Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 359 The child is gone

Qiao Ruoqing had dealt with so many monsters and monsters, so she immediately understood what the other party meant, and immediately raised her head to clarify: "I didn't make her child!"

After being reminded by Qiao Ruoqing, Shi Shi, who hadn't had time to speak just now, also reacted, and echoed: "That is, whether Huo Jiacheng recognizes her or not, her child has nothing to do with Ruoqing!"

She became irritable, and pushed those people outside, "You know how to watch the fun, since you are so distressed, why is there no one to help?"

When Shi Shi said this, the young man who called just now stood up immediately, squatted down, and said to Qiao Ruoqing, "Come on, I've called just now, the ambulance will be here soon, I'll take her out."

Qiao Ruoqing's strength was limited, and it was really difficult to pick up a woman who was about the same height and figure as herself, so she didn't refuse, said "thank you", and handed Wu Shan to her.

When the ambulance arrived, that young man also helped to send Wu Shan to the hospital. Qiao Ruoqing followed and asked Shi Shi to pay all the expenses.

Shi Shi's boss looked reluctant, and complained: "Ruoqing, why are you doing this? She is your rival in love..."

"Huo Jingyuan and I have already passed by. When we see others in trouble, we will always help them." As he spoke, he pushed Shi Shi away, "Go, I'll wait here."

Shi Shi knew how stubborn Qiao Ruoqing was, so she didn't refuse anymore, but she still felt a little uncomfortable, and went to pay the fee while muttering softly.

The young man was waiting outside the operating room with Qiao Ruoqing, looking at Qiao Ruoqing from time to time, but he didn't speak, sometimes Qiao Ruoqing looked at him, and he immediately looked away.

After more than half an hour, the doctor came out, Qiao Ruoqing walked over immediately, and asked with a little nervousness in her voice, "Doctor, what's the matter?"

"The child is gone, the adults are fine, but they are still in a coma. During this time, pay attention to nutrition and rest." After talking to Qiao Ruoqing about the situation, the doctor asked, "Are you her family member?"

Qiao Ruoqing also felt sad when she heard that Wu Shan's child was gone. Now that the doctor asked about this, she shook her head in embarrassment, "I'm not, I'm her..."

Qiao Ruoqing suddenly didn't know what to say, because she and Wu Shan didn't even seem to be friends.

The doctor didn't mind this, but said: "Let's stay in the hospital for two days first, or you can take it back if you want, it's up to you."

Then just walked away.

After sending Wu Shan to the ward, Qiao Ruoqing stood at the door, a little dazed and at a loss.

What should she do?Throw Wu Shan in the hospital and forget about it?This doesn't seem very good. After all, a woman who has no children will definitely not be able to do without someone by her side.

But it's impossible for her to be here with Wu Shan. The relationship between them seems to be beyond the words "awkward".

The young man who had been standing by might have seen something, and suggested, "Miss Qiao, why don't you call Mr. Huo?"

Qiao Ruoqing didn't notice it before, but she thought about it carefully on the way to the hospital. Behind the restaurant, when everyone was blaming her, this young man didn't seem to say a word.

At that time, she thought that he was completely ignorant of the relationship between her, Wu Shan and Huo Jingyuan, so she didn't speak.

But judging from the other party's proposal now, he clearly knew it.

But now Qiao Ruoqing didn't bother to ask questions, she just felt that what the other party said made sense, so she took out her mobile phone and called Huo Jingyuan.

However, what came from the mobile phone was just a mechanical female voice: [Sorry, the number you dialed has been turned off. 】

Qiao Ruoqing pursed her lips.

A person like Huo Jingyuan has countless calls and messages every day, how could he shut down his phone?

It seems that she was dragged to the blacklist, right?

That's right, after Wu Shan's pregnancy results came out, didn't she immediately blacklist Huo Jingyuan?She can do such a thing, so why can't Huo Jingyuan?
Thinking of this, Qiao Ruoqing smiled wryly.

It doesn't seem like a good thing to be blacklisted in the address book.

Qiao Ruoqing took the phone from her ear, hesitating whether to call Tang Lan, but suddenly saw a person.

He was a young man in his 20s, wearing a light-colored T-shirt and jeans, and wearing glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Qiao Ruoqing felt that the other party looked familiar, and seeing him coming directly towards her, she was even more sure that they had met before.

She was just about to ask the other party's name, but the other party had already arrived in front of her, and asked with a dark face, "Where is she?!"

The tone sounded very unfriendly, as if suppressing anger.

Qiao Ruoqing was taken aback, and asked blankly, "Who?"

The other party clenched his fist, and then continued: "Wu Shan!"

Qiao Ruoqing pointed to the ward, "She's in there, you are..."

Before she could finish her sentence, the man gave her a hard look, and then... entered the ward.

Qiao Ruoqing was still holding the phone in her hand, and she was even more at a loss.

This person... what's going on?

The young man opposite looked into the ward, and just in time saw the man covering Wu Shan with a quilt, so he said to Qiao Ruoqing, "Miss Qiao, I think he should be Wu Shan's friend, we can go now."

