"That's right, you are hanging this bell, so you must not be an ordinary person, right?"

But Lin Yuhan couldn't stop it at all, Zhang Sanlian ran away directly, she had no choice but to accompany Lin Xiaofan.

However, Lin Xiaofan's mother didn't come back until after dark, and the servants of Lin Xiaofan's family came to deliver food around seven o'clock in the evening.

This servant looks to be about the same age as Lin Yuhan, and he's still pretty.

She woke up Lin Xiaofan with a cold face, Lin Xiaofan looked up at Lin Yuhan with a little expressionless eyes, then gave her a bitter smile, saying that she has nothing to do with herself now, she can fall asleep right away even sitting up with.

"Miss, this is longan, wolfberry and crucian carp soup, you can drink it all, you're a baby." The servant of Lin Xiaofan's family also looked at Lin Xiaofan with a bit of cold eyes.

Lin Xiaofan took the soup, the soup looked okay, but it smelled a fishy smell, Lin Xiaofan frowned, but in the end he pinched his nose, raised his head and drank up the soup.

"Yuhan, it's getting late, go back quickly." Lin Xiaofan coughed violently for a while after drinking the soup, and said to Lin Yuhan.

Lin Yuhan nodded, and left the hospital under the strange gaze of the servant. For some reason, she always felt that the servant was a little weird, and the look in her eyes was inexplicably hostile.

Coming out of the hospital, Lin Yuhan was lucky enough to wait for the bus back to the village in the city within 10 minutes. On the way back, Lin Yuhan kept thinking that no matter what, Zhang Sanlian should return the bell tomorrow.

The bus is not like a taxi. Lin Yuhan, who had to stop along the way, arrived at the door of Qin Sijie's house after nine o'clock.

The door of Qin Sijie's house was open, and the lights inside were still on. He glanced into the room habitually, and saw Zhao Kaili sitting on a chair and taking a nap, and her surroundings seemed to be surrounded by a black aura. shrouded.

Lin Yuhan suddenly remembered that after the bell was taken off, he seemed to be able to see those messy things again, and his heart tightened.

Thinking, if I go in now, maybe I can see the human soul again. Qin Sijie's father has been hanged away, and Qin Sijie's mother was eaten by Hu Yongan, leaving only the flesh on the head.

If these two people become human souls, Lin Yuhan really can't imagine what it will be like.

So, turned around and prepared to go upstairs.

But at this moment, Lin Yuhan heard a "click" in Qin Sijie's room, as if something was smashed.

Lin Yuhan was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help but backed away, standing at the door of Qin Sijie's house and looking inside.

It was discovered that Zhao Kaili was still sitting on the chair, as if she hadn't been woken up at all.

"Kelly? Kelly?" Lin Yuhan stood at the door and called softly a few times.

As a result, Zhao Kaili was snoring like thunder at all, and she couldn't hear Lin Yuhan's cry at all. Lin Yuhan gritted her teeth helplessly, and carefully moved towards the room step by step.

The more she walked in, the more Lin Yuhan felt a thick chill around her, constantly hitting her body. This kind of chill made her shiver several times in this sweltering summer.

"Qin Sijie?"

Walking into the living room, Lin Yuhan saw Qin Sijie sitting on the sofa with dull eyes, and there were seven or eight bottles of foreign wine on the coffee table in front of him, and there was a box of beer at his feet, all of which had been emptied.

This Zhao Kaili also said that she could take care of Qin Sijie, but she didn't know that Qin Sijie drank so much wine and slept more soundly than anyone else.

"Stop drinking." Lin Yuhan said and snatched the wine bottle from Qin Sijie's hand.

Qin Sijie was completely stupefied, he raised his head to look at Lin Yuhan blankly, and spoke with a bit of a tongue: "Return, return, return to me."

As he stammered, Lin Yuhan quickly picked up the remaining bottles of foreign wine on the table, and turned around to put the wine in the cabinet.

As a result, Lin Yuhan was almost scared out of her wits when she turned around, because she saw a black, thin, disheveled man hanging in Qin Sijie's mother's room.

His tongue was sticking out very long, his arms were still struggling non-stop, and his eyes were scarlet, as if he had a deep resentment.

With a "click", the wine bottle in Lin Yuhan's hand fell directly to the ground, her body trembled, and she took a few steps back unconsciously.

But this noise made the person hanging in the room discover Lin Yuhan, his red eyes stared straight at her, and his hands began to pull the rope desperately.

Then he opened his mouth and said in a hoarse voice: "Little girl, little girl, you, come here quickly, save me quickly."

The person who spoke was Qin Sijie's father, Qin Jianming!

"Ah, me?" Lin Yuhan began to stutter when he called for help, and he completely forgot what Elder Lin had said to Lin Yuhan before.

Mr. Lin said before that if you encounter these "dirty things", you must keep calm. It is best not to let the other party find out, you can see them, otherwise, they will definitely have something to ask, or, want to Find a substitute.

This is extremely troublesome, so Lin Yuhan's reaction just now was wrong.

Moreover, Qin Sijie looked delirious now, and Lin Yuhan didn't know what to say to his father to help him.

"Help me, help me."

Qin Jianming desperately grasped the rope with both hands, then turned his head to look at Lin Yuhan, begging bitterly, she knew that he had already left, but she still couldn't help it, and walked towards him instinctively, thinking about going first Put Qin Jianming down.

It's just that people have no substance, and Lin Yuhan was afraid that he would not be able to do it at all. Before, in the hospital, Lin Yuhan couldn't touch those souls, so he could only pass through their bodies with his hands.

"Quick, quick." Qin Jianming shouted at Lin Yuhan.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Lin Yuhan stretched out her hand towards his leg. When her hand actually touched his leg, she was stunned.

how so?Why was she able to touch him?
Lin Yuhan stood there numbly, if it wasn't for Qin Jianming's cry, she might have been stunned for a long time.

Qin Jianming was already skinny and skinny, Lin Yuhan carried him down without any effort, and carefully placed him on the edge of the bed.

He was panting heavily, as if he was exhausted.

"Quick, quick, tell the security guard, she's going to kill me, she's going to kill me." Qin Jianming was very excited, holding Lin Yuhan's arm tightly with his withered hands.

Lin Yuhan grinned in pain and hummed slightly. Looking at Qin Jianming's current state, he probably didn't know that he had already left.

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