Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 628: The heart is true and kind

Lin Yuhan thought it should be because of the black air, that's why she didn't have any business.

Qin Sijie walked very fast, and was already four or five meters away from Lin Yuhan. Seeing that he hadn't followed, he turned around and called her.

Lin Yuhan recovered and followed Qin Sijie: "What did you do in that shop?"

"I didn't do anything, I just kept a "living creature" in her shop, so she will lose money until the store closes." Qin Sijie said to Lin Yuhan without looking back.

Lin Yuhan couldn't help sighing, Qin Sijie had already reached the gate of Gumiao Street, waved to Lin Yuhan and quickly followed him into Lin Guoer's car.

In the car, he asked Lin Yuhan to hold the urn, and he was responsible for driving.

"That woman's name is Yinfeng, and her man's name is Fangzheng, who is Xiao Jiu'er's elder brother. It's just that less than two years after she married Jiuer's brother, Jiu'er's brother died in a car accident. This Yinfeng will take the compensation Ready to open a store."

Qin Sijie lowered the car window a little while talking, and then took out a cigarette.

"It's really pitiful, so why do you pay it back? Is it because she bullied Jiu'er?" Lin Yuhan looked at Qin Sijie.

Qin Sijie smiled coldly: "Everyone is pitiful, but you can't take everything on the surface. A poor person must have something to hate."

Qin Sijie told Lin Yuhan that this Yinfeng came to Qin Sijie to talk when he saw that his business was good and wanted to transfer it.

As soon as she entered the door, Qin Sijie realized that something was wrong, because there was half a creature lying on Yinfeng's back, which was Jiu'er's brother Fang Zheng.

He confides to Qin Sijie, saying that Yinfeng and the wild man outside killed him in partnership, and that the wild man outside was messing with his nine-year-old sister. He cried and asked Qin Sijie to help.

Qin Sijie didn't want to meddle in his own business at first.

"You must think I'm hard-hearted?" Qin Sijie suddenly turned his head to look at Lin Yuhan and asked.

Lin Yuhan was taken aback, and looked out the car window: "I didn't say anything."

Qin Sijie smiled and said that there are too many poor people in this world. If everyone has to be managed and saved, then he alone cannot manage them.

But later he saw that Jiu'er was cute and smart, and had a pair of yin and yang eyes, so he was predestined for the yin and yang business, so he asked Yinfeng to use Jiu'er as a mortgage and "adopted" Jiu'er.

"What about Xiaofan?" Lin Yuhan asked curiously.

"He is an abandoned baby. He was thrown at the gate of Gumiao Street in winter. I don't have any relatives, so I brought him back and raised him as a companion."

Qin Sijie paused after finishing speaking: "But I teach well, and these two children are very smart, so I don't worry about handing over Qin Lou to them."

"You are really a good person." Lin Yuhan looked at Qin Sijie.He's right, you really can't look at appearances in everything.

Qin Sijie looks like a slut, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is like a cheating magic stick, but now after getting along for such a long period of time, Lin Yuhan found that his heart is really kind .

"Then, is this Li Mengmeng?" Lin Yuhan hesitated, wondering if he should ask or not, as if he did not trust Qin Sijie.

Qin Sijie, on the other hand, looked indifferent, and after exhaling a puff of smoke outside the car window, he said, "I've heard about Li Mengmeng from Aunt Mei."

"So that's the case, what did Aunt Mei say?" Lin Yuhan was very curious.

"Aunt Mei said that because this little girl is the child of the third master Fu, she has been spoiled since she was a child, and no one can stop her from doing whatever she wants." Qin Sijie said as he turned towards the ashes urn in Lin Yuhan's arms. glance.

When Li Mengmeng was 16 years old, the village captured a man with a sachet. As a result, Li Mengmeng fell in love with him at a young age, and went off the rails. After being discovered by Mr. Fu, he was arrested and locked up.

After the man and the female corpse conceived a wet vagina, he was executed by Mr. Axe, so Li Mengmeng hated her father to death.

"So what she told you is all false, just to make you sympathize with her and let her go." Qin Sijie popped the cigarette butt out of the window, and said meaningfully: "You , trusting others so easily in the future.”

"Hmm." Lin Yuhan sighed.

"Don't hang your face like this. After hanging out with Master Qin for a long time, I dare not say that it will make you a human being, but at least it will make people look better." Qin Sijie grinned at Lin Yuhan.

Lin Yuhan held the ashes jar and ignored Qin Sijie, but remembered what Lin Guoer said before.

She told Lin Yuhan not to trust anyone including her, and at that time, she also asked Lin Yuhan, what would happen if one day she did something sorry for Lin Yuhan?
Lin Yuhan didn't think much about being in danger at that time, but now thinking about it, she feels uneasy.

"Here we are." Qin Sijie's voice interrupted Lin Yuhan's thoughts.

Originally thought that Lin Shurong's younger brother could spend so much Qin to find a ghost wife for his elder brother, and his family background should be very good, but he didn't expect that there was a two-story private house in front of him?Isn't this a village in the city?
"Qin Sijie, this?" Lin Yuhan looked at Qin Sijie in surprise.

Qin Sijie stretched out his hand, took the ashes jar from Lin Yuhan's hand, and said, "This Lin Shurong stayed at his brother's house and refused to leave, making troubles every day. This is usually a sign of bad luck. No matter how big the family property is, it will be ruined." .”

After he finished speaking, he walked to the front of the second-story private house and knocked on the door. After a while, an old man with gray hair came out of the house tremblingly.

When he saw that it was Qin Sijie, he was very excited, and desperately thanked Qin Sijie, saying that his brother had told him in a dream last night.

"This is also taking Qin Cai to help people eliminate disasters. You don't have to thank Lin Yuhan." Qin Sijie was still very polite to this old man.

But the old man looked embarrassed, he hesitated for a long time, pursing his chapped lips, as if he didn't know how to tell Qin Sijie.

"Your family won't have a lot of money in three years, but after three years, the bad luck will dissipate, and it must be a turn of events. It doesn't matter if the remaining Qin is given three years ago."

Qin Sijie saw the difficulty of the old man. He who loved Qin Ruming would actually say that he would give it to Qin in three years?Lin Yuhan looked at Qin Sijie, and he could completely get to know him from this side he saw today.

Qin Sijie planned to take Lin Yuhan back to Gumiao Street to do something good. Lin Yuhan checked the time, and it happened to be time for lunch, so he sent Qin Sijie to the hospital directly.

After all, she didn't write a leave note yesterday, Lin Xin agreed, and wondered if she would give Lin Yuhan small shoes to wear.

"Actually, you can find another job. It's better not to stay in that hospital." Qin Sijie persuaded Lin Yuhan while driving.

"Why?" Lin Yuhan felt that Qin Sijie had something to say.

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