Chen Yali thought that according to Qiao Ruoqing's temper, she and Wei Ran had such a big quarrel, and even because it affected Huatian's shares, Qiao Ruoqing would definitely react.

But in fact, she is so motionless, she should eat and go to work every day, and she doesn't behave abnormally at all.

And what annoyed her the most was that the share transfer agreement obtained by Scarface and his companions was not signed by Qiao Ruoqing, so it had no legal effect at all.

She spent such a large sum of money, but in the end she was tricked by Qiao Ruoqing.

This Qiao Ruoqing seemed to be much more stable than before.

But no matter how steady she is, she is just a little brat in front of her. Even with Huo Jingyuan's backing behind her, she has only a little ability!

Just thinking about it, I suddenly heard someone call "Miss".

Turning to look at the entrance, she saw Qiao Ruoqing coming in.

It was very late now, it was pitch black outside, and the light in the entrance was dim yellow and soft, casting a warm halo on her body.

No matter how you look at it, you hate it.

Even so, Chen Yali had a slight smile on her face, looking kind and amiable.

Arriving in front of Qiao Ruoqing, the smile on her face faded slightly, "Ruoqing, are you okay? Why did you come back so late?"

After Qiao Ruoqing changed her shoes, she glanced at the woman in front of her, "It's okay, what can I do?"

The smile on Chen Yali's face was completely restrained, replaced by a touch of nervousness, "For the past two days, the Internet has been talking about you and your college classmate, you..."

"I don't care if the shadow is slanted when I'm upright." Qiao Ruoqing replied lightly, and was about to walk upstairs.

Chen Yali frowned, and hurriedly followed, "Ruoqing, why don't you get engaged to Ming Yuan first, and when you get engaged, you won't be afraid that such news will spread randomly..."

"Didn't I just say that I'm not afraid?" Qiao Ruoqing stopped her gaze, turned her head, and glanced at Chen Yali.

"..." Chen Yali choked.

After a few seconds, she sighed slightly, "Even so, you are a girl after all, such news will never benefit you, and the company's stock has also been affected..."

"I know these things well, so you don't need to worry about them."

Qiao Ruoqing was too lazy to chat with Chen Yali, and took the bag on her shoulder in her hand, "I'm tired, I'm going to go to rest first, if you have nothing to do, go to rest early, you will grow old quickly if you worry too much."

After a pause, she added: "By the way, please tell Uncle Wang for me that you don't need to ask me to have breakfast tomorrow morning. I want to get up later."

Then, the person went upstairs and returned to the room without looking back.

Chen Yali stood where she was, gripping the handrail of the stairs firmly.

Did Qiao Ruoqing treat her as a servant?To let her send a message to Uncle Wang?

It seems that Qiao Ruoqing's life has been going too well recently, and she has become more and more defiant!


Qiao Ruoqing woke up early, it was only after six o'clock.

This time was not like summer, when the dawn was so early, she got up and opened the curtains, the outside was gray, and she couldn't see clearly at all.

It's rare that she doesn't have to go to the company. She originally wanted to sleep for a while, but she couldn't fall asleep after lying on the bed.

The bedside lamp was on, she turned over, her head lay sideways on the pillow, her gaze fell on the bedside table impartially, and she happened to see the scarf that Tang Lan sent her to the company yesterday.

Huo Jingyuan was ill, but he was very unwilling to take medicine.

Qiao Ruoqing had never seen a man so resistant to taking medicine. Last night, she talked with Huo Jingyuan for a long time, and he almost swallowed it, so he reluctantly took the medicine.

The cold medicine contained sleeping pills, and he felt drowsy after taking it. Qiao Ruoqing left after he fell asleep.

I don't know if he's better now.

After tossing and turning, she couldn't fall asleep, so Qiao Ruoqing didn't sleep at all, got up, changed her clothes, put on makeup, and went downstairs.

Uncle Wang was explaining the family affairs to his servant, when he heard footsteps on the stairs, he immediately walked over, "Miss, breakfast is not ready yet, please wait a moment."

"It's okay." Qiao Ruoqing sat down on the sofa, took the newspaper from the coffee table, and looked up at Uncle Wang, "Cook me some porridge, put some minced meat and ginger, I'm going to see a sick friend. "

Uncle Wang nodded and went to do it immediately.

Qiao Ruoqing nestled on the sofa reading the newspaper, feeling comfortable and comfortable. During this period, Song Mingyuan made two phone calls, but she didn't bother to answer them.

She didn't want Song Mingyuan to ruin her good mood early in the morning.

Slowly reading the entire page of the newspaper, she rubbed her eyes, and when she looked up, she inadvertently saw the wall clock on the wall.

It's almost eight o'clock, why haven't I seen Chen Yali yet?
Chen Yali's routine has always been very regular, and she should have started by this time.

It happened that Uncle Wang packed the porridge in a lunch box and delivered it to her, so she asked about Chen Yali.

Uncle Wang put the lunch box on the tea table and stood up straight, "She went out last night and never came back."

Qiao Ruoqing didn't care too much, she took the porridge she had cooked and went out without saying anything.

It was after nine o'clock outside Huo Jingyuan's apartment.

Standing at the door, Qiao Ruoqing hesitated a little.

At this point, I don't know if Huo Jingyuan is awake.

He was sick, and it seemed inappropriate for me to disturb him to sleep.

