The smile on Zhou Liang's face deepened, and he spoke in a manner, as if it was real: "I'm sorry, Mrs. Song, Qiao is always the boss, and I'm just her assistant, so she doesn't need to tell me about her itinerary."

Cai Meixian glanced at Zhou Liang.

Sure enough, it was the old man who was promoted by Qiao. Like the old man, he sounded polite, but the meaning of rejection was as obvious as possible.

Now that Zhou Liang had already spoken to this point, Cai Meixian didn't want to continue to make herself uncomfortable here, so she turned and walked outside.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the elevator door, he ran into Huo Jingyuan and Cheng Han who came out of the elevator.

Although he already knew that Huo Jingyuan had shares in Huatian, Cai Meixian still found it a bit inconceivable that he would meet here.

Especially a few days ago Huo Jingyuan felt sorry for Mrs. Song.

Cai Meixian was very dissatisfied with Huo Jingyuan in her heart, but with the strength of the Song family, she was unable to make an enemy against Huo Jingyuan, so she still put on a smile on her face, "Mr. Huo, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Glancing at Cai Meixian's place, Huo Jingyuan quickly turned his gaze away, "Mrs. Song? What are you doing here?"

Not only the voice is indifferent, but also the eyes are very disdainful.

Cai Meixian really doesn't like other people showing such superiority in front of her.

But Huo Jingyuan had power, so she had to bow her head.

So even if she doesn't like it anymore, she can only make up for it with a smiling face, "Mr. Huo, are you here to find Ruoqing? I also personally made Ruoqing her favorite snacks and brought them here, but she doesn't seem to be here." Woolen cloth."

Cai Meixian looked a little distressed, and looked at Zhou Liang next to her, "And Zhou Liang also said that he didn't know where Ruoqing went, so you might have to make a trip for nothing."

Zhou Liang glanced at Cai Meixian.

Why does it make people feel more uncomfortable the more she hears it?It's as if Qiao Ruoqing cares about the company because of her fun.

But he just said clearly that Qiao Ruoqing went to another company.

Sure enough, he is a good player to sow dissension.

Although he knew Cai Meixian's plan, Zhou Liang was not worried at all. After all, Huo Jingyuan's IQ would not listen to such casual nonsense.

Sure enough, Huo Jingyuan didn't even look at Cai Meixian again, he just said: "I'm only here for work."

Cai Meixian laughed again, "That's right, I heard about it before, it seems that Mr. Huo has shares in Huatian, right?"

Seeing that Huo Jingyuan didn't respond, she was a little embarrassed, and handed the bag of snacks to Huo Jingyuan with both hands, "But speaking of it, it seems that you and Ruoqing have a good relationship. If this is the case, then Mr. Huo will definitely see Ruoqing Sunny? Why don't you ask Mr. Huo to help me give her the snacks? It just so happens that Mr. Huo also has a taste..."

"No need." Huo Jingyuan replied calmly.

The smile on Cai Meixian's face froze for a moment, but after all, she had seen the world, and quickly adjusted her facial expression, "I also know that this is troublesome to Mr. Huo, but this is my heart, I still hope that Ruoqing can accept it..."

"Miss Qiao and I are just in a purely working relationship, there is no need to forward things to her for you." Huo Jingyuan looked at her, his eyes were like the bitter wind in the cold winter months, "Besides, Miss Qiao probably doesn't want to accept anything from you." thing."

After finishing speaking, Huo Jingyuan stepped forward.

Cai Meixian didn't give up and wanted to catch up, but was bumped by Cheng Han on the shoulder and left behind.

Seeing that she had distanced herself from Huo Jingyuan, she still wanted to move forward, but at this moment Zhou Liang took a step and directly blocked her way, "Mrs. Song, please go back."

Cai Meixian gritted her teeth, let out a "hum" from her nose, turned around and walked into the elevator.

Zhou Liang didn't return to his office until he saw Cai Meixian enter the elevator, the doors of the elevator were closed, and the floors began to descend continuously.

Cheng Han followed behind Huo Jingyuan and touched his chin.

When he arrived at Qiao Ruoqing's office, he finally couldn't help it, and asked, "Mr. Huo, what did you mean by what you just said to Mrs. Song?"

Huo Jingyuan sat down on Qiao Ruoqing's seat, and looked up at him, "What's the intention?"

Cheng Han replied honestly: "In the past, you didn't have the same knowledge as this kind of person, and you didn't bother to talk to her at all, but today you talked so much nonsense to her."

Huo Jingyuan didn't answer.

In the past, he really didn't care about these things, and generally no one could make him feel disgusted.

He is a simple businessman, he can talk if he can, and let it go if he can't. When he meets someone who doesn't know how to live or die, he slaps him to death directly, and takes the other party's business into his pocket, which is simple and neat.

But since he came into contact with Qiao Ruoqing, he realized that sometimes a lot of fun will be lost if the way of handling things is too straightforward.

For example, when he wanted to make Song Mingyuan unable to fight back, Qiao Ruoqing wanted to play with him like a cat and a mouse, watching the other party be furious and helpless, which was enjoyable.

Another example is when he met Cai Meixian outside just now, he could have just ignored him and walked away, but in that case, Cai Meixian would only feel a little bit upset.

