Qiao Ruoqing was naturally aware of it, and knew that Qiao Ruolan was deliberately provoking, but she didn't do anything, she just ate her own meal.

Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing ignored her, Qiao Ruolan frowned, "Qiao Ruoqing, you don't know yet, do you? You're out of business with the land in the neighboring city."

Qiao Ruoqing's movements stopped.

Thinking that she was stimulated by herself, Qiao Ruolan was overjoyed, "Didn't you spend close to [-] million yuan for that land? But now Huatian has no share in that project, and the current Huatian is probably just an empty shelf, right? And the villa at home , you also mortgaged it, so wouldn't you be homeless in the future?"

As if she had seen Qiao Ruoqing sleeping on the street, Qiao Ruolan raised the corners of her mouth and deliberately "tsk tsk" twice. Even such a tone of voice made her feel like a sigh.

"Really?" Qiao Ruoqing wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin, stood up, and looked at Qiao Ruolan, "If that day really comes, don't I still have your sister?"

She was actually about the same height as Qiao Ruolan, but the high heels on her feet were two centimeters higher. At this moment, she looked at Qiao Ruolan with lowered eyelids, full of aura.

Qiao Ruolan was startled.

I thought that Qiao Ruoqing would definitely get angry when she heard the news, but she didn't expect that she could be so calm?
After realizing it, Qiao Ruolan laughed, "Yeah, we are sisters anyway, if you come to me when the time comes, I might even let you live in the utility room."

Shi Shi suddenly stood up from the chair, and said to Qiao Ruolan: "Qiao Ruolan, you are too much, no matter what, Ruoqing is your sister!"

Compared with Shi Shi, Qiao Ruoqing didn't care at all, she even had a slight smile on her face.

Qiao Ruolan was confused by Qiao Ruoqing's smile, so she didn't even answer Shi Shi immediately. When she finally realized and wanted to speak, she heard Qiao Ruoqing's voice: "Then thank you."

Then, Qiao Ruoqing dragged Shi Shi away.

Qiao Ruolan seemed to be frozen in place, motionless.

Qin Xiao next to her frowned, looked at the door of the restaurant with a look of unwillingness, "Things have come to this point, her situation should be very embarrassing, but why doesn't she seem to care at all?"

Qiao Ruolan also felt something was wrong.

Qiao Ruoqing's reaction just now seemed as if that incident had nothing to do with her.

Although the Qiao family also has a place in Jiangcheng, it is [-] million after all!How could Qiao Ruoqing be so calm?

After thinking about it, Qiao Ruolan felt that there was only one possibility: "She is just bluffing!"

The more she thought about it, the more Qiao Ruolan felt that it was like this, "Yes, it's a bluff! I have been a young lady for so many years, and I want to save face, and I don't want others to see my weak side, so even if I am about to go bankrupt, I still want to do it. Act like you're not afraid of anything!"

She curled her lips and narrowed her eyes, "Qiao Ruoqing, when that day comes, I won't let you even sleep in the utility room!"


Huo Jingyuan only stayed in the imperial capital for twelve days.

It was originally half a month's work, but he abruptly compressed it into eleven days. The day before he left, he visited Meng's house, and then he couldn't wait to return to Jiangcheng.

As usual, when Huo Jingyuan came out of the airport, he didn't go home first, but went to the company first, and dealt with the work accumulated in the past ten days, although he didn't accumulate much work.

After seven o'clock in the evening, he returned home.

After the awkward fight with Qiao Ruoqing that night, the two of them haven't contacted each other again. He thought that Qiao Ruoqing might be angry with him, so he didn't come over.

But the moment he opened the door, he was almost dazzled by the light in the living room.

The light was on, Qiao Ruoqing's white mink coat was draped on the sofa, and a row of small potted plants on the window sill were still full of vitality, and some of the leaves still had crystal drops of water, reflecting the light.

I looked around, but didn't see Qiao Ruoqing's person.

He pulled the suitcase into the living room, but there was no one there.

However, he could hear the sound of collision between objects, and he was familiar with this sound.

When he arrived at the door of the billiards room, he opened the door and saw Qiao Ruoqing bending over to play. Maybe because she was too absorbed, she didn't hear the door opening.

Huo Jingyuan didn't bother her either, he leaned against the door, folded his arms around his chest, and watched intently.

She was wearing a thigh-length winter skirt with flesh-colored stockings underneath.

The pose looks much more professional than last time.

The legs are really long.

How do you say a word on the Internet?Legs play year?

Huo Jingyuan raised his hand to cover his eyes, thinking that he might have failed his studies.

He has lived for more than 20 years without touching his heart, but recently he is always thinking wildly, and his mind is often full of yellow waste.

Fortunately, the protagonist is the same person, and from this aspect, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

People have needs, and it has nothing to do with whether they are bad or not.

After Qiao Ruoqing hit a ball, she was a little unsatisfactory, so she got up and prepared to hit another ball in a different direction.

But before Ren could reach the opposite side, she saw a person standing at the door.

The man was wearing a gray overcoat, dusty, and his tall body stood leaning against the door frame, covering his eyes with his hands, and he didn't know if he was thinking about something or falling asleep.

