Throwing the pillow away, Wu Shan stood up from the sofa with a bang, and asked Sun Yao, "Where are you going?"

Sun Yao sneered, "Where am I going, does it have anything to do with you? You can go to heaven now, and you don't need my help."

After a pause, he suddenly said again: "I have always been just a tool you can use, haven't I?"

When he said this, Sun Yao was filled with a strong sadness.

Yes, he knows.

As early as the first time he saw this girl, he knew that she was not a kind person.

But even so, he still walked into her world willingly, even knowing that she might not care about him at all, he was still willing to do anything for her without hesitation.

This is the biggest stupidity he has committed in his nearly 30 years of life.

Wu Shan originally wanted to catch up, but her feet seemed to be filled with lead, and she stood there, unable to even move.

In the end, she could only watch the door slowly close, and finally couldn't even see a crack.


Sun Yao, he really left.


Before the news of Qiao Ruoqing and Huo Jingyuan's reconciliation spread, the video of Wu Shan's interview came out, and within two days of this incident, the news of someone maliciously and rhythmically posting comments spread again.

In short, for more than a week, the people of Jiangcheng were as busy as a spinning top just eating melons, and they couldn't stop at all.

However, Qiao Ruoqing had no such awareness at all.

Huo Jingyuan went to New York for a month, and now that he's back, whether it's the company or himself, he has a lot of things to deal with, so he doesn't meet Qiao Ruoqing frequently.

Fortunately, Qiao Ruoqing was not a clingy person. Seeing that Huo Jingyuan didn't have time to accompany her, she passed the time by herself, going shopping or something.

She thought that she hadn't bought new jewelry for a long time, so she wanted to go to the jewelry store, but she met Wei Ran in the jewelry store.

Wei Ran was picking out jewelry at the time, and seemed to be in a dilemma.

Qiao Ruoqing had known Wei Ran for so many years, and this was the first time she saw him showing such an expression, holding two necklaces on one side and the other on the left, looking at this one for a while, and the other for a while, feeling extremely entangled.

Qiao Ruoqing thought it was fun, walked over and patted him on the shoulder, and asked, "Wei Ran, when did you get your girlfriend? My old classmate doesn't know about it?"

Wei Ranzheng was in a difficult situation, so he was very involved. Suddenly, someone patted his shoulder, and he was startled. His hands trembled, and the necklace hanging on his hand almost fell off. When he turned his head, he saw Qiao Ruoqing.

Seeing that smiling face, Wei Ran relaxed, and explained blankly, "I don't have a girlfriend."

Qiao Ruoqing didn't believe it, she pouted at the necklace he was still holding.

Wei Ran immediately understood what Qiao Ruoqing meant, and smiled helplessly, "It's not for my girlfriend, it's my mother's birthday, I want to buy her a birthday present, but I don't know how to choose."

The shopping guide lady at the counter nodded repeatedly, "That's right, this gentleman has been choosing for a while, but he just doesn't know which one to choose. Miss, how about you help me choose?"

Before Qiao Ruoqing came, the shopping guide lady actually gave a lot of suggestions, but Wei Ran felt that it was inappropriate. The shopping guide lady advised him to buy both, but he also felt that his mother had always been very frugal, and he would definitely be unhappy when the time came, so he didn't accept it. .

Now hearing what the shopping guide lady said, Wei Ran immediately said, "That's right, Ruoqing, help me choose."

On this kind of matter, Qiao Ruoqing never refused, asked Wei Ran about his mother's usual preferences, made a guess, and chose one of them, "I think this one is good, your mother should like it very much. "

Wei Ran looked at the necklace Qiao Ruoqing had chosen, and then at the other one, still feeling very embarrassed.

It was rare to see Wei Ran in such a daze, Qiao Ruoqing couldn't help laughing, "Actually, parents don't necessarily want their children to buy expensive and beautiful gifts, all they want is a thought, so you don't have to worry about which necklace to buy , as long as you buy it, Auntie will like it very much."

When the shopping guide heard Qiao Ruoqing's words, she immediately echoed her.

Wei Ran has been standing here for more than half an hour, she looks tired, and she just hopes that Wei Ran can choose quickly.

In the end, Wei Ran chose the one Qiao Ruoqing liked.

When he went to check out, Qiao Ruoqing looked at it by herself, but after a while, she heard someone calling her name behind her.

Turning around to see, it was Mencius Zhao and Yao Shuangshuang.

"Shuangshuang, Mr. Meng, why did you come here?" Seeing Yao Shuangshuang holding Meng Zizhao's hand, Qiao Ruoqing had a meaningful smile on her face.

These two people really have a very good relationship, and they wish they could stick to each other.

But isn't she and Huo Jingyuan also like this?

But Yao Shuangshuang was not in the good mood to speculate.

Looking at the cashier, Yao Shuangshuang frowned slightly and asked, "Ruoqing, I just saw you choose the chain with that person, don't you..."

She said it more tactfully, but Meng Zizhao was short-tempered and asked directly: "Are you two dating?"

Qiao Ruoqing: "..."

It's just to choose a necklace, why is it rounded off?
"No, that's my classmate, buying a gift for his mother."

