Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 613: Trapped in the fourth floor

"I don't have any good things here, only a few packs of instant noodles left, you can eat it alive, at night, I will share a room with my sister, and you will sleep here alone." Bai Guoguo smiled at Lin Yuhan .

At her age, it is really not easy to work hard while taking care of her younger sister. Lin Yuhan nodded at her, and she turned around and went out to the small living room to bring hot Chinese medicine into the next room.

Once you go in, you don't come out again.

Lin Yuhan called Lin Guoer to report that she would not go back today. She was depressed on the other end of the phone and had no time to talk to her. She just said a few words and hung up the phone.

Tired all day, after eating instant noodles, Lin Yuhan lay down and prepared to rest.


Before he could close his eyes, the phone rang. When he picked it up, it was an unfamiliar number. As soon as Lin Yuhan pressed the answer button, Qin Sijie's voice came from inside.

"Yuhan, where are you?" Qin Sijie's voice on the other end of the phone was extremely low.

"I got off work a long time ago, and I searched for you at the entrance of the hospital for a long time, but I couldn't find you." Lin Yuhan scolded Qin Sijie displeasedly: "You almost made me homeless."

"Hey, little aunt, now is not the time to say these things." Qin Sijie on the other end of the phone spoke tremblingly, as if something urgent had really happened.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Yuhan asked nervously.

"I went to the hospital to pick you up from get off work. It's good that you didn't make a sound after get off work. I'm still in your hospital. I think something is wrong here. Why are you still here after walking for a long time?" Qin Sijie seemed to be muttering to himself. talking.

"Da da."

Qin Sijie's voice stopped suddenly, and Lin Yuhan heard crisp footsteps coming from the other end of the phone.

Lin Yuhan had no choice but to ask him which floor he was on.

Qin Sijie said it was the fourth floor.

Lin Yuhan's eyes widened, and the palm of his hand holding the phone couldn't help but sweat.

"You go downstairs." Lin Yuhan said to Qin Sijie very fast.

Qin Sijie couldn't help but swear, and said without tears, "Is it up to you to say that? When I went downstairs, I still saw the sign for the fourth floor. I've walked back and forth dozens of times."

"How could it be? Could it be a ghost hitting the wall?" Lin Yuhan asked Qin Sijie.

Qin Sijie immediately denied Lin Yuhan's statement: "No matter how you look at it, it's not like a ghost hitting a wall. Although I'm not a master of yin and yang, it's not that even a little ghost can't break a wall."

"Then, then you wait where you are, and I'll go find you right away." Before Lin Yuhan finished speaking, the screen of the mobile phone went black.

Simply, now knowing the exact location of Qin Sijie, Lin Yuhan put on his shoes without hesitation, patted on the door of Bai Guoguo's room, and told her to go out, but she didn't open the door, but just said hello.

Thinking of Qin Sijie's current situation, Lin Yuhan almost trotted down the stairs. Now, the sky outside has already darkened, and the village in the city is still as lively as before.

People who were drinking and shaking dice were sitting on the side of the road laughing, and Lin Yuhan was hurrying among these people.

I didn't have enough money to take taxis, but the bus didn't come after waiting for a long time.


Standing in front of the bus stop, Lin Yuhan, who was at a loss, was startled by the sudden sound of the horn, and raised his head to meet the dazzling headlights.

"Yuhan, is it really you?" A familiar voice sounded, Lin Yuhan was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head to look at the source of the sound, and found that it was Mo Li.

However, I haven't seen Mo Li for half a month, but I found that he seems to be a little more mature than before.

Seeing Lin Yuhan, he was very surprised. Just as he was about to greet her, Lin Yuhan immediately opened his car door and got into the car directly, which made Mo Li confused.

"What's wrong with you, Yuhan?" He looked at Lin Yuhan suspiciously.

"Go to the hospital, right away, I have something urgent." Lin Yuhan said to Mo Li.

Seeing Lin Yuhan's solemn expression, Mo Li started the car without asking any further questions, and drove towards the hospital.

In the car, Lin Yuhan also charged up his mobile phone, and when he arrived at the entrance of the hospital, Lin Yuhan asked Mo Li to go first, and planned to go to the fourth floor to have a look.

"What happened, let me go in with you." Mo Li said, he closed the door and got out of the car.

"It's no big deal, I'm just going to be late for the night shift, that's why I kept urging you, you go back, there is no reason for you to accompany me to work." Lin Yuhan didn't want Mo Li to get involved.

"Well, that's good, then I'll go first." He said, then returned to the car and started backing up.

Lin Yuhan ran towards the hospital against the clock. The hall of the hospital was empty, and there was no one at the window inquiry desk in the hall.

In the duty room, two young security guards were chatting.

When one of them saw Lin Yuhan coming in, he immediately walked towards her, pointed his eyebrows at her and said, "The hospital doesn't accept any patients after eight o'clock, and family members can't stay in the hospital to accompany them."

"Oh, my name is Lin Yuhan, and I'm a nurse here." Lin Yuhan hurriedly said to the security guard.

The security guard looked Lin Yuhan up and down for a while, and then seemed to remember something.

"Oh, yes, I seem to have seen you in the morning, but since you are on the morning shift at this point, why do you still come to the hospital?"

He said with a serious face: "Now the situation in the hospital is different from before. Even if you are a hospital employee, you can't walk around the hospital casually without work arrangements. You know, those who committed those cases before All?"

Before the security guard could finish his sentence, another mature security guard with a mustache behind him spoke up, "Damin, those things are taboo in the hospital. Didn't you tell them all before you came in? You can't mention them anymore. Why bring it up again?"

"Ah, brother, look at my brain." The security guard named Damin smiled awkwardly.

"What's the matter with you coming so late? I'm Li Zhengmao, who is in charge of the night shift tonight." He said and looked Lin Yuhan up and down vigilantly.

It seems that because of those bizarre cases before, the hospital has now strengthened its supervision on this aspect, and strictly guarded against fear of further accidents.

Lin Yuhan originally wanted to say that he had left something behind, and then used this excuse to quietly go upstairs to find Qin Sijie.

But when I thought about it, there are monitors on every floor, so I immediately gave up this idea and could only tell the truth.

"My friend originally came to pick me up from get off work, but I left first, so he is waiting for me in the hospital now." Lin Yuhan explained to Li Zhengmao.

He was taken aback for a moment when he heard this, and then shook his head with certainty: "Impossible, they have just patrolled the building in this hospital, and there are no outsiders at all."

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