Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 187 A Rare Provocation

Obviously Qiao Ruoqing didn't do anything, just sat next to Huo Jingyuan and said a few words in a soft tone, but it seemed that he could make him worship and become a vassal, and he was willing to conquer the whole world for her.

The feeling of being completely in control.

No one made a sound, and the air flow seemed to freeze. The originally unusually harmonious atmosphere became a little weird at this moment.

At this time, the voice of the master of ceremonies came over and announced the name of a program.

Only then did Qiao Ruoqing turn her eyes away, and glanced at the stage, "Ah! The show has started!"

Speaking of which, after the show is over, it's time to draw a lottery.

She looked at the man beside her, and suddenly sighed in a low voice, "Brother Huo, the prize you asked me to prepare is a bit painful!"

Even though he said that, it was in a joking tone, Huo Jingyuan could tell.

But also because of her joke, the airflow that seemed to have froze flowed again, and the strange atmosphere that shrouded the surroundings dissipated in an instant, as if it had never existed before.

He took a sip of champagne, then raised his hand to look at the cuffs inlaid with sapphires on his sleeves, the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, and his voice was light and joking: "Mr. ?”

Qiao Ruoqing glanced at him, a little dissatisfied, "Why not? That's my hard-earned money!"

But with Huo Jingyuan's financial resources, he shouldn't be able to feel her current mood at all, right?

In order to win more people's hearts, except for the venue's money from the company, almost everything else in this annual meeting was paid for by herself, including brooches, cufflinks, and all the prizes for a while.

After all, it’s really not a small expense!
Seeing her like this, the curve of Huo Jingyuan's lips deepened, and he pressed his hands on the top of her hair. Considering the occasion, and she would go on stage to draw a lottery soon, his movements were very gentle, without messing up her hairstyle, and pressed down. The voice said: "Then give you some extra money during the Chinese New Year?"

It's not "give you lucky money", but "give you some lucky money", that is to say, it was originally planned to be given, but after Qiao Ruoqing said that, on the basis of the original plan, some more money was added. portion.

However, Qiao Ruoqing was still immersed in her state of bleeding, but she didn't notice these details, she just rolled her eyelids and gave Huo Jingyuan a blank look.

New year's money or something, that's for children, right?She is not a child.

How do you say that the mental age is almost 30 years old!
Thinking of this, she felt relieved again.

Money, after spending it, can always be earned back, and there is still a tough battle between her and Chen Yali, the more people she can get on her side, the greater her chances of winning.

After all, she had been imprisoned for several years in her previous life, and she had seen those people fully revealing their true nature in front of her, so she knew Chen Yali well.

She lived in Qiao's family since she was a child, and she had no worries about food and clothing. Before she took charge of Qiao's, she had no specific concept of money, but Chen Yali was different.

During the years when she lived alone with Qiao Ruolan, Chen Yali's life was not easy, so she was more realistic and less open about money.

So when she was in charge of the company, she was able to spend a large part of the money on welfare for the employees, but Chen Yali couldn't do it.

Tang Lan originally wanted to talk to Qiao Ruoqing after she finished dancing, but after wandering around, she found that Qiao Ruoqing and Huo Jingyuan were sitting next to each other chatting, so she didn't bother her.

She has plenty of time and opportunities to say those words, so let Qiao Ruoqing stay with Huo Jingyuan for a while now.

Moreover, when Qiao Ruoqing danced with that boy just now, Huo Jingyuan didn't seem very happy, but now that the two of them were talking sweetly there, if she ran over suddenly, she would be too blind to see.

She still loves her son very much.

So he turned his gaze and went to find Chen Yali.

Although the relationship is not as good as before, after all, we still need to meet each other and say hello.

Chen Yali was pulling Qiao Ruolan to talk to the company's senior management, when she heard someone calling her name behind her, she turned around and saw that it was Tang Lan.

She was a little surprised.

They used to be good friends with Jiang Shuyi, so they all knew each other, but since she got pregnant and left, Chen Yali had no contact with Jiang Shuyi and Tang Lan.

When she came back with Qiao Ruolan, Jiang Shuyi was killed, and she had no contact with Tang Lan.

She knew that Tang Lan hated her, but since she hated her, shouldn't she stay away?Why did you come to find her again?
Could it be... for provocation?

Thinking of this, Chen Yali immediately became vigilant, and the sustainable time was not long, and she soon put on a very enthusiastic smile on her face, "Mrs. Huo? Why did you come? Today is our Qiao's annual meeting... ..."

Before Chen Yali finished speaking, Tang Lan nodded, "Yes, today is Qiao's annual meeting, but our Xiaojing also has shares in Huatian, and Xiaoqing and I have always had a good relationship, so today Just came over, and Xiaoqing didn't say much."

The implication is that even Qiao Ruoqing, the chairman, didn't speak, so why are you talking here?

She smiled and looked at Chen Yali with kind eyes, but in fact there was a bit of sharpness in her eyes, "Why, doesn't Ms. Chen welcome me?"

