Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 341 I apologize for him

"Then why are you posting it online? To force Huo Jingyuan?" Sun Yao asked.

Last time when Wu Shan posted about her pregnancy on the Internet, he persuaded Wu Shan, thinking that Wu Shan could change it.

Unexpectedly, in such a short time, Wu Shan did something even more extraordinary.

Wu Shan leaned on the back of the sofa leisurely, and said confidently: "After those words were posted last time, you don't know what those people said about me on the Internet. Now that the result is finally here, why don't I put it up and block it?" Shut those mouths? Do you want to see me being scolded?"

"I..." Sun Yao was at a loss for words for a moment.

How could he want to see Wu Shan being scolded?In fact, when Wu Shan was being scolded by others, he even bought some sailors to help Wu Shan speak, but he was afraid that if he made it too obvious, he would attract attention, so he was very modest.

Paralyzed on the sofa, Sun Yao supported his forehead with his hands, rubbed it constantly, and did not speak.

Seeing Sun Yao like this, Wu Shan knew that he had always disapproved of her doing such a radical thing, so she was really angry, so she softened her tone and persuaded:

"You don't want to be like this. You don't even know how the old lady of the Huo family treated me when I went to the Huo family last time. Now it has been confirmed that I am pregnant with their seed. She will see you later Am I being rude? And..."

"I didn't agree with you when I was in New York." Sun Yao interrupted Wu Shan without even opening his eyes. will look down on you."

Wu Shan bit her lower lip.

How could she not know?By doing this, she was clearly forcing the Huo family.

No one likes to be persecuted, especially a family like the Huo family.

But if she doesn't do this, what else can she do?The relationship between Huo Jingyuan and Qiao Ruoqing was so good that it was almost indestructible. It's not that she hadn't thought of other ways before, but it was useless at all.

She knew this was a bad strategy, but she had no other way to go.

Taking Sun Yao's arm, Wu Shan said softly, "I only have this knew when we first met that I don't want much, I just want to marry Jing Yuan."

"I know you want to persuade me to stop, but now, I can't accept it at all. Everyone knows that I am pregnant with Jing Yuan's child. Do you want them to know how this child came about?"

Although Wu Shan just asked that question, Sun Yao felt a lot of headaches.

This kid was too embarrassing.

Although things are getting serious now and Wu Shan's face is not good-looking, at least there are still many people who will stand by her side, because she is a woman who is pregnant but not recognized, and is a weak person.

But if the truth of the matter is known, then Wu Shan will become the joke of the whole Jiangcheng.

Maybe it's not just Jiangcheng.

"What about now? Did Huo Jingyuan say he wanted to marry you?" Sun Yao asked.

Wu Shan pursed her lips, and after a long silence, she said: "Now he should be thinking about what's going on...but he will marry me one day."

Gently pressing her lower abdomen with her palm, Wu Shan said to herself, "He must marry me. I have their seed in my belly. Even if he doesn't marry me, his family won't ignore me."

On this point, Wu Shan is right, but "managing" and "marrying" are two different concepts.

Huo Jiang was originally abroad, and when Tang Lan called him to tell him about this incident, he almost shed tears of anger, so he immediately put aside the foreign affairs and returned to the country.

In the end, he was still thinking about how to deal with this matter, when he suddenly heard that Wu Shan was pregnant, and the child was indeed Huo Jingyuan's.

Huo Jiang never asked much about Huo Jingyuan's affairs, because he knew in his heart that no matter what his son did, he had his own measure, and he also knew what to do and what not to do.

Even if it was really a momentary misjudgment and he did something he shouldn't do, then he would not evade, but would take the responsibility he should bear.

But this incident was completely beyond Huo Jiang's expectation.

Huo Jiang went to Huo Jingyuan's office, asked about everything, and got the result: the child was indeed his, but he was sure that he had never had a relationship with Wu Shan.

Huo Jiang frowned, and asked him, "You really spent the night together?"

"I'm drunk." Huo Jingyuan looked sideways, "I don't know anything."

Huo Jiang sighed.

Huo Jingyuan's drinking capacity is clear in his heart. Although he doesn't say that he won't get drunk after a thousand drinks, at least he doesn't get drunk so easily.

And when socializing outside, Huo Jingyuan has always been very measured, as long as he feels a little drunk, no matter how much he persuades him, he will not drink another drink.

Therefore, this kind of drinking fragments has never happened to Huo Jingyuan.

"Now it seems that you have been tricked." Huo Jiang said, standing up from the sofa, "Where is Ruoqing? Have you visited?"

Huo Jingyuan pursed his lips and did not answer.

He wanted to go and see, but when he came, he didn't have the face to go to Qiao Ruoqing, and he didn't dare to swear that the child had nothing to do with him.

Secondly, even if he went, Qiao Ruoqing might not see him.

No, it should be said that Qiao Ruoqing will definitely not see him.

After all, she only knew that Wu Shan was pregnant before, so Qiao Ruoqing didn't want to see him anymore, let alone now.

