Most of Huo Jingyuan's good mood collapsed.

Help her protect someone?

Is this woman used to ordering him around now?

Huo Jingyuan has always been able to hide his thoughts very well, so it is not surprising now.

Turning his head away, he asked nonchalantly, "Who?"

"A friend of mine is Shi Shi." When the words fell, the chopsticks rolled from between the fingers to the table, making a crisp sound.

Qiao Ruoqing closed her eyes and frowned tightly, feeling a little painful.

Qiao Ruolan told her about Shi Shi in her previous life.

At that time, she was under house arrest and couldn't get out. One day, Qiao Ruolan suddenly appeared in front of her, pretending to go to see her.

But after seeing her, he directly threw her a stack of photos, which showed Shi Shi and a man.

Shi Shi looked very painful, naked, being pressed down by a man.

As soon as she saw the photos, her eyes immediately turned red.

Qiao Ruolan stood beside her and looked at her, with her arms folded and her head raised, condescending, "Qiao Ruoqing, you can see clearly, this is your good friend! Do you know why she became like this?"

Qiao Ruoqing grasped the photo with her fingertips so hard that it wrinkled up.

Qiao Ruolan chuckled, "If you promised Ming Yuan to fill that hole for him, wouldn't there be nothing left? But you refused to listen and forced Ming Yuan to use this method! I know, Relying on the protection of the old man, you feel confident that Mingyuan won't do anything to you, but don't forget that just because Mingyuan can't do anything to you doesn't mean he can't do anything to others!"

Squatting down in front of Qiao Ruoqing, Qiao Ruolan pinched her sharp chin with her slender fingers, warm tears were left on Qiao Ruolan's fingertips, which made her feel even more enjoyable.

Like a reprimand, Qiao Ruolan said: "This is the price for your disobedience!"

It was her. It was because of her in the last life that Shi Shi was treated that way. Later, Qiao Ruolan told her that Shi Shi jumped off the building and died because of this incident.

At that time, she was crying heart-rendingly, and Qiao Ruolan was beside her laughing like crazy.

During the years of being imprisoned in the secret room, Qiao Ruoqing would often think of that incident, and every time she thought about it, she would feel guilty towards Shi Shi, but there was nothing she could do.

After her rebirth, she never contacted Shi Shi again, because she was planning to deal with Song Mingyuan, and she couldn't take care of it.

Secondly, because of what happened in her previous life, she always felt guilty towards Shi Shi.

In this life, she must never let Shi Shi be used by Song Mingyuan again.

Huo Jingyuan sat beside him, seeing Qiao Ruoqing's expression in his eyes.

Catching the chopsticks that almost rolled to the ground along the table, and putting them back in front of her, Huo Jingyuan said: "Okay."

He didn't know who Shi Shi was, but seeing Qiao Ruoqing like this, to her, he must be someone very important to her.

He clearly knew that she was in a very bad mood now, but Huo Jingyuan still asked nervously: "Are you really giving up on Song Mingyuan?"

Qiao Ruoqing sneered.

How fresh, not giving up, how could she treat him like this?Can you rack your brains to destroy him?

"That man is not worthy of my attention." Her voice was a little hoarse.

Huo Jingyuan didn't say another word, just sat there.

Neither of them spoke again.


Huo Jingyuan didn't know why he promised Qiao Ruoqing to help her protect another person.

He felt as if he had been possessed recently, meddling in other people's affairs one after another.

It's all that woman's business.

But since he has already agreed, he will definitely do it.

So after going back, Huo Jingyuan immediately told Cheng Han about Shi Shi.

Within two days, he had just returned to the office after a meeting, and the secretary's office immediately dialed an inside line, saying that Song Mingyuan from the Song family was looking for him.

The movement of turning over the document in his hand paused, and Huo Jingyuan asked, "Song Mingyuan?"

The secretary on the other end of the phone responded immediately: "Yes, Mr. Huo, the tone seems to be quite anxious."

Hearing what the secretary said, Huo Jingyuan probably understood in his heart.

He just brought over the movie that Song Mingyuan wanted to invest in, and Song Mingyuan came here.

That's right, the Song family should be anxious in this situation.

After closing the document, he said calmly, "Take it."

With Huo Jingyuan's instruction, the secretary's staff immediately took Song Mingyuan's call.

Huo Jingyuan held the phone receiver in his hand and didn't make a sound.

Song Mingyuan on the other end didn't have such patience, and said in a hurried voice: "Mr. Huo, I want to ask you about the movie today. It's the "Urban Men and Women" I invested in a while ago. I heard that the movie has nothing to do with you. Signed? Mr. Huo, this...Mr. Huo, are you listening? "

The tip of his index finger tapped the receiver twice before Huo Jingyuan said, "Speak."

After the call was received in Huo Jingyuan's office, there was no voice from Huo Jingyuan's side. Song Mingyuan thought he didn't listen at all.

Knowing that he was listening now, Song Mingyuan felt more at ease, and his tone of speech was not as urgent as before, "Mr. Huo, that's how it is, the movie "Urban Men and Women"..."

"I've taken over that movie." Before Song Mingyuan could finish speaking, Huo Jingyuan took over.

Perhaps because he was choked by his words, Song Mingyuan's voice fell silent.

