Lin Yuhan looked at her hesitantly, Qin Sijie was so resistant to her, Lin Yuhan naturally couldn't give her a chance to approach, and was about to shake his head to reject her but turned and ran up to the third floor.

Jiu'er and Lin Yuhan looked at each other, wondering what this Chen Yajing was doing.

After a while, Chen Yajing came down from upstairs, holding some "cosmetics" that seemed to have been around for a long time in her hands. These things that shaved eyebrows and dyed lips seemed to be some years old.

"I just found these, let's use it for work." Chen Yajing smiled and pushed Lin Yuhan to sit on the chair, while she squatted halfway, and began to carefully put on Lin Yuhan's makeup.

Before she said that she was very good at it, Lin Yuhan thought she was doing it to let Qin Sijie keep her, but when she was ready for Lin Yuhan, it was to let Lin Yuhan know that she was really good at it and not just talking nonsense of.

Jiu'er looked at Lin Yuhan, her eyes widened as if she was very surprised.

When Lin Yuhan saw Jiu'er's expression, he couldn't help but cast a glance at the mirror beside him.

In the end, when he saw it, he really shocked even himself. Is the charming and smiling person carved in pink and jade in the mirror really her?
Lin Yuhan raised her eyebrows in disbelief, and seeing the person in the mirror making the same movements as her, she couldn't help but smile again.

Stretching out his hand and gently stroking his cheek, he suddenly felt that this face was so strange, it didn't seem to be his own face.

Because this delicate and charming look is more like the Lan'er in Li Mengmeng's heart, the Duan Xueer who Li Mengmeng can't forget in her wedding dress.

"Okay, is it alright? I've taken care of that guy downstairs already." Qin Sijie pushed the door open and walked in while talking.

When he saw Lin Yuhan, he also seemed to be frightened. He stood in front of the door frame for a long time before recovering.

"My God, girl, you are so beautiful. You usually wear too plain clothes, but now you are so casually dressed, you will be fascinated." Qin Sijie said and walked quickly He came in, holding a red silk hijab in his hand.

"Didn't you say you want the red hijab? I've prepared it for you, but because the time is too tight, I can only make rough preparations." Qin Sijie handed the red hijab to Lin Yuhan as he spoke.

"It's already very good, I'm very satisfied." Lin Yuhan was telling the truth. In their rural areas, they usually just wear a red dress, put on a little blush and set up a few banquets, and the marriage is just like that.

Qin Sijie's turnaround has exceeded Lin Yuhan's imagination.

"Then cover it, let's go downstairs, let's do the ceremony so you can go early?" Qin Sijie stood aside with his mouth pursed and smirked before he finished speaking.

Lin Yuhan blushed immediately, Jiu'er directly grabbed the hijab and covered Lin Yu's head.

"Let me, the elder brother, personally help you go downstairs." Qin Sijie grabbed Lin Yuhan's hand and let her hook his arm. It feels like my daughter is walking into the auditorium.

On the first floor, Lin Yuhan heard Qin Sijie ask Xiaofan to help Li Mengmeng out, and then Lin Yuhan heard the sound of low footsteps, lowered his head and glanced at the ground, and saw a shadow approaching her.

"Our wedding today is also simple. I am your elder. I will toast a cup of tea by myself, and then worship the heavens and the earth." Qin Sijie sat at the table with red candles as he spoke, smiling very much. Loudly proud.

Li Mengmeng coughed slightly, his body has not recovered yet.

Lin Yuhan was a little worried and wanted to see Li Mengmeng's situation, but she couldn't see it with her hijab on.

A cup of tea was delivered to Lin Yuhan's hand, Lin Yuhan held the teacup and slightly bent over to pass it to Qin Sijie, because Qin Sijie was not a parent so there was no need to kneel down.

Qin Sijie pursed his lips deliberately, and gave Lin Yuhan a big red envelope in a decent manner. Lin Yuhan didn't want it, but he said it was auspicious.

When it was Li Mengmeng's turn, Lin Yuhan was afraid that Li Mengmeng would not cooperate, but Li Mengmeng took the cup unexpectedly, and actually handed the cup to Qin Sijie.

Qin Sijie smiled hehehe, not forgetting to take advantage: "Good boy, really good boy."

If Li Mengmeng had followed his previous personality, maybe he would have walked away, but today he served tea, saluted obediently, and did everything that should be done.

Lin Yuhan was still secretly happy in his heart, maybe Li Mengmeng wanted to marry her from the bottom of his heart, and he also wanted to give Lin Yuhan a beautiful and memorable wedding.

"Hehehe, okay, okay, it's not in vain. I've been busy this morning until now." Qin Sijie was very happy, and was about to ask Li Mengmeng to cover Lin Yuhan, when Lin Yuhan heard a thunder coming from outside.

"Boom!" Lin Yuhan was shocked, and the red envelope in his hand fell to the ground.

With a "bang", the door of Qin Sijie's hall was instantly pushed open, a gust of wind was brought in, and there was already a patter of rain outside.

Lin Yuhan stood in a daze, and the hijab on her head was blown away by the strong wind.

In the wind and rain, a red shadow approached slowly from far to near.

And Lin Yuhan's chest also felt bursts of pain, pressing his chest with one hand and subconsciously wanting to pull Li Mengmeng with the other hand.

"Who? Such a strong evil spirit?" Qin Sijie walked quickly to the wooden door and yelled.

The other party didn't respond, but still leaned towards it. Qin Sijie was definitely not someone to provoke, and was about to call Xiaofan to get him a magic weapon, when the woman had already reached the threshold.

It was pouring rain outside, but her body wasn't wet at all. There were a group of white souls hovering around her, and even Qin Sijie took several steps back in the hostility.

The three gossips on the door instantly became decorations.

"This, this woman?" Qin Sijie looked at the woman's face, and then turned back to look at Lin Yuhan. Chen Yajing and Jiu'er were naturally stunned.

Because the woman in front of me looks exactly like Lin Yuhan, especially today Lin Yuhan put on makeup, before she was a delicate rose.

And Lin Yuhan can be regarded as a plain little lily at most, but now they are exactly the same delicate and beautiful, making it difficult to distinguish.

Lin Yuhan naturally knew why she suddenly appeared today, but she knew the people around her, and she couldn't take them away no matter what.

"Yue!" She looked directly at Li Mengmeng, and Lin Yuhan looked slightly sideways at Li Mengmeng.

Li Mengmeng's body trembled slightly, and his eyes became tangled and messy. The resentment he said before didn't seem to make him completely stop thinking about this woman.

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