"It's okay..." Wei Ran responded reflexively, with a smile on his face.

Qiao Ruoqing tilted her head, obviously in disbelief, "Are you okay?"

She took a step back, distanced herself from Wei Ran, and looked at the person in front of her carefully.

The blue light hit his face, but stayed for a few seconds and then disappeared, dimmed for a while, and changed to purple.

Looking at it from this angle, only half of Wei Ran's face can be seen, and the other half is hidden in the shadows.

But even if she only saw half of her face, she really wanted to see Wei Ran's uneasiness.

Wei Ran grasped the railing with one hand, and tightened his strength slightly, for fear that Qiao Ruoqing would see through his thoughts.

Looking sideways at Jiang's face, he finally summoned up his courage, "Ruoqing, tomorrow..."

Before he could finish speaking, a mobile phone rang in the air.

Qiao Ruoqing said "Sorry", opened the bag, and took out her mobile phone from inside.

What was displayed on the phone screen was Huo Jingyuan's phone number.

She picked up the phone, and just yelled "Brother Huo", Tang Lan's voice came from the other side: "Xiaoqing, I'm Aunt Tang."

"Aunt Tang?" Qiao Ruoqing was startled, took the phone from her ear, and looked at the screen. The name displayed on it was indeed Huo Jingyuan's name.

Putting the phone back to her ear, Qiao Ruoqing scratched her hair with the other hand, "Aunt Tang, why did you use Brother Huo's phone to call me?"

"Xiaojing just came back tonight, and my phone is upstairs again, just for convenience." After answering Qiao Ruoqing's question, Tang Lan got into the topic, "Xiaoqing, are you free tomorrow?"

Qiao Ruoqing thought about it silently in her heart. Tomorrow is the weekend and she has no other plans, so she replied honestly: "Yes, I will rest tomorrow..."

"That's great!" Tang Lan seemed very happy, "Xiao Qing, I'm going to make a face tomorrow, can you accompany me?"

When Qiao Ruoqing was resting, she was actually quite bored by herself, so she thought it would be good if she could accompany Tang Lan, so she immediately agreed.

Tang Lan was even happier, "Then we can talk about it! Xiaoqing, see you tomorrow morning! Go to bed early, good night!"

Then, before Qiao Ruoqing could speak, she hung up the phone by herself.

Qiao Ruoqing sighed silently.

It's only less than nine o'clock now, is Tang Lan going to rest so early?

And she's not at home at all right now...

Putting the phone back into the bag, out of the corner of her eye she glanced at Wei Ran beside her, Qiao Ruoqing remembered something, "By the way, Wei Ran, what did you want to say to me just now?"

Wei Ran gave a dry laugh, "Are you busy tomorrow?"

"Well, an aunt asked me to have a facial tomorrow." Qiao Ruoqing answered honestly.

Wei Ran let out an "oh", a little disappointed.

Sensing that Wei Ran's mood was wrong, Qiao Ruoqing asked again: "What's wrong?"

Wei Ran shook his head, "It's okay."


Qiao Ruoqing hasn't been to a beauty salon for a long time.

She usually just applies facial masks at home or something, but sometimes some female clients will invite here to talk about things, and she will follow suit, but she is not attached to this.

Tang Lan is different. She firmly believes that women should know how to invest in themselves. She pays more attention to the maintenance of her face. Visiting beauty parlors is almost a regular thing.

It is also because of this that the staff in the beauty salon are quite familiar with her. As soon as she came in, someone greeted her, "Mrs. Huo, you came so early today."

His eyes fell on Qiao Ruoqing who was beside him, the man smiled and asked, "I haven't seen this lady before, did she come with you?"

"That's right." Tang Lan was in a good mood, her eyes were slit into two smiles, "This is our family, Xiao Qing, who specially accompanied me here, she is sensible."

The man was stunned, "Your family..."

Soon, her eyes changed, and her smile became stronger, "Could this be Mr. Huo's girlfriend?"

Qiao Ruoqing's face turned red, and she quickly waved her hands: "No, no, don't get me wrong..."

Seeing Qiao Ruoqing's frightened look, Tang Lan also helped explain: "This is my friend's daughter."

As he said that, he sighed again, "But I hope she can be with Xiaojing. If Xiaojing can chase her over, then I will really wake up laughing from a dream!"

Qiao Ruoqing was inexplicable, but suddenly remembered what Huo Jingyuan said that night when he gave her the necklace.

The moment she opened the jewelry box and saw her face in the mirror, Huo Jingyuan said, you saw her.

Saw the person he liked.

Before that, she never thought that the person Huo Jingyuan likes would be her.

She always thought that person was Wu Shan...

While making face, Tang Lan kept talking to Qiao Ruoqing, it wasn't about anything important, it was just talking about clothes, cosmetics, etc., or what series she watched recently, Qiao Ruoqing could match it Shangqiang, and will not be cold.

However, she couldn't help but think of another thing.

After knowing that Huo Jingyuan didn't like Wu Shan, she actually breathed a sigh of relief, and even when Huo Jingyuan confessed to her, she didn't feel that there was anything wrong except that she was surprised.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel that there is a problem.

According to her previous life memory, Huo Jingyuan's fiancée should be Wu Shan.

