Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 202 Are you free on Saturday?

After sending Tang Lan away, Qiao Ruoqing paced back and forth in the office.

She is not used to sitting down immediately after eating, and will stand or walk for a while.

Think about something while walking.

I always feel that Tang Lan's behavior today is a bit weird!She is not at all like her usual appearance, and she is particularly prone to panic.

There must be some reason behind this.

So, what is it?

Qiao Ruoqing thought for a while but couldn't figure it out.

Fortunately, she knew that no matter what Tang Lan did, she would not harm her, so she didn't take this matter too seriously, and continued to be busy with work.

In the afternoon, in addition to receiving various work news, she also received the address of the restaurant from Tang Lan - after seeing Tang Lan using WeChat in the mall last time, Qiao Ruoqing added Tang Lan's WeChat, it was really convenient to get in touch a lot of.

After get off work, Qiao Ruoqing went to the restaurant at the address given by Tang Lan, but the person she saw in the restaurant was not Tang Lan at all.

It was Huo Jingyuan.

Although the new year has passed, the days are still short and the nights are long, so although it is not yet seven o'clock, it is already dark.

The lighting in the restaurant is not particularly bright, but rather warm and not dazzling.

Huo Jingyuan was wearing a black shirt and sitting by the window, as if he was reading a book, his eyelids were slightly drooping, his hairstyle was as meticulous as ever, and the warm-toned light shone on his body, creating a soft halo around him.

Qiao Ruoqing curled her lips.

I thought it would be a few days before I saw him, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.

Walking over and sitting on the chair that the waiter opened for herself, Qiao Ruoqing asked directly: "Brother Huo, didn't you go to visit friends with Uncle Huo? Why are you here?"

Huo Jingyuan was stunned for a moment, and when he looked up, he saw the girl's familiar eyebrows.

is her……

Strange, didn't Tang Lan ask him to come over?She also secretly asked him to dress better, and not to lose her face when going out to dinner with her.

At that time, he still felt strange, when did he let Tang Lan lose face?Now seeing Qiao Ruoqing again...

Knowing mother Mo Ruozi, Huo Jingyuan thought about it for a while, and soon understood.

Didn't Tang Lan just say this morning that she was going to chase Qiao Ruoqing back?It seems that this meal is also an opportunity deliberately created for them.

What else did you say that he and Huo Jiang went to visit friends... Tsk, this excuse... Is it because Qiao Ruoqing would not want to come after knowing that he is here?

Huo Jingyuan was a little upset, but he didn't show it. He closed the book calmly and put it aside, and said nonsense in a serious manner: "My father asked my mother to go with me, so I don't have to go."

Qiao Ruoqing nodded, and felt that something was wrong, "Didn't Aunt Tang say that she couldn't get along with that friend?"

"..." So what did Tang Lan tell Qiao Ruoqing?
Seeing Huo Jingyuan's slightly bewildered expression, Qiao Ruoqing also understood.

It seems that Tang Lan deliberately made an appointment for today's dinner because she left suddenly that day, right?
Now Qiao Ruoqing felt even more sorry.

It's too unreasonable for Tang Lan to spend so much trouble just because of her temporary willfulness.

Qiao Ruoqing reviewed it in her heart, Huo Jingyuan had already ordered the food at this time, the waiter walked away, and the two were relatively speechless.

Huo Jingyuan actually had a lot of things he wanted to ask Qiao Ruoqing, such as why she left so suddenly that day, whether her previous troubles were resolved, and what kind of thoughts she had about him.

But after struggling for a long time, no question was asked in the end.

After leaving that day, Qiao Ruoqing didn't even want to answer his phone calls. Huo Jingyuan has lived so long, when has he ever suffered such treatment?
So he didn't speak at all, and just sat there in a dull mood.

Qiao Ruoqing, who was sitting across from her, just looked at him steadfastly.

Seeing Huo Jingyuan who was used to strategizing in the company, she found that such a man who made a little trouble is actually quite cute.

Qiao Ruoqing couldn't help but sigh in her heart for her bad taste.

The mental age is almost 30 years old, why are you still so childish?
After coughing dryly, Qiao Ruoqing took a sip of water before saying, "Brother Huo, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you when I left that day..."

Huo Jingyuan didn't make a sound.

Qiao Ruoqing herself also felt that she was too much, so she didn't care about it, and continued: "That day, I was in a hurry to confirm something, so I left first, and I didn't have time to say hello to you."

"What's the matter?" Huo Jingyuan finally had some reaction.

Qiao Ruoqing breathed a sigh of relief and laughed again, "It's a very important thing."

Her eyebrows are curved, and she smiles sweetly.

Yes, that is really very important to her, and...

This time, before Huo Jingyuan could ask her a question, she said, "But I've made sure."

Huo Jingyuan gave a faint "Oh", as if he didn't intend to ask what was going on at all.

Qiao Ruoqing also knew that Huo Jingyuan didn't gossip, so she didn't care about his reaction, and asked, "Brother Huo, are you free on Saturday?"

Huo Jingyuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at the girl sitting opposite.

