Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 124 Look at Me Laughing

Zhou Liang found that Qiao Ruoqing was in a bad mood when she came back.

Wasn't Yao Su very happy when she got Yao Su's itinerary yesterday?Today I went to see Yao Su after preparations excitedly, why did you come back dejected?

He was about to ask, when he saw Shi Shi sending a message with his mobile phone, the corners of his mouth drooping, he seemed to be in a bad mood, even when he sent a message, he poked his finger on the screen, as if he wanted to send a message The screen looked like it was smashed.

What a good girlfriend!Even unhappiness is together.

Arriving in front of Shi Shi, Zhou Liang bent his fingertips and tapped lightly on the surface of her desk, "You're in a bad mood?"

Shi Shi still held the mobile phone in his hand, raised his head to look at him, and frowned deeply, "No, do I look like I'm in a bad mood?"

"..." Zhou Liang looked at her again and shook his head, "It's not like that."

Pointing to Qiao Ruoqing's office, Zhou Liang asked again: "President Qiao is back, didn't you have something to ask her just now?"

Uninterested, Shi Shi stood up from her chair, said "Oh", and walked towards Qiao Ruoqing's office with her mobile phone in hand.

Zhou Liang didn't know what happened to Shi Shi recently, and he could often see her holding the phone in a daze with heavy thoughts.

As soon as Shi Shi entered Qiao Ruoqing's office, she saw Qiao Ruoqing sitting with her back to the door, looking out of the French window, not knowing what she was thinking.

She took a few more steps, and when she got behind the desk, she saw Qiao Ruoqing's thoughtful expression.

Lightly touching Qiao Ruoqing's shoulder, Shi Shi asked, "Ruoqing, what are you thinking?"

Qiao Ruoqing looked up and saw that it was Shi Shi, her expression didn't change much, she just asked, "Shi Shi, what's the matter?"

After asking, without waiting for Shi Shi to answer, she continued to look out of the window.

Shi Shi followed her gaze and glanced twice.

The office building has high floors, and Qiao Ruoqing's office is on the top floor. From here, you can overlook half of Jiangcheng.

Although you can see far and wide, you can't see clearly. From this angle, the streets look very narrow, and the people walking on the street look like small moving particles.

Shi Shi pulled a chair over, sat down beside Qiao Ruoqing, followed her example and looked down, "Ruoqing, what are you looking at?"

Without Qiao Ruoqing's answer, she turned her head and looked at Qiao Ruoqing's face, "Didn't you go to see Yao Su? Didn't the conversation go well?"

Qiao Ruoqing finally had a reaction and let out a long sigh.

Shi Shi's heart sank, it seemed that there was really no agreement.

But who knows, Qiao Ruoqing said with a bitter face: "Why not speculate? They didn't even talk about it at all."

This is worse than not talking about it...

Shi Shi scratched her neck, "No talk? Are you someone who hasn't met Yao Su?"

"I see." Qiao Ruoqing replied, "But he knew that I was there on purpose to wait for him, and he also said that he didn't have much rest time, so I didn't have the nerve to stay there any longer, so he didn't say anything about work. "

Shi Shi understood now.

Yesterday afternoon, Qiao Ruoqing gave her a temporary task, asking her to check Yao's information, as much as she could find.

Because of the limited time, she didn't find much useful information, but Qiao Ruoqing still regarded it as a treasure, holding it in her hand and looking at it with relish, which showed how much Qiao Ruoqing attached importance to this matter.

Now that things have developed like this, she must be very sad, right?
Patting Qiao Ruoqing on the shoulder, Shi Shi comforted, "It's okay, Ruoqing, we still have opportunities in the future."

Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing's expression was still the same as before, she laughed, "Yao Su is already so old, let's fight with him, can we still beat him?"

Qiao Ruoqing really smiled.

Leaning forward, she turned her head to look at Shi Shi, "We're going to discuss business with him, why do you say that like I'm going to do something to him?"

Shi Shi originally wanted to make Qiao Ruoqing happy, but now that she saw her smile, Shi Shi laughed even more happily, "Yes, it's about business, so it's not worth it for you now? Get up and think of a way." !"

Qiao Ruoqing felt that Shi Shi's words made sense.

How many people who do business have never touched a bad nose?If she can't even get through this blow, what will she do in the next few decades?
Bracing herself up, Qiao Ruoqing turned the chair around, "Yes, work hard and find a way! I don't believe it, I can't do anything with him this time, is it possible that I can't do anything with him every time?"

She clapped her hands twice, looking full of energy, took a document and opened it to read.

But when he was about to read the document, Shi Shi grabbed his arm.

She frowned slightly, her eyes filled with doubts, "What's wrong?"

Only then did Shi Shi let go of her hand, "Ruoqing, don't be busy with work, and help me find a way."

"Think of a way? Think of a way? Did something happen?" Qiao Ruoqing pushed the document forward while talking, but ignored it.

After all, in comparison, Shi Shi's matter is more important.

Shi Shi's smile completely disappeared, her face seemed to be covered with a thick layer of haze, just like a flower that lacked moisture, it looked lifeless at all.