In other words, she snatched Huo Jingyuan from Wu Shan?
Although Huo Jingyuan said that he didn't like Wu Shan, but without her, Huo Jingyuan would be with Wu Shan.

Does she count as a third party if she does this?Will it be the same as Qiao Ruolan back then?
The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong.

Tang Lan found that Qiao Ruoqing seemed to be distracted all the time. At the beginning, the two of them chatted with each other, but after chatting, Qiao Ruoqing's expression began to be in a trance, and her responses became more and more perfunctory. I don't know what I'm thinking.

Just as the nursing was finished, Tang Lan sat up from the bed and touched Qiao Ruoqing's arm, "Xiaoqing, do you have something on your mind? I always feel that you are absent-minded."

"No." Qiao Ruoqing replied reflexively, "Aunt Tang, did I disappoint you?"

"That's not true. It's just that seeing you like this makes me a little worried." Tang Lan frowned as she spoke.

Qiao Ruoqing pursed the corners of her lips, feeling guilty in her heart.

It was her fault that made Tang Lan worry about her.

In fact, those are all her own problems, it's okay to think about it when she's alone, why can't she control herself so much in front of Tang Lan?

"Aunt Tang, I'm really fine." Qiao Ruoqing forced a smile on her face, "Maybe it's because I've been too tired from work recently and haven't had a good rest."

When she said this, Tang Lan immediately felt distressed, "Yes, now you manage such a big company by yourself, and I also heard that Chen Yali..."

Before she finished speaking, Tang Lan realized that she had said something she shouldn't have said.

Afraid that Qiao Ruoqing would be sad, she hurriedly omitted all the following words, "Xiaoqing, if you feel that you can't handle it, you must tell Xiaojing to help you, you know? Xiaojing is still very reliable in things. .”

Qiao Ruoqing nodded, avoiding Tang Lan's gaze.

The two came out of the beauty salon and walked around the shopping mall. When it was lunch time, Tang Lan took Qiao Ruoqing to a restaurant.

Qiao Ruoqing only thought that Tang Lan often came to this restaurant, and didn't think much about it.

It was only after entering the restaurant that I realized that Huo Jingyuan was here.

Seeing Tang Lan and Qiao Ruoqing coming in, Huo Jingyuan, who was on the phone, quickly explained a few words to the other side, hung up the phone immediately, stood up and opened the chair for them, took the bags and shopping bags from them and put them away. Beside.

"Xiao Jing, have you been waiting for a long time?" Tang Lan asked.

"No, I just arrived too." While speaking, Huo Jingyuan's eyes fell on Qiao Ruoqing's face, and the emotion in his eyes was unclear.

Maybe because she sensed something, Qiao Ruoqing also looked over here.

As a result, looking at it this way, the eyes of the two people collided with each other impartially.

Qiao Ruoqing felt guilty for no reason, she quickly turned her eyes away, and Huo Jingyuan also began to pour tea for Tang Lan.

He didn't talk much, and let Tang Lan drag Qiao Ruoqing to chat, and didn't mention that night and what happened afterwards at all.

But what Cheng Han said to him on the phone just now echoed in his ears, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Xiao Jing, what are you thinking?" Tang Lan suddenly patted his arm.

He came back to his senses, "Mom, what did you say?"

Tang Lan glared at him, very dissatisfied, "I asked you if the bracelet I bought for Xiaoqing looks good, you should express your opinion."

When Huo Jingyuan lowered his head, he realized that there was a square box in front of him. The box was opened. Inside was a yellow flannelette, and a pink hibiscus jade bracelet was lying quietly, with a lustrous luster, just like the skin on Qiao Ruoqing's shoulders.

Huo Jingyuan shook his head, and pushed the box back in front of Tang Lan, "It's pretty, very beautiful."

Only then did Tang Lan feel a little more satisfied, "Right, Xiao Qing, I'll just say it's pretty! Girls wear this bracelet very well, for beauty and beauty. In the past, this kind of jade was laid next to Concubine Yang's soup pool!"

Hearing Tang Lan's logical manner, Qiao Ruoqing nodded cooperatively in response.

But his eyes turned to Huo Jingyuan involuntarily.

The man was drooping his brows and eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

She always felt that something was wrong with Huo Jingyuan today, and she realized that Huo Jingyuan's eyes seemed to be churning with emotion when they first met.

But she later felt that it might just be her own illusion.

But just now, when he pushed the bracelet back in front of Tang Lan impatiently and spoke in such a perfunctory tone, she understood that it was not an illusion at all.

Huo Jingyuan was in a bad mood.

But why?Is it because of her?
Tang Lan took the bracelet and put it on Qiao Ruoqing, then turned to look at her son, "I said, what's going on with you two today? Why are you so restless?"

The two looked at each other, and then looked away.

Huo Jiang had other arrangements in the morning, so he came to pick up Tang Lan himself when he was done with work, so Tang Lan asked Huo Jingyuan to take Qiao Ruoqing around, and then send her back early.

She also specifically explained that Qiao Ruoqing didn't have a good rest recently, and asked Huo Jingyuan to pay more attention to Hua Tian's affairs.

Although Huo Jingyuan responded to every sentence, and it looked similar to usual, Qiao Ruoqing just felt something was wrong.

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