Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 311 Let's go to hell together

At this time, Chen Yali had already pulled out the knife from Cai Meixian's back.

Looking at the sticky blood flowing from the blade, Chen Yali sneered, "Cai Meixian, you betrayed me and Lan Lan, you deserve it! Do you really think that you can save the Song family?"

Thinking back on Song Mingyuan's appearance, Chen Yali couldn't help but said: "Your son's appearance is not even one ten thousandth of Huo Jingyuan's, and you still want to compete with him?"

While speaking, she stabbed Cai Meixian's back fiercely again, and said fiercely, "Go to hell!"

I don't know if she felt angry or what. After pulling out the knife again, Chen Yali stood up. Seeing that Zhou Liang wanted to protect Qiao Ruoqing, she jumped over in three or two steps, and slashed Zhou Liang's arm with the knife. , he himself blocked the door.

Seeing that Zhou Liang's hand was bleeding, Qiao Ruoqing was a little worried, and quickly asked, "Zhou Liang, how are you?"

Zhou Liang shook his head, indicating that he was fine, and his body was still blocking Qiao Ruoqing.

Seeing Chen Yali approaching, Qiao Ruoqing stepped back and asked, "What do you want?!"

"How is it? I want to die with you!" Chen Yali seemed to be insane, and the smile on her face became ferocious, "Ruoqing, Shuyi and I are good friends, and no one will take care of you when I die. Now, why don't you go to hell with me!"

She has nothing now.

In the past, although many people talked about her behind her back, about her scandals back then, and about her trying her best to marry Qiao Yan, but at that time, she still had a daughter, Qiao Ruolan.

Even if everyone looks down on her, at least her own daughter understands her.

But now, Qiao Ruolan's life has been ruined. She killed Cai Meixian, and she avenged Qiao Ruolan.

Then, Qiao Ruoqing was next.

Qiao Ruolan, like Qiao Ruoqing, is both the daughter of the Qiao family and the bones of Qiao Yan, but what kind of life did Qiao Ruolan live when she was young?What kind of life did Qiao Ruoqing live?Why is Qiao Ruoqing better than Qiao Ruolan in everything?
Since she couldn't ruin Qiao Ruoqing's reputation, she might as well die together with Qiao Ruoqing. They died here together. What kind of grievances and grievances there are, we can wait until the underground.

Zhou Liang's arm was injured, and the wound was not long, but it was a little inconvenient to move around. He protected Qiao Ruoqing, and whispered: "Mr. Qiao, I'll hold her back, you go quickly."

Qiao Ruoqing didn't do it, "She came after me, how could I leave you here alone?"

While speaking, her eyes fell on Zhou Liang's arm again.

The wound was still bleeding, and he had to be sent to the hospital.

Moreover, Chen Yali is already crazy now, who knows what she can do?
Thinking about it, Qiao Ruoqing pushed Zhou Liang aside, stood in front of Zhou Liang, and said to Chen Yali, "Since you hate me so much, then come to me if you have anything to do, and don't bring irrelevant people into it." !"

Holding a knife in her hand, Chen Yali said to Zhou Liang, "Did you hear that? Get lost if you're sensible! Don't risk your life here!"

How could Zhou Liang listen to her?Seeing that she was getting closer and closer to Qiao Ruoqing, Zhou Liang rushed between the two of them, ignoring Chen Yali's waving knife, grabbed Chen Yali's hand forcefully, and shouted: "Mr. Qiao, go!"

Qiao Ruoqing saw that Zhou Liang temporarily controlled Chen Yali, but she didn't run away. Instead, she picked up a folding chair from the side and hit Chen Yali directly on the arm.

Chen Yali was in pain, and she loosened the strength in her hand, and the knife in her hand fell to the ground. Zhou Liang immediately kicked the knife away, and wanted to come over to catch Chen Yali again.

Just now, Chen Yali had a knife in her hand, so she could barely gain the upper hand. Now that the knife is gone, the opponent has the advantage again. Zhou Liang is still a man, and she can't care about anything else. She walked over and knocked Qiao Ruoqing against the wall. She was hit hard on the back of the head, rolled her eyes, and passed out.


Qiao Ruoqing thought that she was definitely going to die again, but when she woke up, she realized that she was already in the hospital, lying on the bed and receiving an IV drip.

Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing woke up, Zhou Liang hurriedly asked, "Mr. Qiao, how are you? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Qiao Ruoqing shook her head, and immediately looked at Zhou Liang's arm. Seeing that his arm had been bandaged, she was relieved and asked, "Where is Chen Yali?"

"I was arrested." Zhou Liang replied, "Cai Meixian was already dead when the police arrived, and Chen Yali committed murder on purpose. And when we were in the car, the evidence Cai Meixian gave us can also come in handy."

Anyway, counting the serious crimes, Chen Yali's crime will not be less serious than Qiao Ruolan's.

Qiao Ruoqing nodded slightly, looked around, and asked, "Why are we here? Also, just now you said... the police?"

When they went, they didn't call the police.

"It's Miss Jiang." Zhou Liang said.

As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Yuan came in from the outside.

Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing woke up, Jiang Yuan immediately showed a smile on her face, "Miss Qiao, are you awake? You scared me to death. I'm really afraid that something will happen to you!"