Handing the phone to Qiao Ruoqing, Shi Shi lowered her head, "Isn't that Lin Lang? He said he wanted to meet me every day. I've rejected him many times, so he should understand what I mean no matter what, but I still keep looking for me, my mother keeps asking, and I don't dare to go too far, you can help me find a way to stop him from looking for me, will it work?"

Qiao Ruoqing touched her nose.

She really has no experience with this kind of thing.

However, after going through the SMS records of Shi Shi and Lin Lang, Qiao Ruoqing understood something, "It seems that Lin Lang likes you quite a bit, look, I want to tell you when I am on a business trip, and I have to tell you if I have a party at night." Let me tell you..."

Looking up at Shi Shi, Qiao Ruoqing couldn't help laughing, "I think he's pretty good, why don't you give it a try?"

"Try what? I won't try!" Shi Shi took the phone back and hugged it in her arms, looking annoyed, "I still think Mr. Huo is pretty good, why don't you try it?"

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the office opened from the outside.

Huo Jingyuan walked in very skillfully and naturally, stepping on his shiny leather shoes.

Arriving in front of Qiao Ruoqing, Huo Jingyuan sat down on the chair that Lin Lang had opened for him, his eyes fell on Qiao Ruoqing's face, "Try what?"

Qiao Ruoqing swallowed.

How did Huo Jingyuan come here?And it's still this expression?

Didn't he hear all the conversation between her and Shi Shi just now?

And Lin Lang...

Sure enough, you can't speak ill of others behind their backs. Do you know when the other party will come?
Looking at Shi Shi who was sitting next to her, and then raised her eyes to look at Lin Lang who was smiling and nodding at Shi Shi, Qiao Ruoqing asked: "Brother Huo, why did you bring Mr. Lin here today? Cheng Han Woolen cloth?"

"Cheng Han has other things." After answering Qiao Ruoqing's question, Huo Jingyuan went back to the question just now, "Try what?"

"It's nothing..." Qiao Ruoqing's eyes flickered to the side, knowing that Shi Shi didn't want to face Lin Lang, she pushed her outside, "Shi Shi, you go out first."

Shi Shi only knew that Lin Lang worked in a financial company, but he didn't know which company he was in. Seeing him come in with Huo Jingyuan today, Shi Shi also understood something in his heart.

But even if he is in Huo's, if you don't want to be with him, you just don't want to be with him.

Hearing what Qiao Ruoqing said, Shi Shi quickly stood up from her chair, and ran away without even caring about fighting Huo Jingyuan.

Lin Lang's eyes kept chasing her until she completely disappeared in the office, and then he took his eyes back.

Sure enough, the dressing style that day was not her usual style, she did it on purpose.

Although he thought so in his heart, Lin Lang didn't say it out, and greeted Qiao Ruoqing with a smile, "Miss Qiao, we meet again."

In fact, not only Shi Shi, but Qiao Ruoqing also felt embarrassed when she saw Lin Lang, but it was not as obvious as Shi Shi's embarrassment.

Giving a dry laugh at Lin Lang, Qiao Ruoqing looked at Huo Jingyuan, "Why are you here?"

Huo Jingyuan fiddled with the fluffy little green plants on Qiao Ruoqing's desk with his fingertips, with the corners of his mouth curled up, he seemed to be in a good mood, "I heard that you went to see Yao Su, so come here and ask about the result."

Seeing that she had just finished speaking, Qiao Ruoqing frowned, and Huo Jingyuan nodded slightly, "It seems that there is no need to ask."

Qiao Ruoqing was about to answer, but before she opened her mouth, she heard Huo Jingyuan's voice.

She always felt that Huo Jingyuan didn't come here today to ask about the results, but he clearly came here to see her jokes.

Holding her face with her right hand, Qiao Ruoqing looked sideways at Huo Jingyuan, and said lazily, "Mr. Huo, do you just want to watch my jokes to pass the time?"

Huo Jingyuan felt that he was really wronged.

People just want to come and ask, why is it still a joke?
"Do you think I'm just joking with you?" Huo Jingyuan raised his hand, pointing at Lin Lang with his fingertips backward, "Are you bringing someone here?"

Qiao Ruoqing turned her eyes away from him.

She is in a bad mood now, and after seeing Huo Jingyuan, she will feel even worse.

Huo Jingyuan also understood, and sighed slightly, "If you really want to..."

"I said, I don't need your help." Qiao Ruoqing interrupted Huo Jingyuan very stubbornly, "It would be great if I can negotiate this cooperation with Yao Shi, but I will accept it if the negotiation fails."

Huo Jingyuan didn't speak anymore.

He had never seen Qiao Ruoqing like this.

Isn't it just to meet with Yao Su to discuss something?As for making her difficult like this?

Leaning forward, Huo Jingyuan asked, "You really don't want my help?"

"No!" Qiao Ruoqing didn't even pause for a second, and answered very simply, "I can do it myself!"

Huo Jingyuan nodded, "Since you said that, I'll celebrate you when you sign the contract with Yao."

This time Qiao Ruoqing did not object.

Next, Huo Jingyuan talked to Qiao Ruoqing about some work matters. Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing was not in a good mood, he originally wanted to ask her out for dinner at night, but Qiao Ruoqing refused without even thinking about it, so he didn't say anything else. After returning , stood by the window looking at the clouds in the sky, thought for a few seconds, took out his cell phone and made a call.

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