Qin Sijie was still afraid for a while, so he simply listened to Lin Xiaoguo and lost the money at that time.

Li Zhengmao wanted Qin Sijie to go with him to get the money back, but Qin Sijie became angry when he heard it.

"I don't want to go. I put all the shit on my head. Just now I said that I am a murderer. Now I know I am afraid? Let a murderer accompany you, will you not be afraid?"

Qin Sijie's words were obviously out of anger with Li Zhengmao.

Li Zhengmao also knew that his previous reaction was a bit extreme, and he was extremely rude to Qin Sijie, so he lowered his head and did not refute.

"I'll go with you." Seeing that Qin Sijie was unwilling, Lin Yuhan planned to go with Li Zhengmao.

Li Mengmeng immediately grabbed her arm and said coldly, "You wait here, I'll go with him."

"Then be careful." Lin Yuhan was a little worried, after all, Li Mengmeng was just a person who had just passed through life and death.

Li Mengmeng didn't say anything, and directly signaled Li Zhengmao to lead the way. Li Zhengmao hurriedly opened the door and walked out of the dormitory. Lin Yuhan, Lin Xiaoguo, and Qin Sijie sat side by side on the edge of the bed.

The lights in the room flickered a few times, and Qin Sijie stood up nervously, shouting, "What's going on?"

"The circuit is just aging." Seeing Qin Sijie nervous, Lin Yuhan pointed to the blackened wires in the house and said to Qin Sijie.

Because it has been here for some years, and most of the lines inside are old lines from that year, so the flickering of the lights is entirely due to poor connection of the lines.Qin Sijie let out an oh and didn't speak any more, and sat down on the wooden chair.

But at this time, the knock on the door rang again, and it was quite hasty.

"Who?" Qin Sijie asked vigilantly.

"Meal delivery." The person outside the door replied.

When Qin Sijie heard that it was food delivery, he responded, "Take it back, we don't want it anymore."

"How can this work? If you have paid first, how can you just say no." The delivery boy outside the door continued to knock on the door.

It was so loud, it would be a big deal if it disturbed those colleagues upstairs, after all, there is a dead body in the room now.Lin Xiaoguo waved at Qin Sijie to signal Qin Sijie to open the door.

Qin Sijie swears, stands up impatiently, and winks at Lin Yuhan, meaning to ask her to block the corpse.

Lin Yuhan could only squat down and try to push Wang Damin's body inside, but he was too heavy to push at all.

In the end, he could only pull a chair in front of Wang Damin and sit down again. After adjusting the angle, he asked Qin Sijie to open the door.

The food delivery boy outside the door has already started to complain: "Oh, you guys are really wasting time, you are here all the time." The boy said as he put a big box of lunch boxes Pass it to Qin Sijie.

After Qin Sijie took it, he put it directly on the ground. There were eight or nine boxes, which seemed to be quite heavy. If Wang Damin hadn't died, all of them would probably go to his stomach again tonight.

The little brother put down these meals and was about to leave, but Lin Xiaoguo asked at this moment: "Well, I want to ask when my friend gave you this money? Are the meals for these two days delivered by your family?" ?”

The boy who delivered the food was stunned and nodded: "Yes, the food is delivered by our family. As for when the money was paid, I don't know. I'm just in charge of delivering the food."

The little brother answered Lin Xiaoguo's words while tidying up the plastic box in which he put his meals.

"Then where is your restaurant, can you leave a business card or something?" As soon as Lin Xiaoguo said this, Qin Sijie immediately understood what Lin Xiaoguo meant.

Lin Xiaoguo was worried that Wang Damin was spending money in this restaurant, so he deliberately asked the other party to leave his business card.

The boy who delivered the food nodded repeatedly, saying that their restaurant was at the entrance of the alley in front, while taking out a small delivery card from his pocket.

Only then did Qin Sijie wave to him, indicating that he could leave. As soon as the man left, Qin Sijie immediately locked the door behind him, and then walked to Lin Xiaoguo's side with the delivery card.

Lin Xiaoguo glanced at the delivery card and said, this restaurant is indeed very close to here. After Li Zhengmao asks for the coin back, she will try to see if she can wake up Wang Damin.

If not, then Wang Damin spent money in the restaurant too.

"Oh, I'll go, how can this kid spend such money so neatly." Qin Sijie shook his head.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Li Mengmeng and Li Zhengmao finally came back. What Li Zhengmao was holding was a "hundred yuan bill".

"Why have you been here for so long?" Qin Sijie looked at the "hundred yuan bill" and asked Li Zhengmao.

Li Zhengmao said that the owner of the store was completely confused. At first he said that there was a coin, but when he opened the box, he found that the coin was gone and there was only "real money" inside.

Li Zhengmao took a hundred yuan to exchange with him, but he refused to exchange it, thinking that it was tricky.In the end, Li Zhengmao persuaded the boss for a long time, and exchanged five pieces of real money for this coin.

"Then what should we do now that the money is back?" Li Zhengmao handed the "hundred yuan bill" to Lin Xiaoguo.

Lin Xiaoguo reached out to take it, and after touching it carefully, she was sure that it was a coin, so she burned this coin and the bag on the table next to Wang Damin's body.

Lin Yuhan nodded and squatted on the ground to collect the coins, and Qin Sijie immediately lit the fire.

Lin Xiaoguo closed his eyes and muttered words, and these coins burned quickly with a "swish" when they were ignited, almost completely burned in an instant.

But after the burning was over, Wang Damin lying on the ground was still motionless, showing no sign of waking up.

"It seems that he spent more than that." After Lin Xiaoguo finished speaking, he handed the card of the fast food restaurant to Li Zhengmao, and asked Li Zhengmao to go to the fast food restaurant to ask about the situation.

"The money for this fast food restaurant was paid in advance by me, definitely not coins." Li Zhengmao explained to Lin Xiaoguo.

Lin Xiaoguo was stunned when he heard it, because we would not know where the other coins went.

"According to what you said, he only bought two bottles of wine when he came back that night, and he didn't go out after that. He had breakfast in the morning. If he gave coins, he would be found out earlier. It was spent before the hospital!"

Qin Sijie's brain also moved very quickly.

He glared at Li Zhengmao: "Is there anything else you haven't told us?"

"No, according to what Ms. Lin said, the money will become "real money" after Haishi, but after Haishi, I can be sure that Damin has never spent any money except for buying two bottles of water." Li Zhengmao said very sure.

He didn't need to lie, Lin Xiaoguo thought for a while: "You said, the colleague saw that Wang Damin was rich, so he asked Wang Damin to treat him, right?"

"Well, yes." Li Zhengmao nodded.

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