"Brother Huo?" She stood still, as if frightened, "Why are you back at this time? Didn't you say you're going to go for more than half a month?"

Only then did Huo Jingyuan take off his hand, "Ah, but I was afraid that my potted plants would die, so I came back early."

For the first time, Qiao Ruoqing knew that there were still such willful people in the world.

He went on a business trip to the imperial capital, and that matter must be very important, but he actually came back because of these potted plants?

This love is too much.

But after thinking about it carefully, she felt something was wrong.

She clearly promised to help take care of her, but he still says such things now, does it mean he doesn't believe her?
With half of her eyelids drooping, Qiao Ruoqing looked at the man not far away, "Do you think I'll kill them?"

"No." Huo Jingyuan shook his head, "But you seemed to be angry last time, and then said to leave them alone."

After being told by Huo Jingyuan, Qiao Ruoqing remembered that they seemed to have had an argument.

In fact, she didn't know if it was a quarrel or not, anyway, Huo Jingyuan disliked her, and she did say at the time that she didn't care about those plants.

"That was just an angry remark. It was you who provoked me, not them." After a pause, she took two steps forward, "You really came back because of them?"

If that's the case, how soft is this man's heart?
Seeing Qiao Ruoqing shaking her head and sighing, Huo Jingyuan couldn't help laughing, resisting the urge to reach out and rub her hair, and said in a low voice, "I'm done with the imperial capital, so I'm back."

Qiao Ruoqing breathed a sigh of relief, and gave Huo Jingyuan another look, "I was shocked, I thought you were really for that row of little guys."

After finishing speaking, she shook her head again, but this time she was not lamenting Huo Jingyuan, but herself.

Why did she believe Huo Jingyuan's nonsense?Would the dignified leader of the Huo Group lose business for a row of potted plants and just run back?
It seems that her IQ has not dropped by a single star.

Huo Jingyuan's eyes fell on the cue stick in Qiao Ruoqing's hand, "How about we play a round?"

"Okay..." Qiao Ruoqing subconsciously wanted to agree, but held back before she finished speaking.

The last time they played here, they were so close...

That feeling is not right.

In order to avoid that situation from happening again, Qiao Ruoqing tilted her head and inserted the cue back into the rack, "No, I have to go back first."

Looking at the watch on his wrist, Huo Jingyuan raised his eyelids, "So early?"

"It's getting late, I haven't eaten yet." Qiao Ruoqing felt aggrieved, "I've come to your place every day recently, and I've been eating late, and I've eaten takeaway several times, and my stomach feels uncomfortable."

Huo Jingyuan remembered that Qiao Ruoqing couldn't cook.

He hasn't been at home for so long, and he emptied the refrigerator before leaving, so there is nothing to eat at home now.

Standing up straight, he suggested: "Then let's go out to eat."

Qiao Ruoqing opened her eyes wide, "Now?"

Compared with Qiao Ruoqing, Huo Jingyuan's reaction was much calmer, and he nodded, "Well, thank you."

Qiao Ruoqing accepted it with peace of mind.

She has helped Huo Jingyuan take care of the potted plants for so long, this meal is still affordable.

However, considering that Huo Jingyuan had just returned from the imperial capital, he might be quite tired, and was about to fall asleep just now standing at the door, so she refused to go to the restaurant, and just found a restaurant at the entrance of the community.

Huo Jingyuan ignored her and just followed her.

The community where Huo Jingyuan lives is also very high-end, and the location is good, so even if it is a random restaurant, the decoration is also very good.

When the waiter came over, Huo Jingyuan asked Qiao Ruoqing to order, but he put his hand into his pocket.

Qiao Ruoqing also didn't come out, maybe she was really hungry, ordered several dishes, and then handed the menu to Huo Jingyuan symbolically, and seeing that he didn't intend to take it, she returned the menu to the waiter, "That's all, trouble gone."

After the waiter walked away, she said to Huo Jingyuan, "Brother Huo, are you particularly hungry? If not, we'll call again later..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Huo Jingyuan stretch his hand out in front of her, and after he withdrew his hand, a royal blue jewelry box appeared on the dining table in front of her.

The box is small, rectangular.

Qiao Ruoqing stared blankly, "Brother Huo, you are..."

"Open it and have a look." Huo Jingyuan raised his chin before she finished speaking.

Qiao Ruoqing tilted her head and looked at the box.

There should be something like a necklace inside, but it's pretty, why did Huo Jingyuan give her the necklace?
Seeing that she didn't move, Huo Jingyuan leaned his upper body forward, and his voice was as soft as spring rain dripping on the eaves: "There is really nothing between me and Wu Shan."

"Ah?" Qiao Ruoqing blinked, but didn't react.

She looked a bit dazed like this, her dark eyes were sunken in their sockets, like two black pearls.

It's not the same as her usual lively and shrewd appearance, but she is also very cute.

Huo Jingyuan bent his lips, "I told you last time, and you also believed me."

Qiao Ruoqing drooped her eyelids.

She understood. When Huo Jingyuan started the video that day, Huo Jingyuan told her not to lie on his sofa. She was angry at that time, so she mentioned Wu Shan.

It turned out that Huo Jingyuan was talking about this.

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