And the few words he said were like igniting a fire in Cai Meixian's heart, which could intensify the other party's unhappiness.

Although the approach is a bit naive, I have to admit that it is really fun to think about it from another angle.

It can be regarded as a relief for Qiao Ruoqing.

Knocking the table with his knuckles, Huo Jingyuan suppressed the smile in his eyes, and returned to his usual indifferent appearance, "Go ask Zhou Liang to come in and bring the report from last month."

Although the question he asked didn't get an answer, Huo Jingyuan had already said that, so Cheng Han didn't ask any more questions, and hurried to find Zhou Liang.

Just as Huo Jingyuan thought, Cai Meixian was really upset to the extreme.

After getting into the car, she directly threw the snack that she had been holding carefully in her hand onto the passenger seat, and stared fiercely.

Huo Jingyuan, what does that mean?He didn't take her seriously at all!

It would be fine if it was just Huo Jingyuan, but even Zhou Liang had the same attitude, with an expression of a master on his face, who is he showing his face to?
After taking a few breaths, Cai Meixian called Song Mingyuan, and as soon as the call was connected, she asked, "Mingyuan, where are you?"

Song Mingyuan just picked up the phone, before he even had time to speak, he heard Cai Meixian's tone was wrong, he was slightly stunned for a moment, and then replied: "At the company, what's the matter?"

"I'm coming to find you now."

After saying this, Cai Meixian hung up the phone directly, started the car and drove to Song's.

Although the Song Corporation's crisis has been temporarily resolved, the financial aspect has always been a flaw. Song Mingyuan has no choice but to reopen an index fund to attract the attention of investors.

But how to get the data of these two funds up in the short term is a problem.

The current market is not good, and it is easy to lose money in everything. There are not many people under him who can use it with confidence. He finds it very tricky.

While worrying about this matter, the door of the office opened, and when he looked up and saw Cai Meixian, Song Mingyuan laughed immediately, put down the documents in his hand and stood up from the chair, "Mom, are you here? I listen to your call." The tone in Li is not right, is something wrong?"

Cai Meixian did not answer, but raised her eyebrows.

Song Mingyuan paid great attention to his image, and would carefully take care of his hairstyle before going out in the morning, but now, his hair was scratched a little messy.

It seems that he is also troubled by something.

Putting the snacks on the coffee table, Cai Meixian asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you in any trouble?"

Song Mingyuan sat down in front of Cai Meixian, "Isn't it? Mom, I want to create two new funds, but now the company can't find a decent fund manager..."

"Then go to another company to dig." Cai Meixian interrupted him, "Can't you figure out such a simple thing?"

Song Mingyuan's expression became even more distressed, "I also tried to contact a few, but their salary requirements are too high. If they are really invited to come over, it will be another expense for the company."

In this respect, Cai Meixian sees clearly than Song Mingyuan.

She crossed her legs, leaned back on the back of the sofa, folded her hands in front of her chest, and said with a strategizing look on her face, "As long as it can help the company make money, it is right to give them high salaries. In the current situation of the company, talent And money is the most important thing. When you run out, just find an excuse and throw it away, won’t it be over?”

Although the words are well-founded, the tone is not the same as usual.

Sensing this very keenly, Song Mingyuan asked, "Mom, why did you come to see me today?"

Then he pointed to the bag on the coffee table, "Also, what's in it?"

When asked by him, Cai Meixian remembered how he was angry in Huatian again, and said angrily: "Don't mention it, I made some snacks for Qiao Ruoqing and sent them to Huatian today, but she was not around at all, even Zhou Liang dared to Show me your face, and that Huo Jingyuan..."

Thinking of Huo Jingyuan's attitude at that time, Cai Meixian gritted her teeth angrily.

Song Mingyuan leaned forward, "What's the matter? Huo Jingyuan went to find Qiao Ruoqing?"

Cai Meixian glanced at him, "Huo Jingyuan said that he was only going to work, and when I asked him to hand over the snacks to Qiao Ruoqing, he refused."

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable Cai Meixian felt.

But Song Mingyuan caught important information from Cai Meixian's words.

Huo Jingyuan said that going to Huatian was just for work?In that case, didn't he come to see Qiao Ruoqing specifically?

In other words, in fact, he didn't care that much about Qiao Ruoqing?

Noticing that the corners of Song Mingyuan's mouth were raised, Cai Meixian frowned instead, "Mingyuan, what did you think of?"

Song Mingyuan had a smug expression, "It's nothing. I met Qiao Ruoqing yesterday. At that time, she didn't look quite right. I thought something was wrong with her. Now, it seems that Huo Jingyuan probably didn't feel anything new after he fell in love with her... "

"What's wrong? This is in the company, so I don't know how to be careful when I speak!" After Song Mingyuan was taught a lesson, Cai Meixian came to his senses, "Did you quarrel with Qiao Ruoqing again?"

Realizing that he had slipped his mouth because of momentary complacency, Song Mingyuan hurriedly avoided Cai Meixian's gaze, and did not speak any more.

But Cai Meixian is his biological mother after all, so how can he not see what his expression means?Not only did he frown deeper, but he even slapped Song Mingyuan on the shoulder, "Didn't I tell you? We want to have a good relationship with Qiao Ruoqing, why are you still arguing with her at this juncture?"

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