Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 36: I still have to attend the banquet

In his opinion, she would still be stage frightened.

The last time she attended such a dinner party was when her father hadn't died, and she was still a teenager.

Now an adult, for many years.

"Did you hear that?"

She pursed her lips, and he glanced vigilantly at her beside her in the car, thinking...

He turned his head to look at her, and she was a little embarrassed.

She had to look out the window, it was pitch black.

Why does Lin Yuhan feel more and more dangerous?

Fortunately, I'm attending a banquet now, and I haven't been to... the world of two.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the venue, he got out of the car first and opened the door for her.

He coolly took her hand and walked towards the red carpet, and Lin Yuhan followed behind him, a little dazed.

She is really Mrs. Qin.

"Mr. Qin, Mrs. Qin, congratulations!"

On both sides were reporters who were stopped outside the red carpet, and their camera flashes.

Qin Sijie has long been used to it, but she feels a little dazzling.

"The feeling of being looked up to by everyone, I really feel ashamed"

How can she be?
"Because it's you, it's worth it."

He showed a standard pose for the camera positions in all directions, and he announced to the world that he was married.

She still doesn't know, and that's okay.

"Mrs. Qin, the wife of the president of the Qin family, looks like a prosperous husband at first glance."

"A talented man and a beautiful woman, handsome man and beautiful woman, how come I don't have such a good fortune?"

Not far away, the banquet waiters were whispering to each other, envious, jealous, and hated.

I hate myself for not being Lin Yuhan.

Lin Yuhan smiled speechlessly, Lin Yuhan knew they didn't know.

She is only Qin Sijie's nominal wife.

She wanted to be serious, but how could it be so easy?
"Yuhan, I'll come as soon as I go"

"how long?"

She is not used to it alone, she alone faces those female wolves who regard Qin Sijie as their prey.

No girl.

"Three five minutes?"

Lin Yuhan thought that Qin Sijie would come as soon as he went, it was really a matter of three to five minutes.

But 55 minutes passed, and she still hadn't seen him.

For a moment, she panicked.When did she become so dispirited?

Even she can't understand herself.

"Hello! Seeing that you are drinking alone, you can..."


She didn't even realize that it was a strike-up, thinking it was just a polite response.

"Are you alone?"

"No, still..."

The visitor had small eyes and gray hair at the temples. He thought he was a successful entrepreneur who had cooperated with the Qin family.

It's not good to offend people casually.

"It's so boring, shall we go play escape room?"

Lin Yuhan agreed without thinking, because the escape room is on the second floor of the banquet hall, and everyone knows each other well, so there is no danger.

The banquet hall was spacious, and before approaching the elevator to the second floor, he did not forget to get to know her.

Lin Yuhan questioned and answered in a daze, knowing that something was wrong, but didn't intend to help him escape the predicament.

In the end, the middle-aged man with small eyes gave up his idea first, and she was relieved.

He still made another appointment with her to participate.

She walked back to the middle of the banquet hall again, and met the middle-aged man with small eyes again, and said that the time was not right, and she would go again when she had a chance.

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and the more frightened she became, the more restless she became.

Turning around, he was facing Qin Sijie's sharp and fierce eyes.

She lowered her head in shame, this is, not even as silly as sweet.

Qin Sijie's eyes were full of anger, and the people around him could feel an inexplicable chill rising from afar without looking at their eyes.

It turned out that she was in a bad state and was more likely to be taken advantage of when she was in a trance.

What kind of world is this?
She has seen devils before, but it doesn't mean that she will meet angels in the future.

"go home with me"

Her heart is getting colder and colder, she always thinks that she is very powerful and turns out to be so small, pitiful and pathetic.

Why doesn't she know how to protect herself?
In Qin Sijie's car, the two were speechless, and her behavior could not be explained.

Qin Sijie was angry, and it was understandable.

If she got a glimpse of her past, miserable self, would that prove that she was capable of living her present life?

Two lines of tears burst out of her, he didn't change any expression, but a place in his heart began to soften.

He took out a beautifully printed tissue from the wooden tissue box and handed it to her without saying a word.

Tears had already blurred her figure, and she refused to forgive herself.

The car stopped at the gate of Qin's house, and he forcefully opened the car door beside her, pulling him with great strength.

"Mr. Qin, Mrs. Qin..."

Before the steward could say anything, Qin Sijie said first,
"I'm not free now, we'll talk about it when we come out."

He pulled her back into the room, more precisely, into the room.

The master bedroom door was slammed shut.

"Are you out of your mind?"

She thought that tears could reduce his anger, and she was even more wronged.


She was full of him at the time, looking forward to the future being related to him.

That is the beauty related to him. Even if he is there, his heart has already flown to what happened in the past and what may happen in the future, which is extremely exciting.

Does she have the nerve to say so?Will he believe her?

"Even a third-rate writer would not arrange such an idiotic plot for her characters"

Every sound he made was bitten hard.

Qin Sijie was emphasizing the mistakes she made.

Yes, he was right.

She knew that she had done wrong and said wrong again, but she couldn't figure out why she made such a mistake.

Who can not make mistakes?
Thinking a little further, I saw him facing her, getting closer and closer until he forced her to the wall.

He stretched out his long hands to support her behind, afraid that she would retreat further, the thin clothes made it difficult for her back to resist the coldness of the wall,

His hands are warmer than the wall.

If you are angry, you are angry, but you still want to hurt her.

She retreated to let her back lean into his hand, she bounced back and retracted her back again, and he just hugged him.

At this time, it is the same as before going out, but this embrace is warmer than when going out.

It can even be said that it is hot.

She wanted to break free, but her strength was too weak.

She looked at him, his Adam's apple moved, he swallowed, and she swallowed too.

He couldn't resist, and slowly approached her, his face was enlarged in front of her eyes, knowing that he was coming, she pursed her lips.

Helpless, the resistance failed.

She is already a five-year-old child, even if she ran away for no reason, she, Lin Yuhan, can be regarded as a mother.

Why can't she resist his sudden tenderness, she is really too weak.

After forgetting how long, he let go of her hand and walked to the bathroom by himself. Only in this way can he effectively restrain his impulse.

She thought there would be some stories tonight.

It's just that they went back to their beds, without words or sleep all night.

Lin Yuhan woke up, only to find that the bones all over her body were sore. She went to bed early and was still tired.

Looking at the people on the sofa, they are already working energetically.

He always seemed to get less sleep than her and always had more energy than her.

Lin Yuhan got up carefully, trying not to make too much movement noise.

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