The man dragged the woman out of the car: "It's really heavy." He carried the woman to his bedroom and threw her on the bed.The woman turned over to find a comfortable position, and fell asleep again.

What a pig, still can't wake up now.

He threw himself on the woman and gently stroked her cheek with his hand.Not to mention her pretty looks, and her figure is quite predictable... The man looked at the woman, feeling his body hot and dry.

"Qin Sijie..." From time to time, other people's names came out of the woman's mouth.The man frowned suddenly, with a very strange expression.

"Tsk, what a disappointment. I'm not interested in a woman who says other people's names. Women, the best choice is to conquer by yourself. Wait." He got up and walked to the living room. tired.

"But this woman is really interesting, hehe." He narrowed his eyes slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking about in his deep eyes.Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

next morning

The woman woke up from her stupor.There were bursts of pain in the head.She opened her eyes and saw a completely unfamiliar environment.Here is? She tried to recall what had happened before.I remember that I went to a restaurant to drink with him at the request of the man.Later, after drinking a glass of wine, I can't remember what happened afterwards.

She sat up and saw that her clothes were still in order.Fortunately, nothing happened last night. Judging from the layout of the room, it looks like a man's room.She got up and went to the living room.

I thought the living room was empty, but I felt that I could faintly hear the sound of breathing.She walked around to the sofa and saw that the man on the sofa had scattered silver hair casually scattered on his forehead.Thick and curled eyelashes are very beautiful.

Seeing that the man was sleeping without any cover, it seemed that he fell asleep straight away.The woman went into the bedroom and brought a small blanket to cover the man.The man seemed to be aware of it, turned over, and the blanket slipped off his body.

The woman frowned, picked up the blanket, and covered the man again.

"You're still so dishonest in your sleep."

The man turned over again, this time pressing the blanket under his body.The woman tried to cover the man with the part that was not under pressure.Unexpectedly, the man suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist, and as soon as he exerted force, the woman fell on the man.

The woman struggled to get away, but the man grabbed her wrist very tightly.

"Don't go..." The man seemed to be talking in his sleep.

The woman supported the sofa with one hand to keep the distance between the two, and let the man hold her in her arms with the other hand.

"I can sleep like this, but I still don't wake up." The girl's arms were a little numb, but since the man under her was still sleeping peacefully.

No, when he wakes up his arm will have to be crippled.She struggled to get her hand out of the man's arms.At the same time, the man opened his eyes.The close look at each other made the woman blushed unconsciously.

"Finally wake up."

"If you hadn't disturbed my sleep here, I wouldn't have woken up."

"Seeing that you fell asleep unprepared, I was worried that you would catch a cold."

"Are you concerned about me?"

"Thank you for allowing me to stay here for one night." The woman turned her head aside: "Although it would be better if you could send me home."

"I don't know where you live. You girl doesn't take your mobile phone with you when you go out." The woman remembered that she was too busy and forgot to get a new mobile phone for herself.

"I'm worried about letting you stay in a hotel. I can only reluctantly let you stay for one night."

"Okay, I'm leaving. Thanks for last night."

"Here is the contract." The man handed the document on the table to the woman: "Is it interesting enough?"

"Thank you." She reached for the file.

"You see how nice I am, do you want to think about me?"

"I don't want to joke with you." The woman responded coldly.Turn around and want to leave.

"Stop for me." The man suddenly sat up.

"The Qi family is not a place where you can come and go whenever you want."

"what do you want?"

"Eat with me. I'll take you to the company after breakfast."

Thinking that he was going to make unreasonable demands, the woman let out a long breath.


In front of the Qin Group, a Maserati parked steadily on the side of the road.The woman got out of the car and waved to the inside of the car.

"Hello, Mr. Lin." The passing employees greeted Lin Yuhan respectfully.The woman nodded and walked into the office building.

"Hey, rich people are different. They have such a handsome driver to pick them up every day, unlike us who have to squeeze the subway and bus."

"Who told her to be the wife of the president? Hey, have you noticed that little brother? It seems to be of mixed race. His facial features are so delicate."

"Yes, yes, his hair is still silver, wow, it looks so good..."

Qingqing, who was following the two of them, suddenly realized something when she heard their conversation, and she walked into Zhao Tingting's office.

"Sister Ting, do you know? Just now Lin Yuhan came to the company in another man's car?"

"Another man's car?"

"Yes, I've never heard of the Qin family having a driver of mixed race. Just now downstairs, I saw a silver-haired man driving a Maserati to bring her here."

"Are you sure it's the man with the silver hair?"

"I'm sure." Qingqing nodded with a look of certainty.

Zhao Tingting bit her lower lip: "The silver-haired man... Isn't this the boss of the Qi Group?"

She smiled contemptuously: "I heard that Mr. Lin was invited to the hotel alone by Qi Wen, the president of the Qi family, to discuss business last night. Hehe, I don't know what this vixen did last night? I will tell Si Jie about it. Tell him that as soon as he leaves, his woman will hook up with other men."

"This is a good idea. People who separate the two places are most likely to have doubts about each other. If the suspicion slowly subsides like this, it will be shattered sooner or later."

There was a knock on the door: "Sister Ting, Mr. Lin has a meeting, please rush to the meeting room immediately."

"Hey, look, it's here so soon." She sneered and raised the corners of her mouth: "Go, go and see what good show she has to perform."

"I've already signed the project with Qi's Group." The woman raised the document in her hand with a confident expression.

Zhao Weiqiang, in disbelief, snatched the documents and flipped through them: "It's actually signed. It's actually able to sign a contract with a competitor."

Zhao Tingting was also a little surprised: this woman is so capable that she signed a contract that she felt was difficult to sign in just one night.

Zhao Weiqiang closed his eyes and leaned on the table and chair: "I didn't expect Director Lin's strength to be underestimated. I am impressed."

"Yes, Director Lin is really capable. It's such a rare contract to be able to sign. It must have taken a lot of effort last night, right?" Zhao Tingting said in a bitter tone.

A compliment completely changed after Zhao Tingting's mouth.

"What do you mean!" Lin Yuhan said angrily.

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