In fact, in Qian Youwei's memory, Qian Jiang was not like this at the beginning. Although he favored boys over girls, he was not so irritable at that time.

Qian Jiang said more than once that the fortune teller said that he would have two sons, so when his wife was pregnant with a second child, Qian Jiang was very happy and took good care of her.

Unexpectedly, a daughter would be born, and his wife never got pregnant again.

Because of this incident, Qian Jiang was very dissatisfied with Qian Qing's mother and daughter, and often beat and scolded them.

At that time, Qian Youwei was still young, so he didn't dare to stop him, so he could only watch secretly, and took Qian Qing out to hide. When they came back, Qian Jiang had already beaten everyone up and went out to get drunk, and only his mother was left alone. Crying at the corner of the bed holding his wound.

Once my mother was beaten so badly that she ran out of the house, crashed into a car, became a vegetable, and never woke up again.

And after that, Qian Jiang actually took Qian Youwei away from Jiangcheng, and left Qian Qing, who was only a few years old, and his mother, who was lying on the hospital bed with unknown personnel, in Jiangcheng.

Later, Qian Qing grew up in her uncle's family. Although her uncle's family treated her very well, she still remembered everything Qian Jiang had done, and her resentment towards Qian Youwei and Qian Jiang grew deeper and deeper.

In Qian Qing's view, Qian Jiang loves Qian Youwei so much, if Qian Youwei could stand up and persuade Qian Jiang at that time, and help his mother talk, then those things that happened later would not have happened.

Qian Youwei has always known Qian Qing's resentment towards him, but he never blamed Qian Qing, he just thought about how to make it up.

Because looking back, what happened back then was indeed that he did not do well enough.

So when he came back to Jiangcheng, he didn't care about Qian Qing's attitude towards him, and no matter what unreasonable demands Qian Qing had, he would satisfy them.

I just hope that I can make up for some of my debts and make Qian Qing feel better.

What he didn't know was that Qian Qing was also blaming himself in his heart.

She thought more than once that if she was not a girl but a boy, then those things would not happen. Qian Jiang would not drink alcohol all day long and then take out his mother, and her mother would not run out of the house because of the beating and become become like this.

But after thinking about it later, whether she is a man or a woman is not something she can decide by herself. The one who decides is Qian Jiang.

So she put all the blame on Qian Youwei and Qian Jiang.

After work, one day, Qian Qing met Wei Ran.

It's not that she hasn't been chased by boys since she grew up to this age, and it's not that she hasn't liked others, but Wei Ran is different from others.

Wei Ran's kindness to others has no purpose at all, she just fell in love with him for no reason, and she wants to be with Wei Ran.

That's why she did these things, but she didn't expect that Wei Ran knew all about her worst side...

Qian Qing hugged her head vigorously, tears flowed down in big drops, and dripped on the ground, leaching out circle after circle of patterns, intertwined in a chaotic manner.

When Qian Qing was in a state of confusion, her cell phone rang, but she didn't move as if she didn't hear it.

It was only after Qiao Ruoqing patted her on the shoulder to remind her that she took the phone out of her pocket.

Wiping his eyes carelessly with the back of his hand, seeing that it was a call from the hospital, Qian Qing quickly picked up the phone and raised it to his ear, "Hello..."

Her voice was hoarse from crying.

The person on the other end of the phone probably didn't care, or didn't notice, and immediately said, "Hello? Is this Miss Qian? Your mother is awake, come and have a look!"

"What?!" Qian Qing groaned, stood up from the ground all of a sudden, put all other matters behind her, and asked the person on the other end of the phone, "Is what you said true? My mother mother, she..."

Maybe because she was too excited, she was a little incoherent.

"I woke up." The person on the other end of the phone took her words and urged, "I've been looking for you now, come here quickly!"

"Okay, I... I'll be here right away, right away!" Qian Qing agreed and hung up the phone.

Qian Youwei at the side only heard Qian Qing ask about his mother. As for what the other party said, he didn't hear a word. He felt a little flustered, so he hurried over and asked, "Qingqing, what's wrong with mom? Did she come out?" What's the matter?"

Qian Qing wiped away her tears and laughed, "Mom is awake, awake!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she realized who the person in front of her was, and the smile on her face went cold again in an instant.

"Why am I telling you this?!" Mumbling, Qian Qing turned around to get into the taxi he drove over.

Qiao Ruoqing was afraid that it would be unsafe for Qian Qing to drive like this, so she quickly stopped her and said, "Get in my car, I'll take you there."

Even though Qian Qing was in a very excited state now, as Qiao Ruoqing's voice reached her ears, she remembered what happened here just now.

All those memories came back together, Qian Qing remembered everything he had done to Qiao Ruoqing, and what Qiao Ruoqing knew now.

There was a flash of vigilance in his eyes, Qian Qing asked: "You will be so kind?"

"..." Qiao Ruoqing was really helpless.

