Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 368 How can I escape from birth?

Every punctuation mark in Qiao Ruolan's words was ruthless, like a sharp knife tempered with poison, piercing Qiao Ruoqing's heart one by one.

Qiao Ruoqing looked at herself lingering in front of Qiao Ruolan, seeing herself in pain but helpless, seeing her originally beautiful and fair face being scratched with countless bloody gullies...

"No!" Qiao Ruoqing screamed and sat up suddenly, the surroundings were completely dark.

Huo Jingyuan was thinking about things all the time, and didn't fall asleep at all. Hearing Qiao Ruoqing's voice, he quickly turned on the bedside lamp, sat up, put his arms around Qiao Ruoqing and asked, "Honey, what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"

With this hug, he realized that Qiao Ruoqing was sweating all over, and even her clothes were soaked.

Looking again, Qiao Ruoqing's face and neck were also covered in sweat.

However, Qiao Ruoqing didn't have time to observe Huo Jingyuan's expression, nor did she have time to ask what time it was, her hands were carelessly touching her face.

It was smooth and flat, without wounds or scars.

Although this was the result she wanted, Qiao Ruoqing didn't dare to take it lightly, and touched it several times to make sure that her face was really fine, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Huo Jingyuan watched Qiao Ruoqing touch her face all the time, combined with the content of the text message, he immediately understood what kind of dream she was having.

"Don't be afraid, wife, I'm here, nothing happened." Huo Jingyuan turned on the light while talking, and took out Qiao Ruoqing's pajamas from the closet, "Go take a shower first, you sweat a lot."

Qiao Ruoqing didn't answer a word, and went into the bathroom with her pajamas.

When the shower fell, Qiao Ruoqing raised her head, enjoying the feeling of hot water pouring from her head to her feet.

If possible, she really hoped that the water could wash away that memory of hers.

She didn't want to have those memories at was horrible.

Even though the people who hurt her back then have been punished one by one, she is still afraid... Those five years of darkness were absolute torture to her body and mind.

Originally thought that she was reborn, and after going through these things again, everything changed, and she could live a good life.

But she didn't expect that those past events, the things she had experienced, would still enter her dreams.


When will she be able to escape from that nightmare?

Huo Jingyuan waited in the room for a long time and Qiao Ruoqing did not come out. He was afraid that something might happen to Qiao Ruoqing, so he opened the door twice and saw Qiao Ruoqing taking a shower.

Afraid that he would scare Qiao Ruoqing, he closed the door again, and sat down on the stool at the end of the bed.

Curse Qiao Ruoqing for disfiguring her face, and scare her with that kind of photo... Could it be Wu Shan?
Wu Shan wanted to marry the Huo family through that child, but the plan failed and the child disappeared. What she did in New York was made public again, and she always thought that the reason why her child disappeared was because of Qiao Ruoqing.

So, is she trying to scare Qiao Ruoqing in this way?
Huo Jingyuan took screenshots of the text messages and photos Qiao Ruoqing had received and sent them to his mobile phone, then deleted the contents.

In case Qiao Ruoqing was scared again.

Qiao Ruoqing stayed in the bathroom for almost an hour before she came out. She was wearing loose pajamas, her hair was just brushed casually, and the water was still dripping.

Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing's shoulders were wet from the water dripping from her hair, Huo Jingyuan immediately got up and went to get a hair dryer to blow Qiao Ruoqing's hair.

During the whole process, Qiao Ruoqing remained very quiet, she didn't make a sound, she didn't even move, she just stared at the front dully, not knowing what she was looking at.

Huo Jingyuan usually blows Qiao Ruoqing's hair to dry her scalp, and it is enough to dry her hair halfway, so that people will not feel uncomfortable, and it will not affect the quality of hair.

But this time, Huo Jingyuan dried Qiao Ruoqing's hair completely. He was afraid that Qiao Ruoqing would fall asleep after a while, and if she didn't dry her hair, she would catch a cold again.

After blowing her hair, seeing that Qiao Ruoqing just sat there blankly without speaking, Huo Jingyuan sat down beside her and asked her what she was thinking.

Qiao Ruoqing didn't answer.

She was wondering whether people could change their own destiny.

Although she was a little bit arrogant in her previous life, she did not do anything bad, but she ended up in such a fate.

After being reborn, she did so many things just to change herself and save herself.


In the end, Qiao Ruoqing shook her head, "It's okay, I... I didn't think about anything."

Knocking her head on Huo Jingyuan's shoulder, Qiao Ruoqing didn't speak any more.

This night, Qiao Ruoqing didn't dare to sleep anymore, because as soon as she lay on the bed and closed her eyes, Qiao Ruoqing's face that was slashed by Qiao Ruolan would appear in Qiao Ruoqing's mind.

It wasn't until the next morning, when the morning sun shone into the room through the window screens, that Qiao Ruoqing felt a little more relaxed.

Huo Jingyuan warmed her a glass of milk, put a sleeping pill in it that he would usually take, gave her a drink, watched her fall asleep, and then took a shower and went out.

Wu Shan still lives in the place Huo Jingyuan arranged for her.

