Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 661: Looking for a hospital

But Mrs. Ah Qing came back. Seeing Qin Sijie carrying Ah Chen on her back, Mrs. Ah Qing rushed towards Qin Sijie like a cat whose hair had exploded.

About to catch Qin Sijie, Li Mengmeng held Sister-in-law A Qing down, and raised her hand to slap A Qing's neck.Mrs. Ah Qing's body trembled and she passed out.

"Li Mengmeng, we still have something to ask her." Lin Yuhan looked at Mrs. Ah Qing who had passed out, and said anxiously to Li Mengmeng.

Li Mengmeng brought Mrs. Ah Qing back into the room, and asked Lin Yuhan: "With her current appearance, do you think you can find out why?"

"Really?" Lin Yuhan glanced at Auntie Ah Qing, maybe it is really difficult to get a formula out of her mouth, and we can't tell which sentence is true and which sentence is crazy.

"Let's go, send A-Chen to the hospital first. Human life is the most important thing. If A-Gump is really taken away by others, we can't find her even if we dig three feet now." Qin Sijie said Then he carried Ah Chen on his back and walked downstairs.

Before, he and Ah Chen hadn't been on the right track because of Lin A-Gump, and the two of them would fight at every turn, but now at this crucial moment, Qin Sijie didn't delay at all.

"Yes, let's go." Li Mengmeng also dragged Lin Yuhan downstairs as she said.

After getting Ah Chen into the car, Qin Sijie started the car, Lin Yuhan and Li Mengmeng hurried into the car, Li Mengmeng fastened Ah Chen's seat belt, and Lin Yuhan took his mobile phone to collect it. The nearest hospital nearby is Where.

"You don't need to look for it. I know there is a small hospital on the trail to the city. A-Gump took me there to buy medicine before." Qin Sijie said and accelerated the speed of the car.

Lin Yuhan put down his phone and looked at Ah Chen who was still unconscious. He has suffered a lot since he followed us and almost died several times.I don't know what happened this time?
Qin Sijie was a little anxious driving the car, the closer the city was to the city, the more cars there were on the road, and the car in front was driving too slowly, Qin Sijie swears anxiously.

"Calm down and drive steadily. In case of any traffic accident, it will really delay Ah Chen." Lin Yuhan reminded Qin Sijie.Qin Sijie nodded and rubbed his temples.

After such a toss, it is almost eight o'clock in the morning, and the sun outside is directly shining on the windshield of the car, and Qin Sijie can hardly keep his eyes open.

He could only concentrate, afraid that Lin Yuhan's "crow's mouth" would really hit the mark, and a traffic accident would delay Ah Chen.

It's just that it took more than an hour for the car to arrive at the hospital that Qin Sijie mentioned, and Lin Yuhan found that it was not a hospital, at most it was a small clinic.

We also have this kind of clinic in our village, which can only treat people with minor illnesses such as fever and cold.

"Let's go to the city to see it." Lin Yuhan cast a glance at the dilapidated small clinic and said to the former Qin Sijie.

Qin Sijie shook his head when he heard it: "Don't think it's not so good outside, the doctors here are pretty reliable."

I was actually injured last time in Gucun. The whole back was bruised and lost a layer of skin. They prescribed a medicine and gave me an anti-inflammatory bandage. It took less than 30 yuan to fix everything.

As soon as he said this, Lin Yuhan and Li Mengmeng looked at him directly.

Qin Sijie was taken aback, knowing that we were thinking wrong, and hurriedly explained: "Don't look at it like that, I'm not trying to save money, I just want to save this kid as soon as possible."

He pointed to Ah Chen on Li Mengmeng's back, and continued to knock on the door after speaking, and finally, after a few minutes, the sound of "slapping" footsteps came from inside.

With a "creak", the painted iron door opened, and a middle-aged man with long hair, wearing a T-shirt that was obviously one size larger, and flip-flops appeared.

He was unshaven, and Lin Yuhan was about three steps away from him, but he could smell the smell of alcohol on him.

Judging from his ignorant expression, Qin Sijie should have just woken up from a hangover.

"We don't open until after three o'clock in the noon, let's go." Unexpectedly, he said something directly, and then he was about to close the iron gate.

"Doctor, look at my friend is like this, he has been in a coma, you can't leave him alone." Seeing that he was about to close the door, Qin Sijie immediately reached out and grabbed the door frame to prevent him from closing the door.

The other party glanced at Ah Chen, but still showed displeasure on his face, and waved his hands at us: "You have to abide by my rules here, even if he dies now, it doesn't matter to me."

This doctor didn't speak the slightest bit of medical ethics and directly cursed the patient to die.

Qin Sijie was not annoyed when he heard this, he glanced at the small roadside restaurant in front of him, and said: "I heard that A-Gump said you are a drinker, but today I am not prepared, but I will give it to you Buy wine."

After Qin Sijie finished speaking, he waited for the doctor's reaction.

The doctor who was very disdainful to us immediately let go of his hand, then yawned, turned around and walked in, without saying if it was okay, but his attitude should be very clear.

It seemed that it was the master who had nothing to do with wine, so Qin Sijie went to buy wine immediately, while Lin Yuhan and Li Mengmeng walked into this small clinic together.

To be honest, this small clinic looks dilapidated from the outside, but the inside is still clean, everything is neatly arranged, and the rows of medicine cabinets are quite similar to Lin A-Gump's.

He lazily walked to the medicine cabinet and sat down on the chair, without showing Ah Chen how his injury was.

"Doctor, can you see my friend here?" Before Lin Yuhan finished speaking, the doctor waved his hand.He sat on a rattan chair and pressed his temples, signaling Lin Yuhan not to speak.

Seeing his attitude, Lin Yuhan felt that it would be faster to drive to the city now than he saw.

"Here comes the wine." Qin Sijie yelled and came in from the door, holding two bottles of Wuliangye in his hands. This kind of wine would cost thousands!Before our village, only Sun Laizi's family could afford such wine.

Qin Sijie was generous this time, but Lin Yuhan felt that it was not the right time to be generous. This doctor doesn't talk about his medical skills, first of all his medical ethics is not good.

However, Qin Sijie seemed to be very optimistic about him, and even unscrewed the cap of the wine bottle for him.

As soon as the doctor smelled the wine, he, who had been as limp as mud, immediately regained his spirits, quickly straightened his waist and snatched the wine bottle from Qin Sijie's hand, grabbed the bottle and raised his head to drink.

While drinking, he made a sound of great enjoyment, his originally pale and listless face became flushed, and his hollow eyes shone with brilliance.

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