"Really," Lin Yuhan said in disbelief. If Wang Hao really missed her, would he not have heard from her for so many years?
Even before she left the country, she couldn't help missing him, and when she went to his house to look for him, Wang Hao was nowhere to be seen.

At first, she thought he had moved, so she had to give up.

It's all right now, she has become famous, and he just ran back and told her that he really missed her.

Wouldn't it be too vain to miss such a miss?But for such a vain man, Lin Yuhan didn't want to explain anything.

Even though Wang Hao turned around and went to drive, and at the moment when he planted her into the car, Wang Hao turned the car key and slammed on the accelerator, Lin Yuhan frowned unconsciously.

I really didn't expect that Wang Hao was so unsteady even when driving, and he was not at all comparable to Qin Sijie in her mind.

As soon as she got in the car, she felt that he was very serious, even when driving.

It looks very innocent, and there is an inexplicable childishness.

He is really a simple-minded person, not mature at all, Lin Yuhan thought to himself.

But she knew that even if Wang Hao was good or bad, it had nothing to do with her now.

The reason why he agreed to the invitation today was just to tell him to stay away from himself.

Even if she is not famous, she will be like this.

The rumors about her and Wang Hao reported by the media before will be self-defeating.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuhan pursed her lips lightly, watching Wang Hao drive her through the streets and alleys in this familiar yet unfamiliar city, and finally came to a western restaurant near the city center.

Lin Yuhan thought, just now in Wang Hao's car, he was holding back the strong and pungent cologne men's perfume. In the car where there were only her and him, everything seemed stuffy and suffocating.

She was still a little bit sick and dizzy.

Fortunately, her body is not bad, so she restrained herself from vomiting.

Just at this time, Wang Hao's car finally stopped, and Lin Yuhan got off the car shaking a little. She just raised her head, but saw the surrounding environment here seemed a little familiar.

Although it was her first time entering this western restaurant, it was not far from Qin Sijie's company, and it was almost the only way for him to get off work.

Lin Yuhan thought, somehow, Wang Hao brought her here, she unconsciously pursed her lips, with a displeased expression on her face.

Being rejected by Lin Yuhan, Wang Hao felt very uncomfortable. He hurriedly stepped forward to curry favor and said, "Yuhan, take a look here. It's newly opened recently. Although the western restaurant has just opened, the environment is still there. Facilities, everything is the best...”

Wang Hao was talking happily, but Lin Yuhan ignored him. Not only did he ignore him, but he even accelerated his pace a lot.

"Yuhan..." Seeing Lin Yuhan, Wang Hao ignored him like this, so he quickly took advantage of the situation and chased after him.

To be honest, as Lin Xinran said, it usually only takes a short time for a boy to get a girl, and the sooner he gets it done, the greater the possibility of success.

Therefore, he couldn't relax, but started chasing Lin Yuhan fiercely.

With cold eyes, Lin Yuhan took a deep breath.

She didn't understand why she promised Wang Hao to drink coffee with him.

It’s all right now, and I’m still here. There are so many employees in Dongchen Huayan’s company here, and there are so many people coming and going. If someone bumps into him, he is with someone like Wang Hao. In Jie's ears, how should she explain it?

Thinking of this, Lin Yuhan pouted.

He quickened his pace to keep some distance from Wang Hao.

Just inadvertently, when I saw myself standing on the side of the road, I was still holding the international brand Gucci handbag newly bought from abroad.

Suddenly, two or three figures appeared in front of her, surrounding her.

What is the purpose of these people coming here?Lin Yuhan was stunned, but in an instant, a bad thought appeared in his mind.

No matter whether this group of people came here to rob money or to seek color, she could feel the evil intentions through their poisoned eyes.

Lin Yuhan subconsciously took two steps back. At this moment, someone bumped her left shoulder. When she came back to her senses, she was surprised to find that the handbag in her hand had disappeared from her hand like this. And fly.

"Help...someone is committing murder," Lin Yuhan hurriedly shouted loudly, she couldn't believe it, she was only invited to have a cup of coffee, how could she meet this group of robbers who were blocking the way?

A trace of inexplicable anxiety was fleeting on her face, and her heart became even more entangled.

When Lin Yuhan was desperately calling for help, Wang Hao just parked the car and got out of the car by himself. As soon as he looked up, he noticed that Lin Yuhan was calling for help. Someone snatched her bag just now.

Hearing this, Wang Hao rolled up his sleeves and hurriedly ran towards the robbers, thinking that the opportunity for such a great hero to save the beauty has finally come.

And those few people, I have already confessed before, they are just pretending to gain Lin Yuhan's trust, and it is not true.

Although they were indeed the ones who did those things before, but this time they did it.

After snatching Lin Yuhan's lady's bag, although those people spread their legs, they did not run away very far. On the contrary, when they saw Wang Hao appearing, those people smiled at Wang Hao as if they had honey on their lips.

However, Wang Hao was a little nervous. After all, he had spent all his time on this scene. If he accidentally messed up, not only would it be difficult for Lin Yuhan to explain, but the money would also be thrown out by then.

It seems that in response to that sentence, he lost his wife and lost his army.In order to prevent such a situation from happening, Wang Hao pursed Qin's lips lightly, but the expression on his face did not dare to relax at all.

At this moment, according to the prior arrangement, the moment the robber saw Wang Hao, he quickly dropped Lin Yuhan's handbag, turned around and ran away, planning to ask Wang Hao for today's performance fee later.

However, at this moment, when Wang Hao raised his hand and was about to pick up the female bag thrown out by the other party, what he did not expect was that when he raised his leg, Wang Hao inadvertently did not notice the sole of his foot, but stepped on it. on a piece of watermelon rind beside the road.

His legs and feet slipped, Wang Hao didn't have any precautions, and he fell with a nose and a bruised face. When he struggled to get up from the ground again, he still limped and returned to the place where Lin Yuhan was just now with his handbag. Location.

Lin Yuhan, who didn't have any affection for the other party just now, suddenly saw Wang Hao's body was bruised and purple in order to help her carry the bag, Lin Yuhan unconsciously frowned slightly.

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