At the beginning, it was because Wu Shan was pregnant, and there were many things that were not clear between the two of them, and Wu Shan suddenly became very aggressive, so Huo Jingyuan asked Lin Lang to arrange a place for her.

Otherwise, no matter what Wu Shan became, he wouldn't even care about it.

Wu Shan never expected that Huo Jingyuan would come to find her.

She had a bad life these past few days. She originally wanted to deny that she used such a despicable means to have a relationship with Huo Jingyuan, but she didn't expect that the plan failed, and Sun Yao also left. It has also been unsuccessful, and even the media are reluctant to interview her.

Even she herself wondered if she shouldn't have come back at all.

But he didn't expect to see Huo Jingyuan at this time.

The moment Huo Jingyuan's face appeared in front of her eyes, Wu Shan was slightly taken aback, then smiled immediately, "Jingyuan, are you here?"

The man in front of him stood motionless, looking at her with deep and cold eyes.

Wu Shan finally realized something was wrong, the smile on her face gradually faded, and she asked in a weak voice: "What's wrong? Jing Yuan, you are... what happened?"

Huo Jingyuan stretched out his hand, grabbed Wu Shan's neck, and pushed her against the wall, then asked coldly: "What else do you want to do? Push the pregnancy on me and lose the child." What do you want to do now if you push the matter to Ruoqing?"

This is not the first time that this happened, the last time Huo Jingyuan appeared in front of her like this and strangled her neck.

Moreover, Qiao Ruoqing's car accident last time was not her fault at all. As for why Huo Jingyuan came to her again now, and stared at her with murderous eyes, she had no idea at all.

"Jing Yuan, what did you say? What did I do?" Wu Shan asked while shaking Huo Jingyuan's hand.

Huo Jingyuan took out his mobile phone, flipped through the screenshot he had sent from Qiao Ruoqing's mobile phone, and held it in front of Wu Shan, "Wu Shan, can you still do this? Threats? You're good at playing!"

"No!" Wu Shan just glanced at the picture, then immediately turned her eyes away, shaking her head at Huo Jingyuan, "Jing Yuan, this matter has nothing to do with me, I didn't do it... really not... "

"What else are you afraid to do? What else can't you do?" Huo Jingyuan's face was livid, he threw Wu Shan to the ground, and squatted down in front of her. I didn't do anything to you, don't think I can tolerate you forever."

Although Huo Jingyuan is indifferent, he usually doesn't get close to people easily. Many people who see him feel that he has an aura of not being close to strangers.

But usually he is still very careful in the process of talking with people, and he will not say anything that embarrasses the other person.

However, it is different now.

Raising his right hand to pinch Wu Shan's chin, making her look up at him with a cold smile on her lips, Huo Jingyuan said in a low voice:

"Although you were pregnant with my child, you also know how that child came about. Don't say that the child is gone, even if he is still there, after you are born, he will have nothing to do with you. I will Keep him by your side, Ruoqing will be his mother, and you are nothing."

"So, even if you have that child, it doesn't pose any threat to me or Ruoqing, let alone now that you have nothing. Do you think these little tricks are still useful?"

"Wu Shan, in the eyes of me and Ruoqing, you have always been just a clown. Do you think such a trick is good? Do you find it funny to tell stories in front of the media and be seen as a joke?"

Although Wu Shan and Huo Jingyuan had no close contact, she had never seen Huo Jingyuan like this.

There was no fierceness or murderous look in his eyes, but it just made people feel cold and scared.

Wu Shan hugged Huo Jingyuan's arm with both hands, and said in a begging voice, "Jing Yuan, that's really not me, I never thought about it..."

"It's not you who made people scold me rhythmically on the Internet? Didn't you contact a media yesterday, wanting the other party to do an interview, and then fabricate in front of them how Ruoqing made you abort your child? It's just that you didn't Do you think I bought that media company?" Huo Jingyuan interrupted Wu Shan and asked.

Wu Shan was stunned.

She did call a media yesterday. She thought that the other party would be very interested in such a matter, but unexpectedly, the other party not only rejected her, but also humiliated her with vicious words.

It felt like she was stripped naked and thrown on the street for public display.

It turned out that Huo Jingyuan had arranged all of this?
"Why are you doing this to me? Jing Yuan, I love you so much..."

"Love? Is that love?" Huo Jingyuan curled up his lips and seemed to be smiling, but his eyes were extremely contemptuous, "You know best what kind of perverted feelings you have."

Throwing Wu Shan aside, Huo Jingyuan stood up, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the hands that had touched Wu Shan just now, and threw the handkerchief on Wu Shan's body.

"This is the last time. If you dare to do these small tricks behind your back again, you will know the consequences."

Then, he turned and walked away without any pause.

During the whole process, he didn't even enter the door.

Wu Shan lay on the ground, watching Huo Jingyuan's back gradually disappearing from sight, her hands clenched into fists.

Why?Why did things become like this?

She is the one who loves Huo Jingyuan the most, but why, in Huo Jingyuan's eyes, there is only room for Qiao Ruoqing?

Why? !

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