Before hearing Huo Jingyuan's answer, Huo Jiang already knew the answer, and sighed again.

"I'll go for a walk, don't worry about it," Huo Jiang said.

Huo Jingyuan raised his head, as if he saw some hope, he wanted to stand up too.

But Huo Jiang stopped him immediately, "I'll go by myself, you should think about what to do with the matter between you and Wu Shan."

Huo Jingyuan sat back down again.

what to do?He really doesn't know what to do now.

But no matter what, he would never marry Wu Shan.

Huo Jiang ignored Huo Jingyuan and set off for Huatian.

Qiao Ruoqing took it with her in the office, doing nothing.

I don't know if it's because of taking care of her emotions, Zhou Liang actually vacated her schedule these few days, and he basically handles the company's affairs.

Qiao Ruoqing only needs to stay in the office and occasionally sign the documents sent by him or Shi Shi.

This job is so simple that it couldn't be simpler, just like the uncle at the gate of the unit.

Qiao Ruoqing was lying on the desk, staring in a daze at the flower stand Huo Jingyuan gave her.

For more than half a year, she has always taken good care of those green plants. Even after the cold war with Huo Jingyuan, she never neglected them.

But the longer the green plants, the better, but the relationship between her and Huo Jingyuan has come to this point.

Huo Jingyuan never looked for her again, nor did he give any explanation.

So... that means it's true, right?What Wu Shan told her was true, and he had always liked Wu Shan.

Qiao Ruoqing felt that her mind was very confused, so she closed her eyes.

Before she could open her eyes, the landline on the desk rang. Qiao Ruoqing raised her hand to pick it up. Before she could speak, she heard Zhou Liang's voice: "Mr. Qiao, Mr. Huo is here."

Although she still complained that Huo Jingyuan didn't look for her just now, Qiao Ruoqing still felt angry when she heard about the other party.

"What is he here for? No see." Qiao Ruoqing responded, hung up the phone, and lay down again.

After two seconds, Qiao Ruoqing realized something was wrong.

Usually, if Huo Jingyuan came over, Zhou Liang would usually say "Mr. Huo".

Then this Mr. Huo...

Feeling vaguely that she had made some terrible mistake, Qiao Ruoqing sat up quickly, picked up the landline and dialed Zhou Liang's inside line and asked, "You just said, Mr. Huo?"

Zhou Liang guessed that Qiao Ruoqing might have misunderstood the identity of the visitor, so although Qiao Ruoqing had a bad attitude just now and hung up the phone without hesitation, Zhou Liang did not deal with Huo Jiang, but behaved entertain each other.

Sure enough, within a minute, he received a call from Qiao Ruoqing.

Looking at Huo Jiang, Zhou Liang replied to Qiao Ruoqing on the other end of the phone without changing his expression: "Yes, Mr. Huo Jiang."

Qiao Ruoqing slapped her forehead, and immediately said, "Come in, please!"

Then, she began to tidy up her appearance, and by the way, she thought about how to find an explanation for her actions just now.

However, before she could find a reasonable explanation, Huo Jiang had already entered.

Huo Jiang and Huo Jingyuan are father and son, their eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar, and their demeanor is also similar, but Huo Jiang is more calm than Huo Jingyuan.

This is Huo Jiang's first visit to Qiao Ruoqing's office. After looking around, Huo Jiang said: "Ruoqing, your place is well-decorated, and you look energetic."

Qiao Ruoqing was a little embarrassed, and asked Huo Jiang to sit down, and after a few pleasantries, she asked, "Uncle Huo, why are you here? What's the matter?"

While speaking, her hands were clasped together vigorously.

In fact, she probably guessed in her heart that Huo Jiang came to her probably because of Huo Jingyuan's affairs.

The last time Tang Lan left Qiao's house, she never looked for her again, and then revealed the relationship between the child in Wu Shan's belly and Huo Jingyuan... Qiao Ruoqing couldn't call Tang Lan, but she probably guessed. Get it, Tang Lan must feel uncomfortable.

This is not because she feels good about herself and thinks that she is so important in Tang Lan's heart, but because this incident has a great impact on the Huo family, and it is all negative.

This is something Huo Shi has never encountered before.

"A lot of things have happened recently. I'll come and see you." Huo Jiang replied, "Ruoqing, you are a sensible child. It's not easy to pick Qiao up at such a young age. You also have your own judgment in doing things."

Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing's face changed slightly, Huo Jiang continued: "But don't worry, I didn't come to see you today to make you get back together with Jing Yuan, nor did I want to put any pressure on you."

While speaking, Huo Jiang stood up, "I have no way to teach my son. Although this matter has not been fully understood, it is Jing Yuan's fault no matter what. I apologize to you on Jing Yuan's behalf."

After finishing speaking, he actually bent down and bowed ninety degrees to Qiao Ruoqing.

Huo Jiang is an elder, so there is no reason for an elder to bow to a younger generation. Qiao Ruoqing was so frightened that she jumped up from the sofa, helped Huo Jiang up and said, "Uncle Huo, what are you doing..."

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