Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 264 Discussions on the Internet

Also, how could Wu Shan be happy?She was in Jiangcheng, even if Huo Jingyuan didn't like it, she could at least see Huo Jingyuan often, even if she didn't speak, it didn't matter, as long as she could see him and hear his voice.

However, abroad, how far away!After she left like this, she didn't know when she would see Huo Jingyuan again.

Qiao Ruoqing, your move is really... cruel!
"I'll leave first." Wu Shan said, left the department and went to the top floor.

Arriving outside Huo Jingyuan's office, Wu Shan was about to knock on the door when Cheng Han also came to deliver the documents. Seeing her, he hurriedly asked, "Wu Shan, what are you doing?"

Wu Shan felt it was strange, she just wanted to knock on the door and say a few words to Huo Jingyuan, why did everyone guard against her like this?
"I'm looking for Jing Yuan, I have something to do." Wu Shan replied.

Cheng Han looked at her, and finally said: "Boss Huo is not free now, you should go back first, if you have anything to tell me, I will help you pass it on."

If it was different, Wu Shan wouldn't care about Cheng Han. After all, everyone knew that Cheng Han was a celebrity around Huo Jingyuan, and no one dared to offend him.

But today Wu Shan couldn't care less.

"I have something very important to ask Jing Yuan." While speaking, Wu Shan opened the door.

Even if Cheng Han wanted to stop him, he couldn't stop him, but he still chased after him.

Huo Jingyuan was talking on the phone, probably talking to someone about work, when he saw someone came in suddenly, he raised his head to look at the door, and ignored it.

After talking to the person on the other end of the phone for a while, Huo Jingyuan hung up the phone, and the expression on his face became solemn, asking: "What's going on?"

Cheng Han put the document in front of Huo Jingyuan, and said at the same time, "I'm sorry, Mr. Huo."

Although there were only a few words, Huo Jingyuan understood what he meant.

I'm sorry, I didn't stop Wu Shan, right?

He didn't let Cheng Han go, nor did he return Cheng Han's words, but just looked at Wu Shan and asked, "Why are you here?"

The sound was cooler than before.

"What do you mean by asking me to go abroad?" Wu Shan asked straight to the point.

Originally, she wanted to talk to Huo Jingyuan after seeing him, but now that she really saw someone, thinking of the notice he sent, Wu Shan felt like a fire was burning in her heart.

The fire was getting hotter and hotter, and it couldn't be extinguished no matter what, so her tone of voice became a little rushed.

Huo Jingyuan didn't care about this at all, and said in a flat tone: "Job transfer."

Hearing these four understatements, Wu Shan couldn't help laughing.

job transfer?Does Huo Jingyuan really think she is a three-year-old child?Would she believe such words?
"Even if it's a job transfer, then why me?" Wu Shan took a step forward, speaking louder than before, "Do you want to say that foreign countries need manpower? But how long have I been in the company? With such low qualifications, you Don't worry about letting me go, too?"

Huo Jingyuan raised his head and glanced at Wu Shan, "If you don't want to go, you can resign."

After a while, he added another sentence: "I don't force it."

Wu Shan bit her lower lip hard. She wanted to question Huo Jingyuan, could she treat her like that just because of Qiao Ruoqing?What did she do wrong?
After joining the company for so long, she has been working hard to maintain her image and let others know that she is a person with elegant manners and will not get angry or angry casually, and now is no exception.

So she could only suppress the anger in her heart desperately, looked at Cheng Han who was still standing beside her, "Cheng Han, please go out first, I have something to say to Jing Yuan alone."

Cheng Han stood where he was, motionless.

Wu Shan frowned, "Cheng Han..."

"He's my assistant." Huo Jingyuan said before Wu Shan finished speaking, "If you have anything to say, you can say it in front of him."

Wu Shan smiled, "You can say anything? Then when you are with Qiao Ruoqing, will you let him stand beside you like this?"

Huo Jingyuan was originally holding a pen in his hand, and stroked it back and forth with his fingertips, enjoying the slight friction when the scrub on the shell came into contact with the skin.

But after hearing Wu Shan's words, his movements stopped.

Looking up at the woman in front of him, the corners of his mouth seemed to twitch, "Ruoqing is my girlfriend."

Wu Shan frowned, before she could speak, she heard Huo Jingyuan's voice again: "And you, who are you?"

Wu Shan opened her mouth, wanting to speak, but didn't know what to say.

That's right, Qiao Ruoqing is his girlfriend, so she can do whatever she wants.

She was just his friend, so neither this nor that, even if she appeared in front of him from time to time, he felt it was an eyesore and wanted to transfer her abroad.

Seeing that Cheng Han could not be driven away, Wu Shan took a deep breath and calmed down, "Okay, since you want to say it in front of him, then let's do it in front of him."

Huo Jingyuan lowered his eyelids, and continued to play with the pen in his hand, not intending to speak at all.

Wu Shan gritted her teeth.

It seems that Huo Jingyuan will always be like this towards her, belittled to the extreme, as if no matter what she does, he doesn't care.

Oh no, no.

When she did something that made Qiao Ruoqing unhappy, Huo Jingyuan would react a little to what she did.

Wu Shan found it funny, "Is it Qiao Ruoqing's intention to let me go abroad?"

"No." Huo Jingyuan answered very simply.

