Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 77: The Man Sprained His Foot

Lin Yuhan has always had a habit.After lunch at noon, I will sit in a fixed coffee shop for a period of time.This habit was discovered by Qi Wen.So he would enter the store at a fixed time at noon every day, and sit opposite the woman in a nonchalant manner.

"Why do you come here every day?"

"Like you, it's a habit."

"Why haven't I seen you before? Every time you sit in front of you want to attract my attention?"

"You're right, I just want to attract your attention." The man propped his chin with one hand and raised his eyebrows: "Through these few days of getting along, can I leave a place in your heart?"

The woman rolled her eyes, seeing that she was going to get up and walk out.

It seems that she still doesn't care about herself. In this case, she has to create opportunities to get along with herself, and she can't sit still.

"Hey, woman, wait a minute." Seeing the woman getting up to leave, he stood up abruptly, but his feet tripped.

"Ah." A low cry made the woman turn around abruptly.

The man was so painful that he was covering his ankle with one hand.A painful expression on his face.

"Are you okay?"

The woman knelt down to examine the man's injuries.

"It's okay, I just sprained my ankle." After speaking, he made a gesture to stand up, but before he could stand up straight, he bent his legs and squatted down again.

"It looks a little serious. Let me help you out first."

"Although I'm a little embarrassed, but... I'm counting on you."

The woman helped the man up and walked towards the door.

The woman looked around: "I have to take you to a place with few people."

"This...isn't very good..."

"A place with few people is the best place to give you medicine. What are you thinking about?"

The woman helped the man to sit on the edge of the flower bed outside the store.

"Wait for me, I'll buy you medicine." The man nodded and watched the woman leave.

After watching the woman walk away, he moved his feet: "It's hard for me to pretend. It seems that this woman can only be soft if she doesn't eat hard."

After a while, the woman brought a small box of medicine.

"Take off your shoes quickly, or the medicine will spray on your shoes in a while." The woman opened the box and took out the spray inside.

"You...are you going to help me rub my feet?"

"Rubbing your ankle... Didn't you twist your ankle?"

The man coughed lightly to hide his embarrassment.

"Take it off soon, I have to go to work later." The woman urged impatiently.

The man turned his face away after taking off his shoes.The woman put her hand on the man's ankle: "Is it here?"

Seeing the man nodded, she carefully sprayed the potion on the place where her fingers were pressed.Then hold the area with both hands and press firmly.

"Ah! Lighten up, ah, hiss, why are you so strong." The man had a painful expression.

The woman glared at the man with displeasure: "Can you be patient, man?"

The man shut his mouth for a moment.

Seeing the man obediently closing his mouth, the woman couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Why do you sprain your feet so easily as a man? Whose young master is it?"

"I'm not a young master, I'm just an ordinary family. Have you ever seen a young master who works as a chef in a summer resort?"

"I don't know if you are a chef, but the car you drove is expensive. I have never seen the Maserati parked at the door before. But you have parked here every day during the past few days .”

"It's just a coincidence. I don't even own a bicycle. Let alone a luxury car like a Maserati."

"Your skin powder is also very delicate, how could it be a pair of hands that hold the spoon every day."

"Isn't it okay to pay attention to maintenance at ordinary times? Are you interested in me because you care so much about me?"

The force of the woman's pressing suddenly increased: "Say less useless words."

The man made a pained look again: "Hey, do you treat the wounded like this?"

Women ignore men's questioning.Focus on the movements of your hands, if you hadn't helped me last time, I wouldn't be bothered to serve you.

"Okay, stay up for a few days, just don't do strenuous exercise these days."

"Thank you, you can go back to work first. I should be fine by myself."

"Shall I call you a car?"

"I'll do it myself, don't delay work."

"Alright, I'll go first. You should pay more attention to yourself." The woman turned and walked towards the company.

The man stood up, his ankle was warm and accompanied by slight pain.

"This woman, with such force, she made things happen." He limped towards his Maserati...

"Mr. Qi, why have you been wasting time with President Qin's wife these days? If President Qin is worried, just tell me to kidnap that woman."

"What do you know? I just want to take my time. Wouldn't it be great to grab his beloved woman step by step?" The man's subordinates sighed and stopped talking.

"Yuhan, I'm going on a business trip for a few days, and I'm going to the United States to do something." Qin Sijie looked at him and said, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

We will be separated for several days again!

"Business trip? Going to America for business?" Hearing this, the latter immediately tilted his head and asked.

"Yes, there's something I need to deal with. It's only a matter of a few days." He nodded and replied.

"How many days are you going on a business trip abroad?" The woman blinked and confirmed again.

"That's right, I have to book a plane ticket and leave today." He also nodded and sighed.If he didn't have to go, he didn't want to go during this special period.

Hearing this, the woman sighed in frustration and said with great reluctance: "Well, I have no reason to stop you. Just go if you want to go, and come back early."

"Oh, it's okay. It's only been four or five days, and I'll be back soon. It's not about life or death!" The man put his arms around the woman's waist, bowed his head and kissed her, leaving a domineering kiss on the woman's lips.

"Hmph! Farewell to life and death? What are you talking about? It's the most taboo to say these weird things when you're out of the house. Do you know how to say less in the future!" Lin Yuhan gave him a coquettish look, pressed his fingers on his lips and said.

"Okay. Got it! Got it! I'll remember it!" He also smiled, and said as he took away the other party's finger.

"Hmph, it's good to know!"

"I'm leaving. If you don't leave, it will be too late. Stay at home and wait for me to come back, you know? Don't run away. Otherwise, I will punish you." Seeing the woman shyly agreed.The man holds the woman closer, as if declaring his possession to the whole world.

In front of the window, Lin Yuhan watched Qin Sijie's leaving back.A pair of beautiful eyes are deep and charming, I don't know what he is thinking.But the concern on her face can be seen at a glance, which makes people itch.

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