Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 261 It's been almost a year since we broke up and I still ask for forgiveness

"You looking for me?" Huo Jingyuan's voice floated into his ears.

Wu Shan squeezed the folder in her hand, "There is a document for you to sign."

I clearly remembered what Huo Jingyuan said last time, and was afraid that Huo Jingyuan would misunderstand her, so Wu Shan started to explain before he asked: "Jingyuan, I'm not..."

Just now Meng Zizhao pushed her, right in front of Huo Jingyuan, what if Huo Jingyuan misunderstood her?
But before she finished explaining, Huo Jingyuan said: "Give the document to Cheng Han, you can go back."

These days, Wu Shan felt aggrieved every day, and now hearing Huo Jingyuan talking to her like this, she felt even more aggrieved.

She knew that Huo Jingyuan liked Qiao Ruoqing, but she liked Huo Jingyuan no less than Huo Jingyuan liked Qiao Ruoqing. Moreover, even if they had known each other for a long time, she had never heard Huo Jingyuan mention the name Qiao Ruoqing when they were abroad.

Not once.

Therefore, Huo Jingyuan's feelings for Qiao Ruoqing should not be deep.

In this case, why did he refuse to give himself a chance?How could he be so sure that Qiao Ruoqing must be the most suitable for him?

Gritting her teeth, Wu Shan took two quick steps, and arrived in front of Huo Jingyuan, blocking his way.

Huo Jingyuan stopped in his tracks, but he didn't even look at Wu Shan, and even his tone of voice was too indifferent: "Is there anything else?"

Wu Shan's lips twitched, "Jing Yuan, I have something to tell you, I can go to your office..."

"As I said, you are not allowed to go to my office." Huo Jingyuan interrupted before Wu Shan finished speaking.

Wu Shan suddenly felt like laughing.

Yes, he said it.

"It was my fault that day, I didn't know you were inside...Jing Yuan, I..."

"Wu Shan, if you feel wronged by Huo's, then resign." Huo Jingyuan interrupted Wu Shan again.

Wu Shan's back froze suddenly, her pupils continued to dilate, and she stared intently at the man in front of her.

Resign?Huo Jingyuan actually asked her to resign?

Did he just not want to see her that much?Can't even allow her to stay in his company?
Taking a step back, Wu Shan took a deep breath, "I know, as long as I'm in the company, I won't take the initiative to appear in front of you again. But Jing Yuan, I won't resign!"

After speaking resolutely, Wu Shan put the document in Cheng Han's hand and left.

Huo Jingyuan frowned.

He didn't have a good impression of Wu Shan before, but it's just that he didn't have a good impression.

But ever since Qiao Ruoqing discovered that lipstick, he began to hate Wu Shan.

Yes, disgust.

Since Wu Shan is unwilling to resign, then...he can be fired.

Back in the office, just as Huo Jingyuan was about to explain the matter to Cheng Han, his cell phone rang, and it was Tang Lan calling.

There were only two calls from women, Huo Jingyuan would answer them no matter when and where, one was Tang Lan and the other was Qiao Ruoqing.

When he picked up the phone, he just called "Mom", Tang Lan immediately said excitedly: "Xiaojing, bring Xiaoqing back for dinner tonight, do you understand?"

"What's the matter?" Huo Jingyuan asked.

Tang Lan's tone became resentful: "What do you call that? You have to do something to bring Xiaoqing back? I miss her, okay?"

Ever since Huo Jingyuan and Qiao Ruoqing were together, Tang Lan's mood has been greatly improved. At the same time, Huo Jingyuan's status in the family has been lowered and lowered, with no bottom line.

But he didn't care about it. As long as Tang Lan and Qiao Ruoqing were happy, he didn't care, so he immediately agreed to the matter.

After hanging up the phone, he called Qiao Ruoqing again, talked about going home for dinner together, and temporarily forgot about the expulsion of Wu Shan.


Qiao Ruoqing received a call from Huo Jingyuan, saying that they would go back to Huo's house for dinner together. Seeing that it was almost time to get off work, she hurriedly took out the powder to touch up her makeup.

Although she was already very familiar with Tang Lan, and Tang Lan had seen Tang Lan even in a mess, but she still wanted to show herself in front of Huo Jingyuan's family.

You can't embarrass Huo Jingyuan, can you?
After reapplying loose powder and lipstick, taking photos left and right, and combing her hair, Qiao Ruoqing checked the time again after making sure there was no mistake, got up and went out.

After leaving the company, Qiao Ruoqing saw that Huo Jingyuan wasn't here, so she wanted to check her phone for a while.

Now is the information age, maybe what news is on the headlines or hot searches?Even if it doesn't help with work, it's good to pass the time.

But who knows, she just took out the phone, and before she had time to unlock it, a figure appeared in front of her.

Seeing that person, Qiao Ruoqing quickly put the phone back in her bag, her eyes full of wariness.

Song Mingyuan was not surprised by her reaction at all, and accepted it calmly.

Before he came, he had thought of Qiao Ruoqing's expression when she saw him.

His eye sockets are sunken, and he looks much thinner than before. It may be that Song's situation has been too bad recently, so he is so tired.