"Otherwise, what should I do? If something happens to you, Qian will always be happy?" Qiao Ruoqing asked.

Only then did Qian Qing look back at Qian Youwei who was still standing there.

Yes, that person is her brother.

Although she really didn't want to admit this relationship, it was the fact that the blood relationship between them would continue to be cut no matter what.

Biting his lip, Qian Qing finally got into Qiao Ruoqing's car without saying a word to Qian Youwei.

Qian Youwei nodded slightly to Qiao Ruoqing as a silent thank you. After Qiao Ruoqing responded, she drove away.

When the car stopped at the entrance of the hospital, Qian Qing opened the door and got out before the car stopped.

Qiao Ruoqing was terrified when she saw it, and quickly shouted: "Slow down!"

Qian Qing didn't seem to hear, just kept running forward.

After she had run away for a while, Qiao Ruoqing saw Qian Youwei also coming over, and asked, "Why is your sister so impatient? You usually don't notice it at all."

Looking at Qian Qing's back, Qian Youwei just smiled and didn't say a word.

Of course he knew why Qian Qing was in such a hurry.

Qian Qing has been waiting for this day for almost 20 years. Now that her mother has finally woken up, how can she still be as calm as usual?
Looking at Qiao Ruoqing, Qian Youwei asked, "Mr. Qiao, will you go up with me to have a look?"

Qiao Ruoqing pointed at the tip of her nose, a little surprised, "Me? I'll go... Is it inappropriate?"

After all, she and Qian Qing are not even friends, and they just revealed such a secret.

And she didn't know Qian's mother either.

However, Qian Youwei seemed to have seen through Qiao Ruoqing's mind, and persuaded him: "No matter what happened today, and whether you recognize my father or me after the Qing Dynasty, I hope you will be merciful to this matter. , don't compare with Qingqing."

These two things seemed to have nothing to do with each other, but Qiao Ruoqing understood.

Qian Youwei's words were straightforward: I wanted her to go up and see Qian Qing and Qian's mother hugging and weeping bitterly. She was moved and was reluctant to hold Qian Qing accountable.

"Mr. Qian, you... are not hiding anything."

After saying a joke, Qiao Ruoqing looked around the hospital, but finally shook her head, "I'm not going, I want to visit my dad, I haven't been there for a long time."

On the way here, Qian Qing may have been too excited, and told all the things about the Qian family when he was a child.

Before today, Qiao Ruoqing had always thought that all fathers were just like her own and treated their daughters so well, but after listening to Qian Qing's story, she realized that there were still such fathers in this world.

Knowing that Qiao Ruoqing couldn't be persuaded, Qian Youwei didn't want to force her, and he had no right to force her, so he finally nodded and said "be careful on the road", and walked into the hospital quickly.

When he went to the ward, he happened to see his mother talking to Qian Qing. The mother and daughter were crying together, speaking with a crying tone.

Even Qian Youwei was a big man, his eyes were a little red.

After his mother became a vegetative state, he hadn't seen his mother for several years. Later, Qian Qing allowed him to come and see her, but he couldn't come too often.

Every time he came over, his mother was lying quietly. He would talk a lot to his mother every time, but he didn't know if his mother could hear her.

He had always thought that it would be great if his mother could wake up, but now that she really woke up, he was a little at a loss when he stood at the door of the ward and saw this scene.

He wanted to go into the ward and call "Mom", but he didn't dare.

What if mother, like Qian Qing, blamed him for what happened back then?My mother has just woken up now, and there are many situations that are not certain. What if something happens to her if she can't stand the stimulation?
Thinking of this, Qian Youwei couldn't help but took two steps back.

He even felt that the best thing for him to do was to leave immediately, not to appear in his mother's sight, and not to let her know that he had been here.

Anyway, Qian Qing probably wouldn't mention it.

As he was still thinking about it, the woman on the hospital bed had already looked over.

Seeing the hesitant man standing at the door, Qian's mother was slightly taken aback, observed carefully for a few seconds, then suddenly laughed and asked, "Is there something for you?"

Hearing Qian's mother's words, Qian Qing and Qian Youwei were taken aback.

Looking at the door, Qian Qing gave Qian Youwei a hard look, then supported Qian's mother's shoulder and said softly: "Mom, you read it wrong, isn't that..."

But Qian's mother waved at Qian Youwei as if she didn't hear Qian Qing's words, "Youwei, come here."

When she was a child, she often talked to Qian Youwei in this way.

A feeling that he hadn't seen for many years suddenly appeared, Qian Youwei forgot his hesitation and uneasiness, entered the ward involuntarily, stood still in front of the bed, and shouted with trembling lips: "Mom!"

"Hey!" Qian's mother immediately agreed, she stretched out her hand, wanting to hold Qian Youwei's hand, but it might be because she had been in a coma for too long, so her hand was a little weak.

Seeing his mother's hand hanging down like that, Qian Youwei almost subconsciously held that hand and massaged it gently.

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