But if you stand outside for too long, the porridge should be cold.

After pursing her lips and thinking for a long time, Qiao Ruoqing finally raised her hand and rang the doorbell.

She thought that she would have to press it for a while before there would be a reaction inside, but she didn't expect that the door opened just after pressing it twice.

Huo Jingyuan was wearing light gray home clothes. He might have just taken a shower, his hair was wet, and the tips of his hair were still dripping.

Crystal drops of water fell from his forehead and fell between the two of them.

As if he didn't expect Qiao Ruoqing to come over, Huo Jingyuan turned his head slightly, "Why are you here?"

"Come and see you." After answering Huo Jingyuan's question, Qiao Ruoqing blinked, "Did you wake up so early?"

"Ah." Huo Jingyuan responded lightly, his voice was still a little hoarse, but it was much better than last night.

Bending over, he took out the pair of lady's slippers from the shoe cabinet and put them at the door. Huo Jingyuan turned and walked into the living room, not caring about Qiao Ruoqing at all.

Qiao Ruoqing didn't care, she changed her shoes and went in, closed the door, and entered the living room.

Last night, she took care of Huo Jingyuan with all kinds of difficulties and put the medicine on the coffee table after taking the medicine. Looking at it now, the medicine is still on it, and the position is exactly the same as last night. It has not been touched.

She picked it up and looked at it. As expected, Huo Jingyuan didn't eat this morning.

Seeing Huo Jingyuan sitting on the sofa and answering messages with his mobile phone, Qiao Ruoqing opened the lunch box she brought over, "Brother Huo, have you had breakfast? If you haven't eaten, drink this porridge first."

It just so happened that Huo Jingyuan finished replying to the message, put the phone aside casually, moved it here, and prepared to drink porridge.

Before she picked up the spoon, she heard Qiao Ruoqing's next words: "Then take the medicine."

At that second, Huo Jingyuan was completely still.

Seeing that Huo Jingyuan didn't move, Qiao Ruoqing pulled a small stool and sat down opposite him, "What's the matter? Don't you want to drink porridge?"

Huo Jingyuan put down the spoon, and glanced resentfully at the two tablets of medicine beside him, feeling a little regretful.

Why didn't you throw away the medicine when you got up in the morning?
Isn't it a disaster to keep it?
His face remained motionless, and he looked back calmly, "I'm fine, I don't need to take medicine."

"Are you ready? Does the medicine take effect so quickly?" Qiao Ruoqing was a little surprised, stretched out her hand, and put it on Huo Jingyuan's forehead.

He had a bit of a fever yesterday, and Qiao Ruoqing could feel his body temperature even a little closer to him.

It seems to be better now than yesterday, but I put the other hand on my forehead to feel it, and it still feels a bit high.

Huo Jingyuan's back stiffened.

I don't know if it's because the girl's hand was a little cold just after entering the room, and she touched his forehead lightly, like an ice cube suddenly touched in the hot summer.

Cool and comfortable.

He tensed the corners of his lips, and forgot to respond for a while.

Qiao Ruoqing over there had already put her hand away, "I still need to take medicine, the fever hasn't completely subsided yet."

As I said that, I started to break the plastic packaging of the medicine board.

But when she turned her gaze, she saw that Huo Jingyuan hadn't touched a mouthful of the porridge she brought over, she frowned slightly, "Brother Huo, don't you want to drink this porridge?"

Huo Jingyuan pursed his lips and answered after a while: "It's too light."

Qiao Ruoqing took a spoon to hook it a bit, tasted it, "It's okay, isn't your usual diet quite light?"

Pushing the porridge in front of Huo Jingyuan, Qiao Ruoqing exuded the brilliance of motherhood all over her body: "Good boy, I need to eat when I'm sick."

"..." At Huo Jingyuan's age, no one has ever talked to him like this.

Even Tang Lan never said that.

And besides being speechless, he actually thinks it sounds damn good? !

He felt that his condition might be getting worse.

Picking up the bowl, he took a spoonful of porridge and brought it to his mouth.

Qiao Ruoqing was finally satisfied and started to help him get the medicine.

Just as she was about to use her hands hard, Qiao Ruoqing suddenly remembered something, and stared at Huo Jingyuan with wide eyes, "Brother Huo, wait..."

Before she could say the word "wait", she saw that Huo Jingyuan had already swallowed a spoonful of porridge and was looking at her suspiciously.

He holds a bowl in his left hand, and a small spoon that is not symmetrical with his body in his right hand. His hair is slightly wet, his eyes are blank, and he is inexplicably obedient, just like the big brother next door.

Qiao Ruoqing swallowed.

That spoon... She used it just now!

But it was too late to stop it now, Huo Jingyuan had already drunk it.

If you say it at this time, it is tantamount to courting death, right?
After weighing it for a while, Qiao Ruoqing finally gave up, and quickly turned her head, "After taking the medicine, do you want to go to sleep again?"

"??" Huo Jingyuan had no idea what kind of brain circuit Qiao Ruoqing was going through.

After finishing the porridge in two or three strokes, he put down the bowl, "No, I still have something to do later."

Qiao Ruoqing thoughtfully poured a glass of water and put it in front of him, "Then do things after taking the medicine."

Looking at the water and medicine Qiao Ruoqing poured for her, Huo Jingyuan frowned immediately.

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