However, this kind of reaction made Huo Jingyuan very satisfied, and even the corners of his lips curled up slightly, "I received the news that you don't have enough money to invest in that movie, and you found several people to vote together, it's too risky." Big, so I took it."

What he said was calm, and what he meant seemed to be saying that if Song Mingyuan made this movie, he would definitely lose money, but it would be different if he did it.

Song Mingyuan gritted his teeth angrily, but he didn't dare to express his dissatisfaction, so he could only continue: "But Mr. Huo, didn't you also find someone to invest in? And you are also looking for Mr. Zhang and the others..."

He knew in his heart that the reason why Huo Jingyuan did this was clearly to embarrass him on purpose.

With Huo's financial resources, investing in a movie still need to find someone to join?This is clearly to let him know that he can't do these things, but Huo Jingyuan can.

It's just that he didn't dare to say it.

Huo Jingyuan knew what Song Mingyuan meant, and chuckled, "Boss Zhang and I are old friends, so as soon as they heard that I was going to make this movie, they came to me right away, and I couldn't refuse, but at the time, I forgot I told you."

Song Mingyuan's back molars were almost worn out.

Listen to the meaning of Huo Jingyuan's words, isn't this just showing off on purpose?Isn't it just showing off?Didn't he just mean that when he was making a movie, other people would be reluctant to invest in it, but when that movie was in Huo Jingyuan's hands, others flocked to it?

He clenched his hands tightly into fists, and the veins on the back of his hands were exposed. Song Mingyuan suppressed his anger and continued: "Mr. Huo, no matter how we say it, we know each other. It's important to me that I..."


Before he finished speaking, the phone was hung up suddenly.

Taking the phone from his ear, Song Mingyuan was silent for two seconds before dropping the phone to the ground, several cracks appeared on the screen immediately.

Qiao Ruolan has been sitting by the side watching him. Although she knew from his tone just now that things must not be going well, she was still taken aback when she saw his big movements. She quickly stood up, held his arm and asked : "What's wrong? Huo Jingyuan won't let go?"

Song Mingyuan pushed Qiao Ruolan's hand away, and sat down on the sofa, "This matter is simply due to Qiao Ruoqing and Huo Jingyuan coming to mess with me. I've talked about that, and Huo Jingyuan won't let go!"

Listening to Song Mingyuan's tone, Qiao Ruolan also felt angry, "He must have answered your phone on purpose to annoy you!"

"What do you need to say?" Song Mingyuan glared at Qiao Ruolan.

It had happened for several days, Qiao Ruolan had nothing to do but kept making trouble for him.

Seeing Song Mingyuan's eyes, knowing that he was unhappy, Qiao Ruolan also panicked, and asked again: "Then what should we do now? Qiao Ruoqing's side..."

"I went to Qiao Ruoqing, she can't return the movie to me." Speaking of Qiao Ruoqing, Song Mingyuan became even more angry.

That day, he couldn't control his temper for a while, and quarreled with Qiao Ruoqing, but later regretted it, and wanted to talk to Qiao Ruoqing, but Huo Jingyuan's people refused to let him in, saying that it was Qiao Ruoqing's orders.

Isn't this clearly to make him uncomfortable?

Qiao Ruolan bit her lip, pondered for a while, and suddenly had an idea.

Sitting beside Song Mingyuan, Qiao Ruolan's eyes rolled, and she asked in a charming voice, "Didn't Qiao Ruoqing have a best friend named Shi Shi? If there was her, then Qiao Ruoqing would have to listen to us, right?"

Song Mingyuan touched his chin, and his eyes suddenly lit up.


Huo Jingyuan delivered food to Qiao Ruoqing every day as usual, two meals a day, never stopped.

At first, Qiao Ruoqing felt embarrassed, but after a long time, she gradually got used to it, saying "thank you" without distraction every day, and Huo Jingyuan was as cold and unresponsive as always.

One night, while Qiao Ruoqing was eating, Huo Jingyuan suddenly said, "Song Mingyuan wants to attack that best friend of yours."

The movements of Qiao Ruoqing's hands stopped suddenly.

When she was eating, Huo Jingyuan seldom spoke. Most of the time he sat quietly beside him, either reading documents or doing unfinished work on the laptop.

This is the first time he spoke while she was eating, and what he brought was this news?
Looking at Huo Jingyuan uneasily, even her voice revealed a hint of fear: "Is it... Shi Shi?"

"Yeah." Huo Jingyuan responded lightly, "But I've let Cheng Han handle it."

Only then did Qiao Ruoqing relax a little when she mentioned her throat.


It seemed that her guess was correct. Song Mingyuan had nothing to do with her, so he wanted to attack the people around her, just like in his previous life.

"Then she...will be okay?" Qiao Ruoqing couldn't help but ask in order to ensure the safety of the implementation.

Huo Jingyuan looked at her with a dissatisfied look.

Understanding what he meant, Qiao Ruoqing quickly began to explain: "Brother Huo, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just...I..."

Seeing Qiao Ruoqing's downcast eyes, Huo Jingyuan pulled the corner of his lips lightly without knowing it, "She will be fine."

Qiao Ruoqing nodded heavily, feeling completely relieved.

It's fine as long as Shi Shi is fine. In the last life, it was because of her that Shi Shi had an accident. In this life, fortunately, she asked Huo Jingyuan in advance.

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