Knowing that the current Tang Lan is not something she can afford to offend, and in this situation, it's not good to say that if things get serious, she will lose face in the end, so Chen Yali laughed quickly, "Look, what are you saying? What did you say? We have known each other for so many years and are also old friends, how could we not welcome you?"

"That's good." Tang Lan said, her eyes shifted to Qiao Ruolan's face, "Is this your daughter Lan Lan?"

Qiao Ruolan and Tang Lan had met before, and it wasn't pleasant, so now that Tang Lan called her so affectionately, she was a little surprised, and almost subconsciously turned her eyes to her mother.

Tang Lan clearly noticed her accident, but Tang Lan didn't mind at all, she just said: "By the way, I heard that Lan Lan is dating Song Mingyuan now, right?"

"Mingyuan and I..."

"Nothing." Before Qiao Ruolan finished speaking, Chen Yali cut off the words, and gave Qiao Ruolan a look, signaling her not to talk too much.

Tang Lan loved Qiao Ruoqing so much. Song Mingyuan and Qiao Ruoqing had an engagement before. Now that Tang Lan asked about this, she didn't know what An was thinking.

Although Qiao Ruolan didn't know why her mother interrupted her, she immediately shut up after receiving her mother's gaze.

Seeing how fast the two people reacted, Tang Lan didn't care, instead she smiled again, "Last time I saw Lan Lan and Ms. Cai helping Song Mingyuan speak in unison, and I thought they were together, but, If you don't have it, that's the best. After all, it's not pleasant to say that you robbed your sister's fiance, don't you think so? Lan Lan is still young, and she won't meet any kind of good man in the future, so she won't spend her whole life Pay it to Song Mingyuan."

Qiao Ruolan gritted her teeth.

At first glance, what Tang Lan said was for her sake, but who didn't know that she was secretly belittling herself and Song Mingyuan?Belittle her for stealing Qiao Ruoqing's fiancé, and belittle Song Mingyuan's bad character.

"Mrs. Huo..." Qiao Ruolan wanted to argue for herself with Song Mingyuan, but it was still the same as before, just as she spoke, Chen Yali squeezed her wrist.

Knowing what Chen Yali meant, Qiao Ruolan could only keep silent even though she was unwilling in her heart, but turned her eyes away because of anger, not wanting to look at Tang Lan.

But Tang Lan didn't mean to let it go. She was holding a glass of red wine in her hand, and she was wearing a black dress with silver thread mixed in. It was shining brightly under the light, but it didn't give people the feeling of being ostentatious. Looking at Qiao Ruolan with a very polite smile, she asked, "What's the matter? Lan Lan, do you think I'm wrong? Or are you in some trouble?"

Qiao Ruolan couldn't cope with Tang Lan's level. Knowing this, Chen Yali didn't give Qiao Ruolan a chance to talk, but started to change the subject: "By the way, Mrs. Huo, I think Huo Shao has been in contact with our family Ruoqing recently. They are very close, since he came here, he has been with Ruoqing all the time, so they are dating, right?"

"It's nothing!" Tang Lan's smile remained unchanged, and after noticing Chen Yali's expression of wanting to refute, she immediately opened her mouth again, "Actually speaking, our Xiaojing is still pursuing Xiaoqing, but Xiaojing Qing hasn't agreed yet! After all, we Xiaoqing are not so casual in our relationship. Although Xiaojing is good in all aspects, Xiaoqing is also very cautious, don't you think?"

Chen Yali responded repeatedly, but the smile on her face didn't reach her eyes.

They said they were still in the stage of pursuing, but they kept saying "our Xiaoqing", as if Qiao Ruoqing and her were part of the same family.

Moreover, when Tang Lan said that Qiao Ruoqing was cautious in her relationship, wasn't she saying in a disguised form how Qiao Ruoqing thought carefully before she dumped Song Mingyuan?

Although she denied it just now, the recent relationship between Song Mingyuan and Qiao Ruolan did not deliberately hide it from the outside world. Judging from the meaning of Tang Lan's words just now, she must also know it.

So, while praising Qiao Ruoqing, he was also saying that Song Mingyuan was a fool, so he would enter a new relationship soon, right?

Chen Yali did not show weakness, and quickly said: "Speaking of which, I am also Ruoqing's stepmother, but..."

Hearing that Chen Yali dared to mention this matter, Tang Lan's face darkened slightly, and she immediately asked, "By the way, how long has it been since you visited Shuyi?"

Chen Yali's words were blocked, her mouth was still open, but she didn't say a word.

It was as if a ball of cotton had been blocked in the throat, dry and astringent, uncomfortable and tight, but unable to spit out or swallow.

She did not expect that Tang Lan would mention Jiang Shuyi so directly, and it was still on this occasion.

I thought that even if I couldn't let go of Jiang Shuyi's matter, I would mention it euphemistically, but Tang Lan...

When Tang Lan saw Chen Yali's expression, she finally felt a little happier.

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