"No, no more."

Fang Yuesha's face was paler than Lin Yuhan's, she turned around suddenly, as if she had suffered some blow, she walked away in a daze.

Lin Yuhan immediately yawned, rubbing his cheek against the man's chest: "Uncle, I'm so tired."

"Sleep, I will take you home later."

Qin Sijie comforted him softly and let Lin Yuhan sleep here by himself. He planned to go down to see what was going on. He didn't believe that he just fell down accidentally.

Although there is monitoring in the yard, it is not very clear. When the accident happened, it seemed that Lin Yuhan deliberately pulled Fang Yuesha down, but in fact, Lin Yuhan just took a look at the lanterns in the swimming pool, and then Fang Yuesha The standing figure shook twice, then bumped into it.

It seemed that someone was pushing her, but the light was dim and she couldn't see clearly.

"I really didn't mean it. Someone passed in front of me at the time, and I didn't notice...the result is..."

Fang Yuesha quickly explained, then coughed twice, and she also drank water, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Let's leave it like this for now, Mom, I'm taking Yuhan back."

"Okay, you guys go back and rest quickly, Yuesha will live here first." Mother Qin sighed helplessly, and wanted to let Qin Sijie live here too, but seeing their interaction, she instantly I don't feel so good.

Qin's mother actually still hoped that Fang Yuesha and Qin Sijie would be together, but since those things happened, her view of this child has also changed. It's just that she is more or less her friend's child, so it's not easy If you say turn your back, turn your face.

Qin Sijie nodded slightly, asked people to hold their things, turned around and went upstairs to carry Lin Yuhan down, and went to the car.

Lin Yuhan was really tired. Those two hours of enthusiasm drained all her energy. When she was carried from the car and put on the bed, she couldn't wake her up.

Qin Sijie kissed her forehead, changed his clothes, and finally lay down with her.

The next day, Fang Yuesha planned to go abroad and paid the liquidated damages. This time, Fang Menghan was also taken away. The two sisters did not come back for a long time.

After Lin Yuhan fell into the swimming pool the other day, he was feeling sluggish all the time, and he couldn't lift his spirits up. He was fine at work, but he was obviously lacking energy in class.

On a rainy day, she started to have a fever.

Qin Sijie's eyes were gloomy, looking at Lin Yuhan who was lying on the bed talking nonsense, his face was so cold that he could freeze people: "What's the matter with her?"

"Mr. Qin, it's just a high fever. It will be fine when the fever subsides. Madam was shocked a while ago. After recovering from the illness this time, the body's immunity will be better than before."

The private doctor was also panicked, and quickly explained the situation.

Lin Yuhan opened his red eyes, "Uncle, I'm fine."

The subtext is that you don't scare them, it feels like a tyrant.

Only then did Qin Sijie let the doctor leave, and sat beside Lin Yuhan: "Just tell me if you feel uncomfortable."

"Uncle, I'm really fine. I just have a fever. It will be fine when the fever subsides."

Lin Yuhan was a little guilty. Only after he actually went to work did he realize how busy Qin Sijie was. If he was sick, he still had to accompany him. It was a waste of time and money.

Grabbing Qin Sijie's hand, Lin Yuhan suddenly said, "Uncle, I really like you, why are you so nice..."

Qin Sijie's ears suddenly turned red, he coughed, and pulled his face: "You've got a fever, go to bed and rest."

Lin Yuhan grinned: "Uncle, you are blushing."

"You read it wrong."

"It's just blushing!"

"I read it wrong."


Covering her mouth with his lips, Qin Sijie got up and saw her sparkling eyes, and couldn't help laughing: "Get well soon, I'll take you out to play."

"It can't be like this, you have to work hard and earn money."

Lin Yuhan had a serious face, and his flushed face really looked like an apple, which made Qin Sijie couldn't help stretching out his hand and pinching it twice.

Later, Lin Yuhan really got a little confused because of the fever. Fortunately, he got an injection in time and took medicine. In the middle of the night, when he was hugged by a man and sweated, the fever was considered to have subsided.

Looking at Lin Yuhan who had regained her vitality, everyone was happy for her.

"You don't know, when Yuhan is not around, I feel like I'm missing a lot!" Wan Shanshan sighed, stretched out her hand to pinch Lin Yuhan's face, and once again lamented that the hand feels great, it's really cheap CEO!

Lin Yuhan happily took her arm: "Sister Wan, no one is talking with you!"

"Yeah, it's really sad..."

Several people laughed together, and there was a warm atmosphere in the whole office.

Gradually, it came to the time of the Chinese New Year, the company held an annual meeting, and Lin Yuhan and the others were naturally invited.

"I heard that the president will come this year! He will also invite others to dance!"

"Really? I didn't expect it. Doesn't the president just watch and not participate in any activities every year?"

"I don't know, but what is certain is that this year's annual meeting will definitely be very interesting. I really want to be selected by the president!"

Lin Yuhan stared at the direction in which they left curiously, ah, the annual meeting, I don't know what fun there is.

"Annual meeting? Well, I will attend this year." Qin Sijie nodded slightly, but did not leave his eyes from the computer.

Lin Yuhan looked surprised: "Didn't you participate before?"

"If it counts as leaving after saying a few words at the beginning... then I have participated every year."

Qin Sijie chuckled, he didn't like it very much before, and although he doesn't like it now, but... Lin Yuhan will definitely be there at the annual meeting, how could he let Lin Yuhan's first dance dance with other men?

"What activities are there?" Lin Yuhan was so curious that he moved to Qin Sijie's side, blinking his eyes and looking cute.

"You'll know when the time comes." Qin Sijie doesn't care about these things, it's all a matter of the planning department. Which is which is selected.

But the annual fixed opening dance is definitely indispensable.

When Lin Yuhan learned about this from Wan Shanshan, she was still surprised: "Is it actually like this? The president will also participate this year. I'm afraid many people will go crazy."

Wan Shanshan looked disgusted: "I don't eat this dog food, who is the reason for the president's meeting?"

"Ah? Who is it?" Lin Yuhan hadn't managed to make a turn yet, and couldn't keep up with her train of thought for a while.

"Yuhan, are you stupid from the high fever before? Or are you pretending to me?"

Wan Shanshan thought it was funny, so she went up and touched Lin Yuhan's head, is the child okay?

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