"No need, I may not stay in Jiangcheng for a long time, maybe I will leave after a while." Qiao Yu replied.

Last night, Qiao Ruoqing chatted with Qiao Yu very late, knowing that he had lived alone for so many years and was never married, so she was a little surprised to hear Qiao Yu say that now.

"Since you are already back, why do you still have to leave? This is your home." Qiao Ruoqing persuaded, "Uncle, you have suffered a lot outside these years, and you will stay in Jiangcheng from now on. I will take care of you. And it should."

Qiao Yu opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but Shi Shi walked in and said that Jiang Yuan was here.

Qiao Yu didn't know who Jiang Yuan was, so he asked Qiao Ruoqing, and when he heard that it was a client, he immediately stood up, "Ruoqing, since your client is here, I'll go back first."

While talking, he ignored Qiao Ruoqing's obstruction and walked out. When he reached the door, he bumped into a young girl.

Jiang Yuan was slightly stunned, looked past Qiao Yu in front of her, looked at Qiao Ruoqing and asked, "Mr. Qiao, this is..."

"This is my uncle." Qiao Ruoqing introduced.

Jiang Yuan's eyes widened in surprise, "Uncle? Do you have an uncle? I haven't heard of it before."

"I just came back when I wasn't in Jiangcheng before." Qiao Ruoqing said, then turned to Shi Shi and said, "Shi Shi, take uncle to the reception room to sit for a while, don't let him go."

Hearing what Qiao Yu said just now, he didn't want to stay in Qiao's, nor did he want to stay in Jiangcheng. Qiao Ruoqing was really afraid that if she didn't pay attention, he would disappear, and her only living relative would be lost.

Shi Shi nodded, and respectfully invited Qiao Yu to the reception room.

Jiang Yuan looked at Qiao Yu's back, twitched the corner of her mouth, and when she turned to Qiao Ruoqing, she immediately showed a smile on her face, "Miss Qiao, congratulations on finding your relative."

Qiao Ruoqing smiled back and invited Jiang Yuan into the office.

Both parties made a lot of profits from the previous cooperation, so Jiang Yuan came here this time because she wanted to talk about a new project with Qiao Ruoqing, and it was better than the last time. The two talked very deeply.

After Qiao Ruoqing sent Jiang Yuan away, Shi Shi rushed in immediately, closed the door and said, "Ruoqing, the news about your uncle has spread throughout the company, what should we do?"

Hearing Shi Shi's words, Qiao Ruoqing was a little confused for a moment.

After staring at Shi Shi for several seconds, Qiao Ruoqing asked, "What should I do?"

Shi Shi became anxious, and took Qiao Ruoqing's hand and said, "Aren't you in a hurry? Now the company is spreading rumors that your uncle is back, and everyone is wondering what you will do to him."

Now Qiao Ruoqing was even more puzzled.

How could she treat Qiao Yu?
"Isn't it good to know?" Qiao Ruoqing sat down calmly, and while sorting out the folders she opened when she was discussing the plan with Jiang Yuan just now, she said, "Didn't someone guess that my uncle was sent by the H Group to discuss the acquisition?" People? Now that we all know his identity, won’t such rumors be self-defeating?”

Shi Shi was taken aback.

I have to say that Qiao Ruoqing's words are very reasonable. From this point of view, it seems to be a good thing.

But thinking of another matter, Shi Shi couldn't calm down again.

"But... Ruoqing, are you really sure that he is your uncle? If so..." After thinking about his choice of words, Shi Shi still said, "The company's affairs may change."

After all, Qiao Ruoqing had been in charge of the Qiao family for more than a year, and everyone thought that besides Qiao Ruolan, Qiao Ruoqing was the only immediate family member in the Qiao family.

But now that Qiao Yu is back... That doesn't seem too good for Qiao Ruoqing.

Qiao Ruoqing has been immersed in the joy of her uncle and nephew getting together these two days, and she didn't think about it at all. Now that she heard Shi Shi say that, she immediately looked towards her.

Seeing Qiao Ruoqing's eyes, Shi Shi also knew that she was talking too much, but she had to say something, "Don't blame me for speaking badly, your uncle... It seems that his life before was quite embarrassing. Someone made a fuss about this and asked you to delegate power, what should you do?"

Although Shi Shi said it very cryptically, Qiao Ruoqing also understood what she meant.

Rumors that an overseas group wants to acquire Qiao's have never stopped. If someone uses Qiao Yu to provoke trouble at this time and divide Qiao's from within, then Qiao Ruoqing's situation will become very difficult.

However, Qiao Ruoqing wasn't worried about that, not only that, she also looked at Shi Shi with some appreciation.

Shi Shi was uncomfortable seeing Qiao Ruoqing's eyes, touched her face, and asked, "What's wrong? Why are you staring at me like that?"

Qiao Ruoqing smiled, and praised without hesitation: "I didn't expect, Shi Shi, that you are so thoughtful about things now? How strong is your view of the big picture?"

Shi Shi was very worried about Qiao Ruoqing's affairs, and thought that Qiao Ruoqing had thought of something, but she didn't expect that she was still making fun of herself at this time, turned around and left angrily.

