Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 52: The past is like a shadow

The next day, Lin Yuhan got up early and went to the Chinese Medicine Hospital by herself without alarming Qin Sijie.

She thought that there would be no doctors, but she didn't expect that there would be old Chinese doctors who work shifts. The old people don't need much sleep, and they have insisted on hanging pots to help the world for many years.

"Doctor Gu, my husband has a female and has a severe allergic reaction to hormones. Excuse me..."

The old Chinese doctor saw the medical records provided by Lin Yuhan, which were records of some conditions, pictures of illnesses, and some daily videos of Qin Sijie.

"This is difficult to treat, without a firm will and an effective method, I'm afraid..."

Lin Yuhan heard about this firm will, and he believed that Qin Sijie absolutely possessed it. Can it be effective?
"Doctor Gu, what is an effective method?"

"This can only be understood by you."

Lin Yuhan was invited out of the doctor's office after speaking.It's been a long time since she lived, and she has to understand it by herself when she sees a doctor.

She also wanted to give him some medicines, so that the illness would be cured.

Not far away, Qin Sijie was really amused by his silly woman.

"No, I will never give up."

"Are you worried that the happiness of the rest of your life will be ruined in my hands?"

Hearing Qin Sijie's voice suddenly, Lin Yuhan's face became more and more red with embarrassment.

Especially since he might already know the purpose of her visit.

"Mrs. Qin, don't worry, I'm normal."

After speaking, Qin Sijie was as chic as before, and turned and left gracefully.

She clearly remembered that she was so soft that she didn't make any sound, why did she wake him up.

Besides, he just reassured her?

Did he misunderstand something?

Lin Yuhan's face was flushed with embarrassment, and she couldn't wash it off even if she jumped into Qinghe.

She still drove back to Qin's house by herself, and Lin Yuhan found that he was waiting for her to have breakfast together.

The man in front of her prepared breakfast for her every day.

She reminded herself, don't get me wrong.

This is a common trick used by all evil capitalists, first ruthlessly exploiting all the surplus value, and then appearing to be very generous in rewarding some small favors.

"Thank you"

Lin Yuhan didn't say the word sweet. She knew that her thoughts were narrow and her tone of voice was unnatural.

"I'll take Xiaoyu to school later, do you want to go together?"

Lin Yuhan picked up his carefully made sandwich, tasted it, and was not disappointed.

"No, I'll go directly to the company."

After wasting a day, she worked very hard to catch up with the progress.

He came over, looked at her, recalled the stupid look before, and held back his smile.Wipe the cheese off her mouth with her hands.

This action is very much like a lover.

How to explain this, Lin Yuhan has never heard him say that he likes her, but his actions show everywhere that he regards her as his wife, no matter in public or in private, from the beginning to now, it has not changed.

"Lin Yuhan, don't think too much..."

Impossible, don't wishful thinking, business cooperation is business cooperation.

"Mom, bye!"


Her son, a lovely son, they are so familiar, what's going on?

I can't think about it anymore, if I get dizzy, it's easy to do bad things.

After breakfast, Lin Yuhan went back to his room to take a shower and set off. The day started again so refreshed.

Before the past became clear, she thought about her feelings, which were not that important.

"Boss Lin, this is today's arrangement."

She still didn't deal with yesterday's matter well, and Lin Yuhan's assistant didn't remind her.

"Give me a list of the things I did yesterday."

"Oh, Mr. Qin has taken care of everything."

Lin Yuhan wondered why Qin Sijie was so efficient?
"Okay, put it here, I'll take a look."

She looked down at the city scenery outside the transparent glass window. Standing here, the scenery she saw was so grand.

Turning back, he looked at Qin Sijie with amorous eyes, and soon he returned to normal.

"Boss Qin, what are your plans?"

If he wants to go out, he has to take her with him, otherwise she will be restless.


shop?She hasn't gone shopping since she returned to China. She knows that what she needs is either to place an order with a mobile phone or to arrange it with the two butlers of the Qin family, so she doesn't need to waste her legs.

With the excitement of shopping, she could go shopping for three days and three nights, especially in the years abroad, when she was stressed, she would go shopping.


Qin Sijie looked back at her and took out a card.

Pick it up with your index finger and middle finger and say to her: "It's not overdue."

At first glance, you can tell that it is difficult to swipe a card with an excess limit, just to buy clothes, and she is not gold-plated.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin!"

She looked at the itinerary. Anyway, she had nothing to do, and she was idle when she was idle.

If you don't go, you won't go, so hard to earn money.

Always reward yourself in the way you like.

"I want to buy Weiman's full range of clothing for Xiaoyu."

Qin Sijie couldn't help giving her eyes to let her understand.

Xiaoyu always likes to make decisions by herself, but the little woman doesn't know their son well.

"Buy what you like, don't force what you like on your son."

When he said that, she could realize that her thinking was wrong, not to mention that she really didn't know how to choose a gift.

"Qin Sijie, can I have a request?"

"you say"

She said awkwardly, "Don't ask me to prepare any gifts for the holidays, okay?"

It seemed that she had misunderstood again. He just wanted to talk to a partner about cooperation. He was afraid that she would get bored and let her go shopping to pass the time. But she thought that she was going to prepare gifts for the coming festival.

"Okay. Let the housekeeper arrange these things."

She happily hugged his neck and kissed the left cheek.

The speed was so fast that he couldn't expect it.

He really regretted that he didn't have time to turn his head away and let her just be with him...

what a pity.

At this time, she had already closed the elevator, walked down the escalator, and walked out of the large shopping mall under the management of the Qin family.

Kiss him, will he get dizzy, forget who he is, where he is, where he's going?

Anyway, she was a little dizzy, and the general direction was not confused. She knew that she had to fight wits and courage with Lin Yide, not to mention returning justice to her parents.

"Lin Yuhan?"

In front of her to the right, at two o'clock, is a person in a wheelchair.

"Hmph, it's really unfair, you can be intact, but I'm reduced to this state!"

The more she said, tears filled Lin Yue's eyes in the wheelchair, and she saw Lin Yuhan in a blur.

"Lin Yue, you have suffered retribution yourself, why do you blame me?"

Lin Yuhan saw the pitiful appearance of her cousin, she knew that a poor person must have something to hate.

"It's not you, I'm prettier than you today."

This person can never see his own situation clearly.Lin Yuhan would not argue with such a person.

"Sister, listen to my sister, don't come out to shame yourself."

It was a fatal blow to Lin Yue for her to say such harsh words.

Lin Yue never came out of the shadows, she pushed her wheelchair with a fierce look in her eyes.

From Lin Yuhan's right foot, he pushed straight over, and Lin Yuhan, who had no time to shrink his foot, was so painful that tears burst out from his eyes...

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