Qiao Ruoqing nodded, and wanted to thank the young man after leaving the inpatient department, only to find that the young man was no longer by her side.

Shi Shi drove over, saw her looking around, frowned and asked, "Ruoqing, what are you looking at? Get in the car!"

Qiao Ruoqing let out an "oh", opened the door and got in the car. Shi Shi started the car before she could sit still.

Because of inertia, Qiao Ruoqing tilted her body slightly, and said to Shi Shi, "Why are you driving so fast?"

In her memory, Shi Shi has always been very gentle in driving.

Shi Shi had a dark face, looked at her in the rearview mirror, and said angrily, "Slow down? Wait for the reporters to surround you?!"

Qiao Ruoqing was confused by Shi Shi's words, and asked, "What do you mean?"

This time, Shi Shi didn't even say a word, just unlocked it with his fingerprint, and threw the phone into Qiao Ruoqing's lap.

Qiao Ruoqing took a look at the phone, and there were several photos on the screen.

The first one is Wu Shan holding her hand, talking about something emotionally.

The second picture shows Wu Shan kneeling for her behind the restaurant.

The third picture shows Wu Shan fainted on the ground, with a lot of blood on her skirt, and she is beside her.

Qiao Ruoqing frowned, and muttered, "These photos..."

"This has been posted on the Internet, and I don't know who took it. It says between the lines that if something happens to Wu Shan, you have nothing to do with it..." After a pause, Shi Shi became concerned about another matter, "Yes Now, how is Wu Shan's child?"

Although Shi Shi didn't like Wu Shan, and she didn't even like her child, but now she hoped that Wu Shan and that child would be safe.

Because in this way, Qiao Ruoqing can save some troubles.

However, Shi Shi saw from the rearview mirror that Qiao Ruoqing shook her head with a serious expression.

Shi Shi also sighed, "It's over, now you're in trouble again!"

As she said that, she guessed: "What do you think Wu Shan is thinking? Couldn't she have arranged this on purpose? To frame you, so she lost her child?"

Although she also felt that such an approach was unbelievable or even very impossible, Shi Shi still couldn't help but scold Wu Shan for being cruel in her heart.

Qiao Ruoqing didn't know what Shi Shi was thinking, but said: "Impossible, this is Jing Yuan's child, she likes Jing Yuan so much, it's impossible..."

No matter what, Wu Shan probably wouldn't risk this child.

But what happened today?Could it be that it was really such a coincidence that Wu Shan went to find her, then fell down and lost her child?

It always feels like something is wrong.

And the most important thing is not this.

For the media, this incident is undoubtedly big news... Shi Shi is right, it seems that she is in trouble again!
After returning the phone to Shi Shi, Qiao Ruoqing leaned back in the chair, closed her eyes, pinched the bridge of her nose, but felt her head hurt more and more.



Sun Yao has been guarding in the ward, never leaving a single step.

When Wu Shan woke up, it was already late at night, and the ward was pitch black, and she could only see some vague outlines through the faint light shining in from the window.

She wanted to sit up, but there was no strength in her body, and a little sound came out of her mouth.

Suddenly, a round object suddenly lifted up beside the bed, and at the same time, a man's voice reached her ears: "Are you awake?"

Before Wu Shan could react, the light in the ward was turned on, and Sun Yao poured a glass of water and handed it to her.

Seeing that the person in the ward was Sun Yao, Wu Shan breathed a sigh of relief, but instead of taking the glass of water, she just asked, "Where's my child?"

As for the memory after the fall, Wu Shan is actually very vague. She only remembers the mess at that time, and then she seemed to be carried into the car by someone.

After that, I don't remember anything.

Seeing that Wu Shan didn't drink water, Sun Yao put the glass aside, sat down again, and replied, "No more."

His tone was very indifferent, as if it was just a small matter to him.

In fact, it was not a small matter, but he had persuaded Wu Shan at the beginning, but Wu Shan refused to listen and insisted on doing that. Now that the matter has developed to this point, it is within his expectation, so he is not surprised.

Wu Shan was stunned for a moment, staring at Sun Yao's face with a pair of eyeballs, then turned around indiscriminately, and then tears rolled down from her eye sockets like a river breaking a bank.

She bit her lip and tried not to cry out, but she was still sobbing uncontrollably.

Seeing her like this, Sun Yao also felt uncomfortable, took out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her, and said softly, "It's not necessarily a bad thing."

Wu Shan, who was wiping her tears, stopped crying when she heard this, she fixedly looked at Sun Yao and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Sun Yao didn't make a sound.

Anyway, even if this child is always there, the Huo family will not marry Wu Shan.

In this case, the existence of this child can only be a stain and a burden to Wu Shan.

It's better not to.

After a long time, Sun Yao said: "The hospital Qiao Ruoqing sent you to, and..."

"I asked you what you meant just now!" Wu Shan interrupted Sun Yao, "Sun Yao, have you forgotten how difficult it is for this child to come? Have you forgotten that you also have a part in this? !"

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