As soon as Shi Shi left, the smile on Qiao Ruoqing's face also faded, she called Zhou Liang to come to her office, and asked Zhou Liang to investigate Qiao Yu's life and experiences for so many years before.

It's not that Shi Shi's words are unreasonable, she really needs to be on guard.If Qiao Yu's past is really as he said, and he has one heart with her, then it's okay to let him manage the company with him.

But if there is something wrong with Qiao Yu's style or social circle, that's another matter.

After explaining everything to Zhou Liang, Qiao Ruoqing rubbed her forehead with her hand.

The longer she sat in this position, the less pure her thoughts became.

Obviously knowing that I have a relative is something to be happy about, but now I can't be happy anymore.

Qiao Yu wandered around the company for two days, Qiao Ruoqing arranged for him an easy position, and Qiao Yu did not refuse.

However, this incident was distorted by others.

For example, one afternoon, when Zhou Liang went to a department downstairs to pick up documents, he heard people talking about Qiao Ruoqing.

"Have you heard? Mr. Qiao arranged a job for her uncle, just in the company."

"I heard that, who else doesn't know?"

"It seems that because Qiao Yu has no management experience, that's why Mr. Qiao made such an arrangement?"

"How is it possible? You haven't seen the appearance of that Qiao Yu. If you want to have an aura, you must be someone who does great things. In my opinion, Mr. Qiao is reluctant to give him a share, so he is dismissed like this. "

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If Qiao Yu really has that aura, then he must have made achievements. Can he be willing to do idle work?"

"In short, I think this matter is quite strange..."

"I think it's strange that an uncle suddenly appeared, right? I've never heard of any other relatives in the Qiao family before. Tell me, could that man be a liar? He's just trying to trick Mr. Qiao?"

Zhou Liang frowned when he heard this, and deliberately made some noise. Those people knew that he was Qiao Ruoqing's confidant, and immediately shut up after seeing him, Zhou Liang left with the documents.

After reaching the top floor, Zhou Liang told Qiao Ruoqing about it.

Qiao Ruoqing is the top decision-maker, and she is extremely cold at the top. She doesn't know many things discussed among employees, and she has to rely on Zhou Liang or Shi Shi to tell her. Now that Zhou Liang talked about this, she was a little surprised and asked: "Someone really said that?"

Zhou Liang nodded.

Qiao Ruoqing pursed her lips and began to think.

It's so good, why would someone pass this on?What's more, when she wanted to arrange a position for Qiao Yu, Qiao Yu didn't want anything, but she persuaded Qiao Yu for a while before agreeing.

Now she is reluctant to give the shares?
Looking at Zhou Liang, Qiao Ruoqing asked, "You checked him out, did you get anything?"

Zhou Liang shook his head, "It's similar to what you said. I was an employee of a state-owned enterprise before, and I wasn't married. I didn't have any relatives, and I didn't have any social circles."

In other words, there was nothing suspicious about his identity.

Qiao Ruoqing was still thinking about this, when the phone rang suddenly, it was a call from a stranger.

After picking up the phone, before Qiao Ruoqing could speak, a man's voice came from the phone: "Hi, is this Miss Qiao Ruoqing?"

This voice is a bit awkward, and the pronunciation is not very standard. It sounds like it should be a foreigner.

"It's me, may I ask if you are..."

"I'm Wilson from Group H. If it's convenient, I'd like to meet you now." The other party replied.

Qiao Ruoqing let out a breath.

Group H?

Been on the forum for so long and now finally showing up?

Seeing the change in Qiao Ruoqing's eyes, Zhou Liang frowned immediately.

But at this moment, Qiao Ruoqing smiled, and said with a sweet smile: "Okay, I just want to meet you too, where do you want to be?"

Soon, the two agreed on a time and place.

Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing hung up the phone, Zhou Liang hurriedly asked, "Mr. Qiao, what happened?"

Qiao Ruoqing smiled lightly, and replied, "People from Group H are looking for me, probably to discuss the acquisition."

After a pause, she laughed at herself again, "It seems that I was too optimistic before, and this matter is not groundless."

Qiao Ruoqing spoke calmly, but Zhou Liang couldn't laugh at all.

Recently, due to various rumors, as well as the matter of Qiao Ruoqing and Qian Youwei, the company's stock has dropped a lot. The rumor that H Group will acquire Qiao's has been circulating on the Internet for so long, but they have only contacted Qiao Ruoqing now. It should be planned.

The more he thought about it, the more Zhou Liang felt that this matter was not simple, and his tone of voice became a lot heavier: "Mr. Qiao, what should we do now? Group H must have come prepared."

"Let's see the situation first." Qiao Ruoqing said, standing up from the chair, "Let's go, let's meet this Mr. Wilson."

Zhou Liang didn't dare to neglect, and immediately followed Qiao Ruoqing's footsteps.

When they arrived, Wilson was already waiting there.

When talking on the phone, Qiao Ruoqing guessed that the other party should be a young, wise and powerful man.

Now that I see it, it's not exactly the same as I imagined, but it's almost the same.

The man was wearing a well-tailored suit, sitting in a booth, with crossed legs, curly blond hair, blue eyes staring at the computer screen on the table, his right hand resting on his mouth, thoughtful.

It's a shrewd and capable image.

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