To this, Huo Jingyuan just replied "Thank you" indifferently, and there was nothing else.

He never cared about other people's blessings, and at this time, he didn't care that much either.

As for Wu Shan's matter, I still have to find a way to deal with it.

After leaving Huo Jingyuan's office, Jiang Yuan didn't go anywhere else, but went back to the hotel with her assistant.

As soon as he entered the room, the assistant immediately said: "It seems that the incident this time is very serious. I heard that Qiao Ruoqing hasn't seen President Huo for more than a week. When she left from Huo's last time, she seemed to have slapped President Huo." .”

Jiang Yuan was holding the coffee in her hand, and she had already brought it to her lips. When she heard this, she put the coffee back on the table, fixedly looked at the assistant and asked, "Did you hit... Huo Jingyuan?"

She seldom paused when she spoke, but this time the assistant didn't find it strange. After all, when she first heard about it, her reaction was even more exaggerated than Jiang Yuan's.

Nodding his head, the assistant said: "Well, this is because one of Mr. Huo's secretary went in to deliver the documents. He accidentally saw the palm print on Mr. Huo's face... Not many people went to Mr. Huo's office that day. The one who beat him... was Qiao Ruoqing."

Jiang Yuan leaned her back on the sofa, propping her forehead with her right hand.

A man like Huo Jingyuan is a high-altitude flower to most people, and he refuses to say a word to anyone, but Qiao Ruoqing... can slap him?

It seems that to Huo Jingyuan, Qiao Ruoqing is indeed the most special existence.

But after knowing this, Jiang Yuan felt a little lucky.

Fortunately, she was not in a hurry to act at the beginning, otherwise, there might not have been a barrier between Qiao Ruoqing and Huo Jingyuan, but she would have paid for it instead.

Fortunately, now that there is a Wu Shan, there are some things that Wu Shan just needs to do.

Anyway, hasn't Wu Shan already started?And from what the assistant said, it seems that Wu Shan's rank is not very high. It will be much easier to get Qiao Ruoqing down first, and then get Wu Shan later.

After taking a sip of coffee, Jiang Yuan ordered to the assistant: "Go and find Wu Shan and let her come to see me."

The assistant agreed and hurried to do it.

In fact, she was very puzzled, why did Jiang Yuan want to see Wu Shan, and why Wu Shan was willing to see Jiang Yuan?
But Jiang Yuan's order was like that, so she didn't dare to ask more. In short, Jiang Yuan wanted to see Wu Shan, so she had to find ways to bring Wu Shan here.

As for other things, that's not her business.

Fortunately, I have been with Jiang Yuan for a long time, and the assistant can do these things with ease. It didn't take long to find Wu Shan, not to mention, and even brought Wu Shan to the hotel that night.

Wu Shan recognized at a glance that the girl sitting in front of her was the girl she met at Huo's today.

Looking up and down on Jiang Yuan's body, Wu Shan asked after looking her up and down, "Who are you?"

Jiang Yuan found it interesting, "Miss Wu dares to come to see me even if she doesn't know who I am?"

Wu Shan leaned on the sofa and sat sideways, squinting at Jiang Yuan's assistant, "This Miss Li said, you have a way to solve my current troubles, why don't I come?"

Jiang Yuan laughed, "Yes, I have a solution, as long as Ms. Wu is willing to cooperate, then you can get whatever you want."

Wu Shan pursed her lips and began to think carefully.

If I can see Jiang Yuan at Huo's today, then Jiang Yuan should be Huo Jingyuan's client. To have his own assistant at such a young age, to have this kind of temperament, and to see Huo Jingyuan whenever he wants, must be capable.

In other words, as long as she really wants to help herself, she can succeed.

But the problem is...

Knocking her chin, Wu Shan decided to try it out first, "Then tell me, what do I want?"

"If I'm not wrong, it's the position of Mrs. Huo's family, right?" Jiang Yuan smiled at the corners of her eyes, her facial features softened, "Miss Wu, as long as we cooperate, then I have a way for Huo Jingyuan to marry you."

Wu Shan smiled, "I thought it was some kind of temptation, so it's just like this?"

She adjusted her sitting posture with haughty eyes, "If you want to marry Jing Yuan, I can do it without you..."

"Really?" Jiang Yuan smiled, although her voice was soft, but there was a kind of distrust, and even a hint of arrogance, "If this is really the case, then you will be kicked out of the office by Mr. Huo ?"

Seeing that Wu Shan's face had changed, Jiang Yuan quickly said, "Don't be surprised, Ms. Wu, after all, this kind of thing is not something glorious, and it's not surprising that it will be used as a conversation piece after dinner, and it's even less surprising if I know about it." ,Am I right?"

Jiang Yuan's words seemed light and light, but every word was like a thorn in Wu Shan's heart.

Not something glorious.

After-dinner conversation.

No matter how you look at it, she is a joke in the eyes of others.

Even if she could marry Huo Jingyuan as she wished in the future, she would be a joke.

Wu Shan narrowed her eyes slightly, but she didn't want Jiang Yuan to see her embarrassment, so she had to suppress all the anger in her heart.

