In Qin Fengyuan's crew, there are no weak people, there are only those who grow up fast.

And Jiang Tao, from the beginning of the play, has already entered the play.

Lin Yuhan thought to himself, if he really wants to reduce activities in the entertainment industry in the future, should he go to the repertory theater?

After all, the place in the legend is definitely a place to hone your acting skills.

And finding someone close to home should not prevent you from taking care of your children. After all, people who have a good balance between work and family are either superhuman or idle in the company.

After sorting out her wild thoughts, Lin Yuhan closed her eyes and imagined herself as a character in the script.

The Peony Pavilion, a dream in the garden, a spring dream without a trace, leaving a lifetime of sentimentality.

The forbidden love between master and apprentice is implicitly expressed.

Well, Lin Yuhan thought to himself, if this movie is selected for foreign awards, it will definitely make those foreigners scratch their heads.

After all, for those foreigners who are emotionally extroverted, this kind of I love you, but I can't tell you, I love you, but I can't be with you because of this secular agreement.This feeling is very aggrieved.

Lin Yuhan is looking forward to the evaluation of foreign friends.

When playing against each other again, Lin Yuhan was able to keep up with Jiang Tao's footsteps, which surprised Jiang Tao and even Qin Fengyuan.

They all know that although Lin Yuhan's acting skills are at a slightly above-average stage among this batch of young actresses, Jiang Tao is one of Qin Fengyuan's queen male protagonists, and the acting skills that can be recognized by Qin Fengyuan are not at all fair. Not exaggerating.

How many female stars and actresses were crushed into the dust when they were playing with Jiang Tao, they couldn't count them.

After being crushed by Jiang Tao, there are quite a few who can resist and barely keep up with the show, and they have now become the acting schools in the circle.But they all have one thing in common, that is, it takes a long time.

This is why Qin Fengyuan joined the crew with Jiang Tao as the leading actor, and joined the crew one month in advance, not only for the running-in of the actors, but also for the actors to get used to Jiang Tao's acting style and have a learning buffer period.

But Lin Yuhan, this was the second time they played against each other, and he had already caught up with Jiang Tao's rhythm, how could this not surprise people.

"Miss Lin, it seems that our future cooperation will be very interesting."

"It will be very interesting. I have a feeling that I hate seeing each other now. It would be great if I could meet Mr. Jiang sooner."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, everyone present thought it was a feeling of resentment.But what Lin Yuhan thought in his heart was a little more.

It is not too late to meet each other, and the normal situation is to look forward to long-term cooperation in the future.

Unfortunately, within the last hour, Lin Yuhan had just decided to go back to being a housewife and cut down on front-stage work in the entertainment industry.

For Lin Yuhan, this is really a pity.

It would be great if I met Jiang Tao earlier. If I met him earlier, I would have enjoyed this hearty feeling of being in a drama sooner.

Lin Yuhan, if you meet the strong, you will be strong.And Jiang Tao is the strongest she has encountered so far!
No, I can't think about it anymore, Lin Yuhan said that if she recalls the pleasure of playing with Jiang Tao, she will regret the decision she made before.

The first script reading was a complete success. In the evening, the crew gathered for dinner as usual, and the director treated them.

After the end, Lin Yuhan returned to the room. After taking a bath, it happened to be time for the two children to tell stories before going to bed, but she was not at home, so the task of storytelling was handed over to Qin Sijie.

Lin Yuhan directly made a video call, saying that he is also a baby and wants to listen to stories.

Of course, this rhetoric was debunked without hesitation.

"Mom, you are too thick-skinned. At your age, you still have the nerve to call yourself a baby. Shameless."

Lin Yuhan was stunned for a moment, this brat really did not give his mother face, this is too much.What is her age, what happened to her age?It's just three years old, and there are many women her age who are not married yet.

However, for those unmarried women at her age, Lin Yuhan said that they are really witty.As for myself, at this age, the two children are already playing soy sauce, and it is unreasonable to stimulate myself every day.

"Qin Sijie, take care of me, your son is bullying me."

Lin Yuhan couldn't say it deeply, so he directly asked Qin Sijie for help.

Qin Sijie stretched his fingers to the back of his head, and Lin Yuhan felt distressed again when he saw it, "Hey, don't use such force, it's the brain, not the watermelon."

They moved to the master bedroom after the kids were asleep.

Lin Yuhan naturally knew that the two children were asleep, so he immediately went mad at Qin Sijie, hmph, help the child hate me, right? The child hates me, are you kidding? Qin Sijie, you are so talented, you dare to bully I, hum, ignore you.

Lin Yuhan turned her head arrogantly, not looking at Qin Sijie. If Qin Sijie was in the room, she must be hugged in her arms and smoothed. After all, Lin Yuhan couldn't escape Qin Sijie's palm of.

It's a pity that now the two are separated by an iPad screen, even if Qin Sijie is full of tenderness, it is useless.

"Baby, you are my own baby, not deep and shallow. Besides, if I beat the two of them, you will be the one who will feel bad. Please forgive me this time."

If Qin Sijie's friends and subordinates see this scene, they will probably be scared to death. After all, Qin Sijie's external image is too cold and ruthless, and now it will be transformed into a tough man's tenderness, which will probably scare people to death Rhythm.

"Sing to me, and I will forgive you."

"Can you change it to something simpler?"

Lin Yuhan was lying on the bed baking pancakes. Hearing this, he buried his face in the pillow and whispered, "Then appear in front of me, Qin Sijie, I miss you."

After Qin Sijie heard this, he wanted to fly to her immediately, but he couldn't, not to mention that director Qin Fengyuan never allowed fans to visit the set, and even relatives were not allowed.

If Qin Sijie went, although he could see Lin Yuhan, his impression of Lin Yuhan in Qin Fengyuan's place would plummet.

"Baby, you know that I can't go to see you. Director Qin Fengyuan won't let you visit the set. You insist, I asked, your crew has three days off every month, and the filming period is about half a year. Soon, you want Do you know how strong you are?"

Why didn't Qin Sijie miss her, he was still tender and lingering in his arms yesterday, but today he could only be separated by a screen, and it was at least a month before he came back from the next holiday.

"Husband, I thought about it today. After making this movie, I will quit."

Lin Yuhan thought to herself, she is really not a woman suitable for career.

If he hadn't met Qin Sijie back then, or hadn't been pregnant and had no depth, I'm afraid that if he wanted to work hard now, he wouldn't have any worries.

It's a pity, now, she has too many worries.

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