Lin Yuhan deliberately turned his back to the mirror when washing, because he didn't want to see the large black spots and green fluff on his chest.

It was only after taking off his shirt that Lin Yuhan realized that even if he didn't look in the mirror, he still couldn't take his eyes off his chest.

The area on the chest was seen this morning in the guest room of Yanjing Garden. What I saw at that time was a piece of green hair, but now a liquid in the shape of water droplets has appeared on the hair.

When you lower your head slightly, you can smell a stench, which is very pungent.

Lin Yuhan hurriedly took the towel and wiped it carefully. As a result, the towel was immediately covered with yellow-green mucus, and this mucus would still come out by itself after wiping it repeatedly a dozen times.

"How could this be?" Lin Yuhan muttered to himself.

Gathering up the courage to turn around and look in the mirror, Lin Yuhan found that the mucus came out of the black spots. Lin Yuhan endured the biting pain and gently wiped it with cold water to clean it, but it was still not much. effect.

In the end, he could only ask Jiu'er to bring some gauze, and after washing, he wrapped the black spot tightly with the gauze.First, it can prevent the mucus from seeping out, and second, it can somewhat cover up the fishy smell.

It's just that Jiu'er's sense of smell seems to be more sensitive than others', even if Lin Yuhan did this, she still looked at her strangely.

"Tat, tat, tat." Qin Sijie simply came down from the stairs, distracting Jiu'er's attention.

Qin Sijie's eyes fell on Lin Yuhan, he pursed his lips, but said nothing, but asked Jiu'er to grab some more medicines that he had prepared for Lin Yuhan last time.

"Isn't that medicine useless?" Lin Yuhan asked Qin Sijie suspiciously.

Qin Sijie smiled: "The problem is not with the medicine, but with the wrong introduction of the medicine. In short, I will cure you this time."

Li Mengmeng didn't say he wanted to see me?Lin Yuhan asked.

When Qin Sijie heard Lin Yuhan's question, his expression seemed a little embarrassed, and he was silent for a long time before he said: "Girl, you'd better not go to see Li Mengmeng these few days, let him be alone, I have arranged for him to live in the It's on the third floor."

"He, did he, did he regret it?" Li Mengmeng didn't see her when she came back, and now Qin Sijie actually said something to make Li Mengmeng quiet, Lin Yuhan could only think of one reason.

Qin Sijie shook his head: "If he dares to regret it, I will definitely kill him. It's okay, he doesn't regret it. Anyway, you should stop visiting him for now."

Qin Sijie couldn't tell why, Lin Yuhan bit her lips tightly and thought to herself, if Li Mengmeng really regretted it, then it would be as if she never knew him.

From now on, everyone will go their own way. Didn't we live well without him before?

"Okay, you must be tired too, go upstairs and rest, and let Jiu'er deliver medicine to you later." Qin Sijie said to Lin Yuhan very gently.

Lin Yuhan nodded, his mind was blank, and he went upstairs obediently, but he stood in the corridor on the second floor but couldn't help but cast a glance towards the third floor.He knew that Li Mengmeng was upstairs, but he didn't dare to go up.

In the end, he had no choice but to run back to his room, toss and turn on the bed, and after finally sleeping for a while, he was awakened by a nightmare. The mucus on his chest leaked out of the gauze, and the clothes he had just changed were also stained.

Lin Yuhan hurriedly changed his clothes, and when he was about to go downstairs to change the gauze, he smelled a smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Sijie opened the door and came in. It took less than an hour to go upstairs, but he didn't expect that he had already decocted the medicine and delivered it himself.

The expression on Chen Yajing's face seemed a little unhappy as she followed behind Qin Sijie.

Qin Sijie filtered out the medicine in the casserole with a filter, brought it to Lin Yuhan, and said in a low voice, "Come on girl, drink it all in one go."

"En." Lin Yuhan took the medicine handed over by Qin Sijie, but couldn't help frowning.

The color of this medicine is not too dark, it smells sour, if Qin Sijie hadn't stared straight at her, Lin Yuhan thought that he would have to hesitate for a long time before drinking this soup.

"Don't look, pinch your nose and pour it down." Qin Sijie stared at Lin Yuhan as he spoke.

Lin Yuhan nodded, picked up the soup and pinched his nose, then raised his head and drank it.

I think I will never forget this taste in my life. It is sour, bitter and has a slight fishy smell. After drinking it with difficulty, my stomach is overwhelmed for a while, and finally my throat is sore that I want to vomit.

Qin Sijie covered her mouth: "Girl, don't spit out this medicine, otherwise it will be too wasteful, just swallow it."

"Uh." Lin Yuhan closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and finally swallowed the medicine.

Qin Sijie seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and muttered in his mouth: "It's good to drink, it's good to drink."

"Cut, what kind of broken medicinal materials are not necessarily expensive. My pharmacy has a lot of this kind of medicine." Chen Yajing stood aside, and Qin Sijie thought she was transparent, so she insisted on letting Qin Sijie notice she.

Qin Sijie glanced at Chen Yajing at her and immediately pursed his lips and smiled at Qin Sijie.

"If you need it, how about I send someone to bring it to you right away?" Chen Yajing is now trying her best to please Qin Sijie.

It's just that Qin Sijie just said to her coldly: "Go out, my sister is going to rest."

Chen Yajing frowned, glanced at Lin Yuhan, then at Qin Sijie, turned around angrily and walked outside, Qin Sijie closed the door.

After drinking the medicine, Lin Yuhan was dizzy and dizzy. Instead of showing any signs of improvement, he felt that his body was very weak and his mouth was dry.

He wanted to get up to pour himself a glass of water, but he couldn't get up after struggling for a long time. The sweat on his forehead kept rolling down. Lin Yuhan leaned on the pillow and began to pant heavily.

"Puff, puff, puff." Lin Yuhan seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat, and Lin Yuhan fell into a coma in a daze.

Even when I fell asleep, I felt that my body was sticky and uncomfortable.

"Patta" half asleep and half awake, Lin Yuhan vaguely saw a black shadow entering his room, he stood by the bed and looked at her for a while, then went out again.

Lin Yuhan opened his eyes uncomfortably, feeling as if he was being roasted on the stove.

"Girl, girl, wake up." Qin Sijie gently shook Lin Yuhan's shoulders. Lin Yuhan weakly opened his eyes and looked at Qin Sijie. He wanted to speak but felt that his throat was already smoking.

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