"Lin Yuhan, come back with me, it's too windy here, you don't wear much, you'll catch a cold if you sit here." Ji Feng was very concerned about Lin Yuhan's physical comfort.

"Ji Feng, tell me, did Qin Sijie leave with another woman and not want me anymore?" Lin Yuhan was still obsessed with that matter, and couldn't let it go.

"Don't think about it too much, Qin Sijie may have difficulties and it's inconvenient to talk about it." Ji Feng wanted to say it at first, but in order to prevent Lin Yuhan from being hit again, he could say so first.

"What kind of embarrassment will he have, Ji Feng, don't intercede for him. By the way, has Jimo eaten yet?" Lin Yuhan suddenly thought of Jimo again, this child was the one he couldn't let go of.

"Not yet... I was too anxious to find you, so I forgot." Qin Sijie was embarrassed, since he forgot to feed Jimo, fortunately, he didn't cry today.

"How could you forget that!" Lin Yuhan wanted to stand up, but her legs softened a little. If Ji Feng hadn't supported her in time, she might have knelt on the ground.

Ji Feng supported Lin Yuhan and walked towards the car step by step.Lin Yuhan sat in the car and looked at Jimo who was sleeping soundly, feeling unspeakable distress in his heart.It's really pitiful for Jimo not to eat for such a long time.

Lin Yuhan squinted, put his hands on his face, and covered his eyes.After a while, they went downstairs, Ji Feng woke up Jimo, originally wanted to hug Lin Yuhan, but she refused, Ji Feng had to help her upstairs.

As soon as he entered the door and turned on the light, Lin Yuhan closed his eyes reflexively because of the sudden strong light.

Ji Feng looked at Lin Yuhan's eyes, it was not so obvious in the dark night, but under the light, he could see clearly.The eyes were red and swollen, and there were tears on his face.

Jimo also saw it, and poked Lin Yuhan, "Sister, what's wrong with your eyes?"

"Sister is fine, you go to the sofa and wait."

Lin Yuhan hurried to the bathroom, she looked in the mirror, is this still herself?Lin Yuhan hurriedly washed his face, the redness and swelling on his face hadn't been reduced too much, after washing his face, the redness and swelling became more obvious, and it was even more pitiful.

Lin Yuhan washed for a long time, until Ji Feng called out to eat.

Ji Feng looked at Lin Yuhan, feeling a little pain in his heart.

"Go and have dinner with Timo first, and I'll make something later."

Lin Yuhan didn't ask too much, she was also very hungry.Ji Feng cooked a few more eggs in the kitchen for Lin Yuhan to get rid of his swollen eyes.Her swollen eyes are really not going to go away in a short time.Ji Feng's hatred for Qin Sijie silently increased a little.

Ji Feng walked towards the living room with the boiled eggs, he saw that Lin Yuhan and Jimo didn't touch the food on the table.

"Why don't you eat it?" Ji Feng put the eggs on the table.

"Wait until you come to eat."

Ji Feng was also very happy that Jimo could be so obedient. He had never been cared about much since he was a child, let alone waiting for him for dinner.

Ji Feng said to Jimo: "Hurry up and eat, it will be cold in a while."

After hearing these words, Jimo immediately picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

"Eat slowly, don't swallow." Lin Yuhan patted Jimo on the back.

Monsoon sat down and ate too.

"I'm sorry, I'll let you cook again tonight." Lin Yuhan remembered what he said.

"It's okay, today is a special reason."

After eating, Jimo consciously went to sleep.It seems really sleepy.

"Come and sit down, raise your head." Ji Feng called Lin Yuhan.

Lin Yuhan sat obediently on the sofa and raised her head.

Ji Feng took the egg and applied it around Lin Yuhan's eyes, with very little strength, for fear of hurting Lin Yuhan.

"Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Although Lin Yuhan said that it didn't hurt, in fact it still hurts. Besides, Lin Yuhan also cried for a long time without eating. Thinking of this, tears flowed down again.

Ji Feng took out a piece of paper and wiped away the tears from Lin Yuhan's eyes.

Qin Sijie didn't brush himself off like this either.

"Why didn't you answer the call today, didn't you take it?"

Lin Yuhan remembered his mobile phone, "I was in a hurry to go out in the morning, so I forgot to take it. I'm really sorry, you brothers finally went to the amusement park together, but I messed up because of me." Lin Yuhan was full of guilt.

Ji Feng didn't think so, he believed that Qin Sijie was the ultimate culprit who messed up this matter.

After playing for a while, Ji Feng took down the egg and looked at Lin Yuhan's eyes, the redness and swelling subsided a lot.

Lin Yuhan glanced at his watch, it was already 11:30, "Monsoon, go to bed, it's getting late."

Ji Feng didn't think it was too late, but Lin Yuhan had no choice but to agree.Lin Yuhan was left alone and continued to close his eyes.

As soon as she calmed down, Lin Yuhan's mood began to fluctuate, and Lin Yuhan thought of a lot.She was also almost disheartened towards Qin Sijie, after all, she had witnessed several incidents with her own eyes.Compared with the gentle and considerate monsoon, it is like a heaven and an earth, and it can be said that there is no way to compare.

Lin Yuhan also felt a little sleepy and went upstairs as well.

Lin Yuhan was lying on the bed before finding his mobile phone.After opening it, there were dozens of messages and dozens of phone calls, almost all of which were from Qin Sijie. Lin Yuhan didn't bother to read it, so he just opened one to check.

Lin Yuhan, where are you?Hurry up and come back to me, I limit you to come back before tonight!
Listening to Qin Sijie's angry tone, it felt like it was Lin Yuhan's fault, and Lin Yuhan didn't want to listen anymore, so he turned off his phone directly, fearing that Qin Sijie would call again.

I woke up the next morning.Lin Yuhan didn't get up until twelve o'clock. It seemed that this incident had a big impact on Lin Yuhan. When Lin Yuhan got up, his eyes hurt more than yesterday, and he almost couldn't open them.

Ji Feng looked at Lin Yuhan, it seemed that it was getting worse, maybe it was infected.

Ji Feng went to take out the medical kit and poisoned Lin Yuhan's eyes with medicine.

"Thank you." Compared to Qin Sijie who scolded her yesterday, Lin Yuhan only felt that they were both men, why was there such a big difference!

Seeing Lin Yuhan running over, Jimo hugged Lin Yuhan's leg tightly, for fear that she would run away accidentally.

Lin Yuhan was playing games on the sofa with Jimo in his arms.


There was a knock on the door, Ji Feng went to open the door, and quickly closed it again.

"Who is it?" Lin Yuhan looked puzzled at Ji Feng's behavior.

"Qin Sijie, are you still driving?" As soon as Ji Feng said, Lin Yuhan's smiling face immediately darkened.

"not open."

"Ji Feng, open the door for me! Hurry up!" Qin Sijie slapped on the door outside and shouted.

"Lin Yuhan won't let you in, please go back, don't bother Lin Yuhan anymore." Although Ji Feng's voice was small, it was not lacking in momentum.

"Impossible, let me in!"

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