Lin Xinran was lying on the hospital bed. She had just undergone a doctor's examination and blood test. Her face was pale and she looked very weak.

When she first woke up from the dream, she felt that her body was suddenly overwhelmed by something. She opened her eyes slightly, only to find that it was her mother.

"Mommy... why are you here?" Lin Xinran said in a weak voice, but she noticed in an instant that Qin Sijie had disappeared in the empty ward.

She still remembered being carried into the ambulance in a daze, and Qin Sijie followed her into the car, accompanying her.

Because of his company, Lin Xinran felt at ease in his heart.

It was just that her body became heavy suddenly, and she fell asleep in a trance.

When she woke up again, but she was alone again, Lin Xinran's eyes sank, and a trace of pain reappeared inexplicably in her eyes.

"Let's talk, Xinran. Tell me, the family spent so much money on your medical treatment, why are you still not recovering now?" Seeing Lin Xinran's appearance, Rong Pei was full of anxiety.

The tone of his speech was a little excited for a while, and it was hard to tell whether it was blame or worry and concern for his daughter's illness.

"How do I know? Mommy," Lin Xinran was even more aggrieved. Although she had undergone surgery and also took medicine in the past two years, although her condition was usually stable, she still had an attack.

But her body was still hurting, Rong Pei not only didn't show any sympathy, but said some nice words, and even blamed her, which made her so wronged that she almost shed tears.

"Could it be that there was a problem with the matching at the beginning? But it's unlikely. I remember your father said that the matching should have no side effects. Besides, you insisted on not letting Lin Yuhan come back."

While recalling, Rong Pei said: "There is no way, we can only spend a lot of money to go to the blood bank of the International Red Cross Medical Emergency Center and send people to choose the right blood type."

"Do you know that for your illness, the family spent three times as much as other people with the same illness as you, just to find a suitable blood match for you."

Rong Pei was talking about it, but at this moment, Lin Xinran pouted her lips lightly: "Mum, you always talk about money, money, in your eyes, is money more important than your daughter's life?" important?"

"How can you say that? Xinran, you are my only daughter. Of course I love you more than money. But you have to know that if you spend so much money, you still can't buy your life. There is nothing better than This makes us feel even more painful.”

Hearing what her mother Rong Pei said, Lin Xinran wanted to vomit blood inexplicably, but she also thought that she couldn't keep her love now, but her family still supported her.

Therefore, Lin Xinran could only comfort her mother and said, "Mommy, it's hard to say what caused me to be like this now. But if it's really because of the previous symptoms, then we will not match the bone marrow. Could it be that he was really deceived?"

As Lin Xinran spoke, she was still regretting in her heart, why did fate treat her such a trick, and there was no reliable love, and there was even a problem with the matching bone marrow?
"Xinran, don't worry. Your father and I will definitely help you," Rong Pei was talking, and suddenly felt sad, and lowered his head to wipe his nose and tears.

"But Mommy, what I want is not just to be alive..." Lin Xinran was talking, when suddenly her chest felt tight again and she was out of breath.

Seeing that she was about to have an attack like this, Rong Pei felt even more uncomfortable: "Xin Ran, don't talk too much. Let's wait for you to recover."

Rong Pei was talking, but she was wondering why Lin Xinran had been doing well for the past two years.

However, just when everyone thought that she was almost recovering, she suddenly fell ill again.

"Mr. Qin... I really didn't expect that you would come to pick me up. In fact, you only need to guard in the ward, and I know the way myself."

At this time, in the corridor outside the hospital, the voice of Lin Yuhan and Qin Sijie's conversation could be heard from a distant direction.

But at this time, Qin Sijie didn't dislike trouble at all, and said to her in a deep voice: "But, Yuhan. I just want to see you one more time."

"Ah? Look at me? I'm not sick, what's there to see," although Lin Yuhan felt a little flattered by Qin Sijie's affectionate expression, but he just opened his mouth, but he was still showing off.

Qin Sijie was silent and looked at Lin Yuhan. Her face really resembled his first love, his old friend Yi Yi.

Although he used to be on and off with her, but now Lin Yuhan is back by her side.

Although Yiyi will never come back, at least Lin Yuhan is still there. Because of these reasons, he is even more reluctant to lose her.

Even in order to have her, he did not hesitate to pay any price.

"If you are really sick, I won't watch it yet," Qin Sijie suddenly said in silence for some reason.

"Ah? Why?" Lin Yuhan was suddenly surprised, but for some reason, hearing these words, she suddenly remembered all the things that had happened with Qin Sijie.

"Because..." Qin Sijie was about to say that, because he didn't want to see Lin Yuhan sick, so he said that.

At this time, Lin Yuhan interrupted him: "Mr. Qin, I'm sorry. Is it because of the past..."

It just so happened that she was also about to say sorry to him, and it just so happened that she had such a rare opportunity to be alone with him.

Qin Sijie raised his hand, waved it, and signaled: "Stop talking about the past. Yuhan..."

"Well, okay," she nodded half-understood, although she didn't understand why he liked her so much.

Could it be because she looked so much like his old friend, when the two of them were talking to each other, Lin Xinran suddenly became emotional while lying on the hospital bed in the ward.

"Mum, I seem to hear it, it's their voices..." She suddenly turned pale and said in great pain.

At this time, Rong Pei heard her daughter's sudden words, and asked with a puzzled look: "Of course, who are they?"

"Mm, Mr. Qin and Lin Yuhan," Lin Xinran couldn't help but sighed softly, pursing her lips and said.

"Lin Yuhan? I'm afraid she won't dare, now that she's here, it's great," Rong Pei suddenly rolled up his sleeves and said casually.

"Ah? Mommy, Lin Yuhan is here, and you still say it's great," Lin Xinran frowned, with a faint displeasure on her face.

She just needs to close her eyes and think about it, all that Lin Yuhan has now, the status of a big star, the status of attracting worldwide attention, is all she envies.

But in the end, Lin Xinran hated what he wanted but couldn't get.

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