The warm-toned light hit her face, which looked lovely and ruddy. She opened her big eyes and was looking at him intently.

Are you free on Saturday?Is this what you mean by asking him out?
But when I think about it, I feel wrong, this woman is very unpredictable, maybe I will be wrong, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

So, he asked, "Is there any project to discuss that day?"

Most of the smile on Qiao Ruoqing's face disappeared.

Doesn't she have some personal affairs with Huo Jingyuan?Is it all for work?
"It's not a project!" Qiao Ruoqing said seriously, "I have something very important to tell you! But if you don't have time that day, we can make another appointment."

According to the previously agreed time, it can be finished on Friday, and on Saturday, she can give the things to Huo Jingyuan.

Although according to Huo Jingyuan's personality, she might not like it, but it's her thoughts after all, so she wouldn't hate it, right?Qiao Ruoqing thought to herself.

However, Huo Jingyuan and her were not on the same channel at all, but his heart was raised.

It's important, not the project.

Could it be that she thought of a way to deal with the Song family again?
However, it's okay to talk about the Song family. Anyway, according to what Qiao Ruoqing said before, if the Song family is settled as soon as possible, then she can think about being with him earlier.

Qiao Ruoqing frowned slightly when she saw that Huo Jingyuan hadn't spoken for a long time, and his expression was a bit indescribable, "What's wrong, Brother Huo, do you really have no time?"

"No." Huo Jingyuan replied in seconds, "I don't have any plans that day."

Qiao Ruoqing felt relieved, her eyes rolled up, "Then we'll make an appointment, see you at the playground in the West District!"

Looking at her, she seemed very happy.

But, playground?

Huo Jingyuan didn't quite understand what this operation was.

Although he also knew that revenge made Qiao Ruoqing very happy, but it's not like... going to the playground, right?Isn't that where kids go?


On Friday afternoon, Qiao Ruoqing received her custom-made item as expected, and even checked it specially. It was the same as what she ordered, and there was no problem. She was very satisfied.

Before she had time to put the things into the box, Shi Shi came in suddenly, just in time to see the little thing on Qiao Ruoqing's table, her eyes lit up instantly, "Ruoqing, where did you buy this? It's so cute!"

Seeing that Shi Shi was about to rush over, Qiao Ruoqing quickly put the things in the box and hugged her, "I won't tell you."

Shi Shi rolled her eyes at her and threw a document in front of her.

Qiao Ruoqing closed the box in a good mood, and read the documents while humming a little tune.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Qiao Ruoqing hailed a car and went to the playground in the west district.

In fact, the appointment was to meet at eleven o'clock, but she couldn't wait any longer and wanted to see Huo Jingyuan sooner.

It seems that I have never felt like that before, so eager to meet someone.

Even in his previous life, he was not so eager for Song Mingyuan at all.

It was ten forty o'clock when she arrived at the playground. As soon as she arrived, she saw Huo Jingyuan leaning against the station, with his elbows propped on the car body, and a wisp of white smoke was exhaled from his mouth.

Looking down, he saw a lit cigarette held between Huo Jingyuan's fingertips, which was already half-burned.

In fact, the scarlet sparks are not very obvious in the daytime, but the smoke curling from the layer of gray soot can be seen, and it is lit.

She thought that she had come very early, but she didn't expect Huo Jingyuan to come earlier than her.

Carrying the exquisite paper bag that she carefully prepared, Qiao Ruoqing let out a long breath, finally made up her mind, opened the car door and walked out.

Almost the moment she got off the car, Huo Jingyuan looked over here.

The girl was wearing a slim windbreaker, with the scarf Tang Lan gave her around her neck, and a small bag in her hand, walking towards her step by step.

Huo Jingyuan seldom smoked, and today he just felt irritable, so he lit one.

He didn't know why, but he always felt as if something was going to happen, but he didn't know what it was, his heart was hanging in his throat, and he couldn't settle down no matter what.

He remembered that Qiao Ruoqing didn't like the smell of cigarettes, so when she saw Qiao Ruoqing approaching, even though there was still a distance away, she immediately extinguished the cigarette butt, raised her hand and fanned it to dissipate the smell of cigarettes, and then walked towards her past.

"Brother Huo, you came so early." With a smile on her face, Qiao Ruoqing had an unknown blush on her cheekbones, she only glanced at Huo Jingyuan, and quickly lowered her head again.

"Just arrived." Huo Jingyuan responded and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Would you like to go ride the Ferris wheel?" Qiao Ruoqing asked without answering.

Huo Jingyuan has no interest in these things, in his opinion, they are things that only girls and children like.

But since it was Qiao Ruoqing who said it, he didn't say anything, just nodded and said "Yes".

When the two were walking inside, Huo Jingyuan lowered his eyes and glanced at Qiao Ruoqing's hand, stretched out his hand to take the bag from her, and said, "Can I help you?"

However, Qiao Ruoqing quickly changed the bag to the other hand as if she had been frightened, and waved her hand hastily: "No need, Brother Huo, I'll just do it myself."

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