Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 34: Finally found her

Things will only get worse if they don't take the initiative to change.You have to make yourself comfortable and face life calmly.

At least in this way, you don’t have to be guided by wrong ideas. This world is full of normal people, and I met them later, but I was afraid and longed for them.

Later, I was disappointed, and the result is that I will really be affected by it for a lifetime. Until now, I use this feeling and this time to settle and change.

Just thinking about it makes my blood boil. Is there anything more proud of than what you have accomplished yourself?

Quite worthy, one rejoices, many of themselves rejoice.

In the end there is only one voice, one's own voice, if you pretend to be other things, focus on the beauty, let them melt into the blood, it becomes sublimation.

At this moment, Qin Sijie realized that he couldn't find Lin Yuhan, and his heart became even more flustered!

What was also flustered was Lin Yuhan's heart.

She was thinking that it would be a big project to redecorate, but how could the plum blossoms be so fragrant without going through a bit of pain?
But it's not what others want, and the ability is to turn waste into treasure!
Don't be afraid, just trust.She is capable and will never admit defeat.

Even if it takes more time to find bridges, it is not necessarily a waste of time, just keep moving forward in the process.

Qin Sijie said to the closed door: "I hope you remember, it's better that you forget, it's okay if you forget"

He thought she was there, separated from him by a wall.

The devil has the ability to assimilate, let you stand on his side, and then oppose the truth, goodness and beauty.

Such a villain is still alive and well, without the slightest sense of guilt, and does not know how to repent.

I didn't even have the courage to get angry, cowardice is inherent.

It turns out that there are such disgusting people in this world!
It is the whole life that a villain influences, the foundation of the soul, the source of pain, the cause of anger, the devil that makes you yourself.

The devil is in the world.

why?To fight it, and then defeat it?Can't win, sadly can't win?
Right, can only be defeated?Still use this feeling of failure to live and accomplish what should be done.

Kill him with your mind, you can't win.Or let everything never happen, there is no way, that can't win.

Can only live under this shadow for a lifetime, until death?The most powerful thing is to make you never forget, make you hurt,

Oh, at the end of this life, because he was defined as Zhao Weiqiang's murderer, he did win.

Is it too incompetent for a person who is so frustrated to win?
This made him very proud.

The attitude that has already been expressed, and will continue to be the same attitude in the future, live a good life.How can I live like this, and how can I be content with everything he has accomplished?

Can the heart, words and deeds, be covered with something else?
Nothing to cover.In the long life, I still have to pay for food, clothing, housing and transportation, I still want to travel, and I am still grateful for good things.

Still have to study hard, learn to change, such a heavy past, let it come, let it be yourself, and then hold it in your hands.

Slut, devil, so Fake Evil and Chou is this kind of person, there is nothing he can do, neither can find a way to punish him, nor can he rewrite the past.

It's unbelievable that the soul is basically a devil, a wolf in sheep's clothing, an inescapable devil, and still being teased and ridiculed by him.

Use this to seek survival and a better life, and then you will find that it has been sublimated in this way,

Think of every episode, no relationship, and make a living by it.Earning money has never been so meaningful.

Work hard to achieve a better life, just think about it and get excited.Can't be an angel, Qin Sijie also wants to be a normal person.

Think about it, when it gets worse, the devil will still laugh. Of course, he would not expect him to extend a helping hand. It is possible to reach out. Of course, it is something that incompetent people will do. Bad people will affect a lifetime?

Everyone deserves a second chance to change.

To prevent him from corrupting your goodness, you need to improve your defense ability and reserve strength at any time. If the devil comes to destroy you, you must at least learn to defend and make all arrangements.

He came to destroy?He didn't even have the guts to think about it.If you sneak in, close the door.In the process of becoming stronger, these abilities will also be upgraded.

Lin Yuhan's way of keeping going forward is the way to leave people far behind. No matter what life is like, don't you have to continue your life?

It turns out that there is such a profound and bad influence, what is the way to defeat the demon?
It can't be ignored, it will come to you in a panic, and you can't keep it in mind, it will make you depressed.

You can only continue to fight until you transform this pain into the ability to survive. Don't forget, don't use it, don't try to change, and don't escape.

It’s best not to be angry, as anger hurts the body, it’s best to be close to pain, that way you can’t be happy, and it will come after the happiness.

When you come, it will be transformed into productivity. Come on, pain is the source of inspiration. Only when you know what pain is, can you actively embrace happiness.

There is nothing to be afraid of, one day these things will not be a problem, and we should aim for the better and never get worse.

"It's strange that the wound has healed inexplicably."

When Qin Sijie saw Lin Yuhan, the feeling he felt from the psychological change just now disappeared in an instant.

The banquet hall goes up to the third floor

Zhao Tingting approached her best friend step by step, and her best friend was familiar with Zhao Tingting's footsteps.

"Tingting, are you here so early?"

Amidst her scheming makeup was a helpless expression.

"I didn't expect her to find a chance to escape so easily. Hey, let me ask you, when will the banquet that was canceled a few days ago start again?"

"Let's see, tomorrow night. What? You will come out with a different male companion."

Hearing that the opportunity was coming, Zhao Tingting was about to say something when she saw Lin Yuhan and Qin Sijie talking and laughing not far away.

The two of them are in pairs again.

"President Qin, Miss Lin"

Zhao Tingting was still angry, and her best friend had already trotted in the direction of the model Qin couple.

Lin Yuhan finally returned to the Qin residence, and she began to re-examine everything around her.

It's better than that broken house, why did she believe Zhao Tingting's nonsense?
"Qin Sijie, knowing that Zhao Tingting regards me as a rival in love, why did you let her arrange it?"

Qin Sijie should have known earlier that he would rather go by himself than she would be disheartened now.He handed her a lavender towel.

She took it vigorously, not forgetting to give her resentful and wronged eyes.

Lin Yuhan quickly found a mirror, she looked at herself in the mirror, if her subordinates saw it, how would she manage it?

The more Lin Yuhan wiped, he found that his face was getting dirtier, so he went straight to the bathroom in the room.

"I'm going to take a shower"

Qin Sijie felt really distressed when he saw Lin Yuhan's appearance.He didn't protect her properly, and the feeling of guilt from 5 years ago came back.

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