Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 620: The Unspeakable Concealment

Lin Guo'er shook her head slightly at Lin Yuhan and then closed her eyes. At first, she was normal. Lin Yuhan thought she was falling asleep, but gradually Lin Yuhan noticed that her body began to curl up into a ball.

He also began to break out in a cold sweat, and the sweat on his forehead continued to flow up the pillow, which was almost wet.

"Sister Guoer, Sister Guoer?" Lin Yuhan called her name, then stretched out his hand to gently touch her forehead, and found that Lin Guoer's forehead was already hot.

Terrified, Lin Yuhan hurriedly covered Lin Guoer with a quilt and hurried to buy antipyretics.

Now the sky outside was already bright, Lin Yuhan looked at his watch, it was already six o'clock in the morning after all the troubles of the night.After buying antipyretics, he hurried towards the hotel. From a distance, he saw many people watching something.

Lin Yuhan didn't want to go there to join in the fun, but he heard the onlookers talk about fights and the like.

Lin Yuhan immediately thought of Qin Sijie, hurried over and squeezed into the crowd, only to find that it was true that he was sleeping soundly while hugging a telegraph pole. "Qin Sijie, Qin Sijie?" Lin Yuhan patted Qin Sijie on the shoulder and called.

Qin Sijie twitched his lips, opened his eyes and looked at Lin Yuhan in a daze, and sneezed before he could speak, then stretched out his hand towards her to signal her to help him up.

"Hey, I'm not dead." The people around were still discussing, Qin Sijie's face darkened and he shouted at the group of people: "I can't watch it for nothing for so long, give me money!"

The group of people cast contemptuous glances at Qin Sijie, and then dispersed.Really want to pretend not to know him, Lin Yuhan sighed.

Seeing the big gash on Qin Sijie's arm, he went to buy gauze again, and also bought Qin Sijie a random t-shirt. He only had a few dozen dollars on him, and he could only buy the cheapest one. He was not happy about the grade. Too low, she just took the medicine and left.

"Is this how you treat your savior? If it weren't for me last night, would you still be alive?" Qin Sijie said, pretending to be his bald head, "I may have lost too much blood last night. Still dizzy now."

He looks pretty good now and can still talk badly. She clearly knows whether he is using cruel tricks or has no choice but to go to support him.

Taking him into the hotel, the lady at the front desk ran over when she saw Lin Yuhan. Lin Yuhan thought she didn't want Lin Yuhan to take Qin Sijie up, so she hurriedly explained to her that Lin Yuhan would check out after a while.

In the end, she asked Lin Yuhan with her head, if she had run into evil last night. "No." Lin Yuhan was stunned for a moment. Usually, no one told her about her, so it was impossible for her to know.

"Miss Lin, Lin Yuhan?" She pursed her lips and looked at Lin Yuhan, as if there was something unspeakable.

"You don't need to be called Miss Lin Yuhan, just call me Lin Yuhan Yuhan." Lin Yuhan smiled at her to make her relax.

"Aya, didn't Lin Yuhan tell you what happened last night? You fainted after you brought your ID card up. It's nothing?" Before Lin Yuhan finished speaking, Chen Yajing began to shake her head.

Seeing her crying expression and the thick dark circles under her eyes, it is clear that she must not have had a good rest last night.

"Last night, Lin Yuhan felt very cold all the time. After coming down from your upstairs, Lin Yuhan asked the manager for leave and went back to the dormitory because he was not feeling well."

As she spoke, she pursed her lips and glanced around, holding the corner of her clothes nervously with one hand.

"Don't be afraid, you can speak out boldly if you have anything to say, look outside and it's already dawn." Lin Yuhan comforted Chen Yajing.

She took a deep breath, and continued: "After I went back, I planned to take a hot bath and then go to bed, but as soon as I took off my clothes, Lin Yuhan found a large bruise on her arm."

As she spoke, she opened her sleeves, and Lin Yuhan saw that there was really a large bruise.

"And when I looked in the mirror, I seemed to see a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl standing behind Lin Yuhan. She was frightened to death in a flash of a red dress."

When Chen Yajing said this, the tears that had been rolling in her eyes rolled down.

It turned out that Li Mengmeng did not leave Chen Yajing last night, but followed quietly all the time, maybe she is still by Chen Yajing's side now.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuhan couldn't help raising his hand, touching the bell on his neck, hesitating whether to take it off.

"Although I like dog meat, my family owns a dog meat shop. If I knew that I would encounter this kind of thing, I wouldn't even touch dog meat." Chen Yajing tightly held Lin Yuhan's arm as she spoke. Begging to save her.

Lin Yuhan thought for a while, and could only ask Chen Yajing to calm down first, and went upstairs to ask Qin Sijie and Lin Guoer what to do about this matter.It's not easy for Li Mengmeng to think of a good countermeasure to deal with her.

"I'll be waiting for you in this hall, come down quickly." Chen Yajing said to Lin Yuhan trembling.

"Okay." Lin Yuhan nodded in agreement, and immediately pressed the elevator to go upstairs.

When they arrived at the door of the room they lived in, the door was wide open. Ling Guoer was still lying on the bed, and the medicine she bought was put aside and not opened.

"Qin Sijie? Qin Sijie?" Lin Yuhan shouted angrily.Let him come up to give sister Guo'er medicine, he doesn't know where he went.

Lin Yuhan glanced into the toilet in the room, and found that Qin Sijie was sitting slumped on the ground, hugging the toilet. He seemed very weak, and he looked like a different person from before.

"Qin Sijie, you, what's wrong with you." Lin Yuhan hurried into the toilet, and found that the toilet was full of dark red blood clots, and Qin Sijie's lips were purple.

"It's okay, help Lin Yuhan get up." He was still stubborn, Lin Yuhan helped Qin Sijie stand up, and found that there was no writing on the back of his hand, but now there is a crooked thumb-sized text on the back of his hand .

"Qin Sijie, what the hell is going on here, do you see if there is an extra word on the back of your hand?" Lin Yuhan asked Qin Sijie to sit down and raised his hand for Qin Sijie to look at.

Qin Sijie leaned on the soft chair, just cast a glance and showed no surprise, but instead urged Lin Guoer to take medicine.Careful observation really can't find out what the problem is, it's all taken for granted and taken for granted.

He walked over, carefully looked at the medicine in his hand, and made sure after reading the relevant medicine information.Holding the medicine box at a loss, and looking at the person lying on the hospital bed, he walked over with confidence, put the medicine in his palm, and walked to the table.

Because I was worried that the medicines would cause physical conflicts, I walked over and opened it after making sure there was no problem.

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