As if he felt that such an answer was not clear enough, he added to what he said just now: "No matter where you are, it will have no effect on Ruoqing."

Besides, she doesn't bother to pay attention to you.

Although Huo Jingyuan didn't say the last sentence, Wu Shan was very clear about what he meant.

At the same time, she also knew that this matter could not have nothing to do with Qiao Ruoqing.

After a while, she asked again, "Can I not go?"

As long as she stays in Jiangcheng and the Huo family, everything else is fine.

Huo Jingyuan hardly thought about it, and moved his lips directly: "Yes."

Wu Shan's heart relaxed, and she was about to speak, but before her voice came out, Huo Jingyuan said again: "Resign."

Wu Shan froze, unable to speak anymore.

Resign?This is what Huo Jingyuan said, she doesn't need to go abroad?

Ah!Then doesn't she have nothing to do with Huo Jingyuan?

After weighing the two, Wu Shan finally gave up.

"Okay, I'll go." She closed her eyes, "As you wish."


Qiao Ruoqing was a little surprised when Huo Jingyuan told about Wu Shan's going to New York.

She didn't expect Wu Shan to agree so readily, and New York was still so far away.

Not knowing if he was in a good mood, Huo Jingyuan asked Qiao Ruoqing to have dinner together at night.

Since they got together, they often eat together, and they don't feel tired of it. Every time someone asks, if the other party is okay, they will agree.

But today, Qiao Ruoqing was not in that mood and politely refused.

After finishing the call with Huo Jingyuan, Qiao Ruoqing bit her lower lip while watching the video on the computer screen.

Shi Shi was standing next to her, also staring at the video, and couldn't help cursing: "This Song Mingyuan is really thick-skinned!"

It's been so long since they broke up, yet they dare to come to Qiao Ruoqing, and even kneel down to Qiao Ruoqing in public to beg for forgiveness?
Shi Shi felt that after Song Mingyuan did such an act of a sage of love, he became a beast.

However, fortunately, Huo Jingyuan came later, but because of Huo Jingyuan's arrival, Song Mingyuan's attitude took a turn for the worse, and he said a lot of ugly things.

The video ended with Song Mingyuan swearing.

Seeing Qiao Ruoqing's tightly pursed lips, Shi Shi felt a little worried, so she reached out and touched her shoulder cautiously, "Ruoqing, are you alright?"

"It's okay." Qiao Ruoqing replied quickly, and the corners of her lips were released immediately.

She was there when Song Mingyuan said those words yesterday, and she heard everything with her own ears. What else is unacceptable?

She covered the mouse with her right hand and began to read the comments below the video.

However, those comments greatly exceeded her expectations:
【Let me just say, how could Qiao Ruoqing be with Huo Jingyuan because of the money! 】

[I used to be told that the upper class is dirty, but I still don't believe it, but now it seems that it is really dirty! 】

[After Qiao Ruoqing and Song Mingyuan broke up last year, there were rumors that Qiao Ruolan's matter was designed by Qiao Ruoqing herself. Now it seems that she should have been eyeing Huo Jingyuan at that time. She felt that Song Mingyuan was an eyesore and didn't want to take the initiative to break up. Directed such a big play, right? 】

[I'm really curious, will Qiao Ruoqing forgive Song Mingyuan?If my boyfriend kneels down to me in front of so many people, then I am willing to forgive anything. 】

【Forgive what?It's all said that Qiao Ruoqing is interested in Huo Jingyuan's money!How can Song Mingyuan's net worth compare with Huo Jingyuan's?What's more, the current Song family is still on the verge of collapse, Qiao Ruoqing is only stupid to be with him! 】

【So who said money can't buy love?With money, you can buy anything, this is a living example! 】

【Qiao Ruoqing is also a chairman after all, why would she still do such a thing】

[With a chairman like her, how could Qiao's be any better? 】

[I never thought that Qiao Ruoqing would be such a person!It is rare to be able to admire vanity to such an extent! 】

【Qiao Ruolan actually seduced her sister's fiancé, she is not a good person! 】

[Didn't it say it was designed? 】

[Flies don't bite seamless eggs, if Qiao Ruolan didn't have that intention, could Qiao Ruoqing design her? 】

[The upstairs is right! 】

[I can't tell, everyone who usually looks glamorous is actually so cheap in their bones! 】

【To me, these two sisters are not good people!Qiao Ruolan is shameless, and Qiao Ruoqing is no better!I don't know what kind of tutor the Qiao family is, to teach such a daughter, even both of them! 】

[They are already with Huo Jingyuan, and they are still confused with Song Mingyuan, and they don't know what Qiao Ruoqing wants to do! 】

【Song Mingyuan should really like Qiao Ruoqing, right?It's been so long since we broke up, but I still can't forget it, and I can still kneel in front of so many people! 】

[If my boyfriend is as good as Song Mingyuan, I will definitely give him seventeen or eight children! 】

Seeing that the following words became more and more unpleasant, Shi Shi quickly snatched the mouse from Qiao Ruoqing's hand, closed the webpage, looked at Qiao Ruoqing and asked, "Ruoqing, how are you? Are you okay?"

Qiao Ruoqing didn't answer, but her face was a little pale, other than that, there was nothing unusual.

Some people scolded her online, this is nothing new.

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