Although Wu Shan didn't say anything, Jiang Yuan could tell that she was feeling uncomfortable. After all, as a woman, picking up any of those things would make people collapse.

But it's not easy for Wu Shan to survive until now.

And to Jiang Yuan, Wu Shan is just a pawn.

As for the feeling of the chess piece, whether it will collapse or not is not something Jiang Yuan needs to consider at all.

"Miss Wu, have you considered it?" Jiang Yuan held a coffee cup in her hand and behaved elegantly.

Wu Shan exhaled slightly, and looked at Jiang Yuan again, "Why did you help me?"

She knows that people in this world can't afford to be early.

If it is not profitable, there is no need for this person to help her and cause trouble for himself.

However, this problem was also expected by Jiang Yuan.

Being able to think of this shows that Wu Shan is not too stupid, so she has a little more appreciation for Wu Shan.

"I just want to get angry because I don't like Qiao Ruoqing because of things at work." Jiang Yuan's tone was light, "You also know how arrogant Qiao Ruoqing was in the mall because of Huo Jingyuan's support before."

"So you want to help me get Huo Jingyuan?" Wu Shan asked.

Jiang Yuan tilted her head, "Qiao Ruoqing cares so much about Huo Jingyuan, if Huo Jingyuan marries another woman, she must be in pain. I just want to see her suffer."

Wu Shan didn't believe it.

Although Jiang Yuan's words sound like that, but... I always feel that things are not that simple.

"No need, I can do these things by myself." Wu Shan wanted to get up as she said that.

Seeing that Wu Shan had no intention of cooperating with her, Jiang Yuan was not in a hurry, but asked calmly, "Don't Miss Wu want to know what I can do?"

Wu Shan tightened her grip on the bag, sat back down again, but didn't make a sound.

Knowing what Wu Shan meant, Jiang Yuan said, "Don't worry, Ms. Wu, I won't ask you for any reward or benefits. I don't need anything, but I just feel that Ms. Wu is working too hard. My little effort can help Ms. Wu , and make Qiao Ruoqing suffer, why not?"

Then, without waiting for Wu Shan to speak again, Jiang Yuan said: "The matter now is still too small, Miss Wu, if you want to marry into the Huo family, you'd better make it bigger."

Pulling the corners of her lips, Jiang Yuan continued: "After all, this is the only way to put pressure on the Huo family, right?"

Wu Shan sat where she was, neither moving nor speaking.

But what she had to admit was that what the woman in front of her said made sense. Huo's has been a leading company in Jiangcheng for so many years, and what is the most important thing about such a company?

In this regard, both Huo Jiang and Huo Jingyuan have done a good job, so there has been no negative news for the Huo family for so many years.

However, if she really did this, then Huo Jingyuan...

Jiang Yuan sat with her legs crossed, and saw that Wu Shan pursed her lips as if she was thinking, but she didn't speak, and smiled slightly, "I'm just making my own suggestion. As for whether to do that, it's all up to you. But, Wu Shan Miss, I think you should know better than me what you want, right?"

"This is my business, it has nothing to do with you." Wu Shan replied and stood up.

When she reached the door, she stopped suddenly, turned her face to look at Jiang Yuan, "Jiang Yuan, don't think that I don't know who you are if you don't tell me your name. If you dare to play tricks on me, I will count myself If you suffer, it will definitely not make you feel better."

After finishing speaking, Wu Shan opened the door to go out, and closed the door with a bang.

The assistant standing by was a little uneasy, bowed his body slightly, and did not dare to look at Jiang Yuan, and explained: "Miss Jiang, it's not me, I haven't told Wu Shan..."

"I didn't blame you, what are you afraid of?" Jiang Yuan twitched her lips, "Besides, what if she knows my identity? Since I dare to meet her, I'm not afraid of her knowing."

Anyway, as long as Wu Shan did what she wanted, then nothing else mattered.

After leaving the hotel, Wu Shan kept thinking about Jiang Yuan's words.

If you really want to do that, you will undoubtedly risk everything yourself, and the risk is too great.

But now things are like this, so what if you don't go all out?
Huo Jingyuan has already said that he won't recognize this child, and won't want him, so do he really have to wait for him to take him to the hospital to have an abortion?

No, she finally had this child, and she must not throw it away.

Gritting her teeth, Wu Shan finally took out her phone.


In just one night, the news that the female employee of Huo's company was pregnant was spread on the Internet.

It would be fine if only the female employee was pregnant, but this female employee was pregnant with Huo Jingyuan's child.

Moreover, it was said that she had been with Huo Jingyuan before, and it was later that Qiao Ruoqing cared too much about her existence, so Huo Jingyuan asked Huo Jingyuan to transfer her to a foreign branch. This time, when Huo Jingyuan came back from New York, he brought her back with him.

Everyone knows what it means to bring people back from abroad.

Sun Yao found out about this as soon as he arrived in Jiangcheng, and immediately called Wu Shan, who also answered, and the first sentence was: "Why are you here now?"

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