"Hmm...and then? You just lost your memory?" Lin Yuhan raised his eyebrows, his face was still calm, and he couldn't see anything. This made Qin Sijie even more panicked.

"So, so... so those things..." Qin Sijie gritted his teeth, and continued, "So those things are not what I want..."

"Oh, you didn't want it?" Lin Yuhan thought that he would wait for Qin Sijie's apology, but he didn't expect Qin Sijie to say that he didn't want it?

"Then... it was Mo Yiyi who rushed into the ward to guard me after you left... When I woke up, she told me that she was my girlfriend..." Qin Sijie rubbed the tip of his nose, A little guilty, although those things happened when he lost his memory, but in essence he did it himself, didn't he...

"Then you believed it? You didn't doubt it?" Lin Yuhan also knew that the person suffering from amnesia would definitely choose to believe the first person she saw standing by the bed after waking up, but...she still couldn't help it I always wanted to blame Qin Sijie, after all, Lin Yuhan couldn't suffer in vain, right?
"I...I..." Qin Sijie hesitated, couldn't say anything, and explained bluntly, "When I woke up, I saw Mo Yiyi lying on my bed and looking at me. What did I do at that time?" I can't remember either... I just vaguely remember that I have a girlfriend I love very much..."

"Then you believed it? Didn't you suspect that what Mo Yiyi said was a lie?" Lin Yuhan hated iron but steel, even if Mo Yiyi said it, Qin Sijie couldn't believe it without a little doubt, right?
"Well...Actually, I still have some doubts in my heart, and I also feel a little uncomfortable...But, at that time, I could only choose to trust Mo Yiyi...At that time, only Mo Yiyi was by my side...You are not here, I What can I do..." Qin Sijie muttered in a low voice, his behavior was not at all like the domineering president before.

"Didn't you hate Mo Yiyi very much before, you two hooked up in such a short time after I went out, and you still look at me with such disgusting eyes..." Lin Yuhan sat on the chair with his arms around his shoulders, Interrogate Qin Sijie like a policeman interrogating a prisoner.

"I couldn't believe it at that time..." I have to say that Qin Sijie was really wronged. That woman Mo Yiyi has nothing to say about her good acting skills. With a few simple words, she and Qin Sijie I finished explaining all kinds of sweetness, and regardless of Qin Sijie's cold face, he insisted on posting it, so that Qin Sijie really thought she was his girlfriend... "And Mo Yiyi's acting skills... you are not bad I know... if she develops in the entertainment industry, the Oscar statuette will definitely be hers."

Qin Sijie couldn't help complaining, Mo Yiyi is not only good at acting, but also stretches and bends. She is not afraid of being cold-faced by others. The ability to make up stories is also proper, and with the support of the Mo family, she is so outstanding Yes, one in a million talent really enters the entertainment circle, and if he doesn't win a movie queen, wouldn't the little golden man be too much of a waste of talent?
"Then why... you look at me with disgust, as if I have done something heinous..." Lin Yuhan still can't forget Qin Sijie's disgust when he looked at him at the beginning. Lin Yuhan cried for a long time, Lin Yuhan really wanted to know what kind of reason Mo Yiyi used to frame herself.

"Mo Yiyi said that during the time I was in a coma, she had been guarding me, for fear that I would be harmed by that despicable woman again. I also wanted to know who harmed me, so I asked Mo Yiyi, Mo Yiyi, Yiyi said that a woman named Lin Yuhan, because she liked me so much, often provoked the non-existent relationship between "Mo Yiyi and me", and finally saw that "Mo Yiyi and I" were together, and Lin Yuhan had absolutely no chance of getting involved. , designed me to hurt me and cause amnesia, and even after I lost my memory, I didn't give up, and kept provoking Mo Yiyi, saying that I would never wake up, etc. He still has to bribe the doctor to hurt me, and then put the blame on Mo Yiyi or something, but Mo Yiyi has never given up on me, and has been guarding me in front of the hospital bed, waiting for me to wake up." After Qin Sijie finished speaking, he also felt that It's very ridiculous, I didn't expect that I would be deceived by such words at that time.

Lin Yuhan rolled his eyes, Mo Yiyi could really make it up, "Then you believe it?"

"Hmm..." Qin Sijie hesitated, and nodded, "I didn't expect...the reason is so...I just believe it..."

"Huh!" Lin Yuhan pouted, Qin Sijie really hurt his head, the shrewd President Qin, heh, would be deceived when he got up to his head, "Go on, why are you hugging so intimately?" Mo Yiyi? And, what happened after I left? What else happened to you? It's best to tell everything about you and Mo Yiyi in the past few days!"

Lin Yuhan waved his fist and said threateningly, "If I find something wrong, hehe, just wait for me!"

"Okay, okay..." Qin Sijie also knew that Lin Yuhan had an obsession with emotional cleanliness, and now Lin Yuhan was able to take care of himself, but it was only a little bit of spitting, how could he still deceive his children?
"Mo Yiyi got into my arms by herself. It's really not the Mo Yiyi I hugged. It was Mo Yiyi. She said that she had guarded me for so long, and she was very happy to see that I finally woke up. Let me hug her , after all, it is really not easy for her to persevere on her own."

"Humph! Then why don't you take the initiative to let go, and you can just hug her when she gets into your arms?" Lin Yuhan was very unhappy, thinking that Mo Yiyi in Qin Sijie's arms was flung at her at that time, she was full of provocation Lin Yuhan became annoyed with the look in his eyes.

"I also wanted to let go, but she hugged my arm all of a sudden, and told me to hold it for a while. I was really tired after taking care of me for such a long time. She wanted me to hug her again... I couldn't help it Anyway, at that time, Mo Yiyi was my girlfriend and savior in my impression?" Qin Sijie said helplessly, "In the end, you entered the door before she finished hugging you. At that time, I just felt that you seemed to have known each other , very familiar, and then Mo Yiyi called out your name, 'Lin Yuhan', and then, I remembered that the 'Lin Yuhan' Mo Yiyi said was because of love and hatred for herself, and then hurt herself, causing myself to lose memory , think about it, how can I not hate the enemy who has hurt me, if I really don't hate it, but go up to kiss and hug it, wouldn't it be strange..."

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