Qiao Ruoqing didn't care about it at all, she just asked coldly, "Why are you here?"

Hearing that Qiao Ruoqing was willing to talk to him, Song Mingyuan twitched his lips, "I'll come and see you."

Actually, she didn't come to see Qiao Ruoqing.

He and Cai Meixian invested a large sum of money in the neighboring city at the beginning, hoping to make a fortune, but Chen Yali was tricked, and they could not get back the money they invested.

Not counting this alone, the relationship between him and Qiao Ruolan was completely broken.

Now that Song's situation is not good, Song Mingyuan discussed with Cai Meixian how to save the company, and finally thought of Qiao Ruoqing.

So when he came to Qiao Ruoqing today, he actually wanted to have a hard time with Qiao Ruoqing, and begged Qiao Ruoqing to forgive him.

Even if you can't forgive what he did before, at least you can help Song Shi.

It's just that I am too embarrassed to say those things in public now, so I didn't say them.

Seeing Qiao Ruoqing's expression of disbelief, he smiled again, "Ruoqing, how are you doing recently? Are you okay?"

Qiao Ruoqing felt awkward, and held her bag tighter, "It's pretty good, but, what does I have to do with you?"

Song Mingyuan also knew that there was nothing between them, but if he wanted Qiao Ruoqing to help him, he had to talk about what happened back then.

So, he said: "Ruoqing, don't talk to me like that. I care about you. After all, we had a marriage contract..."

"You also said that it was a 'had' marriage contract." Qiao Ruoqing couldn't help correcting, "What does 'had' mean? It used to be, but it doesn't exist now. If this is the case, it's all over, so what else is there? Good to mention?"

A layer of embarrassment appeared on Song Mingyuan's face.

Now it's the rush hour for get off work, and there are groups of people passing by, looking back at them from time to time, and whispering to each other.

Qiao Ruoqing didn't want to have anything to do with Song Mingyuan at all, she frowned, "Mr. Song, if you're fine, please leave, I..."

"Ruoqing, I know I was wrong." Song Mingyuan approached Qiao Ruoqing and said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Qiao Ruoqing was startled.

What's wrong?What's wrong?Is Song Mingyuan all right?How do you say this nicely?
Seeing Qiao Ruoqing stunned, Song Ming could probably guess what she was thinking, and continued to defend himself with a bitter face: "Ruoqing, trust me, I did something wrong because I was seduced by Qiao Ruolan before, I will Never again, please forgive me."

After he said that, Qiao Ruoqing understood.

So Song Mingyuan is apologizing for his affair with Qiao Ruolan?
Is this man out of his mind?

Looking up at the sky and sighing, Qiao Ruoqing was a little helpless, "Mr. Song, it's been almost a year since that incident, isn't it a bit late for you to apologize to me at this time? We broke up for more than half a year !"

After a pause, she suddenly remembered something and smiled, "Besides, you are behind Qiao Ruolan, isn't there another Qin Xiao? Even if you want to apologize, you should go and apologize to Qiao Ruolan, and come here to talk to her." What am I talking about?"

Hearing Qiao Ruoqing say Qin Xiao's name unpreparedly, Song Mingyuan was taken aback for a moment, and then realized, "You told Qiao Ruolan about me and Qin Xiao?"

The tone of his speech now is quite different from the tone of his apology just now.

But Qiao Ruoqing already knew what kind of virtue Song Mingyuan was, so she was not surprised, she just nodded calmly.

Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing actually admitted it, Song Mingyuan subconsciously wanted to ask her why she did this.

But when the words came to his lips, he held back again.

He didn't come here today to quarrel with Qiao Ruoqing, but to seek a way out for the Song family. It is not wise to have a verbal argument with Qiao Ruoqing at this time.

Thinking of this, Song Mingyuan suppressed the anger that was welling up in his throat, returned to the topic just now, and changed his tone: "Ruoqing, no matter how many times I have had before, I know I was wrong , please forgive me..."

People passing by heard this and discussed suspiciously:
"Isn't this Song Mingyuan and Qiao Ruoqing? Why are they standing here?"

"Didn't you hear what Song Mingyuan said just now? You are asking Qiao Ruoqing for forgiveness!"

"Forgive what? Haven't they been separated for more than half a year? Song Mingyuan is also engaged to Qiao Ruolan, and he has the face to ask for forgiveness?"

"What's the engagement? Didn't the Song family clarify it at the beginning? They said that the engagement banquet was just a misunderstanding, and it didn't count at all!"

"That's right, and it seems that Song Mingyuan and Qiao Ruolan broke up not long ago... No wonder, Qiao Ruolan has nothing now, and the Song family is also in danger... Sigh!"

"Even so, isn't Qiao Ruoqing already with Huo Jingyuan now? What does Song Mingyuan want to do?"

"I'm also curious about what Song Mingyuan wants to do."

"I said, I really don't understand the lives of these rich people! It's been almost a year since we broke up and they are still confused here, and I don't know why!"

"For what? For money? I've heard that the reason why Song Mingyuan got engaged to Qiao Ruoqing at the beginning was because he wanted to get the inheritance from Qiao Ruoqing's hands, but later, for some reason, he and Qiao Ruolan got together again!"

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