However, Meng Zizhao still finds this kind of explanation unacceptable, "He can just buy it himself, why should you pick it? How can there be such a reason? I think you are just..."

Yao Shuangshuang couldn't bear it anymore, bumped Meng Zizhao's waist, and glared at him again, "What are you talking about? Wasn't Ruoqing still with Jing Yuan when you called last time?"

It was only after Yao Shuangshuang reminded Meng Zizhao that he remembered, yes, Qiao Ruoqing and Huo Jingyuan have reconciled.

In that case, why should he worry?

But he can't be blamed for this, after all, too many things have happened recently, and the trend is too fast, he can't keep up at all.

And speaking of this, he was a little sorry.

Looking at Qiao Ruoqing, Meng Zizhao lowered his voice a bit:
"I'm sorry about... about Sun Yao. I've asked about him and Wu Shan. It's his fault. He and Wu Shan also made things happen in New York. Don't blame Jing Yuan... But If you reconcile, that's fine, don't make trouble like this in the future, I'm scared when I see it."

After all, when he broke up with Qiao Ruoqing, Huo Jingyuan seemed to be a different person. He was not angry at all, and was extremely depressed.

Qiao Ruoqing also remembered what Huo Jingyuan looked like when Meng Zizhao brought Huo Jingyuan to find her that day.

Although the two reconciled, Qiao Ruoqing still felt that she was at fault when she thought of Huo Jingyuan who had lost her soul back then, and the guilt that had just disappeared came out again.


After coming out of the jewelry store, Qiao Ruoqing called Huo Jingyuan, and the phone rang several times before the person picked up and asked, "What's wrong? Wife, miss me?"

The voice was the same as usual, full of pampering and a little narcissistic.

Qiao Ruoqing's heart was still a little heavy, but when she heard Huo Jingyuan's tone, she couldn't help laughing again.

After getting into the car, Qiao Ruoqing asked, "Where are you now?"

"I'm meeting a client, and I'll be home after five o'clock. I'll go back and take a shower, and then I'll find you for dinner." Huo Jingyuan replied.

Qiao Ruoqing looked at the time.

It's only three o'clock, still early.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you." After hanging up the phone, Qiao Ruoqing didn't go home, but went to the supermarket to buy a bunch of vegetables and went to Huo Jingyuan's apartment.

She only cooked breakfast for Huo Jingyuan once before, and even burnt the eggs. Because of this, Huo Jingyuan disliked her very much and felt sorry for her, so he never let her into the kitchen.

But this time, if she wanted to cook another meal for Huo Jingyuan, she could treat it as an apology.

So, when Huo Jingyuan returned to the apartment, he could smell the smell of rice as soon as he opened the door.

He had just untied his tie and was going to take a shower, but when he saw the person sitting on the sofa in the living room, he was slightly taken aback.

Qiao Ruoqing was originally playing with her mobile phone, but when she heard footsteps, she raised her head and smiled at Huo Jingyuan, "Are you back? You can eat now."

Huo Jingyuan swallowed almost subconsciously.

Not because of hunger or hunger, but because of... fear.

Although it has been almost a year since Qiao Ruoqing cooked him breakfast, even thinking about it now, Huo Jingyuan still feels... lingering fear.

Glancing casually at the dining table, Huo Jingyuan didn't dare to speak too directly, but asked, "Did you order takeaway? Or did Uncle Wang deliver it?"

Qiao Ruoqing just took the coat from his hand, and originally wanted to put it on the sofa, but when she heard what he said, her face sank, she threw the coat on the sofa, and glared at him again, "What do you mean? Can't I do it myself?"

Huo Jingyuan hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, I just feel...I want you to cook, I have wronged you..."

Just talking doesn't count, he still has a smile on his face, and his eyes look really distressed.

It was very distressing, but besides Qiao Ruoqing, he loved his stomach even more.

But Qiao Ruoqing didn't read so many emotions, knowing that Huo Jingyuan loves her, she dragged Huo Jingyuan to the restaurant and said, "I'm fine, I made these dishes according to the videos on the Internet, there will be no problem."

The closer he was to the dining table, the more clearly Huo Jingyuan could see that those delicious-looking meals just now... actually looked pretty good.

But for some reason, he just felt that he had no idea, and always felt like he was about to be assassinated.

Pushing Huo Jingyuan onto the chair and sitting down, Qiao Ruoqing graciously handed the chopsticks to him, sat down opposite him, and said with a smile on her face, "Taste my skills."

The sound of tableware clashing suddenly came to mind at the quiet dining table.

Qiao Ruoqing felt strange, and when she looked at Huo Jingyuan's hand, she saw that Huo Jingyuan's hand was shaking. The sound... came from the chopsticks he held between his fingertips.

In just a split second, the smile on Qiao Ruoqing's face disappeared instantly, and she asked in a deep voice, "Don't you want to eat?"

"No." Huo Jingyuan didn't even dare to have time to think, he almost instinctively answered Qiao Ruoqing's question, and then picked up the vegetables with shaking hands.

However, after pinching it several times, he couldn't lift it up. He was afraid that Qiao Ruoqing would get angry, and he was nervous, and there was even a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

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