it long.

She kept digging with her hands, and the images in her mind were messed up, all of them were Xiaobao, some were tied up, some were abused, and even some were lying on the ground covered in blood...

She felt that her nerves were about to collapse, and she couldn't help picking up the phone, but just after pressing the first number, she put the phone down again.

No, you can't make a phone call, you can't call the police, if the other party really did something to Xiaobao, then she...

Just when Liu Shufen was uneasy, the door of the small courtyard opened with a "creak".

Liu Shufen looked at the door and saw a tall man in a black suit entering the yard. She didn't even have time to ask, and stood up directly.

After staring at each other for two seconds, Liu Shufen asked, "You took my son?"

The man walked slowly in front of Liu Shufen, pulled out a chair and sat down, looked up at her, with a pair of long and narrow red phoenix eyes that seemed to be smiling, but it was so cold that people felt chilling.

"Otherwise?" he asked back.

Such a tone, such words, undoubtedly admitted.

Although Liu Shufen was worried about her son, she was not completely irrational.

She has never seen the person who took her son away, and she only talked with the other party for a few minutes this afternoon, and through the current, there will be some differences in people's voices.

What if this person is deceiving himself?Not without this possibility.

Thinking of this, Liu Shufen calmed down a little.

Sitting down opposite the man, she tried her best to look calm, stared at the man and asked, "Do you think I will believe it? If you really arrested my son, why didn't you take him away?" Come?"

"Didn't I say it? Xiaobao is with me, so you can control yourself and not call the police." With his legs crossed, he leisurely took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one, lit it with a lighter, deeply He took a deep breath and exhaled a white smoke ring.

The movements are smooth and natural, and she looks extremely enjoyable, but her eyes are cold.

Liu Shufen pinched her hand under the table, deliberately showing disbelief, "How do you prove it?"

Jiang Hua glanced at her.

This woman is not stupid, she just wants to hand over her son.

It's a pity, how could he be so obedient?

"Because you were obedient, you didn't call the police or help, so you can rest assured." Jiang Hua said, took out his phone, found a video, and clicked on it in front of Liu Shufen.

In the video, Xiao Bao is sitting among a pile of toys eating a snack, does not appear to be injured, and seems to be in a good mood.

Listening to the other party's words, knowing that the other party has been watching her, Liu Shufen was a little nervous at first, but now seeing the video, she was relieved.

It's fine, as long as the child is fine.

She turned her gaze to the man with a cold face in front of her, "What exactly do you want?"

"You don't know what I want?" The man put away the phone, looking a little dissatisfied, "You took my boss's money, but things didn't go well, what do you think?"

Liu Shufen panicked again, "What do you mean? What I promised was clearly done, and you also said that it was only that one time. Do you want to go back on your word now?"

Without waiting for Jiang Hua to speak, she immediately spoke again: "I have almost spent the money. Even if you want to go back on your word, you won't be able to get the money back!"

Jiang Hua threw the two-puff cigarette on the ground and crushed it with his leather shoes, looking very unhappy, "The money is yours if you give it to you, I don't care how you want to spend it! But, you are not kind! You obviously took our money, why did you betray us?"

When he said this, Jiang Hua's gaze was fixed on Liu Shufen.

He is big, and he is not a kind-faced person. His eyes are a bit fierce at the moment. Being stared at by him like this, Liu Shufen was nervous and even stuttered: "I...I...I didn't betray you...I will do everything according to you. As said and done, didn't that woman also become a suspect... The rest has nothing to do with me..."

"How could it have nothing to do with you?" Jiang Hua seemed unwilling to let her take a breath, and said aggressively: "Didn't you already contact her friend and tell him everything?"

"I didn't!" Liu Shufen hurriedly denied, "I have never met that woman, and I have never told anyone about her!"

Jiang Hua smiled, a little sinister.

"You still want to lie to me? A few days ago, a young man came here every day. He played cards every day and lost every day. He even came into contact with you. He is Qiao Ruoqing's friend. Don't you know? Don't tell me you have nothing. Tell him, I don't believe it! If that's the case, how could Qiao Ruoqing be released? "

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