While talking, Jiang Yuan supported Qiao Ruoqing from the hospital bed to sit up, and kept saying: "The doctor said that you have a concussion, you need to be hospitalized for observation for a few days, and you can leave the hospital when you are sure that nothing is wrong. Like? Dizzy or not?"

Qiao Ruoqing was a little overwhelmed.

Is it Jiang Yuan?So what Zhou Liang meant just now was that Jiang Yuan appeared to save her and even called the police?
"Miss Jiang? Why do you..."

"I wanted to go to Huo's, and later I wanted to go to Qiao's to find you first, but I heard Shi Shi said that you and Cai Meixian had left. I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I called the police." When she was speaking, she looked grateful , "Fortunately, I called the police, otherwise you don't know what will happen."

Zhou Liang explained: "Although Chen Yali knocked you out, she was fine, so she still wanted to attack you at that time. Fortunately, the police arrived in time."

Now, Qiao Ruoqing understood, looked at Jiang Yuan and asked, "So, you sent me to the hospital?"

"No." Jiang Yuan shook her head, "I went to Huo's after I called the police. Zhou Liang sent you here."

If she went to the scene, Chen Yali would definitely recognize her, and the situation would be bad.

It's just a pity that Chen Yali didn't kill Qiao Ruoqing, so it really didn't work!

Speaking of which, I should have called the police later... But with Zhou Liang around, even if the police couldn't get there, Chen Yali might not succeed, so it would be good for me to gain some goodwill in front of Qiao Ruoqing.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan felt much more comfortable, and continued to chat with Qiao Ruoqing.

The three of them were talking. Shi Shi came in from the outside. Seeing Jiang Yuan here, she had a complicated expression on her face. In the end, she didn't talk to Jiang Yuan, but went to Qiao Ruoqing to ask her how she was.

"I'm fine." Seeing Shi Shi's nervous look, Qiao Ruoqing felt a little funny, "It's just a bump, it's fine."

Shi Shi didn't think so, "How could it be okay? What if there are some sequelae?"

She sighed, "Mr. Huo will be back soon. If he sees you like this, he will definitely feel distressed."

"Jing Yuan?" Qiao Ruoqing was startled, "When will he come back?"

I haven't heard of it. When Huo Jingyuan talked on the phone a few days ago, he only said that the work matter was not finished, and he didn't mention the return trip at all.

Shi Shi didn't know this, so she glanced at Qiao Ruoqing, "What are you pretending to be? How could you not know? Isn't it tomorrow?"

Qiao Ruoqing opened her mouth.

She really wanted to say that she really didn't know.

But Shi Shi would definitely not believe such words, right?So forget it, don't talk about it.

Seeing that Shi Shi had come, Zhou Liang felt relieved, got up and said, "Mr. Qiao, then I'll go back to the company first. I've made all the arrangements for the hospital. If you have anything to do, please call me anytime." .”

Qiao Ruoqing frowned, her eyes fell on the arm in his hand, "Your injury, don't you need to rest?"

"It's just a small injury, it's fine." Then, Zhou Liang asked Shi Shi to take good care of Qiao Ruoqing, and left by himself.

It wasn't until Zhou Liang walked out of the ward that Jiang Yuan smiled slightly and said, "Miss Qiao, Special Assistant Zhou is really dedicated."

Regarding this point, Qiao Ruoqing never denied it, "Yes, Zhou Liang used to be with my dad, and I have always been at ease when he handles affairs."

Jiang Yuan talked to Qiao Ruoqing for a while, telling her to pay more attention to her body, and then left.

As soon as she left, Shi Shi closed the door of the ward with her back, as if longing for her to leave.

Qiao Ruoqing was a little puzzled, "Shi Shi, what are you doing?"

"Pretending to be a good person!" Shi Shi glared at the door, "Ruoqing, can't you see it? Jiang Yuan did it on purpose!"

Now, Qiao Ruoqing was even more puzzled, "On purpose? On purpose for what? On purpose to help me? On purpose to send me to the hospital?"

"Deliberately trying to get a good impression in front of you!" Shi Shi looked as if she hated nothing but iron, "Didn't you see the expression she had just now when she heard that Mr. Huo was coming back tomorrow?"

"..." Qiao Ruoqing really didn't pay attention.

A few seconds later, Qiao Ruoqing said: "She has a cooperation with the Huo family, and it will be more convenient for Jing Yuan to come back for some things. That's okay. But... how do you know that Jing Yuan will come back tomorrow?"

"Boss Huo called you today, but he couldn't get through, so he went to the company and let me tell you that he will be back tomorrow." After speaking, Shi Shi looked at the time again, wondering if Huo Jingyuan was dead by now. let's go.

Qiao Ruoqing breathed a sigh of relief, and turned her head to look at the sun-drenched building outside the window.

Huo Jingyuan will be back soon.

As long as he comes back, I can ask him clearly about Wu Shan... No, it's better not to ask, since you trust him, then don't ask anything, otherwise, there might be some unpleasantness.

However, just in the evening, Qiao Ruoqing received a few more photos. The characters were still the same as the last time. They were Huo Jingyuan and Wu Shan, but the content was different.

This time, it was the photo of Huo Jingyuan holding Wu Shan. They looked like they were attending some kind of dance party. Wu Shan was wearing a royal blue gift, and Huo Jingyuan was wearing a suit. The two of them should be dancing.

Dancing... For dancing, this distance is actually nothing, Qiao Ruoqing thought.

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